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1、2022-2023学年浙江省宁波市某学校英语高职单招测试试题(含答案)一、单选题(20题)1.Not until I began to work() how much time I had wasted.A.didn t I realize B.did I realize C.I realize D.I don t realize 2.You can _my surprise when I heard the news.A.think B.suppose C.guess D.imagine 3.There _ a lot of _ in the kitchen and it was very_

2、.A.was;smoke;hot B.were;smokes;hot C.was;smoke;hotter D.were;smoke;hotter 4. -Wheres Li Lei?-He()his sports shoes in the room. He()football with his friends.A.is putting on,is playing B.puts on,will play C.is putting on,will play D.put on,played 5.Not only I but also Jane and Mary_ tired of having o

3、ne exam after another.A.is B.are C.be D.am 6.You missed a good chance Yes. I _that job when it was offeredA.should take B.must take C.should have taken D.must have taken 7.The farm _we visited last week is the one _ LiLeis father once worked.A.where, that B.that, where C.on which, where D.that, that

4、 8.-Im terribly sorry that I made your table cloth dirty.-()A.Never mind B. Dont mention itC. Thats rightD.Sorry 9.He plays it().A.on every weekend B.at every weekend C.in every weekend D.every weekend 10.It is very hot today,please keep the window _.A.opening B.open C.opens D.to open 11.The old wom

5、an asked the salesgirl in the shop()cheaper shoes for her.A.if there were any B.there were some C.were there any D.if were there any 12. Did you see()in Beijing?A.something interesting B.anything interesting C.interesting something D.interesting anything 13.The doctors have told him to()on smoking a

6、nd drinking.A.cut away B.cut across C.cut off D.cut down 14.()are enough,Mum.A.Two pair of trousers B.Two trousers C.Two pairs of trousers D.Two pieces of trousers 15.Mother made a promise() I passed the examination she would buy me a very beautiful bike.A.that B.if C.whether D.that if 16.Who will _

7、 if he _ come?A.mop it up;wont B.mop up it;doesnt C.mop it up;doesnt D.mop it up;dont 17.(),so the sports meet has to be put off.A.Because of the bad weather B.Because it has been raining for days C.As the bad weather D.It has been raining for days 18.-How many English words have you learned?-Just()

8、.A.a little B.little C.a few D.few 19.-I have a bad toothache these days.-Sorry to hear that! youd better make an () with the dentist.A.appointment B.advertisement C.agreement D.advice 20.The library has just _ .A.completed B.been completed C.completing D.complete 二、填空题(20题)21.We should try our best

9、 to leave our generation a world better than_we were given.A.it B.one C.the one D.those 22.Can you accompany your little brother to the post office now? _,if he is ready.A.By all means B.No way C.My pleasure D.In no case 23.I prefer a house in a mountain village to_in such a large city as Changsha.A

10、.that B.it C.this D.one 24.I sincerely suggest that you try your best to finish this project,unless you dont _the complaints from all directions.A.care about B.set about C.bring about D.go about 25.In fact he lived a comfortable life,but he_about his fate all the time.A.is complaining B.has complain

11、ed C.was complaining D.had complained 26.John said he wasnt disappointed at the result of the basketball game,but the look on his face_him_.A.turned;down B.took;in C.made;out D.gave;away 三、补充对话(10题)27.(3)A.May I try it on? B.OK. Ill take it. C.How much is it? D.Id like to have a hat. E.Size L. 28.To

12、m: (1)Li: Oh,hello. Could I speak to mike,please?Tom: (2)Li: Yes,could you ask him to call me,please?Tom: (3)Li: Liming.Tom: (4)Li: 65443221Tom: (5)(1)A.How are you? B.Hello ,68813721 C.Good morning. My name is Mary. D.Sure,whats your name,please? E.See you later. Bye. F.Im afraid hes out now. can I

13、 take a message? G.Whats your number,please? 29.-How about having another cup of tea?-No,thank you.().A.I know B.Really? C.Ive had enough! D.Id love to. E. Great! E.Dont do that! F.Dont worry G.No problem. 30.A: Good afternoon,Dr. Smith.B: (1) .Sit down,please. Whats wrong with you?A: I dont know. B

14、ut (2) .B: You look pale. (3) .A: Yes.B: ErLet me check you over firstOh,you have the flu.A: (4) .B: Dont worry. Nothing serious. Take this medicine three times a day.A: (5) .(1)A.Thank you,doctor. B.I am not feeling very well. C.Good afternoon. D.Is it serious? E.Do you have a headache? 31.-().-Oh,

15、nothing special. I read some newspapers.A.while I am away B.when I come back C.Excuse me D.Lets go walking E.By bike F.Whats your weekend? G.Do you live here H.How long have you lived here? 32.-Hello.(),please?-Sorry. Shes busy writing an article now. She has to finish it this morning.A.What does yo

16、ur father do B.Yes,a little C.Are you Jenny D.Whats your hobby? E.Thank you F.Well done G.Can I speak to Jenny H. Is he your father 33.(4)A.AhIs there anything serious? B.Thank you,doctor. C.Ive got a bad headache. D.My temperature seems all right. E.About two days. 34.(5)A.Sounds reasonable. B.Its

17、just for ourselves! C.It taught me a good lesson. D.There are few cars at this time on the road. E.Im an excellent.F.And theres no policeman on the street. G.But the seat belt is for your safety. 35.-We are running out of time. Its 12 oclock.-()The film will start in 45 minutes.A.I know B.Really? C.

18、Ive had enough! D.Id love to. E. Great! E.Dont do that! F.Dont worry G.No problem. 36.-I think we should do more outdoor activities.().-Thats a good idea.A.while I am away B.when I come back C.Excuse me D.Lets go walking E.By bike F.Whats your weekend? G.Do you live here H.How long have you lived he

19、re? 四、语言应用(5题)37.You should _ when you see the sign.A.be very careful B.catch the vehicle C.turn around 38.When travelling,what can we do?A.Cutting in line. B.Talking loudly on mobile phones. C.Visiting local sights. D.Taking off shoes in public. 39.The sign tells you that _.A.you can leave from her

20、e B.you can get in from here C.you can enter from here 40.My father will have a meeting in Beijing.He should _.A.wear a T-shirt B.take an umbrella C.take a bike 41.A thirsty boy will probably ask for _.A.coca cola B.donuts C.a chicken burger 五、阅读理解(5题)42.What does the writer try to tell us with the

21、last two sentences of the passage?()A.Every computer user must have a computer. B.English is important in using the Internet. C.The Internet is more and more popular. D.Most of the information is in English. 43.Which telephone number will you call if you want to find something to do for Saturday aft

22、ernoon?A.46750278. B.50123722. C.71431771. 44.From the story we know if you have some talent,you should _.A.hide it and wait B.ask others for help C.pay no attention to it D.work hard to improve yourself 45.BDo you often dream at night? How do you feel when you dream? Is it useful to our health? “Dr

23、eams may be more important than sleep,and we all need to dream,”some scientists say.Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time.People have several dreams each night.Dreams are like short films.They are usually in colour.Some dreams are like old films.They come to us over and over again.Th

24、at may be because the dreamer is worrying about something.Dreaming may be a way of trying to find a answer.Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams.They may have been thinking about their work all day.These thoughts can carry over into dreams.Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling fr

25、om a dream.But often we cant remember the dream.Dreams can disappear quickly from memory(记忆).Too much dreaming can be harmful(有害的).The more we sleep,the longer we dream.The mind is at work when we dream.That is why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired.The first paragraph(段落)tells us that

26、 dream is very _.A.interesting B.important C.useful D.harmful 46.After John put the ice in front of the stove,he found that it became().A.dry B.wetter C.bigger D.colder 六、汉译英(5题)47.如果你发现一只大熊猫有危险,你会怎么做?(in danger)48.吃太多快餐对健康不利。49.她失去了信心甚至放弃了学习。50.我们想参观一些著名的地方,比如长城、颐和园等等。(such as)51.为了他的健康,医生建议他戒烟。(st

27、op doing)参考答案1.B直到我开始工作后,我才意识到我曾经浪费了多少时间。曾经浪费,表示过去,所以句子用一般过去时,排除C和D,根据句意是我意识到了,所以选B。2.D3.A在厨房里面有很多烟而且很热。(1)there be句型be看其后的名词单复数,smoke为不可数n.故选was;very修饰形容词原级。故选A。4.CLi Lei在哪?他(正在)去教室换球鞋,她将和他的朋友一起踢足球。考查动词时态的用法,前一空用现在进行时,后一空用将来时,选C。5.Bnot only .but also就近一致原则。Jane and Mary 是复数用B6.C7.B8.A9.D10.B句意:今天非常

28、热,请让窗户开着。keep sb./sth.+ adj 使某人/某事保持某种状态。keep the window open意为“使窗户开着”。故选B。11.A12.B你在北京看到什么有趣的东西了吗?something某些东西;anything所有东西,一般情况下,something 用于肯定句,anything用于否定和疑问。排除A和C;形容词修饰不定代词或不定副词时,须位于不定代词或不定副词之后,作后置定语。该题选B。13.D医生告诉他,要他减少吸烟和喝酒。cut down削减,减少;cut away切,减,去掉;cut off阻断,砍掉;cut across影响,涉及,所以此题选D.14.

29、CTwo pairs of trousers两条裤子。15.D妈妈承诺我如果考试及格,她将会给我买辆漂亮的自行车。16.C如果他明天没来谁来擦它?mop和up搭配,代词必须位于两者之间即mop it up(mop up抹干,擦干);主将从现(主句和状语从句都表将来时间含义,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来)。故选C。17.D已经下了好几天雨了,因此运动会被推迟了。雨过去在下,还有可能继续下,所以用现在完成进行时。18.C19.A20.B图书馆刚竣工。要用完成时的被动语态。选B21.C考查代词的用法。分析题干可知,空格处指代的是前面的world,且属于同类不同物,故应使用代词one,而空格后的“we were given”是one的定语从句,由此可知,此处的one表示的是特指,之前应用定冠词。22.A考查交际用语。by all means务必,一定;no way决不;my pleasure别客气;in no case决不。根据答语中的if he is ready可知,只有A项符合语境。答语句意:如果他准备好了,我一定会陪他去邮局的。23.D考查代词。句意为:我更喜欢山村中的房屋而不是在像长沙一样的大城市中的房屋。one指代a house符合句意。it用来指代特定的物,即上下文提到的同样的事物;that指代


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