Webex 设置详解_第1页
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Webex 设置详解_第5页
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1、WebexWebex SettingSetting ( (网网络络研研讨讨会会设设置置) ) PreparePrepare thethe followingsfollowings beforebefore thethe WebexWebex meetingmeeting ( (请请准准备备下下列列设设备备) ) - - A A ComputerComputer whichwhich cancan connectconnect to to thethe internetinternet ( (可可接接驳驳网网络络的的电电脑脑) ) - - A A telephonetelephone ( (电电

2、话话) ) (1)(1) OpenOpen thethe InvitationInvitation E-mailE-mail withwith thethe sendersender lclc mpmp andand SubjectSubject JoinJoin WebExWebEx meetingmeeting in in progress:progress: LCMPLCMP WebinarWebinar onon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 开开启启从从lclc mpmp 发发出出及及题题目目 JoinJoin WebExWebEx meetingmeeting in in pr

3、ogress:progress: LCMPLCMP WebinarWebinar onon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx的的邀邀请请电电邮邮从从发发出出 (2)(2) In In thethe invitationinvitation e-mail,e-mail, checkcheck thethe webinarwebinar detailsdetails (subject,(subject, datedate andand time)time) andand seesee if if it it is is thethe webinarwebinar youyou areare goi

4、nggoing to to joinjoin ClickClick thethe JoinJoin WebExWebEx meetingmeeting hyperlinkhyperlink to to enterenter WebexWebex (Remark:(Remark: EveryEvery webinarwebinar hashas itsits individualindividual invitationinvitation e-mail)e-mail) 在在系系统统发发出出的的邀邀请请电电邮邮,检检查查网网络络研研讨讨会会详详情情( (包包括括题题目目、日日期期及及时时间间)

5、)并并看看此此研研讨讨会会是是否否你你要要参参与与的的研研讨讨会会。 按按 “Join“Join WebExWebEx meeting”meeting” 进进入入系系统统 ( (注注意意:每每个个网网络络研研讨讨会会系系统统都都会会发发出出一一个个独独立立的的邀邀请请电电邮邮。) ) (3)(3) EnterEnter youryour NameName & & E-mailE-mail addressaddress (For(For somesome cases,cases, needneed to to enterenter Password)Password) 请请输输入入姓姓名名及及电

6、电邮邮 (有有些些情情况况需需要要输输入入密密码码) Name is the factory name or the participants name 姓名 - 工厂名字或参与者名字 E-mail address is your e-mail address which indicates in the above invitation E-mail 电邮 - 在上述邀请电邮里阁下之电邮地址 Password - Enter abcabc (if required) 密码 - 输入Ab1234 (如需要) (4)(4) ClickClick JoinJoin 按按 Join (5)(5) C

7、lickClick thethe upperupper thinthin barbar (red(red arrow)arrow) andand selectselect thethe DownloadDownload FilesFiles 在在红红箭箭咀咀的的地地方方按按入入,选选择择下下载载档档案案 (6)(6) ClickClick RunRun forfor allall requestsrequests 按按执执行行 (7)(7) AfterAfter severalseveral minutes,minutes, followingfollowing audioaudio conf

8、erenceconference boxbox cancan bebe seen.seen. 幾幾分分鍾鍾後後,可可看看見見下下列列 audioaudio conferenceconference boxbox ThereThere areare 3 3 waysways to to connectconnect to to thethe WebexWebex meetingmeeting audioaudio conference:conference: 有有三三种种方方法法接接驳驳到到WebexWebex的的声声音音会会议议装装置置 RecommendRecommend to to use

9、:use: Method(I)Method(I) CallCall MeMe - - AskAsk WebexWebex to to callcall youyou 推推荐荐使使用用:方方法法( (一一) ) CallCall meme - - WebexWebex 致致电电到到你你的的电电话话号号码码 MethodMethod (II)(II) I I WillWill CallCall inin - - YouYou callcall to to WebexWebex 方方法法( (二二) ) I I WillWill CallCall inin - - 你你致致电电到到WebexWebe

10、x的的电电话话号号码码 MethodMethod (III)(III) CallCall UsingUsing ComputerComputer - - useuse computercomputer to to connectconnect to to WebexWebex 方方法法( (三三) ) CallCall UsingUsing ComputerComputer - - 用用计计算算机机设设备备连连接接到到WebexWebex 方方法法( (一一) ) CallCall meme - - WebexWebex 致致电电到到你你的的电电话话号号码码: : (a) In Audio C

11、onference box, select Call me 在Audio Conference选择Call me (b) Then select your current stayed country, e.g. China 选择你现在位于之国家,例如中国 (c) Enter your phone number (including city code if any, e.g. China Shenzhen, enter area code 0755) and press Call me 輸入你的電話號碼 (如有區號,請一併輸入。如中國深圳,則須輸入區號0755),再按Call me (d)

12、Wait a while, you will receive the call from Webex. Pick up the phone and press 1 to enter Webex conference 等一會,你會收到Webex致電給你的電話,拿起電話筒並按1進入Webex聲音會議。 (e) You should have entered the Webex audio conference if you can see the below screen. (only appears a second for this screen) 如看到下列畫面,則代表你已進入了Webex的

13、聲音會議。 And then you can also see the presenters computer screen and see your name with a phone sign on the screen 现在你可看到演讲者的电脑画面及在你的电脑上看见你的名字(名字旁附有电话标志) 方方法法( (二二) ) I I WillWill CallCall inin - - 你你致致電電到到WebexWebex的的電電話話號號碼碼 (a) In Audio Conference, select I will call in 在Audio Conference選擇I will ca

14、ll in (b) Then you can see the below audio conference box 你會看見以下 audio conference box (b) PreparePrepare youryour phonephone, then dial the following number: 此時預備你的電話,撥以下的電話號碼 In Hong Kong(在香港): 5808 1922 (free) or 800 966 347 (charge) In South China(在南中國): 10800 140 1727 In North China(在北中國): 10800

15、 714 1693 (c) The webex system in the phone will ask you to select the language: Press 1 and then # for English Press 2 and then # for Putonghua Webex 系統會詢問你想用的語言: 按1再按# - 英文 按2再按# - 普通話 (d) Then the phone will ask you to provide the access code, you have to enter the assess code indicated in YOURYO

16、UR audio conference box, remember enter # after the access code (Remark: The access code is different for different meetings) 電話中會要求你輸入access code,你需要根據你的audio conference box裡的access code輸入,緊記輸入完access code之後要按# (注意:每個會議的 access code 是不同的) (e) Then the phone will ask you to provide the Attendee ID,

17、you have to enter the Attendee ID indicated in YOURYOUR audio conference box, remember enter # after the Attendee ID. This can let the system to identify your name according to your registered E-mail address. (Remark: The Attendee ID is different for different meetings) If you do not need the system

18、 to identify your name or additional person will join the meeting, then you can just enter # and no need to enter Attendee ID 電話中會用英語要求你輸入Attendee ID,你需要根據你的audio conference box裡的Attendee ID輸入, 緊記輸入完Attendee ID之後要按#。這樣系統便能根據你之前登記的電郵辯認你的身份。 (注意:每個會議的 Attendee ID 是不同的) 如你不需要系統辯認你的身份或有其他參與者參與,則只須按#便可。

19、(f) You should have entered the Webex audio conference if you can see the below screen. (only appears a second for this screen) 如看到下列畫面,則代表你已進入了Webex的聲音會議。 And then you can also see the presenters computer screen and see your name with a phone sign on the screen 现在你可看到演讲者的电脑画面及在你的电脑上看见你的名字(名字旁附有电话标志

20、) 方方法法( (三三) ) CallCall UsingUsing ComputerComputer - - 用用電電腦腦設設備備連連接接到到WebexWebex (a) In Audio Conference, select Call using computer 在Audio Conference選擇 Call using Computer (b) If no speaker and microphone is detected, then below message will be appeared. Then prress OK 如系统侦测到计算机没有扬声器及麦克风,下列画面会出现,

21、此时请按”OK” Select Audio and then Audio Conference in the upper bar to re-select method(I) or method (II) to connect to system. 在屏幕上方选择”Audio”及Audio Conference,重新选择采用方法(一)或方法(二)参与会议。 (c) If the system can detect speaker and microphone, then below message will be appeared. Test Speaker function (測試揚聲器功能

22、) 如系统侦测到计算机有扬声器及麦克风,下列画面会出现。 (c-1)Test Speaker function (測試揚聲器功能) Press Test in the right hand side of Speaker 在 Speaker 右面按Test Press Yes if you can hear the musicPress No if you cannot hear the music 如你能聽到音樂,請按Yes如你不能聽到音樂,請按No Then you can see the below page which means your speaker functions well

23、Check and select the right speaker and make sure the volume is turned up Then press OK檢查並選擇正確的提聲器,及確保聲音已開啟 如你能看到下列晝面,即代表你的揚聲器運作正常,請按OK Press Yes if you can hear the music 如你能聽到音樂,請按Yes Then you can see the below page which means your speaker functions wellThen you can see the below page which means

24、your speaker does not Then press OKfunction well. Then press OK. You have to apply method(I) or (II) again 如你能看到下列晝面,即代表你的揚聲器運作正常,請按OKaccording to above procedure (b) 如你能看到下列晝面,即代表你的揚聲器不能正常運作, 請按OK並根據上述步驟(b)重新選擇採用方法(一)或方法(二)參與會議 (c-2) Test Microphone function (測試麥克風功能) Press Test in the right hand s

25、ide of Microphone 在 Microphone 右面按Test Speak into your microphone and see the green bar is into the good range. Press Yes if in good condition and press No if not in good condition 在麥克風發聲,看綠色橫條是否在Good範圍內, 如綠色橫條是在Good即範圍內,按Yes,否則按No If select Yes in the above page, then you can see the below pageIf s

26、elect No in the above page, then you can see the below page. which means your microphone functions well, then press OKCheck and select the right microphone and make sure the volume is not muted 如在上列晝面按Yes,則你能看到下列晝面,即代表你的Speak into your microphone and see the green bar is into the good range. 麥克風運作正常

27、,之後請按OKPress Yes if in good condition and press No if not in good condition 如在上列晝面按No,則你能看到下列晝面, 檢查並選擇正確的麥克風,及確保聲音沒有被封閉 在麥克風發聲,看綠色橫條是否在Good範圍內, 如綠色橫條是在Good即範圍內,按Yes,否則按No If select Yes in the above page, then you can see the below pageIf select No in the above page, then you can see the below page w

28、hich means your microphone functions well, then press OKwhich means your microphone does not function well. 如在上列晝面按Yes,則你能看到下列晝面,即代表你的Then press OK. You have to apply method(I) or (II) again according to above procedure (b) 麥克風運作正常,之後請按OK如在上列晝面按No,則你能看到下列晝面,即代表你的 麥克風不能正常運作,請按OK並根據上述步驟(b)重新選擇採用 方法(一)

29、或方法(二)參與會議 (d) You should have entered the Webex audio conference if you can see the below screen. (only appears a second for this screen) 如看到下列畫面,則代表你已進入了Webex的聲音會議。 And then you can also see the presenters computer screen and see your name with a phone sign on the screen 现在你可看到演讲者的电脑画面及在你的电脑上看见你的名

30、字(名字旁附有电话标志) (1)(1) OpenOpen thethe InvitationInvitation E-mailE-mail withwith thethe sendersender lclc mpmp andand SubjectSubject JoinJoin WebExWebEx meetingmeeting in in progress:progress: LCMPLCMP WebinarWebinar onon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 开开启启从从lclc mpmp 发发出出及及题题目目 JoinJoin WebExWebEx meetingmeeting i

31、n in progress:progress: LCMPLCMP WebinarWebinar onon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx的的邀邀请请电电邮邮从从发发出出 (2)(2) In In thethe invitationinvitation e-mail,e-mail, checkcheck thethe webinarwebinar detailsdetails (subject,(subject, datedate andand time)time) andand seesee if if it it is is thethe webinarwebinar youyou are

32、are goinggoing to to joinjoin 在在系系统统发发出出的的邀邀请请电电邮邮,检检查查网网络络研研讨讨会会详详情情( (包包括括题题目目、日日期期及及时时间间) )并并看看此此研研讨讨会会是是否否你你要要参参与与的的研研讨讨会会。 ThereThere areare 3 3 waysways to to connectconnect to to thethe WebexWebex meetingmeeting audioaudio conference:conference: 有有三三种种方方法法接接驳驳到到WebexWebex的的声声音音会会议议装装置置 Recomm

33、endRecommend to to use:use: Method(I)Method(I) CallCall MeMe - - AskAsk WebexWebex to to callcall youyou 推推荐荐使使用用:方方法法( (一一) ) CallCall meme - - WebexWebex 致致电电到到你你的的电电话话号号码码 MethodMethod (II)(II) I I WillWill CallCall inin - - YouYou callcall to to WebexWebex 方方法法( (二二) ) I I WillWill CallCall inin

34、 - - 你你致致电电到到WebexWebex的的电电话话号号码码 MethodMethod (III)(III) CallCall UsingUsing ComputerComputer - - useuse computercomputer to to connectconnect to to WebexWebex 方方法法( (三三) ) CallCall UsingUsing ComputerComputer - - 用用计计算算机机设设备备连连接接到到WebexWebex (c) Enter your phone number (including city code if any,

35、 e.g. China Shenzhen, enter area code 0755) and press Call me 輸入你的電話號碼 (如有區號,請一併輸入。如中國深圳,則須輸入區號0755),再按Call me (d) Wait a while, you will receive the call from Webex. Pick up the phone and press 1 to enter Webex conference 等一會,你會收到Webex致電給你的電話,拿起電話筒並按1進入Webex聲音會議。 (e) You should have entered the Web

36、ex audio conference if you can see the below screen. (only appears a second for this screen) And then you can also see the presenters computer screen and see your name with a phone sign on the screen 现在你可看到演讲者的电脑画面及在你的电脑上看见你的名字(名字旁附有电话标志) (d) Then the phone will ask you to provide the access code, y

37、ou have to enter the assess code indicated in YOURYOUR audio conference box, 電話中會要求你輸入access code,你需要根據你的audio conference box裡的access code輸入,緊記輸入完access code之後要按# (e) Then the phone will ask you to provide the Attendee ID, you have to enter the Attendee ID indicated in YOURYOUR audio conference box,

38、 remember enter # after the Attendee ID. This can let the system to identify your name according to your registered E-mail address. If you do not need the system to identify your name or additional person will join the meeting, then you can just enter # and no need to enter Attendee ID 電話中會用英語要求你輸入A

39、ttendee ID,你需要根據你的audio conference box裡的Attendee ID輸入, 緊記輸入完Attendee ID之後要按#。這樣系統便能根據你之前登記的電郵辯認你的身份。 (f) You should have entered the Webex audio conference if you can see the below screen. (only appears a second for this screen) And then you can also see the presenters computer screen and see your n

40、ame with a phone sign on the screen 现在你可看到演讲者的电脑画面及在你的电脑上看见你的名字(名字旁附有电话标志) (b) If no speaker and microphone is detected, then below message will be appeared. Then prress OK Select Audio and then Audio Conference in the upper bar to re-select method(I) or method (II) to connect to system. 在屏幕上方选择”Audio”及Audio Conference,重新选择采用方法(一)或方法(二)参与会议。 (c) If the system can detect speaker and microphone, then below message will be appeared. Test Speaker function (測試揚聲器功能) Press No


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