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1、Performance Management 绩效管理 Annual Performance Review 年终评估,Annual Review Process 年度绩效评估流程 Rating Scale Definitions 评分等级说明 Tools to support the Performance Management journey 年度绩效评估流程的辅助工具 Key dates 重要日期,Agenda 议程,管理用途 - 薪酬、奖金 - 晋升、调动 - 精简机构 - 撤职、解雇,Performance Review Purpose 绩效评估用途,开发用途 - 识别员工的强项 -

2、确定有待提高的领域 - 制定员工发展计划、职业生涯规划 - 开展有针对性的培训或在岗培训,Performance Management 绩效管理流程,Performance Management 绩效管理流程,Planning 规划 ( as each year begins 每年年初) Key Performance Objectives 主要工作目标(KPOs) Key Job Requirements 主要工作职责 (KJR) Personal Development Plan 个人发展计划 (PDP),SMART,SMART,请记住KPO/KJR应该是SMART(具体的、可衡量的、可实

3、现的、相关的以及有时限的)。 对于每个KPO/KJR,您应该确保它们符合以上所有标准,Specific 具体的 为了让十家酒店今年更新他们的品牌,还需要以新的标准来培训他们的所有员工。 Measurable 可衡量的 所有十家酒店均已获提供各自的培训计划。 Achievable 可实现的 对于提供的培训计划,需要投入一些努力并花费些时间,因而不会过于轻松。 Relevant 相关的 培训计划就是Stay Real计划,而不是酒店员工不需要的其它计划。 Time Specific 有时限的 它们将全在十月末提供。,Performance Management 绩效管理流程,Mid-year Re

4、view (mid-year)年中评估(年中) Checks progress against KPOs and personal development plan 检查有关KPO/KJR以及个人发展方向的进展情况 Allows for priorities to be adjusted 根据业务变化调整优先级,Performance Management 绩效管理流程,Annual Review (year end) 年度评估(年终) Overall performance for the year is discussed, evaluated, and rated 讨论并评估全年的整体绩

5、效 Progress against personal development plan 审阅个人发展计划的进展情况,Annual Performance Review Process 年度绩效评估流程,Self Assessment 自我评估,Calibration Meeting 校准会议,Performance Review Conversation 绩效评估会谈,Manager Completes Employees Assessment 经理完成对员工的初评,Leadership Competencies Guide 领导力指南,Leadership Competencies 领导力

6、指南,Leadership Competencies,领导力指南,Rating Scale Definitions 评分等级说明,Rating Scale Definitions,5,4,3,2,1,评分等级说明,5,4,3,2,1,KPO/KJR Rating 主要工作目标/主要工作职责评分,例如: 您有五个KPO/KJR并将其评定为: 5;4;3;2;3. 您将评分相加:5+4+3+2+3=17 然后用总和除以您的KPO/KJR数量:17/5=3.40 然后您可以将结果四舍五入成:3.40=3 您的整体KPO/KJR评分为 3,在上面的实例中,您可以将整体评分从3.40升为整数4,这是因为

7、被评估成5分的KPO/KJR实际上比其它的KPO/KJR更大、更重要。,Leadership Competence/ Winning Ways Rating 领导力/致胜之道评分,例如: 您的领导力4个方面分别评定为:5;3;4;3 您将评分相加:5+3+4+3=15 然后用总和除以4:15/4=3.75 然后您可以将结果四舍五入成:3.75=4 您的领导力评分为:4,Overall Rating 整体评分,请记住OPR可以是半点,这样可以更详细地反映整体绩效。,实例 如果您的KPO/KJR分数是3,领导能力分数为4(3+4=7除以2=3.5) 您的整体评分为3.5,Review Perfor

8、mance 评估绩效,Self Assessment 自我评估,Calibration Meeting 校准会议,Performance Review Conversation 绩效评估会谈,Manager Completes Employees Assessment 经理完成对员工的评估,Leadership Competencies Guide 领导力指南,Calibration Meeting 校准会议,Prior to the meeting: 会议前: Identify a facilitator to manage the process (ideally the facilita

9、tor should be your HR representative) 确保会议有主持人管理会议的过程 (理想的主持人应该是您的人力资源代表) Confirm meeting date, timing, audience, and preparation with HR respective确认校准会议的日期、时间、听众以及您的人力资源代表的准备工作 All managers should prepare Overall Performance Ratings for their direct reports. 经理应该准备您的所有直接报告的最终评估 Should gather last

10、years performance ratings as additional information 应收集去年的绩效评分作为额外的会议资料 All managers should think about the other employees being discussed at the meeting (the direct reports of your peers) 经理应考虑在校准会议上讨论的其他员工(您同事的直接报告),Calibration Meeting 校准会议,During the meeting: 会议中: Each manager should present the

11、 OPR, KPO and Leadership Competency ratings for each direct report and provide evidence 每位经理应该提供每个直接报告的整体绩效评分、KPO和领导能力评分,并提供支持评分的论据 Debate around: employee with extreme ratings 讨论范围:员工评分异常 Ensure all members of the group participate as evenly as possible 确保所有的成员都能尽可能平等地参与 Consensus should be achieve

12、d on the Overall Performance Rating for each employee对于每位员工的整体绩效评分都应达成一致意见 Ensure consistency in the ratings regardless of person 无论对象是谁,确保评分的一致性 Manage the timing of the meeting to ensure all employees are adequately discussed控制会议的时间以确保充分讨论到所有的员工,Review Performance 评估绩效,Self Assessment 自我评估,Calibra

13、tion Meeting 校准会议,Performance Review Conversation 绩效评估会谈,Manager Completes Employees Assessment 经理完成对员工的评估,Leadership Competencies Guide 领导力指南,Performance Review Conversation 绩效评估会谈,1 Treat the employee as a guest, put them at ease 把员工当客人,让他们放松: Have a review schedule and inform staff in advance 准备评

14、估时间表,并提前告知员工 Do not leave the employee waiting 别让员工等待 Dont cancel the meeting at the last minute 不要在最后时刻取消会议 Welcome them warmly, show we care 热情欢迎他们,体现关爱 Offer them a beverage 提供饮料 Remove barriers (Place、Phone) 去除障碍 (地点、电话) Ensure they understand the purpose of the review is for their benefit 确保员工明

15、白会谈目的和对其的好处 Build rapport with the employee 和员工建立良好关系 Explain the format of the review 解释会谈的架构,Performance Review Conversation 绩效评估会谈,2 Review the employees accomplishments 回顾员工的成就 Let the employee start by highlighting their successes which allows you to see how they view their performance 让员工从自己的表

16、现说起, 使你有时间聆听其自我评价 Use the performance review form as a guide for your conversation discussing rating for each component of the form 使用绩效评估表来指导会谈并针对每项打分 Give specific feedback using behavioral examples 用具体行为来给予反馈 Dont spend all your time on the past 不要花全部时间在过去的表现: 50% of review on the past 50% 在过去表现

17、20% on the present 20% 在现在 30% on the future 30% 在未来,Performance Review Conversation 绩效评估会谈,3 Ensure employee understands any performance areas for development 确保员工明白自己可提高的地方:,- Ask questions 提问: Open ended questions to get the employee talking (what about the *project stands out as an accomplishmen

18、t, I see you noted it in your self assessment?) 开放式问题使员工开口 ( 关于某某项目,我发现你在自我评估中有提及,你为什么认为你这是你的一个业绩?) Probing questions to gain clarification or find details (who was on the team, what did you do, what did you say? ) 探索式问题,发掘细节. (你的团队还有谁? 你后来说了什么? 你又是怎么做的呢?) Funnel questions to get specific informatio

19、n (tell me about it, what happened exactly?) 漏斗式提问, 得到具体信息. ( 告诉我到底发生了些什么?) Closed questions only to get commitment or approval (Do you agree we need to work on team focused behavior?) 封闭式问题得到确认 (你同意自己需要在团队合作上更加注意吗?),Performance Review Conversation 绩效评估会谈,4 Agree Personal Development Plan and discus

20、s career goals 就个人发展计划达成一致并讨论职业目标 Focus on the future 关注未来 This conversation can occur with the Performance review or as a separate meeting 可以将本部分和绩效评估会和在一起或者单独开另一次会议 All Personal Development Plans are due by April 30 个人发展计划应该在4月30日前完成 Discuss KPOs for next year 讨论明年的主要绩效目标,Performance Review Conver

21、sation 绩效评估会谈,5 Close the review 会谈结束 Summarize the discussion, recap the main points 总结,重述主要观点 Advise the employee that the review form will be completed and they will be asked to review, sign and give comments 告诉员工评估即将结束,他们可以阅读评估表,并在最后签名和写下自己意见. Ask the employee to think about their objectives or

22、KPOs for upcoming year 让员工考虑来年的KPO Set time/date to finalize KPO and PDP, if not done 如果没有完成,确定KPO 和PDP 的完成时间 Ask employee if they have any questions 询问员工是否有其他问题 Thank them for their contributions 谢谢他们做出的贡献,Management Techniques to remember 绩效评估小技巧,Respect and support an individuals moral 尊重员工并关注员工士

23、气 Focus on performance issues, not the person 关注绩效表现而不是个人 Listen, check understanding and respond appropriately 聆听, 确保理解并正确回应 Make sure all goals and commitments are mutually agreeable 确保所有目标和承诺得到双方认可,FAQ 常见问题,New staff under probation 试用期内的新员工 Probation appraisal instead of annual review. 只需做试用期评估、

24、无需做年终评估。 New transferred staff 新调动员工 Refer previous dept. heads comments. 参考员工前任经理的评估意见。 New Manager joined after Oct. 1st 十月一日后入职的新经理 Use 360method to review your staff. 使用360方法综合评估你的下属。 An Employee has been on long-term sick leave、 job injury leave or maternity leave. 长期休病假、工伤假或产假的员工。 Only review these staffs on-job working performance. 客观的


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