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1、Unit 1Knowing me, knowing you第一部分教材知识讲练必修第三册基础知识梳理01课标单词背诵单词拼写运用短语理解运用句式辨识运用steam loose fault strategy concern adjust duty accident core complexity boxing justify frank moreover apart fence sink resolve signal ensure criticise tear to ensure tears signaling sank criticising resolved breathe annoyed

2、forgiveness embarrassed embarrassing embarrassment dependent independent independence annoyed annoyed breathe breath embarrassing embarrassed embarrassment forgive forgiveness depended independence dependent C B C helped out in a mess by accident let down pull his weight communicate with It is belie

3、ved that so that they can find thebest solution Every time I look at the picture 重难考点探究02signalling stop前加to signalling (to) me not to mention breathe a out of breath concerned a As far as Im concerned adjustment to adjust yourself to make adjustments to of offout let him down that to be is believed

4、 to have It is believed that 关键能力评估夯基固本基础强化强技提能语言运用03to be breathing Concerned to take adjustments thea alonedown concerned后加about/for themselvesmyself WhatIt tips than yourself a that saying to forgive happens peaceful embarrassment every time you met with difficulties help you out learn to resolve

5、 problems Frankly speaking are concerned about most it is your duty to study hard were annoyed/angry with tears in your eyes didnt criticise you learning method adjust yourIt is well known that adjust yourself well as soon as possible let us down 点击右图进入课时分层作业谢谢观看 THANK YOU!Unit 2Making a difference第

6、一部分教材知识讲练必修第三册基础知识梳理01课标单词背诵单词拼写运用短语理解运用句式辨识运用shortage internal effective fund fountain donate foundation insight reality mission disease disability territory generous cancer royal institution assistance registration confirmation temporary military chief major drug certificate ministry further contr

7、ibution recycle earn sensitive aid obtain be recycled earned obtained aided insensitive contributions relieve extension hesitation achievement treatment achievement achieve relief relieve extend extension hesitation hesitated treatment treated B C A set up turned out passed away keep records of rose

8、 to his feet make a difference to keep cool/calm not how much you read butwhat you read how to cut paper 重难考点探究02relieved of To our relief Its a relief for us to hear am relieved to hear hesitation to buy Dont hesitate to tell us giveyou a hand without hesitation to in With the aid of the scientists

9、 are majorsmajoring respect the opinion of the majority to on rose totheir feet to raise ifwhether how to analyse what 关键能力评估夯基固本基础强化强技提能语言运用03aided relieved majoring to contact feet UnderWith thehis hesitationshesitation onto turnturns but had been working activities doing a At further to help assi

10、stance effective what to do to aid people withdisability it our mission go to their aid withouthesitation relieving their pain break into a smile obtain a sense of achievement make a really bigdifference make their contributions 点击右图进入课时分层作业谢谢观看 THANK YOU!Unit 3The world of science第一部分教材知识讲练必修第三册基础知

11、识梳理01课标单词背诵单词拼写运用短语理解运用句式辨识运用press virtual flexible battery compute capable stuff desire passive beyond instance chemist astronomer biologist accurate origin species stream extraordinary brilliant radium theory mental draft experiment fiction metal flash entirely gravity account procedure shoot capa

12、ble cure attach conduct proof shooting conducts cures capably proofs attached significance injury injured minority declaration scientist scientific declared declaration minorities minor significant significance injured injuries injured scientist scientific science B B A come up with taking place in

13、terms of die from In addition/Whats more Apart from the way (that/inwhich) we made friends neither too early nor too late there is no proof that 重难考点探究02injuries injuringinjured the injured had been sent to for of cured him of attached to Attaching much importance to education for on take accountof

14、environmental protection/take environmental protection into account to reading In addition terms 第二个forin is on good terms with with to came up with that to make (that/in which) we cansolve the problem 关键能力评估夯基固本基础强化强技提能语言运用03injured be cured attached terms was shot importantimportance him后加of onfor

15、 camecome getgetting entirely spent doing flashed an than when/while importance trying more has a desire for succhess brings about great pressure There is proof that most mental diseases take mental health intoaccount attach greatimportance to come up with ways mentally andphysically healthy 点击右图进入课

16、时分层作业谢谢观看 THANK YOU!Unit 4Amazing art第一部分教材知识讲练必修第三册基础知识梳理01课标单词背诵单词拼写运用短语理解运用句式辨识运用greet broadcast stair load battle fold neighbourhood calligraphy demonstrate needle carve contemporary cigarette stimulate wine sponsor emperor fond vase shade vividly lack bare mostly shade shades mostly lacking bar

17、ed vividly sculptor sculpture exhibition elegantly elegance dirty frequently frequency dirty dirt elegantly elegance exhibited exhibition frequent frequency frequently sculptor sculpted sculptures C B C are fond of on the move sang high praises for got a load of day after day By the way seem to be l

18、osing it is time to set out to do as if it wereyesterday 重难考点探究02greeted greetinggreetings a magnificent view ofthe sea greeted loads loaded took a load off my mind battled for battle for thechampionship for lacking bad eating habitsand a lack of exercise bad eating habitsand lacking exercise to do

19、has come It is high time for us to do It is high time that we did were lived前加had as if theyhad just happened 关键能力评估夯基固本基础强化强技提能语言运用03greeting loaded lacks to be reading battling lack前加a loadingloaded foragainst/with cheercheers fond后加of greeting was being broadcast materials carved valuable to stud

20、y where a luckily for it seems as if loads of homework are always greeted with stimulate childrensintelligence or academic development what they arereally fond of thoughlacking money Its high time for the government to take/that the government took 点击右图进入课时分层作业谢谢观看 THANK YOU!Unit 5What an adventure!

21、第一部分教材知识讲练必修第三册基础知识梳理01课标单词背诵单词拼写运用短语理解运用句式辨识运用initial thus zone oxygen border confirm crowd psychologist port unaware alcohol rubber cotton wool guideline cloth bleeding liquid injury stretch league charge captain ahead chapter nut ray consume gradually wrinkled shore carpet intensity broad beneath

22、 male attempt permit relate distinguish resident distinguished residents attempted are permitted relates failure service servant astonished astonishing astonishment depth deeply deepen failure fails depth deeply deep astonishment astonished astonishing serves servant serves service B C C succeeded i

23、n make money referred to as left an impression upon take his life in broad daylight leading to great concern Once you get to Lijiang old town While staying in the village 重难考点探究02crowded crowds crowded intomy brain in to climb attempted to pass/at passing made an attempt to pass/at passing of admiss

24、ionsadmission in charge of take charge of in/under the charge of to cook smoking Time permitting related within related to family life and education in relation with family life and education surrounding was surrounded surrounded by/with beautiful woods that/which is surrounded by/withbeautiful wood

25、s reducing to see only to find Id left all mymoney at home, buying nothing in the end building askingasked While reading 关键能力评估夯基固本基础强化强技提能语言运用03to show crowded surrounding related leaving 去掉第一个the inat ontoin/into is后加a 第二个tofrom guidance where were attempting of injured firmly were fascinated cove

26、ring an astonished succeeded in thus makinghim wild with joy crowded into in charge of related to his attempt ended in failure account for While relating 点击右图进入课时分层作业谢谢观看 THANK YOU!Unit 6Disaster and hope第一部分教材知识讲练必修第三册基础知识梳理01课标单词背诵单词拼写运用短语理解运用句式辨识运用disaster tube plus erupt hurricane occur typhoon

27、exceptionally satellite precisely billion lap nowhere otherwise mosquito midnight county threat property sufficient forecast grab rescue claim crisis shelter grabbed to rescue shelters is forecasting crises claiming immediately announcement reliable emergent emergency threaten threatening rely reliable immediate immediately threatening threat emerge emergency announced announcement


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