1、英语课前热身,开始活动吧,One little flower,one little flower ,one little bee, one little bird ,high in the tree, one little deer ,smiling at me,Two Little Birds,Two little birds,sitting on the hill. One named Jake,the other named Jill. Fly away Jake.Fly away Jill. Come back Jake.Come back Jill,Hello hello,hello
2、,hello, how are you,how are you Im fine ,thank you. Im fine ,thank you. I sit down, I sit down How are you,Shake your shoulders Shua ! Shua ! Shua ! Shake your hands Clap ! Clap ! Clap ! Shake your hip Pia ! Pia ! Pia ! Shake your feet Ta ! Ta! Ta!,Shake your shoulders (一),Shake shake up Shake shake
3、 down Shake shake shake shake Lets turn around Shake shake up Shake shake down Shake shake shake shake Lets sing a song,Shake your shoulders (二),Follow follow follow me Hands up , Hands down Follow follow follow me Stand up , sit down,Follow me,Up and down (一),Up up touch your head. Down down touch
4、your toes. Up and down, Touch your hips. Turn around, Touch the ground. Yeah !,Finger play(一),One finger , one finger , turn turn turn, Turn to the brush , shua shua shua. Two fingers two fingers , turn turn turn, Turn to the rabbit , jump jump jump. Three fingers , three fingers , turn turn turn, T
5、urn to a cat , meow meow meow. Four fingers , four fingers , turn turn turn, Turn to a dog , wang wang wang. Five fingers , five fingers , turn turn turn, Turn to a tiger , aw .,Finger play (二) 中小班,One ,one , brush , shua shua shua. Two , two , rabbit , jump jump jump. Three , three , cat , meow meo
6、w meow Four , four , dog , wang wang wang. Five , five , tiger , aw aw aw.,整理常规的小律动,Show me your hands Hands ! (Hands ! Hands ! Hands !) Look at me Shua ! Shua ! Shua ! (look at you) Who can try? Me ! Me ! Me ! (Let me try!),整理常规的小律动,One two three four , clap your hands. Two two three four ,step you
7、r feet. Three two three four , nod your head. Four two three four , hands on knees.,整理常规的小律动,one, one, nod, nod, nod two, two, shake, shake, shake three, three, bend, bend,bend four, four, step, step,step five,five,sit,sit,sit.,整理常规的小律动,clap you hands ,pia pia pia clap you feet ,ta ta ta lets cheer
8、,ha ha ha,英语口语,问候(Greeting),Hello,boys and girls/kids(I say hello you say hi) Good morning,classeveryoneeverybodyboys and girls -How are you ? -I am fine/ok/sad/unhappy ,上课(Beginning a class),Lets start nowLets begin our classlesson/class is begin. Stand up,please Sit down,Please,宣布(Announcing),Lets
9、 beginstart our class First,lets . Whats this?,提起注意(Directing attention),-Ready?Are you ready? -Yes , I am ready. Do you understand?/Understand? Is that/are we clear?/Clear? Be quiet,pleaseQuiet,please/No talking. Listen carefully,please Listen to me. Look over here Look at me. Please look at the TV
10、/picturemap,课堂活动(Classroom activities),who can try?me me me/let me try/ I can try. Everybody togetherAll together One by one You,please/Its your turn. Next,please Who wants to be first. Come over here, please. Go back to your seat. I dont think so,请求(Request),-Could you try it again? -Yes. Try again
11、./One more time. -Let play a game , OK? -ok Help me, please.,鼓励(Encouraging),Try your bestDo your best Think it over Dont be shy, just have a try. Dont worry about itNo problem,指令(order),Follow me In English,please Show me your hands. Hands down,please Listen and repeat Hurry!Hurry up,please,表扬用语,th
12、ank you GoodVery good/Perfect. Good jobNice work/Great!Well done Good good, very very good. Hey hey great. Give me a five/ten/ hug. Wonderful * 2,yeah *3. Flower *2,here you are.,Thats all for today! 今天就到这儿。 Class is over. 下课。 Goodbye everyone! 大家再见。 See you next time. 下次见。 See you later. 回头见 Goodby
13、e. / Bye-bye. 再见。 Lets sing the goodbye song together. 我们一起来唱“再见歌”。,课堂结束,表扬小律动,Everybody,Everybody, Everybody say, 1,2,3, 3,2,1, we are we are NO.1!,表扬小律动,Good better best We are super !,英语课堂游戏,游戏多、重复多、要求少、内容少,High-low voice,适用类型:单词、句子教学 适用年龄:小中大班 游戏目的:提升听单词、句子的能力;训练动作敏捷度。 游戏准备:单词卡、实物等 游戏玩法1:老师大声读,幼
14、儿小声读。反之,老师小声读,幼儿大声读。 游戏参考用语1:When I read loudly,you must read lowly. And when I read lowly, you must read loudly. 游戏玩法2:根据卡片的高低来读。如果老师高高举起卡片,幼儿就大声音读;老师将卡片变低位置,幼儿声音就随之变小。 游戏参考用语2:When I raise the card, you speak loudly. When I put down the card, you speak in a low voice. 游戏建议:可以轮流请幼儿做小老师来进行游戏,增加幼儿参与游
15、戏的积极性。,Run, run, run.,适用类型:单词教学 适用年龄:小中大班 游戏目的:通过扮演角色,达到幼儿对已学单词的巩固。 游戏准备:单词卡、三个Cici的头饰。 游戏玩法:将单词卡贴在教室的不同墙面。请三名幼儿出来,带上Cici的头饰。当老师发号命令时,三位幼儿一起跑向命令中的单词所在位置,其余的幼儿拍手,齐声读出单词的名称表示为三位小朋友加油。 游戏参考用语: T: Now, you are Cici. When I say ”Daddy”, you will run to the card of Daddy. OK? T: Daddy! Go! Ks: Daddy! Dadd
16、y! Daddy! (老师带领其余幼儿一起拍手,一起说,使得全体幼儿都能参与。) T:(跑的最快的幼儿给以鼓励)Yeah! A sticker for you! Who wants to play? 游戏建议:此游戏可以在中、大班采用竞技式,让第一位跑到目标的幼儿为胜,Whats missing?,适用类型:单词教学 适用年龄:小中大班 游戏目的:培养幼儿的记忆力。通过知识点在空间变化,达到幼儿在高度兴趣中将已学单词巩固。 游戏准备:实物或单词卡、黑板、神秘袋。 游戏玩法:首先,将准备游戏的单词图卡贴上黑板上或实物摆放在地上,通过阅读或指读的方式与幼儿一起过目。之后,请幼儿闭上眼睛,将贴在黑板
17、上的任一个词卡或实物抽走一个,藏在黑色神秘袋中。再次,请幼儿睁开眼睛,看一看,猜出哪个不见了。如回答正确将卡片或实物暂时送给幼儿并给予及时的表扬。 游戏参考用语: T: OK, lets play a game. Look, whats on the blackboard? T: OK, Close your eyes! (幼儿做动作,老师抽卡并放到黑盒子中。) T: Open your eyes! Oh, my dear, whats missing? I dont know. Who can help me? (表示惊讶着急,请幼儿回答。) Ks: Daddy! T: Daddy? (慢慢
18、地取出,查看袋中卡片,引起幼儿注意。)Yes! Youre great! Here you are! 游戏建议:此游戏也可以使用更加灵活而又有吸引力的教具,例如将卡片藏在各种形状的图形下面或各种各样的水果图形下面,让幼儿更有好奇心的去了解。,Drive the train,适用类型:单词、句型教学 适用年龄:小中大班 游戏目的:通过集体游戏,达到幼儿在无意识中对已学单词的巩固。 游戏准备:可以代替方向盘的圆形道具、歌曲The wheel on the bus) 游戏玩法:教师手持圆型方向盘,当火车头,玩开火车的游戏(可以伴有歌曲The wheel on the bus)。当火车开到任意幼儿面前
19、停下时,表演所学单词的模拟动作,让幼儿来猜。或提问,请幼儿回答。幼儿回答正确可以上火车,火车再开往下一位小朋友面前,继续游戏。 游戏参考用语: T: Hello!Im the driver of the train. OK! Lets go. (火车开动) T: (当停下时) Who am I? Ks: Mommy! T: Great! Get on the train. Lets go! 游戏建议:也可让幼儿当火车头,进行游戏。,Pass the magic bag,适用类型:单词教学 适用年龄:小中大班 游戏目的:在音乐的陶冶下,愉快的完成所学习内容的巩固。 游戏准备:一个精美的盒子或书包
20、,单词图卡、本单元的歌曲 游戏玩法:教师将幼儿所学习过的单词图卡放入magic bag中,听音乐玩游戏。当音乐响起时,幼儿从一边到另一边,一个接着一个的传递magic bag。当音乐一停,幼儿必须停下,这时手持magic bag的幼儿,在盒子中抽出一张图卡进行回答。对回答正确的幼儿给以表扬。 游戏参考用语: T: Lets pass the magic bag. OK? Ks: OK. T: Pass one by one. Listen to the music. T: Stop! Aha, you take out one card.(幼儿抽出一张卡片) T: Who is he? Ks: Daddy! T: Yes, great! Lets go on. 游戏建议:对于中大班的幼儿,没有答对的可以请其为其他幼儿表演一个小小英文节目,再继续游戏。,Lip-reading,适用类型:单词、句子 适用年龄:小中大班 游戏目的:帮助幼儿操练、复习所学内容,训练幼儿的观察能力和反应能力。 游戏
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