



1、温馨提本训练的学习目标是熟悉常速英文的口译笔记架构,做到笔记可以复述原文,尝试翻译即可,如果有同学对原文理解不清楚,可以在直播课上向老师提问或者通过班老师把问题转交给老师!练习内容是篇章,提供练习loandebt,adviceforwhenitcomestimetolookfora jobintheonlineWeve teamed up withMoney to focus todays show on some of the financial challenges facing this newest generation of American workers.Agoodplace t

2、ostartistodefine it.Were talkingaboutpeople borninthe 1980sand1990s.Its time to meet the millennials.Hey,millennials,whatmakesyousospecialWell,for starters,thatgenerationisthebiggestinAmericanhistory.Thereareatleast80million people aged 18 to 35.Theyrethemosteducatedgenerationeverandtheyhavethestude

3、ntloandebttoshowforit. The average student loan balance for someone under 30 years old, more than 21,000.嗯,首先,这一代有着历史上最大的人数。18至35岁至少有8000万人。Icurrentlyhave46,000indebt. I have about 54,000.Ihave95,000instudentScarredbythe GreatRecession,millennialshave beenreluctanttobuyahouse. I dont think I plan to

4、 buy a home at any point.ItneveroccurredtomethatIwouldpurchaseahome. I really believe in a sharing economy.Thirtypercentstilllivingwiththeirparents,butmostmillennialssaytheywanttobuyandsome are starting to take the plunge.Mygoalfora downpaymentis20,000.AndImactuallyachievingthatgoalandImgoingtoget t

5、here quicker than I actually thought.Living in mom and dads basement means fewer millennials are tying the knot. Their parents probably got married in their early 20s.Thisgeneration,30isthenewnormal.Andtheyrewaitingtohavekids,I dont want to bring a child into the world until, you know, I know that I

6、 can afford that. Millennials are thegeneration born online. Theyre tech savvy, whiakes them quick learners and smart shoppers, but they care about muore than just the bottom line. So companies have to adjust to make their products more sustainable, higher quality and customizable. Thats what millen

7、nials want.Ethicsare veryimportant to me. Im looking forauthenticity. Its good toknowthatit will gotogoodcause,if itgoestoa goodReadyornot,millennialsaredramaticallychangingexpectationsandshathe大约是 54000 。目标首付是 20000 。我会达成这一目标而且会比自己所预期的更早实现。 物,但他们关心的不仅仅是。所以各大公司必须调整使自家的产品更持续、更高质量及FridaysareImCarlAzuz

8、withyourcommercial-freenewssourcefortheupthisMarch20th, Obamaannouncedanewexecutive orderyesterday. ItrequiresU.S.ernmentagenciestoreduce their greenhouse gasemissions.The sayshewantsa 40 percent reduction over the next 10 years in the types of emissions that many scientists say contribute to climat

9、e change.ernment buildings will have to reduce energy use. ernment agencies will have to replace their vehicles with lower emissions ones, like hybrids.40%温室气体排放。But this is anordernotapprovedby Congress,andits limited to ernmentproperty only, which makes up a relatively small source of greenhouse g

10、as emissions. Republicans say decisions like this hurt American jobs. And like other executive orders, the next could reverse this Obama also made news yesterday for suggesting that voting should be mandatory in the US.Ata townhalleventinCleveland,Ohio,he wasaskedhowto offsetthe influence of moneyin

11、politics.The saidifeverybodyvoted,itwouldbe,quote,Twenty-sixcountriesrequire theircitizens to vote. In some places, like Australiaand Belgium, people can get fined if they dont.And if they dont pay that fine in Belgium, they can be jailed. The U.S. has a relatively low voter turnout rate among wealthier democracies.In the 2012 ial election, just over 57 percent of all eligible voters voted. In the 2014 midterm elections, it was just under 37 percent. The midterms usually have lower turnout.Critics saythefreedom tovote alsocomes the free


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