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1、省略 为了使讲话和行文简洁,句中某些成分有时可省略。省略可分以下几种情况:,(一)简单句中的省略 1、省略主语:祈使句中主语通常省略。 其它省略主语多限于少数现成的说法。 e.g. (I) Thank you for your help.(括号内为省略的词语,下同) (I) See you tomorrow. (It) Doesnt matter. 2、省略主谓语或主谓语的一部分。 e.g. (There is) No smoking. (Is there) Anything wrong? Why (do you) not say hello to him?,3、省略作宾语的不定式短语,只保留

2、to。 e.g. - Are you going there? - Id like to (go there). He did not give me the chance, though he had promised to (give me the chance). (动词:want, wish, expect, hope, like, love, try, forget, decide, prefer, mean, intend, plan, refuse等动词宾语。 tell, ask, want, expect, warn等动词的宾补。 形容词: glad, happy, pleas

3、ed, delighted, 短语:be going to, be about to, be able to, have to, used to, ought to, ) 注意:如果该宾语是be动词或完成时态, 则须在to之后加上be或have。 e.g. - Are you an engineer? - No, but I want to be. - He hasnt finished the task yet. - Well, he ought to have.,4、省略表语。 e.g. - Are you thirsty? - Yes, I am (thirsty). 5、感叹句根据上下

4、文的省略。 e.g. What a wonderful film (it is)! (Its) Simply impossible! 6、介词的省略: e.g. The old man had no difficulty (in ) finding his house. 一些固定词组: have a hard time (in) doing sth. waste time (in) doing sth., spend (in) doing sth. prevent/stop(from), be busy (in) doing, be engaged (in) doing, theres no

5、use (in) doing, He failed (in) the game. The war lasted (for) four years. (但在句首和与walk等连用不可) Come and see me (at) any time you like. (in, on, at, by) He stayed (at) home all day. He walked (for ) three li. (表示距离的状语中) (In) This way you will succeed.,( You )open the door. Please!,-Would you like to wat

6、ch NBA ? -(It ) sounds like a good idea.,1、Omitting the Subject(主语),(1) (I) Thank you for your help. (2) (I) havent seen you for ages. (3) (It) Doesnt matter.,2、Omitting the Predicative(表语),Is he a teacher ? -Yes, he is (a teacher ).,(2) His sister isnt lazy, nor is his brother (lazy).,Will Liuxiang

7、 win the first prize in the 2008 Olympic Games ? Sorry, I dont know (whether he will win the first prize in the 2008 Olympic Games or not).,3. Omitting the Object(宾语),7、名词所有格后面的名词,如果是表示住宅,店铺, 教堂或者上下文已经暗示或明确指出过的事物时常省略。 e.g. At her sisters (house), she spent a pleasant weekend. 8、 连词的省略: not only but

8、(also), whether (or not), so (that) 9、情态动词should的省略 insist, order, command, suggest, propose, advise, demand, require, request, ask. Its necessary/important/impossible/strange/ natural/a pity 10、同时省略几个成分。 e.g. Lets meet at the same place as (we met) yesterday. - Have you finished your work? - (I hav

9、e) Not (finished my work) yet.,(二)并列句中的省略 两个并列分句中,后一个分句常省略与前一分句中 相同的部分。 e.g. My father is a doctor and my mother (is) a nurse. I study at college and my sister (studies) at high school.,(三)主从复合句中的省略 1、主句中有一些成分被省略。 e.g. (Im) Sorry to hear that you are ill. (It is a) Pity that he missed such a good ch

10、ance. 2、省略了一个从句或从句的一部分,用so或not (切不可用it或that)代替。 e.g. - Is he coming back tonight? - I think so. - Is he feeling better today? - Im afraid not. 这种用法常见的有:How so? Why so? Is that so? I hope so. He said so 及I suppose not. I believed not. I imagine not. I expect not. I hope not. I guess not等。 (但I dont th

11、ink so比I think not更常用)。,- Do you think it will rain ? - I think not . (I dont think it will rain ),- Do you think it will rain ? - I think so . (that it will rain ),1) How so? Why so? 2) Is that so? I hope so. 3) I suppose/believe/hope not.,(There is) No smoking .,(2) (Come in ) This way , please.,4

12、. Omitting the Predicate(谓语)and part of it,5. Omitting the Subject(主语) & Predicate(谓语) or part of them,( Im ) Sorry to hear you are ill.,(2) (Will you) Have a smoke / a cup of tea?,() What a wonderful time( we had)!,(四)其它省略 1、连词that的省略: 、宾语从句中常省略连词that,但也有不能省略的情况 be+某些形容词( afraid, sure, sorry, certa

13、in, glad); 两个(或两个以上)宾语从句并列时; He said that, if he could manage it, he would come for dinner. 、在定语从句中,that在从句中作宾语/表语/There be 结构的主语时可省略。 Im not the man (that) I was when you knew me first. This is the fastest train (that) there is to Beijing. This is the best way (that) we should choose. I dont like t

14、he way (that)/in which he talks to his parents. 、引导主语从句、同位语从句等的连词that一般不可省略。 在表语从句中偶尔可省略。 What they want to do is (that) they go to play basketball.,2、不定式符号to的省略 、并列的不定式可省去后面的to。 e.g. I told him to sit down and wait for a moment. To be for the plan or to be against the plan doesnt matter. 、当不定式作表语时,

15、如果前面主语中出现实义动词do及各种形式, 则不定式可省略。 What he wants to do is (to) go home. 、某些使役动词(如let, make, have)及感官动词 (如see, watch, notice, hear, feel, look at和listen to等) 后面作宾语补足语的不定式一定要省去to, 但在被动语态中须把to加上。 e.g. - I saw the boy fall from the tree. - The boy was seen to fall from the tree. 、介词but/except/besides前若有动词do

16、,后面的不定式不带to。 e.g. The boy did nothing but play.,3. -Is he a painter? -Yes, he is (a painter). -Are you a painter? -No, but I want to be (a painter ).,1 Are you going to Tibet? -Yes, Id like to (go there).,2 - Have you ever been to the seaside? - No. I should have (been to the seaside), but I was bus

17、y then.,“To do” as the Object,3、在某些状语从句中,从句的主语(或it)与主句主语 一致时,可省去“主语 + be”部分或从句的主语it。 (参看“状语从句”有关部分) Look out for cars when crossing the street. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary. She worked extremely hard though still rather poor in health. 在比较状语从句中,than或as后面的部分可省略。 Tom plays football as well as, if not better than, Jack. (=Tom plays football as well as Jack does, if he doesnt play better than Jack does.) We should think more of our class than of ourselves. 4、连词if在部分虚拟条件句中可省略, 但后面的语序有变化(参见“倒装句”有关部分) 5、主句与从句各有一些成


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