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1、Section A Advertising Contents Unit 2 AdvertisingWarming UpReading Through Text A Main Idea & Structure Words & ExpressionsExercisesSpot DictationActivity IActivity IIWatch and Discuss Warming UpDirections: The following paragraph is taken from Text A. listen carefully and fill in the blanks without

2、 referring to the original text. _ is the difficult business of bringing information to great _ of people. The purpose of an advertisement is to _ people respond to make them _ to an idea, such as _ to prevent forest fires, or to make them want to buy a certain _ or service. Advertising numbers make

3、 helping productreact Spot DictationWatch the film clips and discuss the following questions:1) What is the ad about?2) What aspect of the product does the ad emphasize?3) How do you like this ad? Why?Watch & Discuss Reading ThroughChineseText A Advertising is part of our daily lives. To find proof,

4、 you have only to leaf through a magazine or newspaper or count the radio or television commercials that you hear in one evening. Most people see and hear a mass of advertising messages every day. And people respond to the many devices that advertisers use to gain their attention. Advertising is a b

5、ig businessand, to many people, a fascinating one, filled with attraction and excitement. It is part literature, part art, and part show business. AdvertisingPara 1 & 2Para 5 & 6 The most effective way to sell something is through person-to-person contact. But the cost of person-to-person selling is

6、 high. Because it takes a great deal of time, it increases the cost of the product or service. Advertising, then, distributes the selling message to many people at one time. Advertising is very old. It can be found as far back as the public criers of ancient Greecewho, for a fee, shouted out message

7、s about a companys products to one and all. But it first became important in the late 15th century, when the traders of the rapidly growing cities and rural towns needed a way to tell people where their goods could be bought. ChineseText APara 7 ChineseText A The first printed advertisement in the E

8、nglish language appeared in 1478, more than a century before Shakespeares first play was produced. This early ad was the work of William Caxton, Englands first printer, who used it to advertise religious books from his own studio. Caxton posted small printed notices along Londons main streets. Besid

9、es advertising his product, he identified his shop with a certain trademark so that customers could find it easily.Para 8 & 9 This same sort of simple, informational advertising is still used. Examples include the roadside signs that tell travelers that they can buy fresh corn just down the road or

10、that there is a restaurant in the next town. The Industrial Revolution, in the 18th and 19th centuries, brought a new kind of advertising. Large factories took the place of small workshops, and goods were produced in large quantities. Manufacturers used the newly built railroads to distribute their

11、products over wide areas. ChineseText APara 10 & 11 Advertising agencies began to develop in the United States just after the Civil War. At first, the chief objective of these agencies was to sell space in the various media, mainly newspapers and magazines. But they soon added the service of writing

12、 and producing advertisements. From these modest beginnings, advertising has developed into a highly specialized and profitable business. ChineseText AMeaning of the SentencesMeaning: If you want to get the evidence (to support the statement), all you need to do is take a quick look at a magazine or

13、 newspaper, or find out how many advertisements you hear over the radio or on television in one evening.1To find proof, you have only to leaf through a magazine or newspaper or count the radio or television commercials that you hear in one evening.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning: Advertisements are

14、intended to make people do or say something as the advertisers want them to. For instance, they are made to help people to prevent forest fires, or to make people want to buy some product or service.3The purpose of an advertisement is to make people respondto make them react to an idea, such as help

15、ing to prevent forest fires, or to make them want to buy a certain product or service.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning: If advertising is regarded as salesmanship on radio or in television as well as in print, this broadened explanation of this term would still remain valid (or would still hold) toda

16、y.4If this definition were expanded to include radio and television, it would still stand today.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning: But advertising became important for the first time in the late 15th century. At that time, traders from the fast growing cities and towns in the countryside needed a way

17、to tell people where to buy their goods.5But it first became important in the late 15th century, when the traders of the rapidly growing cities and rural towns needed a way to tell people where their goods could be bought.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning: The sign by the roadside is one of such examp

18、les. It tells travelers they can buy fresh corn by the roadside ahead. Or it tells that there is a restaurant in the next town.6Examples include the roadside signs that tell travelers that they can buy fresh corn just down the road or that there is a restaurant in the next town.Meaning of the Senten

19、cesMeaning: They had to find hundreds and thousands of customers in order to keep their businesses going.7They had to find many thousands of customers in order to stay in business.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning: . they must learn to persuade people to buy a particular product.8. they had to learn h

20、ow to make people want to buy a specific product.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning: Though advertising began as a simple process, it has grown into a controlled business that is quite scientific in nature and brings in huge profits.10From these modest beginnings, advertising has developed into a highl

21、y specialized and profitable business.Main Idea & StructureFirst reading: Scan the passage and try to catch the main idea. The following words are for your reference to organize the idea. development, advertising, date back to, public crier, 15th century, William Caxton, the Industrial Revolution, n

22、ew kind of advertising, advertising agencies, highly specified and profitable business Second reading: Read the passage again and try to identify the structure of this passage. For your referenceFor your referenceMain idea: The development of advertising agencies. StructureMain idea: Advertising is

23、the business of bringing information to great numbers of people. Main idea: Advertising is part of our daily life. It is part literature, part art, and part show business. Part II: Paras. 3-5Part III: Paras. 6-9Part I: Paras. 1-2Part IV: Para. 10Main idea: The development of advertising. Part V: Par

24、a. 11Main idea: Advertising had now developed into a highly specialized and profitable business. New WordsWords & Expressionsadvertising artprevent distribute gainreactexpandindustrialtrademarkquantityrailroadspecificgoodsobjectivechiefprofitableExpressionsWords & Expressionsleaf through a mass of r

25、espond to one and all take the place of react to in large quantitiesExercisesadvertising n. 广告业的工作e.g. Let us launch an advertising campaign to promote the sale of our new products. 让我们开展一个广告宣传活动来促销我们的新产品。New Words广告和其他交际形式的区别在于做广告的人得为他所传递的信息付费。 Advertising is distinguished from other forms of commu

26、nication in that the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered. gainv. 【1】 obtain (something useful, advantageous, wanted, etc.) 获得;得到 e.g. I hope she will gain by the experience. 我希望她能够从这次经历中吸取教训。 【2】 have an increase in 增加;增进 e.g. Although he has been going on a diet for a year, he has kept

27、gaining weight. 虽然他节食有一年了,但他的体重还是一直在增加。New Words gainn. 【1】(plural) profit; increase in wealth 收获;获利;财富 e.g. Because of the natural disaster, their gains were balanced by losses. 因为自然灾害,他们的收益被损失抵消了。 【2】increase in amount 盈余;增加 e.g. My three months of hard work were rewarded with a gain in technical

28、competence and self-confidence. 我三个月艰苦工作的回报是技术能力的增强和自信心的提高。New WordsExercisesExercises gainNew Words1. 有一些艺术家直到死后才得到认可。 Some artists gain recognition only after death. 2. 火箭上升时速度加快。 The rocket gained speed as it went up. 3. 他开矿纯粹是为了商业利益。 He exploited a mine purely for commercial gain.4. 吃一堑,长一智。 A f

29、all into the pit, a gain in your wit. artn. 【1】the making or expression of what is beautiful, e.g. in music, literature, or especially painting 艺术(如音乐、文学,尤指绘画) e.g. Art lies in concealing art. 艺术在于含而不露。 【2】skill in the making or doing of anything 技术;技巧 e.g. He knows the art of making money. 他懂得生财之道。

30、New WordsExercisesExercises artNew Words1. 你相信为艺术而艺术的理论吗? Do you believe the theory of art for arts sake? 2. 教外语不仅是一门科学,而且还是一门艺术。 Teaching a foreign language is not only a science, but also an art. reactv. 【1】act or behave in a particular way in answer or opposition to 反应;反对 e.g. People react differ

31、ently to the same situation. 对同一情况人们的反应会不同。 【2】(of a substance) change when mixed with another substance(物质)起化学反应 e.g. The two substances wont react in the absence of oxygen. 在没有氧气的情况下这两种物质不会起反应。New WordsExercisesExercises reactNew Words1. 孩子往往故意违背父母的意愿以示抗拒。 Children tend to react against their pare

32、nts by going against their wishes. 2. 酸和碱起化学反应变成盐。 An acid can react with a base to form a salt. ExpressionsExpressionsExercisesreact to 对作出反应;对起反应你妈妈对这个消息的反应怎样?她非常生气。 How did your mother react to the news? She reacted by getting very angry. e.g. Children react well to a lively teacher. 孩子们对活泼的老师反应很

33、好。Exercisesprevent v. 预防;阻止e.g. They did not prevent him from expressing his opinions. 他们没有阻止他发表他的观点。New Words 因为修路筑起了栏杆,以防止有人到这里来开车。 Because the road was being repaired, barriers were put up to prevent people from driving in that area.Exercisesexpand v. 扩大;(使)膨胀e.g. Metals expand when they are heat

34、ed. 金属遇热膨胀。New Words今年我们想把业务扩大。 We hope to expand our business this year. distributev. 【1】deliver or pass out 发送;传递 e.g. Through the nationwide sales network of the corporation, they can distribute goods easily to various parts of the country. 通过公司的全国销售网络,他们能够很容易地把货物分发到全国各地。 【2】divide and give out a

35、mong several people, places, etc. 分配;分发;分送 e.g. The Red Cross Association will distribute food among several flood-stricken countries. 红十字会将把粮食分配给几个遭受水灾的县。New WordsExercisesExercises distributeNew Words1. 什么时侯可以把这些杂志送到订阅者手里去? When will these magazines be ready to be distributed to subscribers? 2. 所有

36、的会员都会获得门票。 Tickets will be distributed to all club members. 3. 这些钱给你们分吧。 Here is the money to be distributed among you.Exercisesgoods n. (plural) 商品;货物e.g. A businessman should be concerned with the benefits of the people he sells his goods to. 生意人应当关心购买他的商品购买者的利益。New Words商店里备有各种各样的消费品。 Theres a la

37、rge variety of consumer goods in the shops. trademarkn. 【1】a special name, sign, word, etc., which is made on a product to show that it is made by a particular producer and which may legally only be used by that producer (注册)商标 e.g. KFC is a registered trademark. 肯德基是注册商标。 【2】a particular sign, way

38、of acting, etc., by which a person or thing may be habitually recognized (某人或某物作识别的)特征;特点 e.g. She gave one of her trademark smiles. 她笑了笑, 这微笑是她特有的。New WordsExercisesExercises trademarkNew Words1. 这条裙子上佩有名牌商标。 The skirt bears a famous trademark. 2. 使用线条和色彩到令人叫绝的地步是这 位艺术家与众不同的特征。 A startling use of l

39、ine and color is this artists special trademark.Exercisesindustrial adj. 工业的;产业的;产业工人的e.g. That period of history was characterized by industrial unrest. 那个历史时期是以产业工人的动乱为其特征的。New Words现在这条河流被工业废物污染得非常厉害,河水已不再适宜饮用。 Now the river has become so heavily polluted with industrial wastes that the water is

40、no longer fit for drinking. quantityn. 【1】an amount or number 额;若干数量 e.g. The exact quantity cannot be determined at present. 确切数量目前尚无法确定。 【2】the fact of being measurable; amount 量;数量 e.g. Last year there was a rapid increase of consumer goods in quantity, but not in quality. 去年消费品的数量有了很快的增长,但质量没有提高

41、。New WordsExercisesExercises quantityNew Words1. 你要多少? What quantity do you want? 2. 只抓数量不抓质量是不行的。 It wont do to pay attention only to quantity, but not to quality.ExpressionsExpressionsExercisesin large quantities/a large quantity of 大量他们需要许多盐。 They need a large quantity of salt.e.g. That country b

42、uys cotton in large quantities. 那个国家购买了大量棉花。Exercisesrailroad n. 铁路e.g. This region used to be inaccessible by railroad. 这个地区过去是不通火车的。New Words现在有一条500公里的铁路,可以把矿石从这个城市运送到海岸。 There is now a 500-km railroad which carries minerals from this city to the coast. specificadj.【1】 particular, fixed, determin

43、ed, or named 具体的;特有的;特定的 e.g. This reading skill can give us a good idea of where in the reading passage to look for answers to specific questions. 这一阅读技巧让我们知道在阅读材料中到哪儿去找具体问题的答案。 【2】clear in meaning or explanation 明确的;确切的;精细的 e.g. The teacher gave us very specific instructions before we set out. 我们出

44、发前,老师给了我们明确的指示。New WordsExercisesExercises specificNew Words1. 中国政府的政策是根据中国的特殊国情制订的。 The policies of the Chinese government are formulated according to the specific conditions in China. 2. 写作文时,我们需要的是明确而详细的组织结构。 In writing a composition, what we need is good organization which is specific and detail

45、ed. chiefadj.【1】 most important; main 最重要的;首要的 e.g. We must focus on our sales force as the chief means of improving trade. 我们必须把重点放在我们的销售力量上,以它为改善贸易的主要手段。 【2】 highest in rank 最高级别的;首席的 e.g. He is the chief editor of the newspaper. 他是该报的总编。New Words chief n. a leader, ruler, or head, the person in a

46、 group, party, organization, etc. who has the highest rank 领袖;首领;头目;主管 command-in-chief 统帅 editor-in-chief 总编 chief of general staff 总参谋长 e.g. In feudal China, the eldest son became the chief of the family after his father died. 在封建的旧中国,父亲死了后,长子就成了一家之主。New WordsExercisesExercises chiefNew Words1. 稻米

47、是东南亚许多国家的主要农作物。 Rice is the chief crop in many Southeast Asian countries. 2. 苏珊希望在公司总裁回来前能把工作做完。 Susan wishes she could have finished the work before the chief executive officer returned. objectivev. an aim, especially one that must be worked towards over a long period; goal (尤指长远的)目标;目的 e.g. Her ma

48、in objective now is to become an internationally famous scientist. 现在她的主要目标就是成为国际有名的科学家。adj. 【1】not influenced by personal feelings or opinions; fair 客观的;公正的 e.g. And those IQ tests are supposed to be objective, arent they? 这些智商测验应当是客观公正的,对吗? 【2】(in grammar) of the object (语法中的)宾格的 e.g. objective ca

49、se 宾格New WordsExercisesExercises objectiveNew Words1. 我们当前的目标是把我们国家建成一个小康社会。 Our present objective is to build our country into a well-off society. 2. 如果她是你的亲生女儿,你怎么能作出客观公正的决定呢? How can you make an objective decision if shes your own daughter? 3. 在动词或介词后人称代词用宾格。 The objective case of a personal pron

50、oun should be used after a verb or a preposition.Exercisesprofitable adj. 有利可图的;有益的;有利的e.g. The work is not profitable in terms of cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it. 这工作从金钱上来说并不划算,但我从中获得了非常宝贵的经验。New Words在好莱坞,一张漂亮的脸蛋是比才能和勤奋更赚钱的商品。 Good looks are a more profitable commodity in Hollyw

51、ood than talent and hard work.ExpressionsExercisesleaf through 匆匆翻阅(书、杂志等)e.g. You dont have to read every page of this magazine. It would do just to leaf through it. 你不用阅读这本杂志的每一页,只要翻阅一下就行了。在等医生看病时,他翻阅候诊室的旧杂志。 Waiting to see the doctor, he leafed through some old magazines that were kept in the wai

52、ting room. ExpressionsExercisesa mass of 许多;大量;大批e.g. a great mass of buildings 一大群建筑物大团冷空气正在南移。 A mass of cold air is moving south.Note that “a mass of” may be followed by uncountable nouns (不可数名词) too. ExpressionsExercisesrespond to 对作出反应e.g. She responded to the news with great joy. 听到这消息她异常兴奋。你对

53、新出台的政策怎么看? How do you respond to the new policy?ExpressionsExercisesone and all 每个人;全体e.g. That is an important matter and has to be agreed upon by one and all. 这是件大事,所有的人都同意才行。那个影星在走进摄影棚时向每个人挥手。 The movie star waved her hand to one and all as she walked into the studio. Expressionstake the place of

54、 取代e.g. The new will eventually take the place of the old. 新事物终将替代旧事物。Notice the difference between this phrase and “take ones place” which means “take ones seat”. For example: I took my place at the table (我在饭桌边就坐). Also notice the difference between “take place” and “take the place of”. “Take plac

55、e” means “happen” (发生). For example: When did the accident take place?事故什么时候发生的?Exercises Using the Right Word Working with Expressions Focusing on Sentence Structure Translating Using Topic-related Terms Basic Writing SkillsThe _ of College English Tests is to help students learn English better, is

56、nt it? A. objecting B. subject C. objective D. aiming2. They have used the cinema as a weapon, as a(n) _ to express their views. A. media B. medium C. aids D. mean3. These shops normally _ in old and antique (古董) items, not in modern ones. A. buy B. make C. specialize D. sellCBCChoose the best item

57、to complete each of the following sentences. Using the Right Word 4. Some senior (年长的) members from the visiting team made a good number of enquiries (询问) about what they saw in order to _ additional information. A. advertise B. gain C. know D. remember5. The book is endlessly _ and richly rewarding

58、; I highly recommend it to you. A. boring B. dull C. fascinating D. expensive6. Its very expensive to _ on television. A. advertise B. advertising C. advertiser D. advertisedBCA Using the Right Word7. How would a person who stays abroad most probably _ when he or she is frustrated by the culture sho

59、ck (文化冲击)? A. remember B. respect C. recall D. react8. Some sentences are written just to give the _ of the difficult wordswords that readers will need to know in order to understand what they are reading. A. definitions B. texts C. spellings D. formsDA Using the Right Word 1. When you see someone y

60、ou know, or would like to make contact _, smile. 2. In the noisy classroom the teacher had to shout _ to be heard by every one. 3. After she became a lawyer, she decided to specialize _ contract law. 4. The patient is waiting patiently in the waiting room of the clinic, leafing _ the magazines and n


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