



1、人教版六年级下册英语期中考试卷人教版六年级下册英语期中考试卷 (时间:60 分钟满分 100 分) 听力部分(30 分) 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。 (5 分) 二、()1. A. youngerB. yesC. yellowD. year ()2. A. washB. weekendC. worryD. what ()3. A. SundayB. yesterdayC. todayD. Saturday ()4.A. heavyB. heavierC. headD. hall ()5.A. feetB. thinnerC. shoesD. size 三、听录音,选择与所听内容相符的图片

2、。 (5 分) 1. 2. ABAB 3.4. ABAB 5. AB 四、听录音,选择正确的应答句。 (5 分) ()1.A. Im 48 kilograms.B. Im 1.60 meters.C. Hes 1.65metres. ()2.A. Size 37.B. Its small.C. My feet are big. ()3.A. I went there by bus.B. It was fine.C. Great! ()4.A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I did.C. No, he doesnt ()5.A. I play football.B. I visited

3、 my friends.C. I dont know. 1 五、听录音,按你所听到的顺序给下列句子标上序号。 (10 分) () I rode a bike. ()Nice to meet you, too ! ()I went to a forest park. ()What did you do there? ()Where did you go last weekend? ()Good morning, Peter. Nice to meet you! 六、听录音,填出所缺单词。 (5 分) 1.Wu Yifan_ pictures in the garden yesterday. 2.

4、A: _ did you go last Sunday? B. I went to the zoo. 3.John: How tall are you, Jim? Jim: Im 1.63 meters. John: Oh, youre _than me. Im 1.59 meters. 4.John: What did you do last weekend? Amy: I _ a book and _TV. 笔试部分(70 分) 六:判断下列每组画线部分读音是否相同,选出发音不同的一项。(5 分) ()1.A. noseB. oldC. book ()2.A. whereB. herC.

5、there ()3.A. bikeB. fiveC. tail ()4.A. hadB. ateC. apple ()5.A. stayedB. watchedC. cleaned 七:慧眼识珠。 (选出正确的选项) (10 分) ()1. An apple is _a watermelon. A. smaller thanB. small thanC. smaller then ()2. _ you _homework last weekend? A. Did, didB. Did , doC. Do, do ()3._ was your weekend?-Its OK. A. WhatB.

6、 WhenC. How ()4. I want _some fruits. A. buyB. to buyC. bought ()5. Did he have a cold?_ A. Yes, he does.B. Yes, he did .C. Yes, he was. ()6. Lets go there _bus. Its _than walking. A. by, fasterB. on, fastC. buy, fast ()7. Did you do_? Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. A. else anythingB.

7、 something elseC. anything else ()8. Johns shoes are bigger than_. A. youB. yourC. yours ()9. Li Ming is 48 kilograms. Wang Lin is 50 kilograms. 2 Wang Lin is _than Li Ming A. heavierB. heavyC. thinner ()10. There _no library in my school twenty years ago. A, areB. wereC. was 八:按要求写单词。 (5 分) 1. big

8、(比较级)_2. ride (过去式)_ 3. do(第三人称单数形式)_4. had(原形)_ 5. tall (反义词) _ 九:连词成句我最棒。 (5 分) 1.read, Did, yesterday, you, book, a? 2.taller, you, is , Who, than, 3.all, you, Are, right, ? 4.afternoon, drank, in, We, tea, the 5.me, taller, Its , than, 九:从方框内选出单词完成短文填空。 (10 分) have,on,with,took,visited,dancing,h

9、aving , take,went , by Its sunny today. I am _a picnic in the park with my friends. Look ! Chen Jie is flying a kite. Tom and Sarah are singing and _under a big tree. Last weekend we _to An Hui. We _Center Square, climbed Huang Shan mountain and _many pictures. Summer holiday is coming. I am going t

10、o _a trip_ my parents. We are going to Shanghai. We are going there _ plane _July 12th. We will _ a good time there. 十:选择合适的句子,补全对话. 填序号。 (10 分) A What did you do last night? B I went there last year. C Where are you going? D What are you going to do tomorrow? E What are you doing now? Sarah: Hello,

11、 Betty._ Betty: I am sleeping. Sarah: _ Betty: I saw a film.What about you? Sarah: I read a book. _ Betty: I am going to take a trip. Sarah: _ Betty: I am going to Beijing. Sarah: _.Its a nice city. Have a good trip. Betty: Thank you! 3 十一: 阅读欢乐岛。 (20 分) (一) Im Wu Yifan. I like sports very much. On

12、the weekend I usually play sports with my good friend, John. We often play football. Sometimes we go swimming. Yesterday was Saturday. It was a sunny day. I didn t play sports. I went to a park with my parents in the morning. In the afternoon I saw a film. John didn t play sports, either. Because he

13、 was sick. He had a cold. He went to see the doctor and took some medicine(药). He felt better in the evening. But he has to stay in bed today. 根据短文的内容,判断句子的正(T)误(F). () 1. Wu Yifan and John usually go swimming on the weekend. () 2. Its Monday today. ()3. John had a cold. ()4. Yesterday morning I wen

14、t to a park. ()5. Today John can play sports with me. (二) My name is Eric. Im 11 years old. Im 140 cm. I like winter very much, because I can make a snowman and play with snow. It s very interesting. My friend Miller is 1 year younger than me, but he is 5 cm taller than me. He likes winter, too. Bec

15、ause he likes ice-skating. Next winter holiday, were going to Harbin to see the snow in the north of China. It will be very cold, and we can play with snow every day! 选择正确的选项。 () 6. Eric is 1 year _than Miller. A. youngerB. olderC. same () 7. Erics favorite season is _. A. summerB. springC. winter () 8. Miller is _cm tall. A.135B. 140C.145 () 9. Harbin is _ in winter. A. warmB. coldC. hot () 10. Eric likes _and Miller likes_. A. snow, skiingB. skiing, ice-skatingC.


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