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1、Module 6Module 6 测试卷测试卷 时间:时间:100100 分钟分钟满分:满分:120120 分分 第卷第卷听力部分听力部分(20(20 分分) ) 一、听句子,选出与其匹配的图片一、听句子,选出与其匹配的图片( (每小题每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分分) ) 1 1_2._2._3._3._4._4._5._5._ 二、听句子,选出恰当的答语二、听句子,选出恰当的答语( (每小题每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分分) ) 6 6A.For two years.A.For two years. B BAt nine oclock. CAt nine oclock.

2、 CA week ago.A week ago. 7 7A.Thank you.A.Thank you. B BYoure welcome.Youre welcome. C CIm not happy.Im not happy. 8 8 A.IA.I havehave somesome hobbies. Bhobbies. B I I playedplayed chess. Cchess. C I I likelike playingplaying chess.chess. 9 9 A.InA.In thethe morning. Bmorning. B InIn thethe westwes

3、t ofof ourour town. Ctown. C InIn threethree years.years. 1010A.I have a big collection. BA.I have a big collection. B Old coins. COld coins. CIm a collector.Im a collector. 三、听对话及问题,选择正确答语三、听对话及问题,选择正确答语( (每小题每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分分) ) 1111Which hobby is the mans favourite?Which hobby is the mans fav

4、ourite? A APlaying tennis. BPlaying tennis. BPlaying football. CPlaying football. C Playing tablePlaying table tennis.tennis. 1212What does the man think about table tennis?What does the man think about table tennis? A AIts too fast.Its too fast.B BIts too soft.Its too soft.C CIts notIts not popular

5、.popular. 1313What is the most popular game in England?What is the most popular game in England? A AFootball. BFootball. BBasketball. CBasketball. CTennis.Tennis. 1414Which two teams played the football game on TV today?Which two teams played the football game on TV today? A AIt was Germany against

6、England.It was Germany against England. B BIt was France against England.It was France against England. C CIt was France against Germany.It was France against Germany. 1515Which team won the game today?Which team won the game today? A ATheThe EnglishEnglish team. Bteam. BTheThe FrenchFrench team. Ct

7、eam. CTheThe GermanGerman team.team. 四、听短文,选择正确答案四、听短文,选择正确答案( (每小题每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分分) ) 1616How many hobbies are mentioned (How many hobbies are mentioned (提到提到) in the first paragraph?) in the first paragraph? A AThree.Three.B BFive.Five.C CFour.Four. 1717Are all the hobbies relaxing?Are all th

8、e hobbies relaxing? A ASome hobbies are relaxing.Some hobbies are relaxing. B BNo, some hobbies are relaxing, but others are active.No, some hobbies are relaxing, but others are active. C CYes, theyYes, they are all relaxing.are all relaxing. 1818What is one of Marys hobbies?What is one of Marys hob

9、bies? A AGrowing vegetables. BGrowing vegetables. BLooking after animals. CLooking after animals. CWriting.Writing. 1919HowHow longlong diddid MaryMary spendspend onon learninglearning writingwriting lastlast summersummer vacation?vacation? A AFor two weeks. BFor two weeks. BFor about four months.Fo

10、r about four months. C CFor four weeks.For four weeks. 2020When will Marys new book come out?When will Marys new book come out? A AThis month. BThis month. BNext week. CNext week. CNext month.Next month. 第卷第卷笔试部分笔试部分(100(100 分分) ) 五、单项选择五、单项选择( (每小题每小题 1.51.5 分,共分,共 1515 分分) ) 2121Mr.WhiteMr.Whitemu

11、stmustbebetalkingtalkingononthethephonephone because_he_didnt_answer_the_doorbecause_he_didnt_answer_the_door A A定语定语 B B状语状语 C C主语主语 D D宾语宾语 2222The novelThe novel is very _.So I am _ in it. is very _.So I am _ in it. A Ainterestedinterested;interesting Binteresting Binterestinginteresting;interest

12、edinterested C Cinterestinginteresting;interesting Dinteresting Dinterestedinterested;interestedinterested 2323The boy as well as his friends often _ football on theThe boy as well as his friends often _ football on the playground.playground. A Ahave played Bhave played Bhas played Chas played Cplay

13、 Dplay Dplaysplays 2424To my surprise, whenever I see Lucy, she studies at her deskTo my surprise, whenever I see Lucy, she studies at her desk _._. A Ain no time Bin no time Bfrom time to timefrom time to time C Call the time Dall the time Dat timesat times 2525Not only you but also Jim _ intereste

14、d in collectingNot only you but also Jim _ interested in collecting things.things. A Aam Bam Bare Care Cis Dis Dbebe 26.(26.(易错题易错题) ) Do you take exercise every day?Do you take exercise every day? Yes, I always _ thirty minutes walking after supper.Yes, I always _ thirty minutes walking after suppe

15、r. A Aspend Bspend Bcost Ccost Ctake Dtake Dpaypay 2727When _ Mo YansWhen _ Mo YansRedRed SorghumSorghum _ _? In 1986.And it was made into a movie by Zhang Yimou.In 1986.And it was made into a movie by Zhang Yimou. A Adid; come out Bdid; come out Bwill; come outwill; come out C Cwas; come out Dwas;

16、come out Dwas; coming outwas; coming out 2828The room is a bit untidy now. Why dont you_The room is a bit untidy now. Why dont you_ ? A Atidy it up Btidy it up Btidy up ittidy up it C Ctidy them up Dtidy them up Dtidy up themtidy up them 2929TheThe jokejoke waswas soso funnyfunny thatthat itit madem

17、ade himhim _ againagain andand again.again. A Alaugh Blaugh Bto laugh Cto laugh Claughed D. laughslaughed D. laughs 3030Tom, supper is ready.Tom, supper is ready. I dont want to eat _I dont want to eat _, Mum. Im not feeling well. Mum. Im not feeling well. A Aeverything Beverything Bnothingnothing C

18、 Csomething Dsomething Danythinganything 六、完形填空六、完形填空( (每小题每小题 1.51.5 分,共分,共 1515 分分) ) ( (词数:约词数:约 130130;建议用时:;建议用时:5 5 分钟分钟) ) HobbiesHobbies cancan makemake ourour lifelife colorful.Icolorful.I believebelieve everyoneeveryone hashas hishis oror her own hobbies.Now let me tell you something about

19、 my _her own hobbies.Now let me tell you something about my _ (31)(31) hobbies.hobbies. My hobby is _My hobby is _(32) (32) stamps.I _ stamps.I _(33)(33)a lot of friends anda lot of friends and I often get stamps from them.Some of my stamps are very pretty andI often get stamps from them.Some of my

20、stamps are very pretty and others are unusual.I _others are unusual.I _(34) (34) a lot from these stamps. a lot from these stamps. My younger brother Peter likes _My younger brother Peter likes _(35) (35) trains.He often goes trains.He often goes to the nearby station and watches them carefully._to

21、the nearby station and watches them carefully._(36) (36)a traina train passes by, he writes _passes by, he writes _(37) (37) its name and number. its name and number. MyMy sisterssisters hobbyhobby isis sewing(sewing(缝纫缝纫) ) SheShe makesmakes mostmost ofof herher _(38) (38) herself.When my trousers

22、are torn, I always ask her for_herself.When my trousers are torn, I always ask her for_(39) (39) My parentsMy parents havehave thethe samesame hobby.Itshobby.Its walking the_walking the_(40) (40)EveryEvery morning and afternoon they go walking with our lovely dog.morning and afternoon they go walkin

23、g with our lovely dog. 3131A.classmatesA.classmatesB Bfriendsfriends C Cfamilysfamilys 3232A.collecting BA.collecting Bcollect Ccollect Ccollectscollects 3333A.meet BA.meet Bhave Chave Crememberremember 3434A.have learned BA.have learned Bwill learn Cwill learn Clearninglearning 3535A.taking BA.taki

24、ng Bmaking Cmaking Cwatchingwatching 3636A.When BA.When BAlthough CAlthough CUntilUntil 3737A.up BA.up Bdown Cdown Ctoto 3838A.plans BA.plans Bcakes Ccakes Cclothesclothes 3939A.money BA.money Bhelp Chelp Cadviceadvice 4040A.cat BA.cat Bdog Cdog Chorsehorse 七、阅读理解七、阅读理解( (每小题每小题 2 2 分,共分,共 2020 分分)

25、) A (A (词数:约词数:约 240240;建议用时:;建议用时:8 8 分钟分钟) ) PeterPeter waswas anan EnglishEnglish boy.boy. HisHis hobbyhobby waswas collectingcollecting stamps.stamps. HeHe hadhad stampsstamps fromfrom manymany countries.countries. PetersPeters favoritefavorite stampsstamps camecame fromfrom France.France. He ha

26、d every French edition(He had every French edition( 版本版本)from 1960 to 2006 except a 1974)from 1960 to 2006 except a 1974 special edition stamp. It was very hard to find. He looked for itspecial edition stamp. It was very hard to find. He looked for it everywhereeverywhereeveneven inin storesstores,a

27、tat streetstreet marketsmarkets andand onon thethe Internet.HeInternet.He asked his friends and relatives to help him. But nobody could findasked his friends and relatives to help him. But nobody could find the stamp. It made Peter very sad.the stamp. It made Peter very sad. “Dont“Dont worry.worry.

28、PleasePlease havehave patience(patience(耐心耐心) ),”,” hishis fatherfather saidsaid toto him.“Youll find it one day.”him.“Youll find it one day.” “I hope so,” Peter said.“I hope so,” Peter said. PeterPeter alsoalso likedliked makingmaking friends.friends. HeHe hadhad a a penfriendpenfriend namednamed V

29、ictorVictor who was in France.who was in France.They wrote to eachThey wrote to eachotherother everyevery month.month. Victor knewVictor knew PeterPeter likedliked collectingcollecting stamps.Onestamps.One dayday VictorsVictors mothermother LauraLaura gavegave himhim anan oldold FrenchFrench stamp.s

30、tamp. ItIt waswas a a bigbig,greengreen one.Heone.He usedused itit toto postpost a a letterletter to Peter.to Peter. AsAs soonsoon asas PeterPeter receivedreceived thethe letterletter,hehe lookedlooked carefullycarefully atat thethe stamp.stamp. HeHe waswas veryvery amazedamazed toto seesee thatthat

31、 itit waswas thethe 19741974 specialspecial editionedition stamp. Peter was so happy! He told the good news to his sister andstamp. Peter was so happy! He told the good news to his sister and his parents.his parents. “You“You see,”see,” hishis fatherfather said.“Yousaid.“You diddid findfind thethe s

32、tastampmp inin thethe end.end. So you knowSo you know,its good to have two things in life.”,its good to have two things in life.” “What are they?” Peter asked.“What are they?” Peter asked. “Friends and patience!” his father answered.“Friends and patience!” his father answered. 4141Peters favorite st

33、amps came from _.Peters favorite stamps came from _. A AChina BChina BEngland CEngland CFrance DFrance DGermanyGermany 4242WhenWhen PeterPeter couldntcouldnt findfind thethe 19741974 specialspecial editionedition stampstamp,hehe feltfelt _._. A Aunhappy Bunhappy Bhappy Chappy Cworried Dworried Dexci

34、tedexcited 4343Peters penfriend was _.Peters penfriend was _. A APhillip BPhillip BVictor CVictor CThomas DThomas DLauraLaura 4444The color of the 1974 special edition stamp was_.The color of the 1974 special edition stamp was_. A Ablue Bblue Bred Cred Cbrown Dbrown Dgreengreen 4545Peters father tho

35、ught it good to have _ in life.Peters father thought it good to have _ in life. A Amoney and time Bmoney and time Bbooks and foodbooks and food C Cfriends and patience Dfriends and patience Dbeautiful clothes and winebeautiful clothes and wine B ( B (词数:约词数:约 200200;建议用时:;建议用时:6 6 分钟分钟) ) HowHow dod

36、o youyou spendspend youryour sparespare timetime?ThereThere willwill bebe differentdifferent answersanswers to it. Most people in Poland(to it. Most people in Poland(波兰波兰) have their own ways of spending) have their own ways of spending free time.They have many different hobbiesfree time.They have m

37、any different hobbies,which help them to getwhich help them to get awayaway fromfrom theirtheir everydayeveryday problemsproblems andand spendspend theirtheir freefree timetime happily.happily. Many Polish (Many Polish (波兰的波兰的) people like travelling.They always look) people like travelling.They alw

38、ays look for new places that they have never been to and add new and excitingfor new places that they have never been to and add new and exciting experiences to their journey.Some of them like to climb mountainsexperiences to their journey.Some of them like to climb mountains, others like to go to a

39、 sea or a lake to swimothers like to go to a sea or a lake to swim,because these can makebecause these can make them get exercise and are good for their health.them get exercise and are good for their health. ManyMany PolishPolish peoplepeople alsoalso likelike toto dodo sportssports inin theirtheir

40、 freefree time.Theytime.They are usually crazy about footballare usually crazy about football,and football is regarded as theand football is regarded as the PolishPolish nationalnational sport.Manysport.Many footballfootball fansfans maymay supportsupport a a certaincertain teamteam, so they go to w

41、atch every match of the team they supportso they go to watch every match of the team they support,and theyand they buybuy manymany thingsthings thatthat havehave relationsrelations withwith thethe team.Watchingteam.Watching sportsport andand doing it are both good ways to relax.doing it are both goo

42、d ways to relax. In additionIn addition ,doctors say that doing sports is very good fordoctors say that doing sports is very good for health.Manyhealth.Many peoplepeople inin towntown,especiallyespecially youngyoung menmen,often gooften go toto thethe gymgym to attend the exercise classes to keep fi

43、t.to attend the exercise classes to keep fit. 4646Polish people have many hobbies in order to _.Polish people have many hobbies in order to _. A Asolve their daily problemssolve their daily problems B Bfinish all their workfinish all their work C Cmake more friendsmake more friends D Drelax themselv

44、es in their spare timerelax themselves in their spare time 4747Why do some Polish people like climbing mountains?Why do some Polish people like climbing mountains? A ABecause they hate travelling.Because they hate travelling. B BBecause they can get exercise from it.Because they can get exercise fro

45、m it. C CBecause they can find a new place.Because they can find a new place. D DBecause it is comfortable and funny.Because it is comfortable and funny. 4848Which of the following sports is NOT mentioned in the passage?Which of the following sports is NOT mentioned in the passage? A APlaying footba

46、ll. BPlaying football. BClimbing mountains.Climbing mountains. C CSkating. DSkating. DSwimming.Swimming. 4949What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?What is the main idea of Paragraph 3? A AFootball is manyFootball is many Polish peoples favourite sport. Polish peoples favourite sport. B BYoung Polish

47、people often go to the gym.Young Polish people often go to the gym. C CAll the Polish people do sports in their spare time.All the Polish people do sports in their spare time. D DMost Polish people like watching sport.Most Polish people like watching sport. 5050What can we learn from the passage?Wha

48、t can we learn from the passage? A APolish culture is colourful.Polish culture is colourful. B BWe can have many ways of spending our free time.We can have many ways of spending our free time. C CA doctor can give you good advice.A doctor can give you good advice. D DThere is no need to do sports.Th

49、ere is no need to do sports. 八、从下面方框中选出正确的选项填空,使短文通顺、内容完整八、从下面方框中选出正确的选项填空,使短文通顺、内容完整( (有一个选有一个选 项是多余的项是多余的) ) ( (每小题每小题 2 2 分,共分,共 1010 分分) ) The world isThe world is an interesting place. Different people like different an interesting place. Different people like different things.things. Some peop

50、le like loud music. Other people dont. _Some people like loud music. Other people dont. _(51) (51) Many people like sports, but they dont all like the same sports.Many people like sports, but they dont all like the same sports. In some countries, cricket(In some countries, cricket(板球运动板球运动)is a very

51、 popular sport. In others)is a very popular sport. In others it is not popular at all. No one plays it or watches it on TV.However,it is not popular at all. No one plays it or watches it on TV.However, most people like soccer. The World Cup is very popular. _most people like soccer. The World Cup is

52、 very popular. _(52) (52) DifferentDifferent peoplepeople likelike differentdifferent foods.foods. Some peopleSome people dontdont likelike meat.meat. _(53) (53) Some people dont like potatoes or bread. T Some people dont like potatoes or bread. T hey prefer rice.hey prefer rice. _(54) (54)Most peop

53、le haveMost people havetheirtheir favoritefavorite colors.colors. Some people likeSome people like bright colors. Others prefer pale colors.bright colors. Others prefer pale colors. ManyMany peoplepeople likelike ing. DiffDiff erenterent peoplepeople likelike differentdifferent place

54、s.places. SomeSome peoplepeople likelike toto gogo toto thethe country.country. TheyThey likelike thethe freshfresh air.air. SomeSome peoplepeople like to go to the cities. Because they like shopping. _like to go to the cities. Because they like shopping. _(55) (55) AThey like soft music. BNot everyone like the same color. CMillions of people watch the games on


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