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1、The writing style of Ernest Hemingway By Angelasummary海明威的写作风格以惜墨如金且轻描淡写而著称,对美国文学及20世纪文学的发展有极为深远的影响。对于海明威的写作风格,旅美学者夏志清亦有评论过海明威的写作风格,他认为海明威的文章具记者风格,“一清如水,多读没有余味”。83海明威简洁、直接的写作风格亦是影响后世作者最大的地方。他很少用装饰性的字眼,而是以简明的句子讲诉一些人在生活上所表现出的勇气、力量和尊严的故事。关于海明威的写作技巧,英国著名文学评论家赫欧贝茨 (HEBates)所作的评价是:“除非我看错了,海明威是深受屠格涅夫、巴尔扎克、

2、莫泊桑和笛福等人笔调的影响,”具体他说,海明威在写作时往往只用警句式的语言就能表现小说中人物的言谈行动。他的笔调潇洒自然,毫无矫揉造作之处,也没有着意的渲染和概括,但却能尖锐地刻画出人物的内心世界,充分体现了自然主义的白描手法。 WorksNovels春潮(The Torrents of Spring)57太阳照常升起(The Sun Also Rises)58永别了,武器(A Farewell to Arms)59有钱人与没钱人(To Have and Have Not)60丧钟为谁而鸣(For Whom the Bell Tolls)61过河入林(Across the River and

3、Into the Trees)62老人与海(The Old Man and the Sea)63-64海流中的岛屿(Islands in the Stream)65伊甸园(The Garden of Eden)66曙光示真(True At First Light)67乞力马扎罗山下(Under Kilimanjaro)68Short Stories三个故事和十首诗(Three Stories and Ten Poems)雨中的猫(Cat in the Rain)73-74在我们的时代里(In Our Time)75没有女人的男人(Men Without Women)76乞力马扎罗的雪(The

4、Snows of Kilimanjaro)77胜利者一无所获(Winner Take Nothing)78第五纵队(The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories)79尼克亚当斯故事集(The Nick Adams Stories)80海明威短篇故事全集(The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway)81海明威故事选集(Everymans Library: The Collected Stories)82Writing StyleSimple structureEg : In Big Tow-H

5、eart River, we see lines such as “He found plenty of good grasshoppers”, “They clung to a wet stem”, and “He stepped into the stream”, “The cord went over his shoulder.”NarrativeIceberg theoryWriting in The Art of the Short Story, he explains: “A few things I found to be true. If you leave out impor

6、tant things or events that you know about, the story is strengthened. If you leave or skip something because you do not know it, the story will be worthless. The test of any story is how very good the stuff that you, not your editors, omit.”The characteristics of Iceberg theoryTelegraphic characteri

7、sticThe portraying of characters psychologyAn open endingThe moderate use of symbolismTelegraphic characteristic A “Telegraphic characteristic” is such a writing style that there should be no mentions of “I” or “me” . And only minimal use of articles. In other words. A “Telegraphic characteristic” m

8、eans that one will choose brief and clear words instead of those big and gorgeous ones.An open ending: “gain more while using very little” by using a “ Zero Ending”eg: In the end, “Up the road in his shack, the old man wag sleeping again. He was still sleeping on his face and the boy wag sitting by him watching him. The old man wag dreaming about the lions.”(T


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