



1、段落翻译TheGreenhouseEffect 温室效应An environmental group, the World Resources Institute, recently released a report that deals inpart with the same issue discussed in Geneva. The report warns about the effects of changes in the atmosphere. It says the world must act immediately to halt these changes, or t

2、emperatures on earth will rise to dangerous level. A scientist for the World Resources Institute, Irving Mintzer, used a computer to study the changes in the atmosphere called the greenhouse effect.一个环境保护团体世界资源协会的报告。这篇报告对大气变化的后果提出警告。它说,全世界必需马上行动起来.明策尔, 使用计算机争辩了人们称作温室效应的大气的变化。A greenhouse is a glass

3、building that traps heat so plants can be grown inside even in coldweather. CFCs, carbon dioxide, and other gases in the atmosphere act like a greenhouse. They permit heat from the sun to reach earth, but they trap the heat and prevent it from escapingback into space.温室是一座能捕获能量,在严寒的天气也能在里面种植植物的玻璃建筑物

4、。含氯氟烃、二氧化碳以及大气层中的其他气体起着像温室一样的作用。它们允许太阳的能量到达地球, 却能将能量扣住,不许其逃回宇宙空间去。Mr. Mintzry d t average s t e e n 4 s if present industrial policies are not changed. That increase in temperature, he says, could come within 45 years. The higher temperatures could melt ice at the North Pole and South Pole.Average s

5、ea levels could rise as much as one meter, causing severer floods along coastal areas.4 摄氏度以上。他说,这种温升可能在 45 年以内就会消灭。上升的温度会使南北两极的冰块溶化。1 米之多,使沿海地区发生严峻的洪水灾难。The problem is not expected to be so bad, Mr. Mintzer says, if governments approve strong measures to limit the greenhouse effect. Those measures

6、include reducing the use of CFCs, producing less carbon dioxide by burning less oil and gas, and replanting rain forests that will helpremove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.明策尔先生说,假设各国政府赞同实行强硬措施来限制温室效应,那么, 问题不会那的产生以及重种植有助于消退大气中二氧化碳成分的雨林。10 24 号,香港发980 亿美元2022315 朱镕基记者招待会Since the financial crisi

7、s in Asia last year, and especially since the stock market crashing in Hong Kong on the 24 thof October last year, thanks to the sound economic structure and fairly strong economic power, and a very large foreign exchange reserve of 98 billion US dollars in HongKong, and also thanks to the leadershi

8、p exercised by the Hong Kong SAR government, Hong Kong has overcome one difficulty after another.After the expiration of the state-stipulated tax reduction or exemption period, the export-oriented enterprises in the Economic and Technological Development Zone can enjoy the following preferential tax

9、 treatment: their enterprise income tax is levied at reduced rate of 10% of their business proceeds when their annual gross export value reaches the standard set by Chongqing Municipal Government for that year. If the enterprises are hi-tech enterprises and can remain advanced technologically after

10、the state-stipulated tax reduction or exemption period for another 3 yearsthe enterprise income rate for them is 10% of their business proceeds.A joint venture shall take the form of limited company. The investment of a foreign joint venture, as a rule, shall constitute not less than 25 percent of t

11、he registered capital of the venture. Each an every party to the joint venture shall share profits, risks and losses of the venture in its proportion to its ownership of the registered capital. Transfer, if any, of a joint ventures share in the registered capital shall require the consent of the oth

12、er joint venturers.产值到达规定比例的,可按减 10的税率征收企业所得税;先进技术企业减免期满仍为先10的税率征收企业所得税。本假设转让必需经合营各方同意。When you flip the power switch on your computer system, you set into motion a series of steps that must occur before you can see the DOS prompt, which signals that your computer is ready to use.This information is

13、 assembled on maps and cross sections, and fitted together in the mind ofthe petroleum geologist, where it is interpreted and translated into the best place to drill a well that will penetrate a trap below the surface of the ground and thereby enable the well to test the traps cont.entIf one system

14、fails, the second automatically supplies control forces, and there is no flightdeviation.Since many of the municipal blueprints of pipe systems were destroyed during World War II,strange pipes kept turning up.You must fix in mind the symbols and formulas, definitions and laws of physics, no matter h

15、ow complex they may be, when you come in contact with them , in order that you mayunderstand the subject better and lay a solid foundation for further reading.The difference between fusion and fission do not stop there.The study of the brain is one of last frontier of human knowledge and of much mor

16、e immediateimportance than understanding the infinity of space or the mystery of the atom.Different systems of gases produce flames of different colors.The beauty of lasers is that they can do machining without ever physically touching thematerial.The major problem in fabrication is the control of c

17、ontamination and foreign materials.The foresight and coverage shown by the inventor of the process are most commendable.There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems; more than transienteverydayness.All the wit and learning in this field are to be present at the symposi

18、um.课堂句子翻译Other liquids being to light, a barometer uses mercury.由于其他气体太轻,所以气压计往往使用水银。The pointer of the meter moves from zero to two and goes back to zero again.0 20.Were there no gravity, there would be no air around the earth.假设没有引力,地球四周就没有空气。Without moving parts, maintenance requirements are cut

19、to a minimum.由于没有动件,故修理费降至最低。The constant sunshine and mild climate of southern California made it an ideal site for shootingmotion pictures.His chief contribution was making me realize how much more than knowledge I had beengetting from him.The chief effects of electric currents are the magnetic, h

20、eating, and chemical effects.In order to survive, to feed, clothe and shelter himself and his children, mean is engaged in aconstant struggle with nature.尊严和荣誉为最大耻辱。The behavior of a fluid flowing through a pipe is affected by a number of factors, including theviscosity of the fluid and the speed at which it is pumped.They may have been


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