2024年IBM认证笔试历年真题荟萃含答案(图片大小可自由调整)答案解析附后卷I一.参考题库(共25题)1.Where is the run date for an ’at’ job located?()A、Within the job environment set upB、Within the user data of the at jobC、In the file name preceeded with a useridD、In a special file used by the cron daemon2.Whichofthefollowingwillrenamedir1asdir2?()A、mvdir1dir2B、rendir1dir2C、cp-Rdir1dir2D、mv-Rdir1dir23.选择IBM Power 小型机的“五大理由”是:()A、以下都是B、优势明显的可靠性、可用性、可服务性(RAS)C、更好的整体拥有成本D、灵活的系统扩展性E、择良木而栖:迁移到Power平台F、 强大的高级虚化功能4.A client is experiencing bottlenecks in their IT environment.Which of the following responses address this issue?()A、Meet with Operations Manager B、Perform Scorpion study C、Meet with CFO D、Perform CDAT study5.C has a two-node HACMP cluster with a single cascading resource group. Node ’A’ is the normal production node, and Node ’B’ is the standby node. One of the first steps in the HACMP test plan is to start the cluster and to verify that al elements for the resource group have been acquired. The administrator who is conducting the HACMP test starts the HACMP daemons on Node ’B’ with the ’smitty clstart" command. The administrator notices that Node ’B’ acquires the elements of the resource group, including a service IP labels,a shared volume group, and an application server that has been started. The expectation was that Node ’B’ would enter the cluster in a standby status, rather than acquiring production resources. What should the administrator do to correct this problem?() A、 Change the cluster to a rotating design.B、 Change the Cascading without Fallback flag to true.C、 Change the Inactive Takeover field to false in the cluster configuration.D、 Nothing should be done. This is the default behavior for cascading resource groups,andnode ’A’ should have been started first.6.Which of the following resources help ensure hardware and software compatibility with IBM System x and BladeCenter servers?()A、IBM Configuration and Option GuideB、IBM System SalesC、IBM ServerProvenD、IBM Techline Web site7.You have successfully sold and installed your customer’s System x solution. Sometimes, the overall succeed of a sale depends on how well you have trained your customer to support their new hardware. Please consider the following tools. Which one would be the best for protectively determining a server outage, and contacting the system administrator about the outage?()A、CDATB、Configuration and Options Guide (COG)C、Physical Alarm Sounding in Data CenterD、IBM Systems Director8.A database administrator would like to examine repartitioning options for a partitioned database named PRODDB. A workload has been captured on the system (Windows) and is stored in a file named WORKLOAD.SQL. What is the proper command to run the Design Advisor so that it will evaluate the information stored in the file and give advice on re-partitioning?()A、db2advis -d proddb -i workload.sql -P B、db2advis -d proddb -i workload.sql -partitioning C、db2advis -d proddb -i workload.sql -m P D、db2advis -d proddb -i workload.sql -m ALL 9.Which of the following options is not available from the Store menu in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator?()A、Open/CloseB、Change ProfileC、Change FlowD、Change NameE、Change Tax10.The customer is planning a new IBM System Storage DS5020 using iSCSI and direct attachedfibre channel connectivity in a redundant configuration. The customer is planning to set up adisaster recovery solution in the near future by using Enhanced Remote Mirroring. Which of thefollowing considerations are critical for this customer?()A、customer must reconfigure aniSCSI port for mirroringB、customer must set up a fabric and dedicate port 4 for disaster recoveryC、customer must set up a fabric and dedicate port 2 for disaster recoveryD、replication is not possible with the DS5020, they must consider the DS530011.Companycom recently ordered a p5 570 and an HMC. Prior to delivery, two additional p5 570 servers were added to the order. Upon installation, the system administrator noticed that they do not have a method to connect the p5 570 servers to the HMC. Which of the following will allow them to connect all servers to the HMC?()A、An 8-port adapter to the HMCB、A hub for the private networkC、An additional Ethernet card to the HMCD、An additional Ethernet card for each partition12.Asystemhasamirroreddatavolumegroupthathasafilesystem/dataof10logicalpartitions. Howmanyphysicalpartitionswillthefilesystemhave?()A、1B、2C、10D、2013.Which of the following commands will only provide a snapshot of average memory usage for a process?()A、 vmtuneB、 ps auC、 iostatD、 rmss -m14.A company needs to connect seven of their Windows-based servers to a DS4000 storage server. The DS4000 only has two host-side connections, and each server has two HBAs. Which of the following is the lowest cost solution to provide no single points of failure?()A、Implement two 8-port switches design with ISLsB、Implement two 16-port switches design with ISLsC、Implement two 8-port switches design without ISLsD、Implement two 16-port switches design without ISLs15.An SMB customer is looking for a low cost, easy to install and configure, entry-level SAN solution to attach to five rack-mounted System x Servers. Which storage solution would be best for this customer?()A、EXP3000 Local Attached Storage EnclosuresB、DS4000 Series storage solutionC、DS3000 Series Storage solutionD、DS4800 Storage Solution16.未采用SOA会导致什么后果?()A、文件的自动处理将会变得十分困难B、会产生大量的同步的实时的业务C、新的商机导致集成成本持续增长,而没有消减D、IT增长的预算将会用来支付额外的管理和开发的费用17.The system hangs at boot time after starting NFS services. What is the most likely cause?() A、The action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is ’off’ and the script called is not exiting.B、The action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is ’wait’ and the script called is not exiting.C、The action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is ’once’ and the script called is not exiting.D、The action parameter of rcnfs in /etc/inittab is ’respawn’ and the script called is not exiting18.Which of the following is a good choice to use a process application monitor?()A、 A process stated by cronB、 A shell script owned by a non-root userC、 A process with a specific name and ownerD、 An application defined to SRC without the restart (-O) flag19.A customer is consolidating their ten rack mount Windows servers into a VMware environment with four servers. The existing servers all have internal disk. The total amount of useable capacity is 5TB which is expected to increase to 10TB over the life of this asset. The customerwill want to use the advanced features of VMware like VMotion.The customer is concerned about cost. Which of the following meets the customers needs? ()A、DS3500 with SAS Host Connection B、DS3500 with iSCSI Host Connection C、DS3500 with FC Host Connection D、DS502020.C wants to put two Micro-Partitions on a p5-570 and attach to a SAN. What is the best LPAR configuration to maximize SAN availability using four Host Bus Adapters (HBAs)?()A、Two HBAs assigned to each redundant VIOS which provides VSCSI access to LUNsB、Two HBAs assigned to each LPAR with each LPAR owning HBAs on the same PCI bussesC、Two HBAs assigned to each LPAR with each LPAR owning HBAs on separate PCI bussesD、One HBA assigned to each LPAR and two HBAs assigned to a VIOS providing VSCSIaccess to LUNs21.N series Filer产品支持下列哪些RAID级别()A、RAID1B、RAID3C、RAID5D、RAID DP22.AnadministratornoticesthatsomeoftheirsystemsarereportinganumberintheeferredLevel?columnontheHMCpdates?panel.WhatAnadministratornoticesthatsomeoftheirsystemsarereportinganumberinthe?eferredLevel?columnontheHMC?pdates?panel. WhatisthemeaningoftheeferredLevel?isthemeaningofthe?eferredLevel?()A、ThenumberdenotesthefirmwarelevelwhichwillbeactivatedwhenAIXisnextrebooted.B、ThenumberdenotesthefirmwarelevelwhichwillbeactivatedwhenallLPARsarenextstarted.C、Thenumberdenotesthefirmwarelevelwhichwillbeactivatedwhenthemanagedsystemisnextrestarted.D、ThenumberdenoteshowmanydayshaveelapsedsincethefirmwarewasinstalledwithouttheLPARsbeingreactivated.23.Due to a recent change in government regulations, C needs to create two independent but synchronized copies of their data. These copies must be contained in separate storage device a minimum of 100 km apart. The customer has capacity in two systems that meet the criteria, one with SSA disk and the other is FAStT. What facility can be used to manage this issue?()A、 Two independent copies of the data can be created and synchronized using the"HACMP/XD://HAGeo"B、 The existing disks can be incorporated a single storage unit using the optional product"HACMP/XD://PPRC"C、 AIX can create a mirrored logical volume across the two systems that would be accessiblefrom either systemD、 AIX can use the multi path IO subsystem to spread the information across the devices andkeep the copies separated24.WhichkeyshouldbepressedonanASCIIterminalduringthesysteminitializationtoforcethesystemtoreadfromthedefaultbootlist?()A、1B、3C、5D、925.企业服务总线包括哪些功能?()A、服务调解和路由逻辑B、服务逻辑和消息转换C、服务实现和服务的访问控制D、服务路由和服务端点注册卷II一.参考题库(共25题)1.POWER 520配置4CPU时,最多可以配置2块GX卡来扩展I/O,但会占用CEC 的()。 A、1个PCI-E槽位B、1个PCI-X槽位C、2个PCI-X槽位D、不占用PCI槽位2.A customer would like to configure an uncapped LPAR so that it can use 2 to 8 cores depending on theworkload characteristics. With SMT4 enabled, what is the least amount of processing resources which can beconfigured for the LPAR?()A、8 desired processing units and 8 desired virtual processorsB、2 desired processing units and 8 desired virtual processorsC、8 desired processing units and 32 desired virtual processorsD、2 desired processing units and 32 desired virtual processors3.An administrator is interested in implementing multiple shared processor pools on a new Power 595. How many user-customizable multiple shared processor pools are available?()A、 63 B、 64 C、 254 D、 2554.In AIX 5L and later, the operating system supports the /proc filesystem. What would be the best description of the /proc filesystem?()A、 It is a pseudo filesystem that maps processes and kernel data structures to corresponding files.B、 It is a JFS mounted filesystem that provides an exact representation of what is happening to a proces at a single and discrete point of time.C、 It is a JFS mounted filesystem that maps processes and read-only files related to these processes.D、 It is a pseudo filesystem that contains data that represents the state of the parent processes (but not their threads) in a system.5.A customer with an IBM SAN Volume Controller attached to Windows servers calls their BusinessPartner storage specialist asking for configuration assistance. What is the appropriate response?()A、contact an IBM Customer EngineerB、send a Service Support Representative (SSR)C、recommend purchase of a Support Line contractD、engage a Field Technical Sales Support (FTSS)6.During C planning session, the discussion focuses on how the IP connections are Managed after a cluster node failure. This is critical for the business since their production application is a Lotus Domino solution requiring multiple IP addresses and recovery time is critical. What type of IPAT implementation would best address these requirements?() A、 IPAT via IP aliasingB、 IPAT via IP replacementC、 IPAT via IP aliasing using HWATD、 IPAT via IP replacement using HWAT7.Which of the following best describes why a customer would choose x86 server solutions over mid-range or mainframe solutions?()A、x86 servers are more reliable than mid-range and Mainframe servers.B、x86 servers require less support personnel.C、Microsoft Operating Systems require less maintenance than mid-range and Mainframe Operating Systems.D、x86 solutions cost less.8.Which of the following commands can be used to clean up a failed software installation process?()A、 installp -DB、 installp -dC、 installp -CD、 installp -c9.Which of the following commands would a system administrator use to initiate a rescan of the /etc/inittab file()A、telinit -qB、init -rC、initab -sD、exec /etc/inittab10.AbasicTCP/IPconfigurationonthesystemhasjustbeencompleted.AremotesystemcanbepingedbyIPaddressbutnotbyhostname.Whichofthefollowingactionsshouldbeperformednextinanefforttosuccessfullypingusingthehostname?()A、CheckroutingB、Checkinetd.confC、Check/etc/resolv.confD、Checkinterfacewithifconfig11.SOA常见的几种解决性能问题的思路。12.Anoperatorneedstotransferseveralfilesinthesamedirectoryusingftpwithoutbeingprompted.Whichofthefollowingftpsubcommandsmustbeused?()A、intput*B、intmput*C、promptput*D、promptmput*13.Which of the following resources would best help you when configuring IBM System x and BladeCenter together in rack cabinets? ()A、IBM System x and BladeCenter Competitive Sales ToolB、Linux Cluster Sales Assistant - (LCSA)C、Configuration & Options Guide - (COG)D、Standalone Solutions Configuration Tool (SSCT)14.A financial company is auditing to ensure their systems are safe from external attack.They have just purchased new Power 750 servers. Which features of AIX 6.1 will help in the auditing process?()A、IPSec and Kerberos AuthenticationB、Secure By Default and AIX Security ExpertC、Trusted Execution and Role Based Access ControlD、First Failure Data Capture and Storage Protection Keys15.A customer is conducting a proof of concept with an IBM System Storage DS5100 attached toLinux hosts. The DS5100 is running in a degraded state and the "collect all support data"operation does not complete correctly. What alternate data should be collected and forwarded toIBM support?()A、Capture State information, Major Event Log (MEL), I/OmeterB、Storage Profile, Capture State information, Performance MonitorC、Storage Profile, Major Event Log (MEL), Capture State informationD、Capture State Information, Major Event Log (MEL), Performance Monitor16.Which of the following steps should be done FIRST when deploying a Virtual I/O server on a p5-550, which will host three logical partitions: a NIM server and two application servers?()A、Create and install the NIM serverB、Create and install the Virtual I/O ServerC、Create and install the application serversD、Activate Advanced POWER Virtualization17.WhichofthefollowingstatementseliminatesallbutoneofeachsetofduplicaterowsintheDEPTcolumnintheSTAFFtable?()A、SELECTUNIQUEdeptFROMstaffB、SELECTDISTINCTdeptFROMstaffC、SELECT(dept)UNIQUEFROMstaffD、SELECT(dept)DISTINCTFROMstaff18.Which menu option must be used to grant a user the authority to add or remove users to one or more Security Groups?()A、 Security ControlsB、 Database AccessC、 Set Security ProfileD、 Authorize Group Reassignment19.SAX最适合于()?A、解决元素的交叉引用B、以出现的顺序输出文档内容C、验证IDREF链接D、在元素里查找特定的文本串20.Acustomerislookingforasolutiontoprovidehighperformancestorage.Acompetingvendorhasproposedasolutionbasedonalooselycoupledmodelof1GbpsiSCSIandSATAdisks. Whatalternativesolutioncouldbeproposedthatiscost-effectiveandhigh-performance?()A、DS8000B、HDSVSPC、EMCV-MaxstandardconfigurationD、XIVsystem15moduleconfiguration21.Asystemadministratorhasanexistingmksysbimage,butwouldliketomodifytheimage.datafileonthemksysbbeforeinstallingitonasystem.Whichofthefollowingproceduresismostappropriatetoperform?()A、Createanewimage.datafileandrecreatethemksysbimage.B、Usetheddcommandtoreplacetheimage.datafileonthemksysbtape.C、Usethetctlcommandtopalcethenewimage.datafileonthemksysbtape.D、Placethenewimage.datafileonadiskettethatwillberoadduringtheinstallationofthemksysb.22.Which of the following commands should be used to monitor the number of threads on the scheduler’s run queue for any given interval?()A、 sarB、 pstatC、 iostatD、 filemon23.Which data synchronization options between two geographical locations are supported by PowerHASystemMirror?()A、Parallel and SerialB、Serial and AsynchronousC、Parallel and SynchronousD、Synchronous and Asynchronous24.How can Service Items be reordered?()A、 The IBM Maximo Asset Management V6.2 (IMAM) administrator can use the Reorder Items action in the Inventory application to reorder all the Service Items required.B、 The IMAM administrator can create a purchase order (PO) for all the Service Items required and use the Issue on Receipt check box for PO Lines related to Service Items.C、 The IMAM administrator can use the Reorder Direct Issue Items and Services action in the Service Item application to reorder all items or services and are issued without being received into inventory.D、 The IMAM administrator can use the Reorder Direct Issue Items and Services action in the Service Item application to reorder items or services that are listed on approved work orders and are issued without being received into inventory.25.Companycom is planning a p5 595 running AIX 5L 5.3 LPARs. They would like to design the system using physical resources with maximum resource efficiency. One LPAR requires a peak load of 30 processors during the week with a low of 1 processor required on the weekend. The other LPAR requires only a single processor most of the time, but needs at least 24 processors at the beginning of the weekend to finish its weekly processing in the window allocated. Which of the following solutions is most appropriate to continuously maximize resource use for these two LPARs?()A、Dynamic LPARB、Workload ManagerC、Partition Load ManagerD、Shared Processor Pools卷III一.参考题库(共25题)1.A System p administrator has just installed a new technology level, but "oslevel -r" does not show the expected technology level. Which of the following commands would determine which filesets are downlevel()A、lppchkB、instfixC、oslevelD、installp2.Which of the following statements about DS8000 hard drive technology is correct()A、All types of the 2.5" disk drives offered by the DS8800 system have higher performance than the 3.5" disk drives supported by DS8700B、The 2.5" disk drives included on the DS8800 support 6Gbps SAS; the 3.5" disk drives in DS8700 are 4 Gbps FCC、The 2.5" disk drives included on the DS8800 support 8Gbps SAS; the 3.5" disk drives in DS8700 are 4 Gbps FCD、The 2.5" 15k rpm drives offered by the DS8800 system support 6Gbps SAS-23.Which command should be used to reset a failed login count?()A、chsecB、chusrC、passwdD、chgusrprf4.Which of the following application development environments are supported on Linux and AIX on pSeries?()A、C and C#B、C and C++C、C++ and RPGD、RPG and BASIC5.A system administrator is currently working on a problem with IBM Support. The administrator feels that their expectations are not being met on this problem. What is the IBM recommended procedure to ensure that the request is handled appropriately?()A、Request to change the severity to 1B、Request to speak to the Duty ManagerC、Request to escalate the problem to developmentD、Request IBM to close the incident and reopen the incident with another call.6.A pSeries technical specialist has been asked to provide a server consolidation solution to replace several AIX servers running typical commercial database workloads. Benchmarks for SPECint, SPECfp, SPECjbb as well as estimates of ROLTP and rPerf are available for all the current systems. Which of the following could be used as a first approximation of total performance required for one large server?()A、Sum of SPECfp valuesB、Sum of rPerf values onlyC、Sum of rPerf and ROLTP valuesD、Sum of SPECint and SPECjbb values7.A System x client is interested in IBM ToolsCenter Bootable Media Creator but is concerned about functions Which describes the functions of ToolsCenter Bootable Media of the following?()A、Updatefirmware, update drivers, run diagnostics, install WindowsB、Update firmware, run diagnostics, install WindowsC、Update firmware, run diagnostics, install Windows, and install LinuxD、Update firmware, update drivers, install Windows, and install Linux8.The data center director has complained that tape operations are becoming too manually intensiveand non-standardized. Upon further discussion it is learned that each of the ten (10) open systemsservers has its own direct attached LTO library so that each server will have its own set of tapes.Which IBM System Storage Tape Library should be recommended?()A、TS7740 due to virtual tape server support B、TS7720 due to virtual tape server support C、TS3500 due to multi-logical library support D、TS3310 due to multi-logical library support9.A DNS server for a large network is experiencing performance problems. Which of the following options is the best solution to fix the problem?()A、Enable NISB、Purchase a larger serverC、Use /etc/hosts on all of the systemsD、Create secondary name servers throughout the network10.哪个商业最小的影响向SOA转变的趋势?()A、改变的力量B、企业的改造C、行业的改变D、组织的稳定性11.DAS代表的意思是()A、数据归档软件B、直连存储C、两个异步的存储D、连接一个可选的存储12.某客户有一个异构的存储环境,并且存储增长率每年达75%。下列哪种产品允许客户无需中断业务即可增加新应用、新服务器和新存储设备?()A、SAN Volume ControllerB、Enterprise Content ManagerC、Tivoli Storage ManagerD、System Storage Productivity Center (SSPC)13.Which of the following is a true statement when promiscuous mode is enabled on an Integrated Virtual Ethernet?()A、 The physical port can be used as part of a Shared Ethernet Adapter (SEA).B、 All physical ports on the Host Ethernet Adapter (HEA) default to promiscuous mode.C、 Multiple logical ports can be assigned to a physical port if that logical port is in promiscuous mode.D、 All physical ports that belong to the same port group will be set to promiscuous mode on the Host Ethernet Adapter (HEA).14.A system at 7 is able to print to the printer. However, another system at 3 cannot print to the same printer. All of the following should be performed EXCEPT:()A、 Increase the size of /var. B、 Check /etc/qconfig file. C、 Check the default route. D、 Check for name resolution.15.A system administrator would like to modify the system default user characteristics so that each new user will now be assigned (by default) the csh shell rather than the ksh shell. Which of the following actions should be performed?()A、Run the command chlogin -shell "csh"B、Run the command mkuser -default "SHELL=csh"C、Edit /etc/passwd and change all "ksh" entries to "csh"D、Modify the contents of /usr/lib/security/mkuser.default file16.When discussing plant maintenance with plant maintenance managers, frequently the topic of using preventive maintenance (PM) comes up. If this is used extensively and the PM work orders are regularly completed, what is told by this about the operation?()A、It is likely that equipment will break down frequently.B、It is likely that equipment will break down infrequently.C、It shows that maintenance is performed on an as needed basis.D、It shows that there are frequent crises when it comes to maintaining equipment.17.When using IPAT via Aliasing, what is the default distribution preference for the placement of the service IPlabels?()A、CollocationB、Anti-CollocationC、Collocation with persistentD、Anti-Collocation with persistent18.A customer has Symantec NetBackup installed and is concerned about restore times for a line ofbusiness server. Which IBM Tivoli Storage Manager feature addresses this customer’s concerns?()A、migrationB、collocationC、compressionD、subfile backup19.Theoperatorneedstochangethe/testfilesysteminthetestvgvolumegroupsothatitmountsautomaticallyfollowingasystemreboot.Whichofthefollowingcommandsiscorrect?()A、chvg-aytestvgB、chfs-Ayes/testC、mount/test-auto=yesD、chlv-aautomount=ytestlv20.A client has tried to update the firmware of an Ethernet adapter on a p5 590, however it repeatedly fails. What is the
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