2014高考英语总复习 语法专题复习:第六讲 动词的时态与语态_第1页
2014高考英语总复习 语法专题复习:第六讲 动词的时态与语态_第2页
2014高考英语总复习 语法专题复习:第六讲 动词的时态与语态_第3页
2014高考英语总复习 语法专题复习:第六讲 动词的时态与语态_第4页
2014高考英语总复习 语法专题复习:第六讲 动词的时态与语态_第5页
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1、第六讲 动词的时态与语态,语法专题复习,考点透析 1十种常用的动词时态句子结构。(S主语, do 动词原形, does动词第三人称单数,did过去式, doing现在分词, done过去分词) 一般现在时:Sdo/does. 一般过去时:Sdid. 现在进行时:Sam/is/are doing. 过去进行时:Swas/were doing.,一般将来时:Swill/shalldo. 过去将来时:Sshould/woulddo. 现在完成时:Shave/has done. 过去完成时:Shad done. 现在完成进行时:Shave/has been doing. 过去完成进行时:Shad be

2、en doing.,2在时间状语从句、条件状语从句中,一般现在时表示将来,这时主句要用一般将来时态。 (1)The volleyball match will be put off if it rains. 如果下雨的话,排球赛就会推迟。 (2)If city noises are not kept from increasing,people will have to shout to be heard 20 years from now on. 如果不阻止城市噪音增长的话,20年后人们就得大喊大叫才能让人听见。,3一般现在时可表示主语具备的某种能力、某种性能。例如: (1)I_ pingp

3、ong quite well,but I havent had time to play since the new year. Awill play Bhave played Cplayed Dplay (选D。“会打球”是主语具备的一种能力,不会短时间内消失,用现在时) (2)Can I help you,sir? Yes,I bought this radio here yesterday,but it doesnt work. (doesnt work是主语的性能),4过去将来时和过去完成时都是相对过去时间而存在的时态,在答题时,一定要仔细揣摩上下文的时间关系。例如: (1)We we

4、re all surprised when he made it clear that he would leave office soon. (2)How long _ each other before they _ married? For about a year. Ahave they known,get Bdid they know,were going to get Cdo they know,are going to get Dhad they known,got (选D),(3)Helen had left her key in the office,so she had t

5、o wait until her husband came home. 5leave,go,arrive,take,fly,start,begin,come等动词的现在式可表计划安排好的将来,它们的进行时也可以表示将来的动作。例如: (1)The train _ at four oclock. Lets hurry. Aleave Bleaves Cwill leave Dhad left (选B),(2)Ive won a holiday for two weeks to Florida. I _ my mum together. Aam taking Bhave taken Ctake D

6、will have taken (选A) 6be going to表早就安排好的将来,或表根据某种迹象判断要发生的事情;will/shall表临时决定要做的动作;be to表按约定计划或按职责、义务将要发生的动作,强调主语的意志和决心;be about to表马上就要发生的动作,不能与表示将来的确切时间状语连用。,(1)What are you going to do this evening? Im going to see a film with my friend. (2)Havent you known Mr.Wang is ill? Really? Then Ill go to se

7、e him instead. (3)How about seeing a film tomorrow? Sorry,I cant. I am to take the driving test.,7如果句中有so far,since,by now,in the last few years,till now,up to now等表示时间的短语,谓语动词只能用现在完成时。例如: (1)So far they have dug more than 100 wells to get enough drinking water. (2)I have been busy during the last f

8、ew days.,8句型“It is the first time.”,“This is the last time.”中,从句的谓语要用现在完成时。句型“It was the first time.”,“This was the last time.”中,从句的谓语要用过去完成时。例如: This is the first time Ive been here. That was the second time that they had witnessed an accident at the crossing.,9句中的状语是“by the end of过去时间”,动词用过去完成时。 句

9、中的状语是“by the end of将来时间”,动词用将来完成时。例如: (1)By the end of last term,we had learned about three thousand English words. 到上学期末,我们大约学了3 000个英语单词。 (2)By the end of next month,we shall have finished Book Five. 到下个月末,我们将已经学完了第五册。,10进行时、将来时、完成时、情态动词的被动语态的谓语分别是be being done,will/shall be done, have/has/had bee

10、n done,情态动词be done,不要遗漏任何部分。 11有些动词形式上是主动语态,却表示被动意义。主要有下列几种情形: (1)be worth doing The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。,(2)need/want/require/beardoingneed/want/require to be done The room needs cleaning.The room needs to be cleaned. 屋子需要打扫。 (3)beadj.to do The place is hard to find in the map. 这个地方在地图上很

11、难被发现。 (4)表感觉的连系动词形容词。 Good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。,(5)当句子的主语是物,同时又是动作涉及的对象,而动词又是表明主语本身的特性时,用主动形式表被动意义。这时,句末有一个表示方式的副词。 The pen I bought yesterday writes smoothly. 我昨天买的钢笔书写流畅。 The cloth washes well. 这种布耐洗。,强化训练,用所给动词的正确形式填空 按照句子结构的语法性和句子连贯的要求,在空白处填上适当的词或使用括号中单词的正确形式填空。 1(2012全国卷)“Life is like

12、walking in the snow , ” Granny used to say, “because every step _.” (show),shows,2(2012上海卷)I hear that Jason is planning to buy a car. I know. By next month, he _enough for a used one. (save) 3(2012天津卷)The letters for the boss _on his desk but he didnt read them until three days later. (put) 4(2012天

13、津卷)The three of us_ around Europe for about a month last summer. (travel),travelled,will have saved,were put,5(2012江苏卷)The manager is said to have arrived back from Paris where he _ some European business partners. (meet) 6(2012安徽卷)In order to find the missing child, villagers _ all they can over th

14、e past five hours. (do) 7(2012安徽卷)Walmart, which is one of the largest American supermarket chains, _ some of its store open 24 hours on Mondays through Saturdays. (keep),keeps,had met,have been doing,8(2012安徽卷)After school we went to the readingroom to do some reading, only to be told that it _.(de

15、corate) 9(2012湖南卷)Dont worry. The hard work that you do now _ later in life. (repay) 10(2012湖南卷)Close the door of fear behind you, and you _ the door of faith open before you. (see),was being decorated,will be repaid,will see,11(2012湖南卷)“The moment _ soon,” he thought to himself, waiting nervously.

16、(come) 12(2012全国卷)I had been working on math for the whole afternoon and the numbers _ before my eyes. (swim) 13(2012湖南卷)I remember you were a talented pianist at college. Can you play the piano for me? Sorry, I _ the piano for years. (play),is coming,swam,havent played,14(2012福建卷)When did the compu

17、ter crash? This morning, while I _ the reading materials downloaded from some websites. (sort) 15(2012陕西卷)Can I call you back at two oclock this afternoon? Im sorry, but by then I _ to Beijing. How about five? (fly),was sorting,will be flying,专题训练,广东各地市历年模拟题演练 按照句子结构的语法性和句子连贯的要求,使用括号中单词的正确形式填空。 1All

18、 the animals lined up on the river bank and _ (give) the task of getting to the opposite shore. 2My legs _ (ache) and I wasnt looking forward to cooking dinner.,were given,were aching,3Pretexting is when private investigators treat themselves as someone else, they _ (give) personal information. 4Now their claims _(test) as never before. 5His fear of failure _ (keep) him from classroom games that other ch


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