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1、2011学年第一学期高三英语学科期末练习卷(满分150分,考试时间120分钟) I. Listening Comprehension(30分)Section ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only o

2、nce. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Chef and customer.B. Professor and student.C. Mother and son.D. Doctor and patient.2. A. In a furniture store.B. In

3、 a hospital.C. In a nursery.D. In a classroom.3. A. 1 dollar.B. 3 dollars.C. 9 dollars.D. 10 dollars.4. A. He is always considerate and helpful.B. He admires superman.C. He is unable to carry another box.D. He is glad to do the woman a favour.5. A. 2 days.B. 3 days.C. 4 days.D. 7 days.6. A. He once

4、heard Charlotte speak English.B. He used to meet Charlotte at an English meeting.C. He used to do sports activities with Charlotte.D. He doesnt know Charlotte well.7. A. The service there is poor.B. He has to catch a flight. C. He is not allowed there.D. He has to do exercise.8. A. Because the websi

5、te staff are not working.B. Because the Internet is not working well.C. Because something is wrong with the computer screen.D. Because the school doesnt have a website.9. A. By bicycle.B. On foot. C. By plane.D. By car.10. A. He is a dog-walker.B. He loves his wife very much. C. His dog is very impo

6、rtant to him.D. His wife doesnt like dogs.Section B Directions: In section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible

7、 answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A 16 pounds.B. 30 pounds.C. 40 pounds.D. 50 pounds.12. A. They may be attacked by fierce animals.B. They may lose weight.C. They may lose

8、 fight with strong dogs.D. They may become skinny like old men.13. A. They will give him a new cage.B. They will show his pictures to different newspapers.C. They will feed him with vegetables and fruits.D. They will give him a birthday cake.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage

9、.14. A. Because food is the best seller in supermarkets.B. Because its an order from the government.C. Because it makes customers hungry and buy more.D. Because its a food store.15. A. To enable customers to compare prices of the goods.B. To help customers to make friends with each other.C. To make

10、shopping interesting to customers.D. To help to sell these products.16. A. They provide the list of products which sell best.B. They charge less for some products.C. They offer free shipping service.D. They work closely with shops like Amazon.Section CDirections: In section C, you will hear two long

11、er conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you hear. Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation:Complete the report form. WRITE ONE WORD for each answer.Housing Insur

12、ance Report FormCompany: 17 Insurance, Inc.Type:Broken windowAccident Date:January 18 Accident Room: 19 Possible accident reason: 20 Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation:Complete the form. WRITE NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Where did John go yesterday? 21 .What co

13、uld be seen during the drive tour? 22 .What did the 3D films impress John for? 23 .How much is an adult ticket? 24 .II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the senten

14、ce.25. Mrs. Jolie has taken the responsibility of caring for the kids and running the house because for two-thirds of a year her husband is _ business trips.A. inB. atC. withD. on26. The US president Barrack Obama hopes that, for the eventual benefit of the states, _ citizen with a little common sen

15、se will agree to his new tax bill.A. anyB. oneC. eachD. either27. What every student really needs is fair treatment and attention from the teacher, _?A. doesnt heB. does heC. isnt itD. is it28. According to the NBA regulation, the new season wont start _ an agreement is reached between players Union

16、 and team bosses.A. beforeB. untilC. whileD. when29. The song “Happy Birthday” is _ simple in rhythm that children as young as three can sing it without difficulty.A. suchB. soC. asD. rather30.The closeness of Standford to San Francisco, a city two miles to the north, _ the university a decidedly wo

17、rldly attraction.A. was givingB. givesC. gaveD. had given31. Up till now, the passengers who had close contact with the three sick people _ in hospital under medical observation. A. put B. have put C. had been put D. have been put32. The queen bee appears _ well in the comb built by the diligent wor

18、ker bees.A. to nurseB. to be nursedC. to have nursedD. being nursed33. The US Food and Drug Administration, _ the safety of food and drugs, has defended American people in hundreds of food and drug crises.A. to monitorB. monitoredC. monitoringD. having monitored34. Sam promised to hand in the term p

19、aper before this June, _, personally I doubted much.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. what35. _ feeling the global Apple fans had when word came that the legendary(传奇的) former CEO Steve Jobs passed away!A. How sorrowfulB. How a sorrowfulC. What sorrowfulD. What a sorrowful36. In order to drag Greece out of t

20、he current economic hardships, the newly-elected premier(总理) is ready to overcome _ might face the country.A. whicheverB. whoeverC. howeverD. whatever37. Only after he consulted his parents _ to choose teaching as his lifelong career.A. decided heB. he decidedC. did he decideD. was he decided38. EQ,

21、 _ as an important indicator for future success, is justly valued by educators and parents.A. having viewedB. viewingC. viewsD. viewed39. Any country which _ not or will not pay due attention to the environmental protection is not entitled to the world club membership.A. mustB. shouldC. canD. might4

22、0. Doctors warn people that _ anger through unnatural methods is much more harmful to a persons health than the anger itself.A. controlledB. to be controlledC. controllingD. having controlledSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can be used only

23、 once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. cross B. gesture C. finally D. successful E. necessarily F. nervous G. victim H. blank I. supply J. strikeYoure making a PowerPoint presentation to a group of professors, for which you have stayed overnight. Even though your knees knock togeth

24、er, you try really hard to pretend to be confident on the site. All of a sudden, however, your mind goes 41 , for one of the professors shoots a glance at you, and he whispers something to another professor beside him. All kinds of questions 42 your mind at the same time. Did I say something wrong?

25、Am I making a bad impression? Such uncomfortable feelings totally 43 you.If you once found yourself trapped in this nightmare situation, you fit the typical model of a shy person. Shy people, as many experts define in their studies, usually fall 44 to what is simply a careless glance or a meaningles

26、s 45 . Whats more, because of their low self judgement rooted deeply in their mind, they often cannot take friendly comments like “If you are not so 46 , youll make a better performance.” But being shy doesnt 47 mean being lacking in ability or competence. Rather, many shy people are capable profess

27、ionals. And what distinguishes between a 48 communicator and a shy sharer is just that the latter needs to build up his self confidence.Despite the terrible situations shy people are usually involved in, theres definitely hope for them. According to experts, 40 percent of the shy population can 49 o

28、vercome shyness if given enough encouragement and support.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Remains of ancient civilization

29、 are places which were designed and built as a lasting tribute(致敬) to some individuals or events. By visiting these 50 monuments, you are sure to be amazed by how 51 the ancient civilization that existed centuries before you was. Some of the facilities which could be dated back hundreds of years ago

30、 are still in use today. Besides, you will also 52 at the mysterious stories behind it. The Great Wall, 53 , is probably the best-known monument of China, which consists of a network of walls and towers through which the attack warnings could be received within minutes. 54 then had enough time to pr

31、epare. Estimates of the total length of the monument 55 , depending on which sections are included and how they are measured. One of the 56 mysteries is that, although some of the wall is 57 in special radar images taken by satellites, astronauts have confirmed that the existing wall is not several

32、thousand years old, nor is it, as many people had 58 , visible to the human eye from outer space. Even older than the Great Wall of China is the Great Pyramid(金字塔) of Giza. Over a 20-year period, thousands of workers made the vision become 59 with numerous blocks, each weighing more than two tons. I

33、ts still a(n) 60 to modern people how ancient men handled 61 of these giant stones in a time when cars or boats never existed some 4500 years ago. The pyramid served not only as a tomb for King Khufu, but also a place of 62 activity. The number of the Gods servants at that time showed the importance

34、 of such activities. After Khufu died, his body was carefully treated with various medicines and materials and was wrapped in order to be 63 for long. According to ancient Egyptian belief, the pyramid, where the mummy was placed, provided a place for the king to pass into the afterlife. Then his ser

35、vants performed rituals(仪式) to bring 64 to the dead kings soul, removing all the unrest and pain from his next life.50. A. modernB. historicC. officialD. commercial51. A. advancedB. technicalC. overlookedD. energetic52. A. stareB. wonderC. aimD. call53. A. in additionB. in other wordsC. however D. f

36、or example54.A. MechanicsB. WorkersC. AstronautsD. Soldiers55. A. extendB. remainC. varyD. progress56. A. long-standingB. widely-usedC. carefully-chosenD. clearly-stated57. A. recognizableB. reasonableC. reliableD. responsible58. A. provedB. claimedC. threatenedD. requested59. A. realityB. tradition

37、C. mansionD. civilization60. A. burdenB. secretC. solutionD. fortune61. A. financeB. storageC. transportationD. production62. A. sportsB. religiousC. fightingD. family63. A. preservedB. recoveredC. buriedD. restored64. A. leadershipB. peaceC. honourD. inspirationSection BDirections: Read the followi

38、ng three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)The glass window shook and Matthew placed a h

39、and roughly through the opening to lift the latch(插销) slowly. He then climbed into the room, landing on his feet with a soft step. A sudden rush of cold air swept into the room after him. Matthew trembled and he quickly tightened his clothes. Glancing down, he saw the deep cut on the back of his han

40、d. Sighing over his rotten luck, he tore off a piece of cloth from his coat sleeve and bandaged it. With his heart beating fast, he inched his way forward, hardly able to see anything in front of him.“Mmmm,” came the muffled sound. Was it just his imagination? Ignoring the thought, he began to move

41、slowly forward again. Then, without any warning, the next thing he knew was that he had kicked something soft. Matthew took out his torch. Switching it on, he found a pair of round eyes staring at him. They belonged to a little girl! Cloth in mouth, she had been bound so tightly that movement was st

42、rictly out of the question. As he was about to turn away, her tear-streaked face stopped him. Feeling sorry for the girl, Matthew used his pocket knife to cut her loose.The girl started to cry as she believed Matthew to be the rescuer who was there to end her ordeal(折磨). She leaned on Matthew tightl

43、y. This confused him further. What was he to do? After a few seconds, Matthew spoke in a gentle voice.“What happened, little girl?”From her mumbled reply, Matthew could only make out that the girl had been there for two days without food and water. It seemed that her captors had totally neglected he

44、r. Almost immediately, Matthew carried the little girl back to the window from which he had entered. As he climbed out with the girl, Matthew smiled and whispered under his breath, “I cant believe what Ive just done. Neither will the police.”65. Why was Matthew trembling?A. He had survived a cut.B.

45、His head ached.C. He found that a policeman followed him.D. He had just entered the room from the cold.66. In the third paragraph, why did the girl start to cry?A. She hadnt eaten anything for long.B. She was hurt by Matthew.C. She was in pain.D. She was relieved.67. According to the passage, which

46、of the following statements is TRUE?A. One foot of Matthews was wounded when he entered the room.B. Matthew found the little girl as she kicked him to catch his attention.C. Matthew set the girl free with a pocket knife.D. Matthew left the girl in the room at last.68. From the passage, its known tha

47、t Matthew was a kind thief because _.A. he gave her food and water immediately.B. he treated the girl gently and helped her escape.C. he climbed in on the purpose of saving the girl.D. he decided to take revenge for the girl.(B) You may read the questions first:Amazon is presenting to you our bargai

48、ns for the year!Steve JobsIn Steve Jobs, based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two yearsas well as interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, competitors, and colleaguesWalter Isaacson has pictured an appealing up-and-down life and strong personality of a cre

49、ative man whose passion for perfection revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing. Living HistoryHillary Rodham Clinton is known to hundreds of millions of people around the world. Yet few beyond her close friends and f

50、amily have ever heard her account of her extraordinary journey. She writes with humor and passion about her upbringing in suburban and her transformation from Goldwater Girl to controversial First Lady. Thinking, Fast and SlowIn the highly anticipated Thinking, Fast and Slow, Kahneman takes us on a

51、groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, and emotional; System 2 is slower, and more logical. In the book, Kahneman also shows the extraordinary abilitiesand the faults and errorsof thinking, and reveals the influence of personal imp

52、ressions on our thoughts and behavior.Diary of a Wimpy KidGreg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged, and Greg is the main suspect. But the crazy thing is, he has done nothing wrong. The authorities are closing in, but when a surprise storm hits, the Heffley family is trapped i

53、ndoors. Greg knows that when the snow melts hes going to have to face the music, but could any punishment be worse than being stuck inside with your family for the holiday?69. About the book Steve Jobs, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A. The main contents of the book are mainly based o

54、n various interviews.B. The book is written by Steve Jobs.C. Steve Jobs has experienced both successful and difficult periods in his lifetime.D. Steve Jobs has totally changed six different industries.70. What is the book Thinking, Fast and Slow mainly about?A.Two thinking types and thinking-related

55、 facts.B. Difference between two thinking systems.C. How to think fast and logically at the same time.D. The great power of personal impression on thinking system.71. From the introduction of the Book Diary of a Wimpy Kid, it is implied that _.A. Greg was caught damaging the school propertyB. Greg k

56、new who really damaged the school propertyC. it was hot during the holidayD. Greg had a poor relationship with his family(C)With the death of congestion pricing (高峰期行车收费) which was aimed to charge drivers for driving private cars downtown to ease traffic, New York City is left with drivers still stu

57、ck in traffic and riders packed like sardines. How else can we ease traffic jams and provide decent and affordable bus and subway service? Gov. David Paterson took the first step yesterday by thinking of identifying new ways to improve mass transportation. With the income from congestion pricing gone, the city meets with heavy burden from its proposed $29.5 billion


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