1、新目标英语八年级下unit 9 have you ever been to an musemant park?教学设计一、教材内容及分析 本单元的目标是运用句型have you ever been to.?和ive never been to.,谈论现在完成时态。本单元的所有活动以“谈论过去的经历”为话题逐一展开。本单元教学分为a,b两部分。a部分使学生积极参加各项学习活动,b部分则巩固学习效果。还应当与文化背景知识的学习与能力训练的有关练习结合起来,使学生能逐步地掌握知识 section a la-2c首先以图片的形式呈现了本单元的重点语法现象现在完成时的用法,然后设计了听力活动、俩俩对话活
2、动,从听说角度训练了本单元的核心句型,并在grammar focus中进行了归纳总结。 section a 3a-4所设计的活动,则先通过一篇任务型阅读-你曾经去过迪斯尼乐园吗?让学生进一步熟悉这一新的语言现象,再通过两个俩俩结对活动,分别从半开放性的和完全开放性的话题入手,进一步发展学生的听、说技能。section b la-2b先通过对英语学习目的关注,呈现了听力活动中所要用到的词汇及句子。然后,设计了两个听力活动,分别从两个层面,从宏观到细节,帮助学生掌握如何运用现在完成时谈论过去的经历,从而进一步学习现在完成时的意义、结构和用法2c-4设计的活动,则通过说、读与写的活动,对学生运用各种
3、时态谈论过去的经历进行了综合训练,旨在帮助学生创造性地运用现在完成时的能力。sell check部分让学生通过活动1-3对自己的词汇运用能力及语言综合运用能力进行自我评价 本单元的阅读材料向我们介绍了东南亚一个漂亮的岛国一新加坡新加坡是个以旅游闻名的国家,素有“花园城市”的美称,它以干净优雅的环境、多样的饮食文化吸引着全世界旅游观光的人们。又因为那里有众多的华人,所以新加坡也成为中国游客的热门选择二、学习者特征分析 本单元学校的一般现在完成时,是在第六单元的基础上进行的,学生有了一点基础。加之本单元谈论的是过去的经历,是学生很感兴趣的话题,故而只要用恰当的语句稍作引导,学生就会兴趣盎然,例如:
4、“did you go to beijing ?yes i did”我去过北京三次“i have been to beijing for three times.”来谈论个人的经历。三、教学目标(一)知识1. 掌握如何谈论过去的经历:一般过去时、现在完成时2. 掌握如何谈论英语学习:tour guide, flight attendant3. 掌握如何谈论曾经去过的地方:have you ever been to ? yes, i have been to ; no, i havent. space museum, water park, amusement park, south ameri
5、ca, european4. 与本单元话题有关的其它词汇(参考课本词汇表)。(二)能力能够询问和回答过去的经历。(三)情感了解学英语的作用和重要性。教学重点谈论过去的经历,现在完成时教学难点用英语谈论自己的学习、生活经历。四、教法选择、学法指导和资源准备本单元主要是谈论自己的经历,学生本来就很感兴趣,根据英语课标和本单元教材内容,采用任务型语言教学途径,将教学目标设计成符合学生生活学习实际的任务链,尽量使学生在参与任务的过程中学习运用语言,形成语言能力,并使用多媒体辅助教学手段为学生学习营造较好的语言学习环境,提高学生学习语言的积极性。通过任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学
6、习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、形成自主学习能力的过程。同时在教学中采用多媒体辅助教学、任务型教学模式,运用听说读写法,并以循序渐进的方式来进行教学。教法选择:任务型教学法、情景视听法,交际法,整理法等。学法指导:自主学习与合作学习相结合,听说读写相结合,知识学习与技能培养相结合。 教学媒体电脑、课件六、课时安排教学内容课时安排教法选择资源准备教学评价sectiona1a- grammarfocusperiod 1(45分钟)听说法,交际法,认知法,任务型教学法多媒体,音响及相关教学资源观察 提问激励sectiona3a-4period 2(45分钟)视听法,交际法,认
7、知法,任务型教学法多媒体,音响及相关教学资源观察 提问激励 互评sectionb1a-2c, period 3(45分钟)听说法,交际法,任务型教学法,游戏法多媒体,音响及相关教学资源提问 激励互评sectionb3a- selfcheckperiod 4(45分钟)任务型教学法交际法 归纳总结多媒体,音响及相关教学资源提问 互评小组评 竞赛reading(学习一篇阅读课文)period 5(45分钟)“三一三”模式;阅读技巧训练。小组合作交流多媒体,音响及相关教学资源通过检查学生练习、板演、汇报等途径对学生进行过程性评价。教学内容section a 1a-grammar focus课时per
8、iod 1教学对象八年级学生提供者一、教材内容分析本课时是第一节课,section a 1a呈现了几个有趣的地方,在帮助学生学习新词汇的同时,也激发他们的学习兴趣。1b是一个听力活动,初步呈现了本单元的目标语言,即现在完成时。要求学生听录音对话,判断claudia和sarah分别去过哪些地方。1c 是一个口头练习,学生将结对用目标语言对图片中的几个地方进行会话练习。2a和2b是两个听力活动,学生将听到三个对话,要求学生能将听到的地名圈出来,并根据所听内容判断一些句子的正误。2c是会话活动,要求学生根据听力活动中的对话做角色扮演,谈论去过哪些地方,引出新句型,并且对次进行训练二、教学目标(知识,
9、技能,情感态度与价值观) teaching aims1.knowledge and ability objects(1)key vocabulary: amusement; neither have a great time (2)listening practice.(3)target language: have you ever been to an amusement park? yes, i have. i went to fun times amusement park last year. have you ever been to a water park? no, i hav
10、ent. me neither. lets go to water city tomorrow.aims of abilitiesto train students listening and speaking skills.aims of emotion and evaluation1 to be interested in taking part in kinds of activities in an english class 2 to raise ss interest of learning english三、重点难点(1)key vocabulary: (2)listening
11、practice.(3)target language:(4)listening and make a conversation freelyfunctions : talk about past experiences .四、教法选择与学法指导本节课,以学生的个人亲身经历为话题,并运用远程教育资源和计算机网络资源中的图片、flash动画、声音媒体等手段进行教学,设置练习和实践所需的真实情景,营造良好的语言学习情景。实现远程教育资源与英语学科知识的整合;采用情景视听法,小组合作学习,任务型教学法,为学生设置真实的情景、语境,使学生在思考、交流、合作探究中学习和使用语言。五、资源准备 多媒体课件
12、、教室及相关教学资源。六、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图step 11.have students look at the pictures and learn the new words2.new languagehave you ever been to europe ?yes ,i have . / no , ive never been to europe .3、have ss practice 4 ask ss to show their sentenceslook at the pictures and learn the new wordslearn to talk a
13、bout past experiencespractice the new sentencesgive the sentences通过图片来学习新单词,感知新句式step2 1a1.read each of the words and pharases2. read the instructions .3. do a quick check to see where ss would like most to visit .point to these as they appear in the thought bubbles above the heads of the gitls in t
14、he picture going from left to rightput 1 to 5 to each words and phrases and then show the answers 引入并学习新的语言知识step3 1b listening1. read the instructions .2. point out the sample answer .3. play the recording .ask ss to check off their answerslisten and finish the exercise ,and then check the answer通过
15、听力进一步感知一般现在完成时step4 1c1.read the instructions for the activity .2.point to the example in the sample dialogue .ask two students to read the dialogue to the class .3.then have ss work in pairs .4.check the answers by calling on several different pairs of students to say their conversations to the cla
16、ss .students read the conversation and then make a new conversation like it .then some ss to act s让学生根据所给话题进行情景交际,合作共同完成学习任务,培养学生的分析问题解决问题的能力step5 2a 2bplay the tape for ss to listen and finish off 2a 2blisten to 2a 2b指导学生听step 6 practice 2cshow a topic to discussss make heir own conversation通过谈论自己的
17、经历来进一步巩固重点语言知识step7 summary and excercisepoint to the grammar box and have students read it ,then do a summary and do exerciseread grammar,and then do a summary with teacher do exercise总结归纳本节课语法知识并完成课堂练习进一步巩固step 8homework:make a conversation.have you ever been to a water park? where have you been i
18、n the city you live? write a short conversationget ss to finish homework after class.培养学生运用语言的能力七、板书设计 unit 9 have you ever been to an amusement park?space museum,amusement park, aquarium;roo,water parkhave you ever been to an amusement park? yes, i have. /no, i havent.ive never been to a water park
19、 neither have i me neither.教学内容section a 3a-4课时period 2教学对象八年级学生提供者一、教材内容分析主要通过阅读训练和结对活动进一步学习现在完成时的用法。首先通过阅读一篇文章: have you ever been to disneyland?学习新的语言现象3b设计了俩俩结对活动,就文章内容进行会话练习,进一步熟悉了文章内容。接着,通过4的调查活动以开放性的话题,学生运用新的语法现象谈论自身的经历,这的确充满了挑战,但这对于积累知识进行自由会话是非常有必要的。二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度与价值观)teaching
20、 aims:aims of basic kowledge:1 key vocabulary: character ,attraction, island ,theme ,take a ride,end up2 key structures: id like to go on a disney cruise. why do you want to go on that?3 reading practice aims of abilities: to train ss reading ability and integrated skills by task-based activitiesaim
21、s of emotion and evaluation:1 to enable to understand the feeling of others in communication.2 to be able to ask for help when having diffculty in learning .三、重点难点1 key vocabulary 2 target language3 reading skillsfunctions : talk about past experiences .四、教法选择与学法指导 采用任务教学法教阅读 培养学生的阅读能力五资源准备 多媒体课件、教室
22、及相关教学资源六、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图step 1 greeting and lead-inshow the exercisesss try to answer the questions and write the answer down通过问与答,复习上节课的语言点。step 2 3a1.read the instruction2.play the reacording to students3.have students read it again and finish the exerciseexplain the phrases let students read
23、 and finish the exercise and understand the key phrases通过对问题的回答,并对建议做出评价,从而更加巩固掌握所学语言点step 3 3bhave students practice using the target language.and then chesk practice using the target language.培养学生口语能力和进一步巩固语言知识新课标第一网step 4pairworkshow ss example to practice in pairsss practice in pairs对所学知识的巩固与提高s
24、tep 5practiceinterview and reportss give advice.根据已有知识,进一步巩固所学语言知识step 6summaryhomework:1.exercise in class2 get ss to sum up what they have learned 3 homeworkfinish exercise and then sum up完成练习总结所学内容完成作业七 板书设计 unit 9 have you ever been to an musemant park?1. hear ofe.g.: i have heard of the news.2.
25、 disney character3. amusement park=theme park4 attractionse.g.: there are a lot of attractions in disneyland.5. roller coaster6. all over all over china all over the world新课标第一网7 all the timee.g.: i get annoyed when he talks to me all the time.8 take a ridegive a ride to you can take a ride on the b
26、oat.he always gives a ride to me.教学内容section b 课时period 3教学对象八年级学生提供者沈维兴一、教材内容分析第三课时:主要通过听、读和写来进一步掌握现在完成时本课时首先通过头脑风暴这种形式,比较鉴别学习英语的目的及贡要性扩大了知识同时又呈现了听力活动所要用到的词汇及句子其次,通过听说活动重点回顾了如何运用新的语法现象谈论已去过的地方。再通过任务型阅读,培养学生通过跳读与细读寻找所需信息的能力以及如何回答特殊疑问句。然后通过一个写作及一个调查活动,发展学生运用所学进行书面表达的能力二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度与价值观) 1 aims of
27、 basic knowledgea key vocabulary :exchange ss,discover,requirement b key structures:c reading practiceaims of abilities:to train ss listening,reading and writing skills三、重点难点a key vocabularyb key structures:c reading practiced listening四、教法选择 本节课通过听说展开教学活动,以运用多媒体辅助教学,引导学生积极参与,运用任务型教学法,阅读法 ,注意对阅读方法和技
28、巧的指导。引导学生从浅入深理解,循序渐进运用知识。层层深入,尽可能多挖掘学生潜力,使师生,生生极好地配合,以提高学生的读写能力。五、资源准备 多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源。六、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图task 1warm up1.greeting the class2.show some problems try to anwser the questions通过复习,为新课的导入做好准备。task 2 1ashow pictures to learn language itemsss answer the question引入并学习新的语言知识task 3 play a g
29、uessing gameshow the questions and let students guesswork in pairs让学生根据所给话题进行情景交际,与同伴合作共同完成学习任务,培养学生的口语交际能力及合作能力task 4. practiceget ss to work in groups and discuss ss discuss in group and then give the anwsers让学生根据所给话题进行情景交际,合作共同完成学习任务,培养学生的分析问题解决问题的能力task 5 listening(2a 2b)play the tape for ss to
30、listen and finish off 2a 2blisten to 2a 2b指导学生听task 6 practice have students do a survey with 2bss do a survey通过做调查,培养学生口语交际能力task 7 2cpair worksdiscuss and make a report小组合作培养学生写的能力task 8 summaryhomework:1.read section b 2a (听力材料p92)(必做题)2.write a short article to introduce the english studying of
31、thomas ruzic. (必做题)get ss to finish homework after class.培养学生运用语言的能力七、板书设计 unit 9 have you ever been to an musemant park?its fun to an english-speaking country an exchange student travel the world教学内容section b3a-self check课时period 4教学对象八年级学生提供者一、教材内容分析本课时为阅读和复习课复习本单元的基本知识与基本技巧首先引导学生复习本单元的语言只是的用法让学生自
32、主完成self check活动2的练习再让学生读3a ,3a 又通过问题来引导学生读,最后做以讲解,授完新课后,让学生完成练习,通过讲评、诵读及造句,使学生熟练地承握五个单词及词组的用法;接着安排了一个调查与写作活动培养学生运用调查俏息进行书面表达的能力。 二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度与价值观) aims of basic knowledge1 key vocabulary:attendent,discover,guide,film 2 target language: have you everyes ,i have/no,i havent3 writing practiceaims
33、of abilities:1 to train ssreading and writing skills2 to train ss communictive competenceaims o emotion an evaluation: to enable to understand the others feeling in communication三、重点难点1.language points 2.read and write the target language.四、教法选择与学法指导本节课为新授加复习型,先让学生进行阅读3a 等课文后完成阅读后过渡到本单元的self check 的
34、相关内容的教学,在进行self check 教学时,尽量指导学生以小组竞赛的形式开展,多激励学生自己动手动脑,教师点评即可。五、资源准备 多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源六、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图task 1(5)warm upself check part 21. read the instructions with the students .2. ask ss to complete the task by interviewing other students .ask ss to share their results with the classdo the exe
35、rcise通过调查问题,既是复习上节课知识,又为新课的学习做准备。task 2 presetationshow some pictures 1.get ss to talk about it 通过图片,谈论图片task 3 reading show the reading materialread and answer the questions指导学生快速阅读课文,了解文章大意.task 4. careful readinghave ss read it carefully to understand the articless read carefully and answer quest
36、ions通过读的训练,培养学生的阅读能力task 5 discuss and recite:listen to the tape and try to recite the articlelisten and recite训练学生口语表达能力,并进一步理解课文task 6 exerciseshave ss finish the exerciseget ss to finish offself check 1让学生复习并掌握本单元重要语言点task 7 summaryhomework:write a shirt report with the information of self-check2
37、 finish the homework从读到写进行训练七、板书设计unit 9 have you ever been to an musemant park?expressions:1. a flight attendant 2. all i have ever wanted3. get the job 4. a tour guide5. such as 6. take lessons7. think about 8. rather than教学内容reading have you ever been to singapore ?课时period 5教学对象八年级学生提供者一、教材内容分析本
38、课时为阅读课本单元的阅读文章向我们展示了东南亚的一个漂亮岛国新加坡,通过读前顶习进行阅读和读后检侧等一系列的活动,让学生树立一种热爱美好生活热爱大自然的美好情怀。新课标第一网二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度与价值观) aims of basic knowledge:1 key vocabulary: take a holiday,wonderful, population,quarter,temperature,all year round.2 reading a passage.3 doing some writing practice.aims of ahilities:1 to tra
39、in ss reading comprehension2 to train sswriting ability.3 to train ssintegrated skillsaims of emotion and evaluation: to be interested in knowing about the culture of foreign countries.三、重点难点1 key phrases:take a holiday, on the other hand,have problems doing sth, during the daytimg, three quarters ,
40、all year round2 understand the passage correctlyteaching diffcult points: write some sentences correctly using the target language.四、教法选择与学法指导task-based teaching method,通过任务链,让学生了解阅读策略,培养学生阅读能力。五、资源准备 多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源六、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图task 1 warm upduty report-read the passage. about where have y
41、our family been?do a duty 说说个人经历激趣导入课文task 2 presentation(before)1 ask students if they have ever thought about travelling to a favorite foreign destination. elicit ideas as a class2 ask following questions such as; why would you like to go there3 ask groups to choose one of the capital cities in the box and weite four things the group knows about it .4 discuss answer as a class .discuss the question通过问题讨论,为新课做好准备,同时也训练了学生的口语表达能力task 3 learn the strategyshow the two strategiesget ss to understand the strategies 学习策略可以帮助学生更好地理解文章,为以后的学习打下基础task 4reading(while 1)show the question:
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