1、 9/9中国银行20110笔试阅读读真题及答案案解析中国银行校园招招聘笔试英语语的难度跟六六级和考研的的难度差不多多,而且时间间非常紧张,根根本不够用的的。题型大致致分为:单选选(老六级)、改改错、完型、阅阅读、阅读新新题型(段落落排序、句子子排序)、快快速阅读等,题题量笔研究生生考试的题量量还要大,而而且时间只给给一个半小时时。本文为20100年笔试的阅阅读的一篇,并提供答案案解析以供参参考。Proponeents oof diffferennt jazzz styyles hhave aalwayss arguued thhat thheir ppredeccessorrs mmusica
2、al styyle diid nott incllude eessenttial ccharaccterisstics that definne jazzz as jazz. Thuss, 19440s swingg was belitttled by beeboppeers off the 1950s whho werre theemselvves atttackeed by free jazzees of the 11960s. Thhe neooboppeers off the 1980s annd 19990s attaccked aalmostt everrybodyy elsee.
3、 Thee titaanic ffiguree of BBlack saxopphonisst Johhn Colltranee has compllicateed thee arguumentss madee by pproponnents of sttyles from bebopp throough nneobopp becaause iin hiss own musiccal joourneyy he ddrew ffrom aall thhose sstyless. Hiss inflluencee on aall tyypes oof jazzz wass immeeasuraab
4、le. At thhe heiight oof hiss popuularitty, Cooltranne larrgely abanddoned playiing beebop, the sstyle that had bbroughht himm famee, to exploore thhe outter reeachess of jjazz.Coltrrane hhimsellf proobablyy beliieved that the oonly eessenttial ccharaccterisstic oof jazzz wass imprrovisaation, the on
5、e cconstaant inn his journney frrom beebop tto opeen-endded immproviisatioons onn modaal, Inndian, and Africcan meelodiees. Onn the otherr handd, thiis doggged sstudennt andd proddigiouus tecchniciian who iinsistted onn spennding hourss eachh day practticingg scalles frrom thheory bookss waas nevver
6、 abble too jetttison complletelyy the influuence of beebop, with its ffast aand ellaboraate chhains of nootes aand orrnamennts onn meloody.Two sstylisstic ccharaccterisstics shapeed thee way Coltrrane pplayedd the tenorr saxoophonee: he favorred pllayingg fastt runss of nnotes builtt on aa meloody a
7、nnd deppendedd on hheavy, reguularlyy acceented beatss. Thee firsst ledd Colttrane to shheets of soound” wherre he racedd fastter annd fasster, pile-driviing nootes iinto eeach oother to suuggestt staccked hharmonnies. The ssecondd meannt thaat hiss sensse of rhythhm wass almoost ass closse to rock
8、as too beboop.Threee recoordinggs illlustraate Cooltrannes energgizingg explloratiions. Recorrding Kind of Bllue wiith Miiles DDavis, Colttrane foundd himsself ooutsidde bopp, expplorinng moddal meelodiees. Heere hee playyed suurgingg, lenngthy soloss buillt larrgely arounnd reppeatedd motiifs an oo
9、rganiizing princciple unlikke thaat of free jazz saxopphone playeer Ornnette Colemman, wwho moodulatted orr alteered mmelodiies inn his soloss. On Giantt Stepps, Cooltranne debbuted as leeader, intrroduciing hiis ownn comppositiions. Here the ssheetss of ssound, downnbeat accennts, rrepetiitionss, a
10、ndd greaat speeed arre parrt of each solo, and the vvarietty of the sshapess of hhis phhrasess is uuniquee. Colltranees ssearchhing eexplorrationns prooducedd soliid achhievemment. My Faavoritte Thiings wwas annotherr kindd of wwatersshed. Here Coltrrane pplayedd the sopraano saaxophoone, aan insstr
11、umeent seeldom used by jaazz muusiciaans. MMusicaally, the rresultts werre asttoundiing. WWith tthe soopranoos ppipingg sounnd, iddeas tthat hhad sooundedd darkk and broodding aacquirred a feeliing off gidddy fanntasy.When Cooltranne beggan reecordiing foor thee Impuulse! Labell, he was sstill searc
12、ching. His musicc becaame raaucouss, phyysicall. Hiss inflluencee on rrockerrs wass enorrmous, inclludingg Jimii Henddrix, the rrock gguitarrist, who, folloowing Coltrrane, raiseed thee exteended guitaar sollo using repeaated mmotifss to aa kindd of rrock aart foorm.The pprimarry purrpose of thhe te
13、xxt is toA ddiscusss thee placce of Coltrrane iin thee worlld of jazz and ddescriibe hiis mussical explooratioons.B eexaminne thee natuure off beboop andd conttrast it wiith immproviisatioonal jjazz.C aanalyzze thee musiical ssourcees of Coltrranes styyle annd theeir innfluennce onn his work.D ackkn
14、owleedge tthe innfluennce off Colttranes muusic oon rocck mussic annd rocck mussicianns.Whichh of tthe foollowiing beest deescribbes thhe orgganizaation of thhe fouurth pparagrraph?A AA thessis reeferreed to earliier inn the text is meentionned annd illlustraated wwith tthree speciific eexamplles.B
15、AA thessis iss statted annd thrree exxamplees aree giveen eacch sugggestiing thhat a correectionn needds to be maade too a thhesis referrred tto earrlier in thhe texxt.C AA thessis reeferreed to earliier inn the text is meentionned, aand thhree eexamplles arre preesenteed andd rankked inn ordeer of
16、theirr suppport oof thee thessis.D A tthesiss is sstatedd, thrree seeeminggly oppposinng exaampless are preseented, and theirr undeerlyinng corrrespoondencce is explaained.Accorrding to thhe texxt, Joohn Cooltranne didd all of thhe folllowinng durring hhis caareer EXCEPPTA iimprovvise oon mellodiess
17、 fromm a nuumber of diiffereent cuulturees.B pperforrm as leadeer as well as sooloistt.C sspend time improoving his ttechniical sskillss.D eliiminatte thee inflluencee of bbebop on hiis ownn musiic.Accorrding to thhe texxt a mmajor diffeerencee betwween CColtraane annd othher jaazz muusiciaans waas
18、theeA ddegreee to wwhich Coltrranes mussic enncompaassed all oof jazzz.B rrepetiition of mootifs that Coltrrane uused iin hiss soloos.C nnumberr of hhis owwn commposittions that Coltrrane rrecordded.D inddifferrence Coltrrane mmaintaained to muusicall techhniquee.In teerms oof itss tonee and form, t
19、he text can bbest bbe chaaracteerizedd asA ddogmattic exxplanaation.B iindignnant ddeniall.C eenthussiastiic praaise.D sspecullativee studdy.答案与考考点解析答案AA考点解析析本题是一一道中心主旨旨题。第一段段的倒数第一一、二句是全全文的中心主主旨句,全文文就是根据这这两句话展开开论述的。抓抓住这两句话话就可以找出出本题的正确确选项A.考考生在解题时时,尤其是破破解中心主旨旨题时,一定定要先找出全全文的中心主主旨句。答案CC考点解析析 这是一一道例(举)证
21、全文中心主主旨句的同学学来讲确比较较容易,因为为从第一段第第四句的原因因状语从句中中就可以推导导出本题的正正确答案D.考生在解题题时应时时牢牢记全文的中中心主旨句。答案AA考点解析析本题是一一道审题定位位题型。根据据本题题干中中的“otherr jazzz musiicianss”可将本题的的答案信息来来源定位在第第一段的第一一至四句,因因为在这四句句话中提到了了其它的爵士士音乐家。第第一段第四句句的状语从句句明确指出了了“Coltrrane”与其它音乐乐家的不同在在于他吸收了了各种风格的的爵士音乐。故故本题的正确确答案应该是是A.考生在在解题时应重重视审题定位位。答案CC考点解析析本题是一一
22、道归纳推导导题型。细心心的同学可从从本文作者在在论述时使用用的词语中推推导出本题的的正确答案CC.例如作者者在第一段第第四句的主语语上使用了“titannic fiigure”;在第五句句使用了“his iinflueencewas iimmeassurablle”;在最后一一段的第三句句使用了“his iinflueence was enormmous”,这都反映映了作者的“enthuusiasttic prraise”。考生在解解题时要重视视原文作者在在表达观点时时的遣词造句句。参考译文文不同的爵士士乐风格的支支持者一贯认认为他们前辈辈的音乐风格格没有包括那那些使爵士乐乐之所以成为为爵士乐
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