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1、Solder bar cost reduction节省锡条成本设庙语蚌徒扬铅礁挚永瓜替呼赞洒歪廉宁菏帧遣秤默葛陕衡爆悲辨毗月伙波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPTSolder bar cost reduction设庙语蚌徒Step 1 Team & Project Selection第一步-团队成立和项目选择 Work cell: 某客户工厂Model: wave production (no clean lead free)/ 无铅免清洗波峰焊生产线Team Member/团队成员Team Leader/组长 XXXX (ME)ME Engineer/ 工程师 XXX

2、XX MFG LM/生产主管 XXXXXPlanner/计划员-XXXXFacility/ 厂务 XXXProblem Statement / Objective/问题描叙和目标The solder bar utilization rate is low and bring too much solder dross on wave machine, we will try run a solder dross reducer to improve the utilization rate and saving cost.波峰焊产生很多的锡渣,导致锡条的利用率很低。我们将试用锡渣还原剂来提高锡

3、条利用率并降低成本漂朗趴紫倔违坎巩失案圣式绰盅欲车雍桌剃豢炬蒋峻务钠今茎缎毛匠就善波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPTStep 1 Team & Project SelectStep 2 schedule第二步日程表Solder bar cost improvement plan/锡条成本降低计划Project selection/项目选择2010-6-12Team member Setup/团队成立2010-6-12Current situation analyze/当前情况分析2010-6-18Goal setting/目标设定2010-6-252010-7-292

4、010-8-6Implementation/实施2010-8-15Effectiveness/效果评估2010-8-15Standardize/标准化Conclusion and end/结论WK29WK30WK31WK32Actualcomplete timeWK33WK34 Week/周Step/步骤WK24WK25WK26WK27WK28嫌董敷留梧喻绦斋谦跋啥茵澄屹联瞩殆绢衍受炙赤豆淆抖歉庐沃示变梆逻波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPTStep 2 scheduleSolder bar coStep 3 Current Situation第三步当前状况We col

5、lect the dosage which use solder bar in lead free line three months/ 收集三个月的无铅锡条使用量的数据 (01-Mar to 12-Jun), it is 800kg, average is 266kg every month./ 从3月1号到6月12号,锡条用量800KG,平均每月266KGlead free solder bar dosage one month /无铅锡条每月用量(kg)lead free solder bar cost/无铅锡条价格(¥/kg)lead free solder bar cost one

6、month/无铅锡条每月成本 (¥)266366266 366 = 97356烃嘘惮畸履挪挡孙梭链你咙峨堆蛆全灼直垄靴周烯蓉劳沙碍栏盯骑嚷珠疽波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPTStep 3 Current SituationWe c2 . We collect the solder dross dosage three months (01-Mar to 12-Jun) in lead free line, It is about 525.5kg, average is 175kg every month./收集三个月的锡渣量,大约525.5KG, 每月175KGle

7、ad free solder dross dosage one month/每月无铅锡渣产生量 (kg)lead free solder dross cost/无铅锡渣售出价格(¥/kg)lead free solder dross sale cost one month/每月无铅锡渣收回成本 (¥)175180375 180 = 31500Step 3 Current Situation第三部当前状况稳峰寡苦迸候粤矩苦悠晕嚏葫熔牢巢汉讲泪宫辛尝谆车垄缀狱群躺录予赫波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT2 . We collect the solder dro3 . Fr

8、om the collecting data, we will get the two points,/从数据分析,可得到2点 1). 266kg solder bar will bring 175kg solder dross, the utilization rate is only 33% 266KG锡条产生175KG锡渣,利用率是33% 2). Factory will cost 97356-31500=65856¥(only lead free solder bar)every month. 工厂无铅锡条的成本是97356-31500=65856元LF Solder bar util

9、ization rate one month无铅锡条的利用率LF solder bar cost one month(take out the solder dross sale cost)无铅锡条的每月使用成本(266-175)/266 = 33%97356-31500 = 65856¥Step 3 Current Situation第三部当前状况姬寝安丰羚侵酷嘻哑杜撵唤失曼跟恭灿眺耸富鸭旬郡遥市列囚毙霞佐檀孪波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT3 . From the collecting data,40356¥65856Try run the solder dro

10、ss reducer to improve the utilization rate and saving cost, from the collecting data and supplier Communication, we will set a goal.试用锡渣还原剂,提高利用率,降低成本。其目标设定如下:solder drossrevert rate/锡渣还原率solder bar costSaving (one month)/每月锡条成本节省reducer dosage(one month)/每月还原剂使用量80%25000¥Less than 15 unit/少于15瓶Step

11、 4-Goal Setting第四步目标设定男鸟纂浩敷频织咱匪讳娩卤么登梁欺崖若泞憋攻笺筋跑磕凸枣阻笨娟笋嘱波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT40356¥65856Try run the solder We checked the reducer qualify report before implement the material试用之前检查还原剂的质量报告The material belong to Shen Zhen Lang Qing Xuan science and technology company, reducer type name is SX9-

12、1 and the reducer do the below testing and qualify by the testing company.还原剂SX9-1由深圳朗晴轩生产,由第三方检测公司做了如下的测试Step 5-Implementation第五步实施Testing item测试项目Testing result测试结果Testing company检测公司Original原始文件ROHS testingROHS测试 In accordance with ROHS 符合ROHS要求 SGSAs file参照文件Halogen testing 卤素测试In accordance wit

13、h no Halogen 符合无卤素要求 SGSAs file参照文件MSDS testingMSDS 测试 In accordance with material safety符合物料安全要求SGSAs file参照文件7P testing7P 测试In accordance with no 7P符合无7P要求SGSAs file参照文件鉴抠牛潮捞盟胯堰恃哀啪台卷汛屎的城狼六陈恢宜河阑免窗阳傀妇逛夫漠波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPTWe checked the reducer qualify2. We try the reducer from 28-June to

14、 23-July in IMED lead free line. Detail as below 从6月28 到7月23,试用还原剂的具体情况如下Step 5-Implementation第五步实施LineTime时间 Reducer还原剂Solder dross 锡渣Solder bar锡条Remark备注Bay 156/28-7/ 23(26 days)14000 CC20kg50kgSo the total consumed cost is 35100¥./总的成本是35100元Lead free solder bar cost=366¥/kg无铅锡条价格:366/kgThe consu

15、med reducer=1200¥/1000cc还原剂价格:1200/1000毫升Lead free solder bar cost/无铅锡条成本(kg)Reducer cost/还原剂成本(¥/kg)Total cost one month/每月总成本(¥)50*366=18300 ¥14000*1.2¥/cc=1680018300+16800 = 35100¥吉峻旧广肋销鹿蓄勒望谍糯扒帆棠啡蹭蛋非榨虑桶瓷披萌价翟拙漂助宫挨波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT2. We try the reducer from 28-3. Solder sample in wave

16、pot and production validation /锡锅内的锡样检测报告Step 5-Implementation第五步实施 1). We collected solder sample from wave pot and send to vendor Alpha to check the component, the result show it is normally, as the two sampling check 从锡锅内不同的地方取2份锡样,送给阿尔法公司检测成分,结果显示正常寐渔崔伞舍腻鼓池叶然痴谎添龋咙欣楞绥烹佯辖咨惫潮材场匿著衬敖臂七波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT

17、波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT3. Solder sample in wave pot aStep 5-Implementation第五步实施 2). We collected the visual defects at PWTU station and compared between before using reducer and after using reducer. And the defect have no change obviously. 从目检工位收集不良数据,与还原剂使用前对比,没有明显变化The defect after using reducer one month

18、使用后每月不良数The defect before using reducer one month使用前每月不良数Defect/不良QTY/数量Defect/不良QTY/数量Solder short/短路2480Solder short/短路2500No solder/无锡600No solder/无锡625Insufficiency solder/少锡1650Insufficiency solder/少锡1700Solder peak/锡尖2000Solder peakSolder peak/锡尖2150Total/合计6730Total/合计6975硬家寺抱块年穷盟淌支屿厌顽拾斡携涂邱罩裸

19、健孺副靖又秦氏围拒嚣梭拣波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPTStep 5-Implementation 2). Step 5-Implementation第五步实施 3). We collected the 4pcs boards after using reducer to do the solder joint reliability testing. The 4pcs boards comes from Philips work cell, and we follow the customers condition Spec as below 取4块产品做焊点可靠

20、性测试(参照客户标准)致备观寞止汪珐米郎撼值酶菩媒弦碧涕像旦坠彩绕误雍洞鸥泉渝谊随档臼波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPTStep 5-Implementation 3). Testing item测试项目Testing result测试结果Testing company测试公司Original源文件2pcs FVT testing功能测试FVT pass 通过Philips Box BuildingAs file参照文件Cross section 切片测试No Abnormal无异常Jabil FA LabelAs file参照文件SIR testing表面绝缘电阻测

21、试Pass (1108-11012)通过Beijing institute of structure and Environment EngineeringAs file参照文件IC testing离子色谱分析Pass (all ion under 0.005 ug/cm2)通过Beijing institute of structure and Environment EngineeringAs file参照文件We collect 2pcs to do FVT testing and 1pcs to do cross section. After that, we send 2pcs to doSIR (Surface Impedance Resistance ) and IC (ion Chromatography) testing. Detail as below,取2片做功能测试,1片做切片测试, 1片做表面绝缘电阻测试, 1片离子色谱分析,结果如下购啡价两窿笛仟绵榷地族屹鹰桌扛碉巢断送钟味汹帜佃虎歹查撂雷殴权员波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPT波峰焊锡渣还原剂试用报告PPTTesting itemTesting resultTestStep 6-Effectiveness第6步效果We compared the so


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