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1、译林版初中英语九年级上册全册各单元话题英语作文写作指导集锦九上Unitl Know yourself写作指导【话题呈现】假如你是Andy,是九年级一班的一名学生,你们的班主任是来自美国的Mr Parkero你们准备选新班长,你想向班主任老师推荐你的好友Jacky。请你结合在 本单元中所学到的知识,给Mr Parker写一封推荐信。要求80100词,信的开 头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总词数。【谋篇布局】在构思这封推荐信时,你可以从以下三个方面考虑:首先,说明你想推荐谁并概括性阐述理由;其次,具体阐述被推荐人的优秀品质并举例说明;最后,总结并说明自己的期望。【佳文共赏】Dea】 Mi Paike,

2、Id like to lecommend Jacky as our new monitor. I think he has many strong qualities for this position.Jacky is quite a hard-working boy. He often works extra hours for the class. I think he is organized, too. He is good at making good plans. And it is very important for a monitor to be organized. He

3、 is also creative and can always come up with wonderful ideas. Moreover, he is always willing to share his ideas with others. He is brave and confident. He is able to make powerful speeches in front of many people.I think Jackys personality and abilities can make him a good monitor. I hope that you

4、can agree with me.Youis,Andy【好句摘抄】 作者在文章一开始通过一句概括的句子引出了后面自己喜爱的艺术形式,紧接着 便用大的篇幅对自己喜欢的艺术形式进行阐述,从自身的考虑,以及老师和同学 们对此的看法,一步一步地将文章的主题进行了阐释。【我行我秀】现在,请你根据你的写作思路,并结合这篇佳作的长处,写一篇更加精彩的 作文吧!九上Unit6 TV programmes写作指导【话题呈现】请你以“一家饭店”为故事发生地,”一个麻烦的妇女和一个和善的服务员” 为主要角色用英语编写一段不少于100词的电视剧情节。【谋篇布局】一般的电视剧本的编写离不开下面这两点:.背景(包括时间

5、、地点、主要人物及其性格特点);.情节(包括主要活动及其开展过程)。【遣词造句】写这个电视剧本时,你将会用到哪些词语和句子呢?请仔细想想,并在课文 中找一找,把它们写在下面的横线上。词语:trouble 句子: A woman was eating in a restaurant.【佳作共赏】A woman was eating in a restaurant. She asked the waiter to do many things for her. Now she was giving the waiter a lot of trouble.First, she asked the w

6、aiter to turn on the air-conditioner because she was too hot. Then she asked him to turn it off because she felt cold. This went on and on for nearly half an hour. But the waiter was very kind and patient. He did everything the woman asked him to do without getting angry.Finally, the woman left. Som

7、eone else in the restaurant asked the waiter why he didnt throw the woman out. The waiter smiled and said that he didnt care because they didnt have an air-conditioner at all.【亮点推荐】该习作是对电视剧本的一个编写,小作者在写作的过程中很好地认识到了这 一点。首先,小作者在写作的过程中对剧本的条理性掌握的很好,这也符合剧本 的要求,例如first、then、finally等词的使用,让我们看到了小作者思路的清晰。 其次,

8、小作者对电视剧情节内容的表述恰到好处,例如第二段中的句子This went on and on for nearly half an hour., 一句话将情节内容的延续性表达得淋漓尽致, 足见小作者深厚的写作功底。最后,习作中诸如kind、patient angry等形容词 的使用将人物性格准确地刻画了出来。除此之外,习作中妇女的ask以及服务员 的smile更是将主人公的人物性格表露地准确到位。该习作堪称完美之作。【我行我秀】现在,请你根据你的写作思路,并结合这篇佳作的长处,写一篇更加精彩的作文吧!九上Unit7 Films写作指导【话题呈现】假如本周你们班英语写作课的主题是“你最喜欢的电

9、影明星。你最喜欢的 电影明星是谁?请结合自己的实际情况和在本单元中所学到的重点句型,写一篇 不少于100词的英语短文,作为本周英语写作课的作业。【谋篇布局】在写这篇短文时,可以从以下三个方面构思:.电影明星的个人信息;.演艺生涯(包括参演过的电影和塑造过的角色);.你对他/她的看法或喜爱程度。【遣词造句】写这篇短文时,你将会用到哪些词语和句子呢?请仔细想想,并在课文中找 一找,把它们写在下面的横线上。词语:actor句子: He is an actor, a Chinese kung fu superstar.【佳作共赏】My favourite film starMy favourite f

10、ilm star is Jet Li. He is an actor, a Chinese kung fu superstar.Jet Li was born in Beijing on 26 April 1963. He entered the film industry in 1980.In 1982 the film Shaolin Temple made him famous. In the 1990s, he acted in many Hong Kong films. He played lots of famous roles, like Huang Feihong, Chen

11、Zhen and Huo Yuanjia. In 1997 he went to Hollywood and played major roles in many films. Now he has been world-famous and has won some awards.Jet Lis achievements went beyond the film industry. He has spent lots of time doing charity work since he set up One Foundation in 2007. Jet Li is considered

12、as a superstar, not only for his success in action films but also for his efforts in charity work.【亮点推荐】作为一篇表达人物的习作,该篇习作完成的很好。小作者在表达该电影明星 时运用了时间顺序,将该明星的个人经历清晰明了地呈现在读者面前,文章紧凑 合理,不拖沓。习作在最后一段很好地运用了本单元的知识,对该明星的社会贡 献进行了介绍,其中go beyond、spend . doingbe considered as等的运用使该习 作句式多样化,又恰到好处地将本单元知识呈现了出来,从中可以看到小作者

13、对 本单元的知识掌握得很好。【我行我秀】现在,请你根据你的写作思路,并结合这篇佳作的长处,写一篇更加精彩的 作文吧!九上Unit8 Detective stories写作指导【话题呈现】侦探故事具有很强的趣味性和推理性,优秀的侦探故事可以给我们带来精神 上的享受,训练我们的思维方式。请你根据所学的关于侦探故事的知识,虚构一 篇不少于100词的英语微侦探故事。【谋篇布局】写这篇侦探故事时,你可以从以下三个方面构思:首先,描写案情(包括案件发生的时间、地点等);其次,表达案件的侦破过程;最后,说明案件的侦破结果。【遣词造句】写这篇关于侦探故事的文章时,你将会用到哪些词语和句子呢?请仔细想想, 并在

14、课文中找一找,把它们写在下面的横线上。词语:take place 句子: Last Sunday, a murder took place at about 3:00 a.m.【佳作共赏】Last Sunday, a murder took place at about 3:00 a.m. A man was murdered on Dongchang Road. The victim was a businessman, about 40 years old. He was attacked with a knife and bled to death. And there was evid

15、ence of a struggle.According to the witnesses, at that time, there was a loud noise and someone was calling for help. The police later found the knife in the bushes near the body. Of course, they took the fingerprints on the knife successfully.Two days later, the police caught the murderer, a young

16、man. He said he was short of money and robbed the businessman, but the businessman tried to fight back. As a result, he killed the businessman.【亮点推荐】写故事,尤其是侦探故事会表达出作者的写作功底。就本篇习作来讲,小作 者完成的很好,很好地运用了本单元学到的知识。小作者在首段将案件的基本情 况进行了介绍,包括案件发生的时间、地点、人物以及案件本身的阐述,很完整; 小作者在第二段对案件的侦破过程进行了分析,包括目击者的陈述和警方发现的 线索;最后一段,

17、小作者将案件的结果进行了介绍,并对凶手作案的动机进行了 写作。通篇来看,小作者对这起案件的写作详略得当,逻辑紧凑,结构完整,有 始有终,过渡自然,很好。除此之外,小作者在进行写作的过程中将本单元的知 识运用的恰到好处,例如 take place be attacked with bleed to death according to fight back等,从中可以看到小作者对本单元内容的掌握程度以及本身的写作功 底。可以说小作者很好地完成了本单元的写作任务。【我行我秀】现在,请你根据你的写作思路,并结合这篇佳作的长处,写一篇更加精彩的 作文吧!读完【佳文共赏】中的佳作,请你找出来你认为出色的

18、句子并抄写在横线上。【我来尝试】现在,请你根据你的写作思路,并结合这篇佳作的长处,写一篇更加精彩的作 文吧!Dear Mr Parker,rd like to recommend Jacky as our new monitor.I think he has many strong qualities for this position.Yours,Andy九上Unit2 Colours写作指导【话题呈现】一年一次的学校艺术节即将到来,学校的学生会向全体学生进行征文。现在请你 以The art form I like best为题,写一篇不少于100词的英语文章,以此响应学生会 的号召。要求语

19、法正确、语句连贯。【谋篇布局】写这篇文章时,你可以围绕下面六个问题来构思:What art form do you like best?When did you become interested in this art form?Are you good at this art form?What do you think of this art form?Do you have any stories about this art form?How important is this art form to you?【佳文共赏】The art form I like bestDiffere

20、nt people have different hobbies. I showed a great interest in drawing when I was four. Ifs a great hobby! Its fun and makes me feel proud. All my teachers and classmates think I have a real gift for drawing. My Art teacher often encourages me to keep drawing and make more wonderful pictures. My cla

21、ssmates also hope for my good pictures.Drawing can be used to relieve my tiredness. Drawing makes me happy when Im sad. Drawing can make me clever. I am always drawing at home to share each others joy and sadness. I really like drawing. I enjoy myself in the world of drawing every time I draw pictur

22、es.【好句摘抄】读完【佳文共赏】中的佳作,请你找出来你认为出色的句子并抄写在横线上。【我来尝试】现在,请你根据你的写作思路,并结合这篇佳作的长处,写一篇更加精彩的作文吧!九上Unit3 Teenage problems写作指导【话题呈现】Amy所在学校的学生会上周对于青少年问题进行了一次调查,结果发现考试 是困扰众多学生的一个严重的问题。作为学生会主席,Amy给某英语杂志青少年 问题专栏写信,希望得到一些有用的建议。假如你是这个栏目的责任编辑,你会 给Amy什么建议呢?请你写一封不少于100词的回信。信的开头和结尾已经给出, 但不计入要求词数。【谋篇布局】写这封信时,你可以先从以下三方面进行

23、构思:.简单阐述出现该问题的原因;.给出几条可行的建议;.表达自己的希望。【遣词造句】写这封信时,你将会用到哪些词语和句子呢?请仔细想想,并在课文中找一 找,把它们写在下面的横线上。词语:stressed句子:1. According to your question, I asked an expert for advice.【佳作共赏】Dear Amy,From your letter, Ive learnt about that exams are the most serious teenage problem. Many students say exams make them st

24、ressed and worried because they often fail. According to your question, I asked an expert for advice, and I really got some useful suggestions.First of all, the students who worry about exams should talk to their teachers or parents. Teachers and parents have more experience and can give them valuab

25、le advice. Secondly, it is also important to change their learning methods. It is common for many students to study in inefficient ways. They should try to discover right methods for themselves. Thirdly, all students should find ways to relax before exams. You know, being too stressed can make our m

26、ind slow.I hope these suggestions can help you and your friends.Yours,Mr Friend【亮点推荐】本篇习作是一封回信。小作者在本篇习作中将回信的形式与内容表达得很完 整。首先,小作者开门见山地将回复信件的主题表达出来,紧接着对来信的问题 进行解答,并在最后附上自己的祝愿。期间,小作者运用最为明显地就是衔接语, first of all, secondly, thirdly的使用使信件的回复内容条理清晰,再就是本单元短 语、句型的恰当运用,比方according to、worry about、valuable advice

27、try to it 作形式主语的句型、make sb. do sth.等。这样一来,本篇习作更好地展示了小作 者的写作功底,以及对本单元内容掌握的熟练程度。【我行我秀】现在,请你根据你的写作思路,并结合这篇佳作的长处,写一篇更加精彩的 作文吧!Dear Amy,From your letter, Fve learnt about that exams are the most serious teenage problem.Yours,Mr Friend九上Unit4 Growing up写作指导【话题呈现】生活就是一段漫长的旅程,有许许多多的人在影响着我们,让我们不断地学 习、成长与前进。请

28、以The person who has influenced me most为题,写一篇不少 于100词的英语短文来介绍他或她。【谋篇布局】在写这篇文章时,你可以围绕下面这五个问题来构思:Who has influenced you most in your life?What does he / she look like?What is special about him / her?What has he / she done? Give one or two examples.What do you think of him / her?【遣词造句】写这篇文章时,你将会用到哪些词语或句

29、子呢?请仔细想想,并在课文中找 一找,把它们写在下面的横线上。词语:influenced句子:My mother Amy has influenced me most in my life.【佳作共赏】The person who has influenced me mostMy mother Amy is short and thin, but has influenced me most in my life.In my family my mother is the busiest one. She does all the housework for the family and ca

30、res about my study. She has taught me a lot. But she never wants anything in return.She is kind and helpful. She always gives me hope and helps me get out of trouble. When I was in Grade 7, I was weak in English. It was her that gave me valuable advice and helped me practise English.I think she is t

31、he best mother in the world. Because of her, I realize that nothing is impossible for a willing heart.【亮点推荐】该习作写得非常成功。小作者在本篇习作中采用了 “总一一分一一总”的结 构,文章首段就开门见山点出主题,紧接着在第二、三段中具体对主题进行阐述, 最后进行总结。脉络清晰,合理合据。除此之外,小作者在写作的过程中灵活运 用各种句式,巧妙使用形容词最高级形式,尤其第三段中的强调句的使用更是游 刃有余。最需要点出的是,小作者在文章最后用了一句谚语,将文章的主题进行 了升华。通篇来看,该习作

32、充分展示了小作者的写作功底。【我行我秀】现在,请你根据你的写作思路,并结合这篇佳作的长处,写一篇更加精彩的 作文吧!九上Unit5 Art world写作指导【话题呈现】一年一次的学校艺术节即将到来,学校的英语俱乐部向全体学生进行征文。 现在请你以The art form Hike best为题,写一篇不少于100词的英语文章,以此 参与俱乐部的活动。要求语法正确、语句连贯。【谋篇布局】写这篇文章时,你可以围绕下面六个问题来构思:What art form do you like best?When did you become interested in this art form?Are you good at this art form?What do you think of this art form?Do you have any storie


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