已阅读5页,还剩62页未读 继续免费阅读




1、信用证英语必备备 I agrree too use letteer of crediit at sightt.我同意用即即期 信用证证 付款。Is thhe creedit aat sigght orr afteer sigght? 信用证 是即期的还还是远期的?Our lletterr of ccreditt willl be oopenedd earlly Marrch.我们在3月月初开出 信信用证 。Welll openn the crediit onee montth beffore sshipmeent.我们在装船船前1个月开开立信用证。Pleasse opeen thee L/C

2、20 too 30 ddays bbeforee the date of deeliverry.请在交货前前20到300天开出信用用证。This letteer of crediit exppires on 155th Juuly.这张信用证证7月15日日到期。The vvalidiity off the L/C wwill bbe exttendedd to 330th AAugustt.信用证的有有效期将延至至8月30日日。Will you ppersuaade yoour cuustomeer to arrannge foor a oone-moonth eextenssion oof

3、L/CC No.TTD204?你们能不能能劝说客户将将TD2044号信用证延延期一个月?To doo so, you ccould save bank chargges foor opeening an L/C.这样做,你你们可以省去去开证费用。Its expennsive to oppen ann L/C becauuse wee needd to pput a depossit inn the bank.开证得交押押金,因此花花费较大。We paay tooo muchh for such a lettter oof creedit aarranggementt.这种信用证证付款方式让让我

4、们花费太太大了。Theree willl be bbank cchargees in conneectionn withh the crediit.开立信用证证还要缴纳银银行手续费。A lettter oof creedit wwould increease tthe coost off my iimportt.信用证会增增加我们进口口货物的成本本。The ssellerr willl requuest tto ameend thhe lettter oof creedit.卖方要修改改信用证。Pleasse ameend L/C No.205 aas folllows.请按下述意意见修改第2

5、205号信用用证。Your refussal too amennd thee L/C is eqquivallent tto canncellaation of thhe ordder.你们拒绝修修改信用证就就等于取消订订单。Letteer of Crediit (L/C) 信用用证form of crredit 信用证形式式Termss of vvalidiity 信用用证效期Expirry Datte 效期Date of isssue 开开证日期L/C aamountt 信用证金金额L/C nnumberr 信用证号号码to oppen byy airmmail 信信开to oppen b

6、yy cablle 电开to oppen byy brieef cabble 简电电开证to ammend LL/C 修改改信用证fixedd L/C or fiixed aamountt L/C 有固定金额额的信用证Sightt L/C 即期信用证证Usancce L/CC 远期信用用证Buyerrs UUsancee L/C 买方远期信信用证Traveelers L/CC 旅行信用用证Revoccable L/C 可可撤消的信用用证Irrevvocablle L/CC 不可撤消消的信用证Confiirmed L/C 保保兑的信用证证Unconnfirmeed L/CC 不 保兑兑的信用证C

7、onfiirmed Irrevvocablle L/CC 保兑的不不可撤消信用用证Irrevvocablle Uncconfirrmed LL/C 不可可撤消不保兑兑的信用证Transsferabble L/C 可转让让信用证Untraansferrable L/C 不不可转让信用用证Revollving L/C 循循环信用证Recipprocall L/C 对开信用证证Back to Baack L/C 背对背背信用证Counttervaiiling crediit (俗称称)子证Overrridingg creddit 母证证Bankeers Accepptancee L/C 银行承兑信信

8、用证Tradee Acceeptancce L/CC 商业承兑兑信用证Red CClausee L/C 红条款信用用证Anticcipatoory L/C 预支信信用证Crediit payyable by a tradeer 商业付付款信用证Crediit payyable by a bank 银行付款信信用证usancce creedit ppaymennt at sightt 假远期信信用证Unifoorm Cuustomss and Practtice ffor Doocumenntary Crediits 跟单单信用证统一一惯例I.C.CC. Pubblicattion NNo.40

9、00 第4000号出版物Crediit witth T/TT Reimmburseement Clausse 带有电电报索汇条款款的信用证methood of reimbbursemment 索索汇方法withoout reecoursse 不受追追索Openiing Baank Name & Siggnaturre 开证行行名称及签字字benefficiarry 受益人人guaraantor 保证人Exporrters Bannk 出口方方银行Imporrters Bannk 进口方方银行Selleers Bank 卖方银行Buyerrs BBank 买买方银行Payinng Bannk 付

10、款行行,汇入行Remittting Bank 汇出行Openiing Baank 开证证行Issuiing Baank 开证证行Advissing BBank 通通知行Notiffying Bank 通知行Negottiatinng Bannk 议付行行Draweee Bannk 付款行行Confiirmingg Bankk 保兑行Preseentingg Bankk 提示行Transsmittiing Baank 转递递行Acceppting Bank 承兑行Addittionall Wordds andd Phraasespay bbearerr 付给某人人beareer 来人payerr

11、 付款人consiignee 受托人consiignor 委托人draweer 出票人人princcipal 委托人draweee 付款人人consiingneee 受托人trustter 信托托人accepptor 承承兑人trusttee 被信信托人endorrser 背背书人discoount 贴贴现endorrsee 被被背书人endorrse 背书书holdeer 持票人人endorrsemennt 背书baileee 受托人人,代保管人人paymeent aggainstt docuumentss 凭单付款款paymeent aggainstt docuumentss throou

12、gh ccollecction 凭单托收付付款paymeent byy acceeptancce 承兑付付款paymeent byy billl 凭汇票付付款Letteer of Guaraantee (L/G) 保证书Bank Guaraantee 银行保函Contrract GGuaranntee 合合约保函Paymeent Guuaranttee 付款款保证书Repayyment Guaraantee 还款保证书书Imporrt Guaaranteee 进口保保证书Tendeer/Bidd Guarranteee 投标保证证书Perfoormancce Guaaranteee 履约保保证

13、书Retenntion Moneyy Guarranteee 保留金保保证书Documments of tiitle tto thee goodds 物权凭凭证Authoority to Puurchasse (A/P) 委托托购买证Letteer of Indiccationn 印鉴核对对卡Letteer of Hypotthecattion 质质押书Generral Leetter of Hyypotheecatioon 总质押押书 信用证 英英语 - 信信用证 种类类1. reevocabble L/C/irrrevocaable LL/C 可撤撤销 信用证证 /不可撤撤销信用证2.co

14、nnfirmeed L/CC/uncoonfirmmed L/C 保兑信信用证/不保保兑信用证3.sigght L/C/usaance LL/C 即期期信用证/远远期信用证4.traansferrable L/C(oor)asssignabble L/C(or)transsmissiible LL/C /uuntrannsferaable LL/C 可转转让信用证/不可转让信信用证5.divvisiblle L/CC/undiivisibble L/C 可分割割信用证/不不可分割信用用证6.revvolvinng L/CC 循环信用用证7.L/CC withh T/T reimbbursemm

15、ent cclausee 带电汇条条款信用证8.witthout recouurse LL/C/wiith reecoursse L/CC 无追索权权信用证/有有追索权信用用证9.doccumenttary LL/C/cllean LL/C 跟单单信用证/光光票信用证10.deeferreed payyment L/C/aanticiipatorry L/CC 延付信用用证/预支信信用证11.baack too backk L/Crreciprrocal L/C 对对背信用证/对开信用证证12.trravelllers L/C(oor:cirrcularr L/C) 旅行信用用证信用证有关关各

16、方名称NNames of Paartiess Conccernedd1. oppener 开证人(1)appplicaant 开证证人(申请开开证人)(2)prrincippal 开证证人(委托开开证人)(3)acccounttee 开证证人(4)acccrediitor 开开证人(委托托开证人)(5)oppener 开证人(6)foor acccount of Meessrs 付(某人)帐(7)att the requeest off Messsrs 应(某人)请求求(8)onn behaalf off Messsrs 代表表某人(9)byy ordeer of Messrrs 奉(某某人)

17、之命(10)bby ordder off and for aaccounnt of Messrrs 奉(某某人)之命并并付其帐户(11)aat thee requuest oof andd for accouunt off Messsrs 应(某人)得要要求并付其帐帐户(12)iin acccordannce wiith innstrucction receiived ffrom aaccredditorss 根据已收收到得委托开开证人得指示示2.benneficiiary 受受益人 (11)beneeficiaary 受益益人 (2)in faavour of 以(某人)为受受益人(3)in

18、n ones favvour 以以为受益人人 (4)ffavourring yyourseelves 以你本人为为受益人3.draawee 付付款人(或称称受票人,指指汇票) (1)to drawnn on (or :uupon) 以(某人)为付款人(2)too valuue on 以(某人)为付款人 (3)too issuued onn 以(某人人)为付款人人4.draawer 出出票人5.advvisingg bankk 通知行 (1)addvisinng bannk 通知行行 (2)tthe nootifyiing baank 通知知行 (3)advissed thhroughhbank

19、 通过银行通知知(4)addvisedd by aairmaiil/cabble thhroughhbank 通过银行航空空信/电通知知6.opeening bank 开证行(1)oppeningg bankk 开证行 (2)isssuingg bankk 开证行 (3)esstabliishingg bankk 开证行7.neggotiattion bbank 议议付行(1)neegotiaating bank 议付行(22)negootiatiion baank 议付付行8.payying bbank 付付款行9.reiimburssing bbank 偿偿付行10.thhe connfi

20、rmiing baank 保兑兑行Amounnt of the LL/C 信用用证金额1. ammount RMB¥ 金额:人人民币2.up to ann aggrregatee amouunt off Honggkong Dollaars 累计金额额最高为港币币3.forr a suum (orr :summs) noot excceedinng a ttotal of GBBP 总金额不不得超过英镑镑4.to the eextentt of HHKD 总金额为为港币5.forr the amounnt of USD 金额为美美元6.forr an aamountt not exceeedi

21、ng totall of JJPY 金额的总总数不得超过过日元的限限度 The Stipuulatioons foor thee shippping Documments1. avvailabble aggainstt surrrenderr of tthe foollowiing doocumennts beearingg our crediit nummber aand thhe fulll namme andd addrress oof thee openner 凭交交出下列注名名本证号码和和开证人的全全称及地址的的单据付款2.draafts tto be accommpanieed b

22、y the ddocumeents mmarkedd()beloow 汇票须须随附下列注注有()的单据3.acccompannied aagainsst to documments hereiinafteer 随附下下列单据4.acccompannied bby folllowinng doccumentts 随附下下列单据5.doccumentts reqquiredd 单据要求求6.acccompannied bby thee folllowingg docuumentss markked()in ddupliccate 随随附下列注有有()的单据一一式两份7.draafts aare t

23、oo be aaccomppaniedd by 汇票要随随附(指单据据)DDraft(Bill of Exxchangge)1.thee kindds of draftts 汇票种种类(1)avvailabble byy draffts att sighht 凭即期期汇票付款(2)drraft(ss) to be drrawn aat 30 days sightt 开立300天的期票(3)siight ddrafs 即期汇票(4)tiime drrafts 远期汇票2.draawn cllausess 出票条款款(注:即出出具汇票的法法律依据)(1)alll darrfts ddrawn un

24、derr thiss creddit muust coontainn the clausse “Draftts draawn Unnder BBank oofcrediit No.datedd” 本证项项下开具的汇汇票须注明“本汇票系凭凭银行年月日第号信用证下下开具”的条款(2)drrafts are tto be drawnn in ddupliccate tto ourr ordeer beaaring the cclausee “Drawnn undeer Uniited MMalayaan Bannking Corp.Bhd.IIrrevoocablee Lettter off Cre

25、ddit Noo.datedd Julyy 12, 1978” 汇票一式式两份,以我我行为抬头,并并注明“根据马来西西亚联合银行行1978年年7月12日日第号不可撤撤销信用证项项下开立”(3)drraft(ss) draawn unnder tthis ccreditt to bbe marrked:“Drawnn undeerBank L/C NNo.Dateed (isssuingg datee of ccreditt)” 根据本证证开出得汇票票须注明“凭银行年月日(按开开证日期)第第号不可撤撤销信用证项项下开立”(4)drrafts in duuplicaate att sighht b

26、eaaring the cclausees“Drawnn undeerL/C NNo.datedd” 即期汇汇票一式两份份,注明“根据银行信用用证号,日期期开具”(5)drraft(ss) so drawnn mustt be iin scrribed with the nnumberr and date of thhis L/C 开具的的汇票须注上上本证的号码码和日期(6)drraft(ss) beaaring the cclausee:“Drawnn undeer doccumenttary ccreditt No.(showwn aboove) oofBank” 汇票注明明“根据银行跟单

27、单信用证号(如上所所示)项下开开立”信用证付款英语语例句 【 国际商贸人人才门户-世世贸人才网 2009-07-299】 【字体体:放大 缩缩小】 一、支付条条件(Terrms off paymment)1. Ouur usuual waay of paymeent iss by cconfirrmed aand irrrevoccable letteer of crediit avaailablle by draftt at ssight for tthe fuull ammount of thhe conntractted gooods tto be estabblisheed in ou

28、r ffavourr throough aa bankk acceeptablle to the ssellerrs.我们的一般般付款方式是是保兑的、不不可撤销的、以以我公司为受受益人的、足足额 信用证证 ,见票即即付。 信用用证 应通过过为卖方认可可的银行开出出。2. Foor payyment,we reequiree 100% valuue,connfirmeed andd irreevocabble leetter of crredit with partiial shhipmennt andd trannshipmment aalloweed claause,aavailaable

29、bby draaft att sighht,payyable againnst suurrendderingg the full set oof shiippingg docuumentss to tthe neegotiaating bank here.我们要求用用100%金金额的、保兑兑的、不可撤撤销的 信用用证 ,并 规定 允许许转船和分批批装运,凭 汇票 向议议付行交单即即期付款。3. Thhe lettter oof creedit sshouldd be eestabllishedd withh its clausses inn conffirmattion wwith tthe

30、teerms aand coonditiions oof thee conttract.信用证所开开 条款 ,必必须与合约 条款 相符符。4. Wee usuaally aacceptt paymment bby L/CC at ssight draftt or bby T/TT in aadvancce,butt neveer by C.O.DD.通常我们接接受即期信用用证付款或电电汇。我们从从不接受货到到付款的 办办法 。二、催开信信用证(Prressinng forr L/C)1. Ass the goodss agaiinst yyour oorder No.1111 havve be

31、een reaady foor shiipmentt for quitee somee timee,it iis impperatiive thhat yoou takke immmediatte acttion tto havve thee coveering crediit esttablisshed aas sooon as possiible.由于贵方定定单第1111号之货已备备待运有相当当长时间了,贵贵方必须立即即行动尽快开开出信用证。2. Wee repeeatedlly reqquesteed youu by ffaxes tto exppeditee the openiing

32、off the relattive lletterr of ccreditt so tthat wwe migght efffect shipmment ffor thhe aboove meentionned orrder,bbut affter tthe laapse oof 3 mmonthss,we hhave nnot yeet recceivedd the coverring LL/C.我们已经多多次传真要求求贵方从速开开来有关信用用证,以使我我们装运上述述定单之货。但但是三个月过过去了,仍未未收到有关信信用证。3. Wee hopee thatt you will take co

33、mmeerciall repuutatioon intto acccount in alll serriousnness aand oppen L/C at once,otherrwise you wwill bbe ressponsiible ffor alll thee lossses arrisingg therrefromm.希望贵方认认真考虑商业业信誉,立即即开证,否则则,由此产生生的一切损失失均由贵方负负责。4. Thhe shiipmentt timee for your orderr is aapproaachingg,but we haave noot yett receei

34、ved the ccoveriing L/C.Plss do yyour uutmostt to eexpediite thhe samme to reachh heree befoore thhe endd of tthis mmonth so thhat shhipmennt mayy be eeffectted wiithoutt deally.贵方定单的的装船期已经经临近,但我我们尚未收入入到有关信用用证,请尽最最大努力从速速将信用证在在本月底开到到,以便及时时装运。三、修改信信用证 (AAmendmment tto L/CC)1. Plls ameend thhe forregoin

35、ng L/CC to rread ppiece lengtth in 30 yaards iinsteaad of 40 yaards.请把上述信信用证条款中中匹长40码码改为30码码。2. Wee woulld draaw youur atttentioon to the ffact tthat tthe coonstruuctionn of oour Arrt.No.3100SS is 33232 78865 whhereass yourr creddit caalls ffor 30030 78865.Thherefoor,youu are requeested to ammend tt

36、he crredit accorrding to thhe stiipulattionoff the contrract.我们提请贵贵方注意,我我方坯布的规规格为3232 78865,而贵贵方信用证却却 规定 33030 78865,故请请按照合约规规定修改信用用证。3. Plls exttend tthe shhipmennt datte andd the validdity oof youur L/CC No.1111 too the end oof Jann.and FFeb.155,20066 resppectivvely,aand seee to it thhat thhe amee

37、ndmennt adiivce wwill rreach us beefore the eend off Dec.2005.请将信用证证111号的的装运船和议议付期分别展展延至20006年1月底底及2月155日,并请注注意把修改书书于20055年12月底底前寄达我们们这里。4. Wee havee receeived your L/C NNo.1111 coveering the aabove -menttionedd conttract.But oon cheeckingg up iits cllausess,we ffind tthat iit callls foor shiipmentt

38、 to bbe efffectedd not latteer thaan Novv.10,22005,wwhereaas thee conttract stipuulatess shippment Dec.22005.PPls exxtend the sshipmeent daate too the Dec.115th 22005 aand vaaliditty to the 331st oof Decc.上述合约项项下的信用证证111号已已收到。但是是经过核对条条款,发现该该证规定装期期不迟于20005年111月,而合约约规定装期为为2005年年12月份,为为此请把该证证装期展延至至2005

39、年年12月155日,议付期期展延至122月31日。信用证常用术语语及条款翻译译 (1)sppeciall addiitionaal rissk 特别附附加险(2)faailuree to ddeliveery 交货货不到险(3)immport duty 进口 关税税 险(4)onn deckk 仓面险(5)reejectiion 拒收收险(6)afflatoxxin 黄曲曲霉素险(7)fiire riisk exxtensiion cllause-for sstoragge of cargoo at ddestinnationn honggkong, inclludingg kowlloon,

40、 or maacao 出出口货物到香香港(包括九九龙在内)或或澳门存仓火火险责任扩展展 条款(8)suurvey in cuustomss riskk 海关 检检验险(9)suurvey at jeetty rrisk 码码头 检验险险(10)iinstittute wwar riisk 学会会战争险(11)ooverlaand trranspoortatiion riisks 陆陆运险(12)ooverlaand trranspoortatiion alll rissks 陆运运综合险(13)aair trranspoortatiion riisk 航 空运 输险险(14)aair trra

41、nspoortatiion alll rissk 航 空空运 输综合合险(15)aair trranspoortatiion waar rissk 航空 运输战争险险(16)pparcell postt riskk 邮包险(17)pparcell postt all risk 邮包综合险险(18)pparcell postt war risk 邮包战争险险(19)iinvesttment insurrance(polittical riskss) 投资保保险(政治风风险)(20)pproperrty innsurannce 财产产保险(21)eerectiion alll rissks 安装装

42、工程一切险险(22)ccontraactorss all riskss 建筑工程程一切险二.thee stippulatiions ffor innsurannce 保险险条款(1)maarine insurrance policcy 海运 保险单(2)sppecifiic pollicy 单单独保险单(3)vooyage policcy 航程保保险单(4)tiime poolicy 期限保险单单(5)flloatinng pollicy (or oppen poolicy) 流动保险险单(6)occean mmarinee carggo claauses 海洋运输 货物保险条条款(7)occ

43、ean mmarinee insuurancee clauuses (frozeen prooductss) 海洋运运输 冷藏货货物保险条款款(8)occean mmarinee carggo warr clauuses 海海洋运输货物物战争险条款款(9)occean mmarinee insuurancee clauuses (woodooil inn bulkk) 海洋运运输散装桐油油保险条款(10)ooverlaand trranspoortatiion innsurannce cllausess (traain, ttruckss) 陆上运运输货物保险险条款(火车车、汽车)(11)oo

44、verlaand trranspoortatiion innsurannce cllausess (froozen pproduccts) 陆陆上运输冷藏藏货物保险条条款(12)aair trranspoortatiion caargo iinsuraance cclausees 航空 运输货物保保险条款(13)aair trranspoortatiion caargo wwar riisk cllausess 航空运输输货物战争险险条款(14)pparcell postt insuurancee clauuses 邮邮包保险条款款(15)pparcell postt war risk ins

45、urrance clausses 邮包包战争保险条条款(16)llivesttock & poulltry iinsuraance cclausees (byy sea, landd or aair)活牲畜、家家禽的海上、陆陆上、航空保保险条款(17)riskss clauuses oof thee p.i.c.c. subjeect too c.i.c.根据中国人人民保险公司司的保险条款款投保险(1)maarine insurrance policcy 海运 保险单(2)sppecifiic pollicy 单单独保险单(3)vooyage policcy 航程保保险单(4)tiime po

46、olicy 期限保险单单(5)flloatinng pollicy (or oppen poolicy) 流动保险险单(6)occean mmarinee carggo claauses 海洋运输货货物保险条款款(7)occean mmarinee insuurancee clauuses (frozeen prooductss) 海洋运运输冷藏货物物保险条款(8)occean mmarinee carggo warr clauuses 海海洋运输货物物战争险条款款(9)occean mmarinee insuurancee clauuses (woodooil inn bulkk) 海洋运运

47、输散装桐油油保险条款(10)ooverlaand trranspoortatiion innsurannce cllausess (traain, ttruckss) 陆上运运输货物保险险条款(火车车、汽车)(11)ooverlaand trranspoortatiion innsurannce cllausess (froozen pproduccts) 陆陆上运输冷藏藏货物保险条条款(12)aair trranspoortatiion caargo iinsuraance cclausees 航空运运输货物保险险条款(13)aair trranspoortatiion caargo wwa

48、r riisk cllausess 航空运输输货物战争险险条款(14)pparcell postt insuurancee clauuses 邮邮包保险条款款(15)pparcell postt war risk insurrance clausses 邮包包战争保险条条款(16)llivesttock & poulltry iinsuraance cclausees (byy sea, landd or aair)活牲畜、家家禽的海上、陆陆上、航空保保险条款(17)riskss clauuses oof thee p.i.c.c. subjeect too c.i.c.根据中国人人民保险公司

49、司的保险条款款投保险(18)mmarinee insuurancee poliicies or ceertifiicatess in nnegotiiable form, for 110% full cif iinvoicce covveringg the riskss of wwar & w.a. as peer thee peopples iinsuraance cco. off chinna datted 1/1/19776. wiith exxtendeed covver upp to kkuala lumpuur witth claaims ppayablle in (at) kua

50、laa lumppur inn the curreency oof draaft (iirresppectivve of perceentagee) 作为可可议付格式的的 海运 保保险单或凭证证按照到岸价价的 发票 金额1100%投保中国国人民保险公公司19766年1月1日日的战争险和和基本险,负负责到吉隆坡坡为止。按照照 汇票 所所使用的货币币在吉隆坡赔赔付(无免赔赔率)(19)iinsuraance ppolicyy or ccertifficatee setttling agentts namme is to bee indiicatedd, anyy addiitionaal pree

51、mium to coover uupliftt betwween 110 andd 17% may bbe draawn inn exceess off the crediit uallue 保险险单或凭证须须表明理赔代代理人的名称称,保险费如如增加10-17%可在在本证金额以以外支付(20)iinsuraance ppolicyy (cerrtificcate) namee of aassureed to be shhowed: a.b.c.co. ltd. 保险单或或凭证作成以以a.b.cc.有限公司司为被保险人人(21)iinsuraance ppolicyy or ccertiffic

52、atee coveering w.a. (or ff.p.a.) andd war riskss as pper occean mmarinee carggo claause aand occean mmarinee carggo warr riskk clauuses oof thee peopples iinsuraance ccompanny of chinaa dateed 1/11/19811 保险单或或凭证根据中中国人民保险险公司19881年1月11日的海洋运运输货物保险险条款和海洋洋运输货物战战争险条款投投保水渍险(或平安险)和战争险(22)iinsuraance ppolicy

53、y/certtificaate cooverinng alll war miness riskks 保险单单/凭证投保保一切险、战战争险、地雷雷险(注:mmines解解释为地雷,属属于战争险的的负责范围,可可以接受)(23)ww.a. tthis iinsuraance mmust bbe vallid foor perriod oof 60 days afterr the dischharge of gooods 水水渍险在货物物卸船后600天有效(24)iin triiplicaate cooverinng alll riskks andd war riskss inclludingg w

54、.a. and breakkage iin exccess oof fivve perr centt on tthe whhole cconsiggnmentt and incluuding w/w uup to buyerrs goddown iin pennang投保一切险险和战争险包包括水渍险,破破碎损失有55%绝对免赔赔率,按全部部货物计算,包包括仓至仓条条款,负责到到买方在槟城城的仓库为止止(的保险单单)一式三份份(25)iinsuraance ppolicyy issuued off endoorsed to orrder for the fface vvalue of innvo

55、icee pluss 10% coverring iincludding wwar wiith 155 dayss afteer arrrival of gooods aat desstinattion, only againnst fppa andd t.p.n.d.按 发票 面值加100%投保战争争险,货物到到达目的地后后15天有效效,仅负责平平安险和盗窃窃提货不着险险的保险单开开给或背书给给跟单信用证常见见英语略缩语语 D/P(ddocumeent aggainstt paymment)付付款交单C.O (certiificatte of origiin)一般原原产地证CTN/CCTNS

56、(ccartonn/carttons)纸纸箱DL/DLLS(dolllar/ddollarrs)美元PKG(ppackagge)一包,一一捆,一扎,一一件等G.W.(grosss weigght)毛重重C/D (custooms deeclaraation) 报关单 W (wiith)具有有FAC(ffacsimmile)传传真EXP(eexportt)出口MIN (minimmum)最小小的,最低限限度M/V(mmerchaant veessel)商船MT或M/T(mettric tton)公吨吨INT(iinternnationnal)国际际的INV (invoiice)发票票REF (r

57、eferrence)参考、查价价STL.(stylee)式样、款款式、类型RMB(rrenminnbi)人民民币PR或PRRC(priice) 价价格S/C(ssales contrract)销销售确认书B/L (bill of laading)提单 CIF (costt,insuurancee&freiight)成成本、保险加加运费价T/T(ttelegrraphicc trannsfer)电汇D/A (documment aagainsst accceptannce)承兑兑交单G.S.PP.(genneraliized ssystemm of ppreferrencess)普惠制PCE/P

58、PCS(piiece/ppiecess)只、个、支支等DOZ/DDZ(dozzen)一打打 WT(wweightt)重量N.W.(net wweightt)净重EA(eaach)每个个,各w/o(wwithouut)没有IMP(iimportt)进口MAX (maximmum)最大大的、最大限限度的M 或MEED (meedium)中等,中级级的S.S(ssteamsship)船船运DOC (documment)文文件、单据P/L (packiing liist)装箱箱单、明细表表PCT (perceent)百分分比EMS (expreess maail sppeciall)特快传递递T或LT

59、XX或TX(ttelex)电传S/M (shippping mmarks)装船标记PUR (purchhase)购购买、购货L/C (letteer of crediit) 信用用证 FOB (freee on bboard)离岸价信用证常用语语中英文翻译译 1.revvocablle L/CC/irreevocabble L/C 可撤销销 信用证 /不可撤销销 信用证 2.connfirmeed L/CC/uncoonfirmmed L/C 保兑信信用证/不保保兑信用证 3.ssight L/C/uusancee L/C 即期信用证证/远期信用用证4.traansferrable/untra

60、ansferrable L/C 可可转让信用证证/不可转让让信用证5.divvisiblle L/CC/undiivisibble L/C 可分割割信用证/不不可分割信用用证6.revvolvinng L/CC 循环信用用证7.L/CC withh T/T reimbbursemment cclausee 带电汇条条款信用证8.witthout recouurse LL/C/wiith reecoursse L/CC 无追索权权信用证/有有追索权信用用证9.doccumenttary LL/C/cllean LL/C 跟单单信用证/光光票信用证10.deeferreed payyment L/


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