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1、高三英语培优时文阅读5班级:姓名:学号:班级:姓名:学号:外刊阅读5:阿里遭反垄断调查,这意味着什么?近日,中国市场监管部门启动对阿里巴巴的反垄断调查,主要聚焦其是否滥 用市场支配地位,逼迫平台商户“二选一”,以此压制竞争对手。这一反垄断调查 对中国的科技巨头有何影响? 一起来看今天的文章:中国启动反垄断调查,阿里 巴巴对商户的施压成焦点。Chinas Antitrust Probe Zeroes In on Vendor Claims of Alibaba PressureA Chinese antitrust probe into whether Alibaba Group Holding

2、 Ltd. abused its dominant market position casts a spotlight on longstanding contentions from merchants and rivals that the e-commerce giant pressures some sellers to operate only on its platforms.The timing of the Alibaba probe, which was coupled Thursday with a regulatory summons fbr Ant Group, Ali

3、babas giant financial affiliate, is the latest evidence of a global shift in the regulation of technology giants that until recently were celebrated for creating wealth even as they upended the marketplace.Accusations over the practice, called “er xuan yi一literally, choose one out of two一have been a

4、 mainstay of Chinas online retail sector fbr at least five years as Alibaba, the operator of the dominant e-commerce platforms Taobao and Tmall, looked to head off the rise of rival JD Inc. and, more recently, fast-growing Pinduoduo Inc.According to Alibabas competitors and some merchants, the compa

5、ny has punished certain brands selling goods on both Alibaba and its rival platforms. Such moves include preventing them from participating in high-traffic promotions on Alibaba services or by moving their listings lower down in search results, said Ben Cavendar, managing director at China Market Re

6、search Group in Shanghai.生词好句.antitrust英.aenti trA st adj.反托拉斯的,反垄断的trust n.信任;托拉斯(一种垄断的形式).probe英prau b n.探究,探查;航天探测器v.探索,探查probe into sth.对进行调查.zero in on sb./sth. 对准,全力朝着 近义表达:home in on sb./sth.zero v.(用枪炮等)瞄准;将(仪器、控制装置等)调到零num.零She immediately zeroed in on the weak point in his argument.她立即死盯着他

7、论证 中的薄弱点。.vendor英vends n.商家(通常指小商小贩).claim 英klel m n.声称,声明Zhang San rejected claims that he had acted irresponsibly.张三断然否认了那些认为 他行事不负责任的说法。.holding 英hau Idi g n.股份.abuse 英 bju: z vt.滥用abuse alcohol 酗酒abuse ones power/authority 滥用某人的权力abuse one9s position滥用某人的地位.dominant market position 市场支配地位dominan

8、t adj.占优势地位的,支配性的.cast a spotlight on sth揭示了cast v.扔,抛;投射(光、影等)spotlight n.聚光灯.contention 英kan tenf n n.(争论中提出的)观点,看法.pressure sb. to do sth.对某人施压使其做某事.operate 英 D porel t v.经营,营商. timing英tai ml g n.时间的选择,时机.be coupled with 与配套.regulatory 英,regja lei tori adj.监管的 regulation n.规章,监管.summons 英 sa msnz

9、 n.召唤,传唤.affiliate 英s fl list, s fl liei t n,附属机构,下属企业;v.使附属. A is the evidence of sth. A 是的证据,A 显示了 (A shows sth.).be celebrated for sth. 以而著称(be famous for sth.)celebrated adj.著名的(famous)a celebrated actress 一个著名的演员.upend 英La p end vt.搅动,使颠倒;倒立.accusation 英 L askju zei J n n.指控 accusations of brib

10、ery 对贿赂行为 的指控.1iterally 英* li tsrali adv.按字面,字面上.mainstay 英mei nstei n.支柱,主要依靠;(本文指)主流的声音, 基本的状态Fishing is the mainstay of the local industry.渔业是当地的支柱产业。.look to do sth. 指望着(hope to do sth.).head off sth. 阻止)head off the conflict阻止冲突的发生.high-traffic 高流量的.promotion 英prs msu J n n.推广,宣传.move sth. lowe

11、r down把拉低,移到更低的位置.1isting 英li sti gn.位置,排名(ranking)3O.managing director董事总经理,常务董事词汇挑战(5分一题)得分: 1antitrustA.n.相信;委托; 信托B.adj.值得信任的C.adj.可信任 的,可信赖的D.adj.反托拉 斯的2probeA.n.棘手的问题B.adv.几乎;肯定C.n.所有物; 财产D.n.探究3vendorA.v.售卖B.n.商家C.v.想知道;想 弄明白D.v.漫游;游荡4claimA.n.声称,声明Bn (对受惩罚 的人表现出的) 仁慈,慈悲C.v.公布;宣 布;宣告D.n.宗族,氏

12、族,家族5abuseA.v.匿弃,遗弃B.v.滥用C.adj.大量的; 丰富的D.v.吸收;吞并; 同化6dominantA.n.支配;控制B.v.支配;控制C. adj.占优势 地位的D.n.支配者,统 治者7castA.v.追赶;追逐; 追捕B.v.扔,抛;投 射C.n.深裂口,裂 隙D.v.使内疚; 使懊悔8spotlightA.v.突出;强调B.v.减轻,减少C.n.聚光灯D.v.启发;开 导;说明9contentionA.n.(争论中提出 的)观点,看法B.n.所容纳之 物;所含之物; 内容C.v.声称,主 张,认为D.adj.可能引 起争论的;爱 争论的10regulatoryA.

13、v.约束,控制, 管理B.adj.监管的C.n.章程;规 章制度”D.n.监管者,监 管机构11summonsA.n.召唤,传唤B.n.最高点; 顶点;山顶C.v.总结;概 括;概述D.n.夏天;夏季12affiliateA.n.隶属关系; 隶属;附属B.n.喜好;喜爱C.n.附属机构D.v.买得起;做,能做13celebratedA.n.庆典;庆祝 活动B.n.名人;名流;名望C. adj.者名的D.v.庆祝;庆贺14upendA.v.上载;上传B.v.搅动,使颠 倒;倒立C.v.使烦恼;使 心烦意乱D.v.使现代化;更新15accusationA.n.指控B.v.控告;控诉;1国贝C.ad

14、j.正确无 误的;精确的D.v.使习惯(于);使适应;16literallyA.n.文学;文学 作品B.adv.按字面,字面上C.n.识字的人; 有学问的人D.n.读写能力17mainstayA.n.主流思想; 主流群体B.n.大陆C.n.支柱,主要 依靠D.n.维护;保 养;维持18promotionAn保护;防卫;保护物B.n.支持;拥护C.n.推广,宣传D.n.资格;学 历19listingA.adj .继续存在 的;持久的B.n.位置,排 名C.adj .小气的; 吝啬的D.v.恐吓;伤 害;胁迫20regulationA.n.解决方法B.n.污染;玷污C.n.发炎;炎症D.n.规章,

15、监管语法填空To follow and help slow the spread of the new coronavirus, COVID-19, the Chinese government is working with two of the countrys largest technology companies, Alibaba Group and Tencent Holdings, L (keep) track of the disease. They provide the 2. (late) information about areas hit by the virus a

16、nd collect data on 工 (infect) persons. Last week, Alipay, a payment app operated by Alibaba,4. (release) a system that uses colored QR code to show the health of people. A QR code is a sign a smartphone can read with its camera. Once the sign 5. (recognize), the phone takes the user directly to an i

17、nternet link with information about a subject.Users can then complete an online form that reports their official 6. (identify) number and seeks additional information. After completing the questionnaire, users receive a mobile phone message, 7. includes a colored QR Code relating to the health situa

18、tion they described. Users with a red code are told to quarantine(隔离)themselves for 14 days and continue reporting their condition 8. using Alibabas Ding Talk messaging app. Users with a yellow code are told to stay in quarantine for 7 days, 9. those with a green code can travel W. (free)..5.

19、..9.10.DDBAB CBCAB ACCBA BCCBD l.to keep 2.latest 3. infected 4.released 5.is recognized 6.identification/identity 7 .which 8.by 9.while lO.freely 【分析】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了中国政府为了减缓和帮助控制新冠肺炎的扩散,与阿里巴 巴集团和腾讯合作跟踪这个病毒,并提到了 Alipay研发的健康码的使用。.考查不定式作目的状语。句意:为了减缓和帮助控制新冠肺炎的扩散,中国政府正在与中 国最大的两个科技公司阿里巴巴集团和腾讯合作以跟踪这个病毒。根据句意可知此处为不定 式做目的状语。故填to keep。.考查形容词。句意:两家公司提供有关受病毒侵袭地区的最新信息,并收集感染者的数据。 跟踪病毒应该是收集有关病毒侵袭地区的最新信息,这样才更有价值,latest最新的。修饰 名词 information o 故填 latesto.考查过去分词作定语。句意:两家公司提供有关受病毒侵袭地区的最新信息,并收集感染 者的数据。与分析句子可知此处为非谓语动词作定语,infect与persons构成动宾关系,因 此用过去分词作定语表被感染的一 故填infected。.考查一般过去时。句意:上周发布了一项用


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