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1、精品文档CHAPTER 1肝阳 liver yang肝气 liver qi肝开窍于眼 liver open at the eyes肺开窍于鼻 lung open at the nose心开窍于舌 heart open at the tongue上亢 ascendant hyperactivity肝阳上亢 ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang阳盛 yang exuberance阴盛 yin exuberance阳衰 yang debilitation阴衰 yin debilitation传统医学 traditional medicine中医 traditio

2、nal Chinese medicine中西医结合 integration of Traditional Chinese and Western medicine阴阳学说 yin-yang theory五行学说 five-phase theory中医基础理论 basic theory of TCM中医诊断学 traditional Chinese diagnostics方剂学 formula study经方 classified formula合方 combined formula改方 modified formula经络学说 meridian and collateral (study)经脉

3、 meridian vessel穴位 acupuncture points头皮针 scalp acupuncture耳针 auricular acupuncture 中药学 traditional Chinese pharmacy中医养生 traditional Chinese life nurturing中医康复 traditional Chinese rehabilitation中医护理 traditional Chinese nursing整体观念 holism五脏 five viscera六腑 six bowelsCHAPTER 2精气学说 essential qi theory肾精

4、kidney essence清气 clear qi 清阳 clear yang清热 clear heat阳虚 yang deficiency虚火 deficiency fire血逆 blood counterflow气逆 qi counterflow过虑伤肺 excessive anxiety damage the lung气闭 qi block热闭 heat block阳脱证 yang collapse pattern津脱 fluid collapse补阳 tonify yang补气 tonify qi补血 tonify blood苍天之气 heaven qi气机 qi dynamic陈腐之

5、气 stale qi 气陷 qi fall正气 healthy qi气滞 qi stagnation阳证 yang pattern胃热证 stomach heat pattern证型 pattern type阴中之阴 yin within yin阳中之阴 yin within yang阴阳互根 mutual rooting of yin and yang治本 treat the root阴阳消长 waxing and wanting of yin and yang月有阴晴圆缺 the waxing and wanting of the moon阴阳调和 harmony of yin and y

6、ang气血不调 disharmony of qi and blood调和气血 harmonize the qi and the blood和胃 harmonize stomach和法 harmonizing method阳盛阴虚 yin deficiency with yang hyperactivity表实 exterior excess实寒 excess cold虚实夹杂 deficiency-excess complex表证 exterior pattern表虚 exterior deficiency里虚 interior deficiency里实 interior excess表里关系

7、 exterior-interior relation阴阳转化 yin-yang conversion由实转虚 conversion of excess into deficiency阴阳格拒 yin and yang repulsion冷热格拒 cold and heat repulsion阳邪 yang pathogen阴邪 yin pathogen五行 five phases木行 wood phase土生金 earth engenders metal 木生火 wood engenders fire土克水 earth restrains water木克土 wood restrains ea

8、rth木乘土 wood overwhelms earth水乘火 water overwhelms fire水侮土 water rebels earth木侮金 wood rebels metal金侮火 metal rebels fire母子相及 mother and child inter-affecting Mother and child affecting each otherCHAPTER 3先天之气 innate qi先天之精 innate essence后天之气 acquired qi后天之精 acquired essence肝肾同源 homogeny of liver and ki

9、dney精血同源 homogeny of essence and blood命门之火 life gate fire气门 qi gate虚火 deficiency fire君火 sovereign fire / heart fire相火 ministerial fire正气 healthy qi宗气 ancestral qi元气 source qi原穴 source point卫分 defence aspect卫气 defence qi运化 transportation and transformation气化 qi transformation气机失调 qi dynamic disorder气

10、机瘀滞 qi dynamic stagnation寒凝气滞 qi stagnation due to cold congealing寒滞肝脉 cold stagnating in the liver vessel肝气上逆 liver qi ascending counterflow胃气上逆 stomach qi ascending counterflow肝气横逆 transverse invasion of liver qi真气 genuine qi营气 nutrient qi下气海 lower sea of qi气化作用 transformation function血虚 blood def

11、iciency心血 heart blood血瘀 blood stasis气郁 qi stagnation活血化瘀 activate blood and resolve stasis营卫 nutrient and defense营分 nutrient aspect水谷精华 the essence of water and food水谷代谢 water-food metabolism津液 fluid and humor津血同源 homogeny of fluid and blood液脱证humor collapse pattern气液代谢 qi-humor metabolism中气下陷 sunke

12、n middle qi升举中气 upraise middle qi心神 heart spirit神昏 spirit failing to keep to its abode三焦triple energizers脾气散精 the spleen qi disperses essence肺主通调水道 the lungs regulate the waterways肾主水 the kidneys dominate water肝主疏泄 the liver dominates free coursing三焦主诸气 the triple energizers dominate all qi肾主二便 the

13、kidneys dominate urination and defecation肺主宣发,主排汗和呼吸 the lung govern sweat discharge and respiration魂 ethereal soul精神 essence-spirit意 ideation魄 corporeal soul志 will气血失调 disharmony of qi and blood阴阳失调 disharmony of yin and yang气血两虚 dual deficiency of qi and blood气阴两虚 dual deficiency of qi and yin气病及血

14、 qi disease affecting the blood阳损及阴 detriment to yang affecting yin气不摄血 qi deficiency failing to control blood脾不统血 spleen failing to control blood气不化津 qi failing to transform fluidCHAPTER 4五脏 five viscera中脏 viscera stroke藏象 viscera manifestation脉象 pulse manifestation脏腑 viscera and bowel六腑 six bowels

15、奇点 extra point奇恒之腑 extraordinary organs上焦 upper energizers中焦 middle energizers三焦 tripple energizers心包经 pericardium channel热入心包 heat enters pericardium胆经 gallbladder channel胆实热 gallbladder excess heat小肠虚寒 deficient cold of small intestine心热传入小肠 transmission of heart heat to the small intestine大肠虚寒 de

16、ficient cold of large intestine热迫大肠 heat distressing the large intestine膀胱气化 bladder qi transformation膀胱湿热 dampness heat of the bladder冷凝胞宫证 pattern of cold congealing in the uterus热入血室 heat entering the blood chamberBlood chamber is another name of uterus肝气犯胃 liver qi invading the stomach风热袭肺 wind-

17、heat invading the lung火旺 effulgent fire阴虚火旺 yin deficiency with effulgent fire肺气失于宣发 lung qi failing to diffuse肾精不足 kidney essence insufficiency虚火上炎 deficient fire flaming upward心火上炎 heart fire flaming upward髓海 sea of marrow血海 sea of blood心胃火燔 heart-stomach fire ablaze肝气郁滞 liver qi depression化火 tran

18、sform into fire藏血 store blood主疏泄 govern free coursing少阳之气 lesser yang qi心藏神 heart houses spirit脾藏意 spleen houses ideation热伤神明 heat damaging bright spirit直中 direct strike风中经络 wind striking meridian and collateral风中血脉 wind striking blood vessels清热 clear heat燥干清窍 dryness affecting the clear orifices升清

19、upbearing the clear泌别清浊 separation of the clear and turbid湿浊 dampness turbidity降浊 downbear turbid降火 downbear fire骨蒸潮热 bone-steaming tidal fever肾主骨 kidney govern the bone淤阻脑络证 pattern of (blood) stasis obstructing the brain collateral髓海 sea of marrow髓通于脑 marrow connects to the brain经脉 collateral vess

20、el血脉 blood vessel二七天癸至 heavenly tenth arrives at the age of 2 times 7七七天癸竭 heavenly tenth fades away at the age of 7 times 7月经 menstruation母乳喂养 breastfeedingCHAPTER 5外因 external cause内因 internal cause不内外因 cause neither internal nor external外邪 external pathogen阴邪 yin pathogen外感 external contraction新感

21、 new contraction外感风寒 external contraction of wind-cold外感六淫 six-excess external contraction六淫入血分 six excesses entering the blood aspect暑湿 summerheat dampness中暑 summerheat stroke湿浊 dampness turbidity下焦湿热 lower energizer dampness-heat凉燥 cool-dryness津枯血燥 desiccation of liquid and blood dryness温邪 warm pa

22、thogen温下法 warm purgation温毒 pestilential pathogen瘟疫论 treatise on pestilence婴儿惊厥(惊风) infantile convulsion刚痉 febrile convulsion with chills暑邪 summerheat肝风内动 internal stirring of liver wind目上斜视 upward squint of the eyes疮疡 sores and ulcers内伤 internal damage伤阳 damage to yang伤津 damage to fluid七情 seven emot

23、ions情志不遂 emotional upset喜极伤心 excessive joy damaging the heart怒极伤肝 excessive anger damaging the liver忧极伤肺 excessive anxiety damaging the lung思极伤脾 excessive thought damaging the spleen悲极伤肺 excessive sorrow damaging the lung恐极伤肾 excessive fear damaging the kidney惊极伤心 excessive fright damaging the heart

24、劳倦 overexertion and fatigue寒厥 cold syncope脏厥 visceral syncope(内脏阳气衰微所致的肢厥,a syncope due to yang debilitation of internal organs)怒则气上 anger causes qi to ascend喜则气缓 joy causes qi to slacken悲则气消 sorrow causes qi to disperse恐则气下 fear causes qi to descend惊则气乱 fright causes derangement of qi 思则气结 thought

25、causes qi to bind忧则气郁 anxiety causes qi to be depressed目赤 bloodshot eyes五味偏嗜 flavor predilection饮食偏嗜 dietary predilection创伤学 traumatology外伤 traumatic injury房劳 sexual overindulgence劳复 taxation relapse女劳 sexual taxation风痰 wind-phlegm寒痰 cold-phlegm痰饮 phlegm-retained fluid痰湿 phlegm-dampness水湿 water-damp

26、ness淤血犯头 static blood invading head痿病 wilting disease骨痿 bone wilting筋痿 sinew wilting绞痛 colic pain寒疝 cold abdominal colic淤痰 blood stasis-phlegm浓痰 purulent phlegmCHAPTER 6四诊 four diagnostic examinations精神状态 mental state面部表情 facial expression面色 complexion望小儿指纹 vein of the infants fingers舌象 tongue manif

27、estation藏象 visceral manifestation人体 human body舌体 tongue body舌形 form of the tongue制剂形式 preparation form舌态 motility of the tongue口眼歪斜 deviated of the tongue歪舌 deviated tongue落枕 stiff neck强硬舌 stiff tongue震颤法 trembling method颤动舌 trembling tongue舌根 root of the tongue舌尖 tip of the tongue舌边 margins of the

28、tongue淡红舌 pale red tongue淡白舌 pale tongue红舌 red tongue绛舌 crimson tongue青舌 blue tongue紫舌 purple tongue青紫舌 bluish purple tongue嫩舌 tender-soft tongue胖大舌 enlarged tongue肿胀舌 swollen tongue瘦薄舌 thin tongue点刺舌 spotted tongue芒刺舌 pricky tongue齿痕舌 teeth-marked tongue裂纹舌 fissured tongue痿软舌 limp wilting tongue麻痹舌

29、 paralyzed tongue吐弄舌 protruded agitated tongue短缩舌 contracted tongue地图舌 geographical tongue舌苔 tongue fur腻苔 slimy fur滑苔 slippery fur 苔色 fur color舌色 tongue color中剥苔 centre peeling fur根剥苔 root peeling fur苔质 texture of fur润苔 moist fur燥苔 dry fur燥裂苔 dry and cracked fur前剥苔 anterior peeling fur镜面舌 mirror ton

30、gue类剥苔 exfoliated fur淡红色薄白苔 red tongue with thin white fur红舌薄黄干苔 red tongue with thin, yellow and dry fur命关 life bar舌诊 tongue diagnosis望舌 inspection of the tongueCHAPTER 7口气 mouth odor汗味 sweat odor倒经 inverted menstruation白带 white vaginal discharge黄带 yellow vaginal discharge恶露不下 retention of the loch

31、ia恶露不绝 persistent flow of lochia口臭 fetid mouth odor halitosis把脉 take pulse病脉 morbid pulse三部九侯 three positions and nine indicators布指寸口脉 wrist pulse寸口诊法 wrist pulse-taking method人迎脉 carotid pulse趺阳脉 anterior tibial pulse寸,关,尺 cun/inch, guan/bar and chi/cubit诊尺肤 cubit skin examination指法 finger techniqu

32、e叩击法 tapping technique举,按,寻 lifting, pressing and searching推寻 pulse searching平脉 tranquil pulse燥脉 agitated pulse按诊 body palpation按腧穴 acupuncture point palpation病色 morbid complexion病脉 morbid pulse浮脉 floating pulse孤阳上越 deficiency yang floating upward沉脉 sunken pulse脾气下陷 sunken spleen qi 中气下陷 sunken midd

33、le qi单按 pressing with one finger总按 simultaneous palpation浮脉 floating pulse沉脉 sunken pulse迟脉 slow pulse数脉 rapid pulse虚脉 vacuous pulse实脉 replete pulse洪脉 surging pulse细脉 fine pulse滑脉 slippery pulse涩脉 rough pulse弦脉 string-like pulse结脉 bound pulse相兼脉 combined pulse芤脉 hollow pulse散脉 dissipated pulse革脉 dru

34、mskin pulse伏脉 hidden pulse牢脉 firm pulse阳明腑证 yang brightness bowel pattern缓脉 moderate pulse缓脉(不正常) relaxed pulse疾脉 racing pulse大脉 large pulse长脉 long pulse濡脉 soggy pulse弱脉 weak pulse短脉 short pulse微脉 faint pulse动脉 stirred pulse紧脉 tight pulse代脉 intermittent pulse促脉 skipping pulse驱寒 dissipate cold 散瘀 dis

35、sipate stasis风动 stirring wing阴虚动风 yin deficiency with stirring windCHAPTER 8问寒热 inquiry about cold and heat问汗 inquiry about sweating问痛 inquiry about pain恶寒 aversion to cold恶热 aversion to heat发热恶寒 aversion to cold with fever畏 is usually translated as fear, as in fear of cold 畏寒但热不寒 fever without chil

36、ls但寒不热 chills without fever潮热 tidal fever午间潮热 afternoon tidal fever日晡潮热 late afternoon tidal fever骨蒸潮热 bone-steaming tidal fever湿温潮热 dampness-warm tidal fever阴虚潮热 yin deficiency tidal fever微热 mild fever微恶寒 mild aversion to cold微寒 mild chill微渴 mild thirst身热不扬 unsurfaced fever五心烦热 vexing heat in the c

37、hest, palms and soles / five center heat手足烦热 vexing heat in the extremities手足厥冷 reversal cold of the extremities厥阴 reverting yin寒热往来 alternating chills and fever盗汗 night sweating虚热 deficiency heat少阳病 lesser yang disease疟疾 malaria头重脚轻 heavy head and light feet身重 heavy body重痛 heavy pain目眩 dizzy vision

38、视力模糊 blurred vision复视 doubled vision灼痛 scorching pain绞痛 gripping pain掣痛 pulling pain隐痛 dull pain窜痛 scurrying pain闷痛 oppressive pain酸痛 aching pain游走性疼痛 wandering pain阵发性痛 paroxysmal pain阵发性咳嗽 paroxysmal cough持续性痛 persistent pain汗不止 persistent sweating项背拘急 contracture of the nape and neck四肢拘急 contract

39、ure of the limbs肌肉痉挛 muscle spasm淋病 strangury disease血淋 blood strangury热淋 heat strangury胀痛 distending pain刺痛 stabbing pain冷痛 cold pain空痛 empty pain固定痛 fixed pain胁痛 hypochondriac四肢痛 limb pain周身痛 generalized pain完谷不化 undigested food in the stool消化不良腹泻 undigested food diarrhea五更泻 fifth-watch diarrhea五更

40、咳fifth-watch cough溏泄 sloppy diarrhea便溏 sloppy stool大便硬结 hard bound stool结脉 bound pulse余尿不尽 incomplete urination小便涩痛 difficult painful urination大便失禁 fecal incontinence小便失禁 urinary incontinence尿浊 turbid urine分泌清浊 separation of the clear and turbid语声重浊 deep turbid voice小便淋沥 dribbling urination 癃闭 dribb

41、ling urinary block遗精 seminal emission 梦遗 dream emission白带 white vaginal discharge黄带 yellow vaginal discharge下消 lower wasting-thirst里急后重 tenesmus尿频 frequent urination膀胱失约 bladder retention failure遗尿 enuresis阳痿 impotence勃起 erection滑精 spermatorrhea早泄 pre-mature ejaculation月经先期 advanced menstruation月经 p

42、eriod月经后期 delayed menstruation月经先后无定期 menstruation at irregular intervals经期延长 prolonged menstruation月经过多 profuse menstruation月经过少 scanty menstruation崩漏 flooding and spotting闭经 amenorrhea初潮 menarche痛经 dysmenorrhea赤白带下 white and yellow vaginal discharge胸闷 oppression in the chestCHAPTER 9半表半里证 pattern

43、of half-exterior half-interior表里辩证 exterior-interior pattern identification表虚证 exterior deficiency pattern表寒证 exterior cold pattern风湿袭表证 pattern of wind-dampness assailing the exterior风寒袭喉证 pattern of wind-cold assailing the throat风寒袭肺证 pattern of wind-cold assailing the lung风寒束表 wind-cold fettering

44、 the exterior风寒束肺证 pattern of wind-cold fettering the lung卫表不固证 defense-exterior insecurity pattern表里俱寒证 pattern of dual exterior and interior cold肝胆俱实证 pattern of dual excess of liver and gallbladder气阴两虚证 pattern of dual deficiency of qi and yin八纲辨证 eight-principle pattern identification表寒里热证 patte

45、rn of exterior cold and interior heat寒热错杂证 cold-heat complex pattern虚实夹杂证 deficiency-excess complex pattern上寒下热证 upper cold and lower heat pattern上热下寒证 upper heat and lower cold pattern上焦 upper energizer上消 upper waste-thirst热及生风证 pattern of extreme heat engendering wind阴极似阳 extreme yin resembling ya

46、ng阳极似阴 extreme yang resembling yin上盛下虚证 upper exuberance and lower deficiency pattern下焦 lower energizer真虚假实证 true deficiency with false excess pattern真实假虚证 true excess with false deficiency pattern真寒假热证 true cold with false heat pattern辩症 syndrome differentiation阳虚痰凝 yang deficiency with congealing

47、phlegm寒凝气滞证 pattern of congealing cold with qi stagnation寒凝胞宫证 pattern of cold congealing in the uterus伤阳证 yang damage pattern伤阴证 yin damage pattern阴阳两虚证 pattern of dual deficiency of yin and yang心脾两虚证 pattern of dual deficiency of heart and spleen阴虚内热证 pattern of yin deficiency of yin with internal

48、 heat阴虚火旺证 pattern of yin deficiency with effulgent fire阴盛阳衰证 pattern of yin exuberance with yang debilitation阳虚寒凝证 pattern of yang deficiency with congealing cold阴盛格阳证 pattern of exuberant yin repelling yang阳盛格阴证 pattern of exuberant yang repelling yin清阳不升证 pattern of clear yang failing to ascend肾不

49、纳气证 pattern of kidney failing to receive qi 脾不统血证 pattern of spleen failing to manage blood八纲 eight principles治疗原则 therapeutic principle八纲治法 eight principle therapeutic methods合证 combined pattern合方 combined formulaCHAPTER 10气陷证 qi sinking pattern寒湿证 cold-dampness pattern气机失调证 qi dynamic disorder pat

50、tern气机郁滞证 stagnant qi dynamic pattern湿热下注证 pattern of dampness-heat pouring down寒凝气滞证 pattern of congealing cold with qi stagnation寒凝血瘀证 pattern of congealing cold with blood stasis寒湿内阻证 pattern of internal obstruction of cold-dampness气虚湿阻证 pattern of qi deficiency with dampness obstruction气机不利证 inh

51、ibited qi dynamic pattern 气虚水停证 pattern of qi deficiency with water retention气虚不摄证 pattern of qi deficiency with failure to constrain气虚外感证 pattern of qi deficiency with external contraction蓄血证 blood amassment pattern气血失调证 qi-blood disharmony pattern气不摄血证 pattern of qi failing to control the blood血虚挟

52、淤证 pattern of blood deficiency complicated by stasis血虚寒凝证 pattern of blood deficiency and congealing cold血虚风燥证 pattern of blood deficiency and wind-dryness津气亏虚证 fluid-qi deficiency pattern气滞水停证 pattern of qi stagnation with water retention饮停胸胁证 pattern of fluid retention in the chest and hypochondri

53、um风水相搏证 pattern of mutual contention of wind and water 水停证 water retention pattern疫毒下注证 pattern of pestilential toxin pouring downward火毒内陷证 pattern of inward invasion of fire toxin表邪内陷证 pattern of inward invasion of external evil表寒证 exterior cold pattern表热证 exterior heat pattern表虚 exterior deficienc

54、y里实证 interior excess pattern里寒 interior cold里热 interior heat外湿 external dampness外风 external wind外燥 external dryness内风 internal wind内燥 internal dryness内湿 internal dampness燥干清窍证 pattern of dryness affecting the clear orifices气郁证qi depression pattern 气郁化火证 pattern of depressed qi transforming into fire

55、中气下陷证 sunken middle qi脾气下陷 sunken spleen qi直肠下陷 prolapse of the rectum子宫下陷 prolapse of uterus表气不固 insecurity of exterior qi肾气不固 insecurity of kidney qi蓄血 blood amassment太阳蓄血证 greater yang blood amassment pattern 热入血室 heat entering blood chamber 寒入血室证 pattern of cold entering blood chamber气虚血瘀证 pattern of qi deficiency with blood stasis心血淤阻证 heart blood stasis pattern寒凝血瘀证 pattern of congealing cold with blood stasis气病及血 qi disease affecting the blood阳损及阴 detriment to yang affecting yin生津 engender fluid胃津 stomach fluid津血同源 homogeny of fluid and blood


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