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1、英语专业四级练习(语法、词汇)500题I冠词1. An art gallery is _ room, where _ works of art are shown.A. a, theB. the, /C. the, a D. a, /2. Suddenly _ fire broke out in the room and everything in it was soon on _ fine.A. /, a B. the, /C. a, /D. /, the3. Changchun, _ capital of Jilin Province, is as important _ industri

2、al centre as Shenyang.A. /, anB. the, a C. the, theD. /, the4. He is such _ selfish man that he hasnt _ least concern for others.A. /, theB. a, /C. a, theD. the, a5. Towards _ evening _ cold rain began to fall.A. the, a B. /, theC. /, aD. the, /6. Bacon and eggs _ common Sunday breakfast in England.

3、A. is anB. are theC. is a D. are7. Mr. Ma can not only play _ chess very well but also play _ piano.A. /, /B. the, /C. /, a D. /, the8. Professor Jones, the man who discovered _ new drug that everyone is talking about, refused to give _ press conference.A. a, a B. the, theC. a, theD. the, a 9. He wa

4、s taken _ prisoner in the war and spent _ next two years in a prisoner-of-war camp in the south.A. /, theB. the, aC. the, /D. the, the10. _ computer is more essential to a modern business than _ typewriter.A. The, theB. /, /C. A, theD. The, a 11. They were rather disappointed _ the result of the tes

5、t.A. inB. onC. atD. for 12. We tried to settle the problem with them as soon as possible, but they seemed to _ sincerity. A. lack ofB. by lack ofC. lack inD. be lacking in13. At an early age she already showed a talent _ music.A. inB. forC. onD. of14. I feel rather doubtful _ the result of the exper

6、iment.A. aboutB. atC. withD. for15. _ the severe cold, tourism was _ full swing.A. Though, onB. Despite, onC. Though, inD. Despite, in16. Passengers may leave bulky articles under the stairs _ the conductors permission.A. atB. withC. onD. in17. You wont get in _ the end of the act.A. tillB. atC. byD

7、. in18. He said he was in debt and asked me for a loan _ $50.A. onB. forC. withD. of19. What tremendous achievements we have made _ all fronts in the past few years!A. inB. onC. atD. of20. John is unfortunately devoid _ a sense of humour.A. withB. ofC. toD. from21. _ the simple pleasure of flying, k

8、ites have been used to lift or tow objects.A. BeyondB. BeneathC. WithoutD. In view of22. The decline of the mechanical player piano is attributed to the spread _ piano music, but of all forms of music played by phonograph, radio, and television. A. not B. not toC. not only toD. not only of23. Paper

9、money printed by banks must be exchanged for metal money _ demand.A. withB. forC. byD. on24. he has always gone _ strange hobbies like collecting bottle tops and inventing secret codes.A. intoB. byC. in forD. through25. He criticized everything and everybody and even ran _ his few friends. A. agains

10、tB. intoC. downD. over26. Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree _ they can be deliberately controlled and modified.A. to whichB. in whichC. at whichD. on which27. _ a laser to operate, stimulated emission must predominate over absorption throughout the laser medium.A. O

11、rdering toB. For orderingC. In order forD. The order of28. An increase in wages is an incentive _ better work.A. toB. inC. ofD. for29. Wine and song are appropriate _ the occasion.A. at B. toC. onD. by30. The death of the President is a loss regretted _ all.A. toB. forC. atD. by31. He climbed up int

12、o the tree and picked all the fruit _ reach.A. atB. nearC. withinD. beyond32. The old man invested all his money _ a chicken farm and got rich.A. onB. intoC. inD. at33. He had approached every friend and acquaintance for help in vain, and now he was _ his wits end.A. atB. inC. outD. on34. The fisher

13、men gathered abalone _ a depth of seven feet.A. withB. withoutC. atD. within35. All living organisms constantly absorb carbon 14 _ this existence.A. outB. aboutC. aroundD. throughout36. Light comes in _ the window.A. byB. throughC. out ofD. in37. The young worker expressed the indignation _ being di

14、smissed without any reason.A. forB. atC. toD. of38. Science has brought _ many changes in our life.A. outB. intoC. aboutD. forward39. _ onetime, Manchester, New Hampshire, was the home of the most productive cotton mills in the world.A. OnB. AtC. ByD. To40. If something is out _ the question, it is

15、impossible.A. ofB. toC. withD. in41. She wants to know whether the measures have been agreed _.A. toB. withC. aboutD. upon42. He felt it rather difficult to make a stand _ the opinion of the majority.A. againstB. byC. toD. in43. When my aunt lost her cat last summer, it turned _ a week later at a ho

16、use in the next village.A. inB. outC. upD. over44. To our delight, she quickly adapted herself _ this situation.A. withB. ofC. toD. into45. If there is space available, the deadline for applying _ an undergraduate college or school may be extended.A. inB. onC. forD. to46. The TV station probably wil

17、l be back _ no earlier than this afternoon because of difficulties in locating a part.A. in the airB. on the air C. in airD. to the air47. He is indifferent _ hardships and dangers. A. ofB. atC. inD. to48. You cant go _ your promise now; we are depending on you.A. back ofB. back onC. off withD. out

18、of49. I knew her _ but I have never actually spoken to her.A. from sightB. in sight C. by sightD. on sight50. Sugar is good _ most people, but harmful _ diabetics.A. for, toB. to, forC. for, inD. to, with51. Large losses may occur from insurance claims made by people _ legal action.A. sinceB. throug

19、hC. toD. until52. Professor Thomason specialises _ American literature.A. inB. aboutC. onD. concerning53. The police are looking _ the mysterious disappearance of a well-known banker.A. overB. intoC. ontoD. through54. He is a bad influence _ the children.A. onB. inC. withD. against55. It is not easy

20、 to distinguish _ an American and a Canadian.A. amongB. between C. bothD. from56. Ms Simms is very sensitive _ criticism.A. ofB. inC. toD. on57. It is an exception _ the rules.A. ofB. inC. againstD. to58. She solved the problem _a stroke.A. onB. ofC. atD. through59. Death always taken us _ surprise,

21、 even though we know it is inevitable.A. inB. out ofC. byD. through60. The lady insists on her constitutional right _ a passport in her maiden name.A. onB. toC. intoD. that连词61. A doctor by training _ he was, he proved himself to be a greater writer.A. asB. thoughC. since D. if62. _ the stress of ex

22、aminations is over, we can all relax. A. While B. Even thoughC. ForD. Now that63. It will rain, _ the barometer is falling.A. soB. forC. asD. since64. We wont encourage him to do that _ he is in good health. A. even ifB. in caseC. even thoughD. when65. His father had promised to buy him a computer _

23、 he behaved himself.A. in caseB. whileC. afterD. provided66. They climbed to the top of the hill _ they could get a birds-eye view of the city.A. for fear thatB. in order thatC. in caseD. as a result67. You dont have to worry _ we are here.A. whileB. even ifC. thoughD. until68. The teachers whispere

24、d _ they should disturb the students.A. in order thatB. provided thatC. in caseD. with the result that69. _ snobbish people _ you described are to be found everywhere.A. SuchlikeB. SolikeC. SuchasD. Soas70. The doctors must have spared no pains to treat the patient _ he has recovered from his seriou

25、s injury.A. butB. beforeC. forD. till71. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, _ the behavior of an animal depends mainly on instinct. A. whereasB. soC. unlessD. that72. Wood furniture does not depreciate in value _ properly handled and protected.A. ifB. hasC. andD. that73. Research into t

26、he dynamics of storms is directed toward improving the ability to predict these events _ to minimize damage and avoid loss of life.A. and thusB. soC. howeverD. because74. _ the large amount of time devoted to listening every day, most college students do not listen effectively.A. MoreoverB. Neverthe

27、lessC. DespiteD. Furthermore75. The Smithsonian Institution preserves more than sixty-five million items of scientific, historical, or artistic interest, _ winning the popular title attic of the nation.A. howeverB. thusC. andD. moreover76. The second-hand car Patrick bought was almost new; _, it was

28、 in excellent condition.A. neverthelessB. howeverC. butD. besides77. Larry helped me finish my work _ was very kind of him.A. and thatB. so thatC. and thisD. which78. Nature not only gave the Middle Atlantic region fine harbors, _ a first-class system of inland waterways.A. however endowed it onB. s

29、o endowing this onC. thus endowing this onD. but endowed it with79. I have little doubt about his competence; _ he is well-qualified for the job.A. althoughB. moreoverC. yetD. because80. I am telling you this _ you should make a mistake.A. so thatB. thoughC. untilD. lest 81. Neon is said to be inert

30、 _ does not react easily with other substances. A. because of itB. it is becauseC. because itD. is because it82. Would you rather watch T.V or go for a walk? _ the T.V program is good this afternoon, I think I need the exercise more.A. Even thoughB. No matter howC. DespiteD. In spite of83. _ You are

31、 free tonight, why not drop in and play chess with me?A. ForB. SinceC. BecauseD. Even if84. _ people depend on such a great extent on forest, every effort must be made to preserve trees and wildlife. A. HowB. ThatC. SinceD. Which85. _ he did anything else, Mr. Williams spent a year haunting medical

32、institutions and getting introductions to scientists of his repute.A. AlthoughB. SinceC. BeforeD. Immediately after86. _ he lived most of his adult life on the Continent, Jakes Joyces fiction was always set in Ireland.A. Because B. Despite C. AlthoughD. Since87. He insisted on his opinion _ strong o

33、pposition.A. thoughB. becauseC. accordinglyD. despite88. The reason for my long absence from class was _ I was ill for 2 weeks. A. thatB. due toC. becauseD. why89. John is probably the most popular masculine name in the Western world, _ it is spelled differently in different languages. A. in spite o

34、fB. ifC. when D. although90. _ so-called art or serious music, modern jazz is not completely written down before it is played.A. AsB. UnlikeC. AlikeD. Not as情态动词91. I shall be busy next Monday, I _ classes the whole morning and _ a lecture in the afternoon.A. have, attendB. am having, would attendC.

35、 would have, would attendD. shall be having, shall be attending92. The boss ordered that the goods _ delivered at once.A. would beB. beC. must beD. were93. I am determined that my son _ have a better start than I did.A. can B. shallC. mustD. will94. You _ drive fast, there is a speed limit here. Mor

36、eover, we have plenty of time, so you _ drive so fast.A. mustnt, needntB. neednt, needntC. mustnt, mustntD. neednt, mustnt95. You _ worry about her. She _ well already.A. neednt, may getB. dont need, may getC. mustnt, getsD. neednt, may have gets96. They are all favour of his suggestion that the exp

37、enses _ be reduced.A. /B. wouldC. needD. may97. Sharon was supposed to be here at nine oclock. She _ have forgotten about our meeting.A. wouldB. shouldC. ought toD. must98. As the sky grew darker, it became obvious to us that the boys _ to finish the game quickly if they wanted to avoid the storm.A.

38、 haveB. would haveC. ought haveD. having99. Shout more loudly. He _ you.A. cant have heardB. will not have heardC. ought to have heardD. may have heard100. Dont bother me. Do what you _, I dont care. A. shallB. willC. will likeD. would like虚拟语气101. They _ so tired if they _ for a whole day.A. wouldn

39、t feel, didnt walkB. wouldnt feel, werent walkingC. wouldnt be feeling, werent walkingD. wouldnt be feeling, hadnt been walking102. It is absurd that women _ be paid less than men for doing the same work.A. are to B. oughtC. wouldD. should103. _ their terms, we would go bankrupt. A. If we acceptB. I

40、f we should accept C. If we had accept D. If we are to accept104. What would happen supposing he _ here? A. isB. wasC. beD. were105. If not for the open-door poling, the situation in China _ what it is today.A. would never have beenB. would never be C. will never have beenD. will never be106. But fo

41、r the traffic jam, we _ earlier.A. should arriveB. should have arrived C. shall arriveD. shall have arrived107. As the fog is too heavy, they cant across the river by ferry boat, I wish the fog _.A. disperses B. dispersed C. has dispersedD. would dispersed108. I would have come sooner but I _ that y

42、ou were waiting.A. didnt knowB. havent knownC. hadnt knownD. dont know109. John would rather _ a day off than worked yesterday week.A. have takenB. takeC. be takenD. be taking110. _, he would not have studied at Harvard.A. If it werent for youB. If it had not been for the scholarshipC. If I were you

43、D. If he got no scholarship111. I wish that I _ the concert last night.A. couldB. had attendedC. could have attendedD. attended112. If only I _ the books on the reading list before I attended the lecture.A. have seen readingB. would have readC. have readD. had read113. If I had know he would come, I

44、 _ for him.A. would waitB. will waitC. would have waitedD. will have waited114. If you had gotten up on time this morning you _ late.A. would be notB. would have been C. wouldnt have beenD. wouldnt have not been115. I wish I _ the letter sooner.A. had wroteB. have writtenC. could be writingD. had wr

45、itten116. If the sun _, the players could have finished the game.A. had shineB. did shineC. were shiningD. had shone117. If she _ the measles, she could have gone to the park.A. hadntB. hadnt hadC. had hadD. havent118. If we _, we could have made it.A. had worked hardB. would have worked hardC. did

46、worked hardD. work hard119. The policemen would have caught the murderer _ a few minutes earlier.A. were they to arriveB. had they arrivedC. if they should have arrivedD. if they would have arrived120. Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he _ our chairman now.A. must have beenB. w

47、ould have beenC. wereD. would be121. Little _ a year ago that I would be studying here today in Britain.A. I thoughtB. thought IC. I did thinkD. did I think122. Not until _ himself seriously ill.A. he had completed the task did he findB. had he completed the task did he findC. he completed the task

48、had he foundD. did he complete the task he had found123. In vain _ to get in touch with the Embassy.A. they triedB. tried theyC. did they tryD. they have tried124. Seldom _ him fly into such a rage since I knew him.A. I sew B. I have seenC. had I seenD. have I seen125. Only by carrying out an open-d

49、oor poling _.A. our country can be developedB. can be our country developedC. can our country developD. our country can develop126. I can assure you that under no circumstances _ his motherland.A. he will betray B. will he betrayC. he will not betrayD. will be not betray127. The kids dare not walk o

50、n the ice. Neither _ to skate on it.A. they dareB. do they dareC. dare theyD. darent they128. In the room _ with three legs and a few broken chairs.A. could only be found a tableB. could only a table chairsC. a table could only be foundD. only could be a table found129. In the corner of the room _.A

51、. a small round wooden table wasB. was a small round wooden tableC. a wooden small round table wasD. was a wooden small round table130. Up _ into the air when the ten-second countdown was over.A. the rocket shotB. shot the rocketC. was the rocket shotD. the rocket was shot131. _ the Washington Monument and the Capitol, Washington D. C. would be a completely horizontal city.A. It were not forB. For it were notC. Were it not forD. werent it for132. _, Ill marry him all the time.A. Being he rich o


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