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1、Chapter2 Organizing for Project Management1第一段:The management of construction projects requires knowledge of modern management as well as an understanding of the design and construction process. 建设项目管理要求现代的管理、以及设计和施工过程知识。Construction projects have a specific set of objectives and constraints such as

2、 a required time frame for completion. 建设项目有一系列具体的目标和约束条件,如在规定的时限内完成。While the relevant technology, institutional arrangements or process will differ, the management of such projects has much in common with the management of similar types of projects in other specialty or technology domains such as

3、aerospace, pharmaceutical and energy developments.虽然相关技术,组织机构或流程会有所不同,但建设项目同其他一些如航天、医药和能源等专业技术领域的项目在管理上仍然有共同之处。2.1 What is Project Management什么是项目管理2Generally, project management is distinguished from the general management of corporations by the mission-oriented nature of a project.一般来说,项目管理是区别于一般以

4、任务为导向项目性质的企业管理。 A project organization will generally be terminated when the mission is accomplished. 项目组织一般是任务完成时项目便终止。According to the Project Management Institute, the discipline of project management can be defined as follows:根据项目管理协会,项目管理学科可以定义为如下:3第二段:By contrast, the general management of bus

5、iness and industrial corporations assumes a broader outlook with greater continuity of operation. 与此形成对照,一般的工商企业的一般管理更广泛地着眼于业务更佳的连续性。Nevertheless, there are sufficient similarities as well as differences between the two so that modern management techniques developed for general management may be ada

6、pted for project management.不过,二者之间也有足够的相似性和差异,以便项目管理适应为一般管理开发的现代管理技术。5第四段:The basic ingredients for a project management framework may be represented schematically in Figure2-1. 项目管理框架最基本的因素由图2-1所示。A working knowledge of general management(综合、一般) and familiarity with the special knowledge domain re

7、lated to the project are indispensable. 一般管理应用知识和(对)项目相关的专业知识领域(的熟知)是不可缺少的。 Supporting disciplines(学科) such as computers science and decision science may also play an important role.例如计算机科学和决策科学之类的支持学科也许也扮演一个重要角色。In fact, modern management practices and various special knowledge domains have absorbe

8、d various techniques or tools which were once identified only with the supporting disciplines. 实际上,现代管理实践与各专业知识领域已经吸收(应用)了各种不同的技术和工具,而这些技术和工具曾一度仅仅被视作属于支持性学科的范畴。6第五段:For example, computer-based information system and decision support systems are now commonplace tools for general management. 例如,计算机信息系

9、统和决策支持系统是现在管理的一般工具。Similarly, many operations research techniques such as linear programming and network analysis are now widely used in many knowledge or application domains. 同样,许多运筹学技术例如线性规划和网络分析现在广泛使用于许多知识或应用领域。 Hence, the representation in Figure2-1 reflects only the sources from which the proje

10、ct management framework evolves.因此,图2-1中的显示反映了项目管理框架演变的唯一来源。7Specifically, project management in construction encompasses a set of objectives which may be accomplished by implementing(实施) a series of operations subject to resource constraints. 具体来说,建设项目管理包括一系列目标,这些目标可能是通过实施给定资源约束下的一系列运作才能实现的。There a

11、re potential conflicts between the stated objectives with regard to scope, cost, time and quality, and the constraints imposed on human material and financial resources. 范围、成本、时间、质量的既定目标,和人力、物力和财力的资源约束之间有潜在的冲突。8第六段Specification(特定) of project objectives and plans including delineation of scope, budg

12、eting, scheduling, setting performance requirement, and selecting project participants.项目的特定目标和计划,包括划定范围、编制预算、行程安排、设置性能要求,和选择项目参与者。Maximization of efficient resource utilization through procurement of labor, materials and equipment according to the prescribed schedule and plan.根据规定的进度和计划,采购劳动力、材料和设备

13、使资源有效利用最大化。10The Project Management Institute focuses on nine distinct areas requiring project manager knowledge and attention:项目管理协会要求项目经理的知识和注意力集中于9个不同的领域:1.Project integration management to ensure that the various project elements are effectively coordinated.项目集成管理,以确保有效协调各种项目要素。12第七段5.Project qu

14、ality management to ensure functional requirements are met.项目质量管理,以确保功能要求得到满足。6.Project human resource management to development and effectively employ project personnel.项目人力资源管理,开发和有效地运用项目人员。7.Project communications management to ensure effective internal and external communications.项目沟通管理,以确保有效的内部

15、和外部沟通。8.Project risk management to analyze and mitigate potential risks.项目风险管理,分析和缓解潜在的风险。149. Project procurement management to obtain necessary resources from external sources.项目采购管理,从外部资源获得必要的资源。These nine areas form the basis of the Project Management Institutes certification program for project

16、 managers in any industry.这九个领域是任何行业的项目经理获得项目管理协会认证程序的基础。15一、英译汉1. Generally, project management is distinguished from the general management of corporations by the mission-oriented nature of a project.一般来说,项目管理是区别于一般的以项目任务为导向性质的企业管理。2. By contrast, the general management of business and industrial

17、corporations assumes a broader outlook with greater continuity of operation. 与此形成对照,一般的工商企业的管理更广泛地着眼于业务的更佳连续性。16Study and Practices3.Similarly, many operations research techniques such as linear programming and network analysis are now widely used in many knowledge or application domains. 同样,许多运筹学技术

18、例如线性规划和网络分析现在广泛使用于许多知识或应用领域。4.Contractual relationships among members of the team are intended to minimize adversarial relationships and contribute to greater response within the group.团队成员之间的合同关系是打算尽量减少敌对关系,并有助于提高本团队内的合作响应。5.Consequently, it is important to recognize the changing nature of the orga

19、nizational structure as a project is carried out in various stages.因此,重要的是要认识到作为一个项目在各个阶段的组织结构不断变化的性质。176.Formal authority resulting from an official capacity which is empowered to issue orders.有官方身份正式授权的(单位)有权发出订单。7.Reward and/or penalty power resulting from his/her capacity to dispense directly or

20、 indirectly valued organization rewards or penalties.奖励权和/或处罚权是根据他/她的能力由组织直接的或间接的分配奖励或处罚额度。8.When contending issue of more fundamental nature are developed, they must be brought to the attention of high level in the management and be resolved expeditiously.当最根本的问题争议是发展时,他们必须关注管理水平高的(项目),并尽快解决。18A:I

21、was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me?B:Sure. Go ahead.A:我在想,如果你能回答我几个问题?B:当然可以。来吧。A:Could you introduce to me that how did you develop an interest in “Contract Management & Claims” in quantity surveying area?B:Acquiring a broad range of experience is most important and this has p

22、rovided me with a more informed basis upon which, at this stage in my career, to further develop my interest in this area.A:你能否告诉我,你对“合同管理与索赔”中展开工料测量面积是怎么产生兴趣的?B:在我当前的职业生涯中获得广泛的经验是非常重要的,它为我提供了一个更坚实的基础,并有助于激发我在这方面的兴趣。三、对话20A:From your viewpoint, how can surveying attract more women?B:The perception o

23、f surveying male dominated probably does still persist to some extent today, although this is changing, because people have been made more aware of the diversity and opportunities offered by the profession, and therefore I do not consider why there should specifically be a need to attract more women to surveying.A:在你看来,搞测量的怎么吸引更多女性?B:即使人们意识到职业的多样化和机遇,观念也正在发生转变,但测量工作以男性为主导的观念仍旧有一定程度的影响。因此我认为没有特殊的需要去吸引女性去做测量工作。21A:By the way, I would like to know what is your favorite building in HongKong?B:Maybe the 1950s Art Deco/Art Modern Bank of China Build


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