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2、一并交回。. 单项选择1、Our basketball team wont win the match _ we work together.AifBsinceCwhileDunless2、Is this Lucys bicycle?No, _ is under the tree. She put it there this morning.AsheBherChers3、 Will your father have a picnic with us this Saturday?He would love to, but he has to work_.Aon weekendsBon weekd

3、aysCin the daytime4、Most students have to study all the subjects _ they are not interested in them.Aas ifBeven ifCso thatDas long as5、Sally used to be ,but now she enjoys meeting and talking to new friends.Ahonest Bshy Ccreative Dlively6、He tried to avoid by his father.AseeingBto seeCbeing seenDto b

4、e seen7、I have a bad cold.Sorry to hear that.Youd better go to see a at once.AdoctorBcookCwriterDfarmer8、Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation?Not yet. We_ go to Changchun. It is cool there.AshouldBmayCneedDmust9、-What do you think we can do for our aged parents?-You dont have to do

5、_except to be with them and be yourself.AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing10、Did you go to school without _breakfast this morning?AhaveBhavingChasDhad. 完形填空11、 Do you know Kevin? He is a soccer 1 in our school. He comes from England and he teaches soccer in our school soccer team. He 2 Taiyuan i

6、s a good place. He likes the food here. And he likes the nice people here, too. 3 does he go every day? Lets have a look. In the morning, he plays sports in the gym(体育馆). Then he plays with his students on the playground. He always 4 his work at 6: 00 p. m. After that, he eats 5 at the dinning hall.

7、 Kevin is 6 , so everyone in the school likes him. They also call 7 us. These things are from England and they are so interesting. And he 8 some things for his son. Kevin says he likes fun 9 interesting life in Taiyuan. He believes many soccer stars may(可能) come from Taiyuan one day.1AteacherBstuden

8、tCclassmate2AwatchesBmeetsCthinks3AHowBWhereCWhen4AplaysBcomesCfinishes5AbreakfastBlunchCdinner6AfreeBfunClong7AhimBherCit8AunderBtoCin9AasksBcallsCbuys10AbutBandCso. 语法填空12、Just like football, basketball is one of the 1(popular) sports in the world.The game of the basketball2(go) a long way since i

9、ts first game on December 21, 1891. At the beginning the game wasnt played very 3(wide ),because students played 4 game inside when the weather outside became too cold for sports. Now basketball 5(play) in many different countries around the world. Fans of basketball love playing the games in all se

10、asons-spring, summer, fall, winter. 阅读理解A13、Even kids know that we should wait for the traffic light to turn green before crossing a road, but not everybody follows this basic rule.“Chinese style road crossing” has become a hot expression recently. Chinese people “cross roads without thinking about

11、traffic lights, so long as(只要)they are part of a crowd”, said a post on Sina Weibo.A CCTV news program showed that in only an hour, more than 600 people jumped red lights when crossing a road at a crossing in Shijiazhuang, Hebei.Many people say that they jaywalk(乱闯马路)because the red light lasts too

12、long. Such an opinion is supported by a research team at Tongji University._did research on peoples waiting times at different road crossings from 2008 to 2010. They found that Chinese people would wait for 70 to 90 seconds before they lost their patience. “People are likely to ignore the light when

13、 the waiting time is longer than they can stand,” said Ni Ying, a member of the research team.However, a survey on Sina Weibo suggested that half of respondents(调查对象)believe that people jaywalk mainly because they disregard(忽视)rules.“I always obey traffic rules. Time is important but safety should c

14、ome first,” wrote “Qixiaoe” on Weibo.Many countries give out punishments to jaywalkers. In Singapore, the maximum(最大量) can be three months in prison. Some Chinese cities have started taking some actions, too. For example, the first three people in a jaywalking group will be fined 50 yuan in Shijiazh

15、uang.But calling on people to respect rules is more important. To completely solve the problem, everyone should realize the importance of obeying the traffic rules.1(小题1)Which of the following is the “Chinese style road crossing”?ATo wait for the traffic light to turn green.BTo cross a road slowly.C

16、To cross roads without looking at traffic lights.DTo follow the basic traffic lights.2(小题2)What does the phrase “the team” in Paragraph 4 refer to ?AA CCTV news program.BA research group at Tongji UniversityCA post on Sina Weibo.DA daily newspaper.3(小题3)How long will Chinese people wait for to cross

17、 the road before they lose patience?ALess than one minute.BAbout five minutes.CLess than one and a half minutes.DMore than ten minutes.4(小题4)Why do people jaywalk according to the survey on Sina Weibo?ABecause there are too many people on the road.BBecause the red light lasts too long.CBecause peopl

18、e dont pay much attention to rules.DBecause people have less patience.5(小题5)The writer suggests that we should_ to solve the problem of jaywalking.Apunish the jaywalkersBdisregard the traffic rulesCreduce the time of red lightsDcall on people to obey the traffic lightsB14、Onceupon a time, some visit

19、ors went to an island for a vacation, and each was having a good time. Suddenly a warning of a strong storm came to them, so all rushed to their boats. Yet, Love did not wish to run away quickly. There was so much to do. But as the clouds got darker, Love realized it was time to leave. But there was

20、 no boat to go into. Love looked around with hope.Just then Richness was passing by in a great large boat. Love shouted, “Richness, can you take me with you? Richness answered, “No, I cant. There is a lot of gold in my boat. There is no place here for you. ”Love decided to ask Vanity(虚荣) for help wh

21、o was also passing by in a beautiful boat. But Vanity said with a cold voice, “No, I cant take you with me. My boat will get dirty with your wet feet. ”Sadness passed by after some time. Again, Love asked for help. But it was useless. “No, I cant take you with me. I am so sad. I want to be alone. ”W

22、hen Happiness passed by a few minutes later, Love again called for help. But Happiness was so happy that he didnt hear Love calling to him.Love was becoming restless and hopeless. Just then somebody called out, “Come, Love! I will take you with me. ” Love did not know who was so kind, but jumped int

23、o the boat happily.After getting off the boat, Love met Knowledge. Love asked, “Knowledge, do you know who was so kind to give me a lift when no one else wished to help?” 来源:Zxxk.ComKnowledge smiled, “Oh, that was Time. ”“Time?” asked Love. “But why did Time help me?” Knowledge smiled with deep wisd

24、om and answered, “Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is. ”1According to the passage, which one did not go to an island for a vacation?ALove.BRichness.CVanity.DKnowledge.2Other visitors passed by in their boats one by one. Which is the right order according to the passage?AR

25、ichness Vanity Sadness Happiness TimeBRichness Happiness Sadness Vanity TimeCTime Richness Vanity Sadness HappinessDRichness Happiness Vanity Sadness Time3What can we learn from the passage?AWhen we are rich, we may pay more attention to LoveBAll the feelings are important in our life except LoveCAs

26、 time goes by, we can realize the importance of LoveDWhen we are happy and sad, we shouldnt remember LoveC15、We all heard of stress. And many of us are in the face of stress.Some of the stresses are good and can actually be helpful they give you the energy you need to start your day, to face problem

27、s or even to prepare for good things (such as vacations).On the other hand, some stresses last for a very long time, and make it hard for people to deal with their problems. These are bad stresses. People who are dealing with bad stresses often need help to face their problems, illnesses and even th

28、e influence on their family or social life.But what many people dont realize is that a life without stress can be possible, if dealt with correctly.Here are some ways that have been shown:Realize that you cant avoid stress, but you can learn how to deal with itFind out where your stresses come fromP

29、ay attention to your self-control and feelingsChoose exercises you like, three to four times a weekEat healthilySleep wellUse social supportThink positively Learn how to think about something seriously for a long timeManage your timeMake a diary for your doctor-visit, MRI, blood examination, etcA st

30、ress specialist can create a professional program for youStress doesnt have to be your enemy, and getting ready to deal with it can be the first step in the right direction. Remember that you do have a choice in the matter. As William James, an American philosopher, once wrote, “The greatest weapon

31、against stress is our ability to choose one thought instead of another.”1What can we get from good stresses?AEnergy. BSupport. CChoice. DDirection.2Mark is under great pressure these days. How often should he do physical activities according to the material?AFour times a month. BThree times a week.C

32、Three hours a day. DEvery three days.3We can _ to deal with stress.Ahave more food and fruits Bgo to bed earlyCsleep and eat less Dget help from others4Which of the following is True according to the passage?AStresses have a bad influence on our daily life.BStress is our enemy, though it doesnt have

33、 to be.CIf we can control our thought, we can control stress.DPeople who are dealing with stresses can still get along with others.D16、Chinese buyers used to prize foreign brands, thinking that products made by American or European companies are of higher quality(质量) than Chinese ones. Increasingly,

34、 thats no longer the case.Chinese people born before 1985 generally think that foreign brands are better than Chinese ones, billionaire William Li told Business Insider during a recent interview on CCTV 9. But for who were born after 1985, it is a different picture.“When I first went to the United K

35、ingdom in 1997, I thought that the difference between China and Europe was quite big,” Li said. “But for those born in the 1990s, when they visit Europe or the US, they do not think there is a big difference.”The change in thinking among Chinese buyers is showing up in many markets in China where we

36、stern companies used to control. A study by Credit Suisse published in March found that young Chinese buyers are increasingly showing a home brand bias.” More than 90% of young Chinese buyers would prefer to buy home appliance brands, according to the study. Meanwhile, home companies producing food,

37、 drinks, or personal care products increased their share of the market by 3, 3% over the last ten years to nearly 70%.“Chinese buyers, especially the younger ones, dont just believe that foreign brands are better. Right now, Chinese buyers think China is good and Made in China is not bad at all,” Ch

38、arlie Chen, head of China buyer research at Credit Suisse, told South China Morning Post in March.The Chinese smartphone market is controlled by home companiesHuawei, Oppo, Vivo, and Xiaomi. Apple is the only foreign brand in the top five, but it has lost large ground to the home brands in recent ye

39、ars. Its market share is believed to be down to 37% from a 2015 high of 54%.1What is this passage mainly about?AThe quality of Made in China.BThe change in Chinese buyers thinking.CChinese products in the eye of foreigner.DDifference between older and younger Chinese buyers.2Which of the following i

40、s true according to the text?AMore and more foreigners go to buy Chinese products.BForeign products are more expensive than Chinese ones.CMore and more Chinese buyers prefer Chinese products.DOlder Chinese people dont like foreign products any more.3Which fact best explains “home brand bias”?AApple

41、had a market share of 54% in 2015.BMore than 90% of young Chinese buyers prefer home brands.CChinese people born before 1985 think that foreign brands are better.DWilliam Li found a big difference between China and Europe in 1997.4Who did most of the research for this report?ACredit Suisse. BCCTV 9.

42、CSouth China Morning Post. DBusiness Insider.5Whats the best title for this passage?AChinese products get more popular at homeBYoung Chinese are crazy for foreign brandsCMade in China is welcomed all over the worldDApple has lost large ground to Huawei in ChinaE17、The next time you look up at the sk

43、y and see a cloud that looks like Mickey Mouse or your favorite fruit, look again. It may not be a cloud, but a Flogo - a logo that flies. Its a new form of advertising in the sky thats never been used before. Its a different way to market your products, logos, and events.These funny logos are made

44、with soap bubbles (肥皂泡) mixed with a little helium gas (氦气) ,which makes them lighter than air and float in the sky. Special machines are used to make these new funny Flogos. The machine, which can be rented for $ 2,500 a day, can make a Flogo every 15-25 seconds.Flogos can fly much higher or lower

45、if needed. They can last from a few minutes to an hour anywhere in the sky, depending on the weather conditions. Though they can fly up to 20, 000 feet, they usually float around at 300- 500 feet. Flogos are only white now, but people hope to have more colorful Flogos in the near future.Flogos are G

46、reen, 100% environmentally safe, because the soap used to make the Flogo comes from plants and leaves. So this fun way of advertising is healthy and good for the environment.1Flogos are mainly used to _.Aadvertise in the skyBmake funny bubblesCimprove weather conditionsDsee colorful clouds2Why are F

47、logos healthy and good for the environment?ABecause they can float high and last for a long time in the sky.BBecause there is a little helium gas mixed with soap bubbles.CBecause the machines used to make them are special and expensive.DBecause the soap used to make them comes from plants and leaves

48、.3From the passage, we can infer that Flogos _.Acan fly for hours in the sky all dayBcan have different colors at presentCmay be influenced by the weatherDmay be the cheapest way of advertising4Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?AMachines - Used for Flogos!BFlogos - Logos th

49、at fly!CAdvertising - Made of Fruits!DClouds - Like Mickey Mouse!F18、Are you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids to? Try some of theseplaces:Visit art museumsThey offer various activities to excite your kids interest. Many offer workshops for makingland-made pieces, book signi

50、ngs by childrens favorite writer, and even musical performancesand other arts.Head to a natural history museumThis is where kids can discover the past from dinosaur models to rock collections andpictures of stars in the sky. Also, ask what kind of workshops are prepared for kids and any special even

51、ts that are coming up.Go to a youth centreLook for one in your area offering plays for child and family visitors. Pre-show play shopsare conducted by area artists where kids can discover the secret about performing arts- puppet(木偶)making .Try hands-on science museumVisit one of the many hands-on science museums around the country. These science play-lands are great fun for kids . Theyll keep your child mentally and physically active the whole day through experimenting and building.1If a child is intereste


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