已阅读5页,还剩32页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Revision 1.Is this _(apple) ? No, it isnt.2.What are these? They are _( orange).3.Pass me a _(pencil ).4.Give me some _(egg), please.5.Are those your _( shoe)? Yes, they are.6.Those shoes are _( Tom).appleorangesshoeseggspencilTomsRevision 1.Is this _ 7.Is the big _ (orange)Lindas?8.There are two _(

2、knife) in the pencil-box.9.This _(box) is big.10.How many _(fish) are there in the river?11.They have some new _(hat).12.A pigs _ (ear) are big.orangeknivesboxfishhatsears指鱼的种类时用fishes,其它情况用fish orangeknivesboxfishhatsear sheep apple a an冠词顾名思义,戴在头上的帽子,冠词就是名词头上的帽子。冠词有三个,a, an和the。a, an称为“不定冠词”,the称为

3、定冠词 sheep the冠词定冠词不定冠词aan零冠词the冠词定冠词不定冠词aan零冠词不定冠词的用法1.表示“一个”,意为one,但不强调数量。如:There are seven days in a week. I have a story book.2.泛指一类人或事物,强调整体。如:A rabbit like carrots. An elephant is much stronger than a tiger.不定冠词a/ an用在可数名词单数面前,表示某一类人或事物。不定冠词的用法1.表示“一个”,意为one,但不强调数量。不3.用在表示时间、数量、价格等意义的名次之前,意为“每一

4、”如:Please clean the floor three times a week. Grape is five yuan a kilo.4.用在一些固定词组中 a lot of, have a cold, have a rest, have a look, have a good time, a piece of, a pair of, a few, a kind of, in a hurry数词和冠词课件5. 用在专有名词前 用于姓名、作品前,表示“具有特征的人”、“的作品”。如:I wish to become an Edison.用于一个带头衔的“姓”前,意为“一位姓的小姐/先生

5、”,表示说话人对此人不认识。如:A Miss Chen came to see you this morning. 表示“某时的某地”、或“某种样子的某地”。如:She is now a different Japan from what she was ten years ago.5. 用在专有名词前6. 在下列情况应加不定冠词 在what引导的感叹句和在many, such构成的句中。What What a silly boy! Many +a (n) +名词 Many a man tried it before! Such Dont be in such a hurry. 在quite,

6、 rather等句中常后置,但也可前置。如:He is rather a/ a rather fool.It is quite a/ a quite good book. so/as/too/how/however+形容词+a (n)+名词 She is as clever a girl as you can wish to meet. Its too difficult a book for us. Now I can see how serious a problem it is. 与half连用。如:half a mile= a half mile half an hour= a hal

7、f hour 7.与抽象名词连用,可以表示“一场、一次、一件”,如:a pleasure一件乐事,a surprise一件令人惊讶的事,a joy一件高兴的事,a pity一件遗憾的事,an honor一个(件)经以为荣的人(事)。6. 在下列情况应加不定冠词小贴士1.an只用在元音音素开头的单词前,并不一定是元音字母开头前。如:an umbrella, an hour a university student常见的单词有:apple,orange,onion,egg,air-conditionerice-cream,English boy, elephant,ant, 2.名词前有形容词修饰

8、时,不定冠词一般放在形容词之前。如:a nice picture, an exciting film小贴士1.an只用在元音音素开头的单词前,并不一定是元音字母Exercisesduck wolf picture umbrella farmer bedroom American boy old woman letteraaaaaaanananExercisesduck 定冠词用法定冠词the,用于各类名词前,表示某个或某些特指的人或事物,“这(些),那(些)”。1.表示特指的某些事物。如:Who is the boy in a black jacket?The woman with some

9、flowers in her hands is Nancys mother.2.指谈话双方都知道的人或事。如:Open the window, please. The teacher is coming.3.指上文已提到过的人或事。如:I have a storybook. The storybook is very interesting. We saw a film last weekend. The film is about animals.定冠词用法定冠词the,用于各类名词前,表示某个或某些特指的4.用在乐器名称前。如:Gaoshan can play the piano well

10、. Helen is good at playing the violin.5.用在独一无二的事物前。如:The moon turns around the Earth. A bird is flying freely in the sky6.用在序数词、形容词最高级及only,very,same等词面前。如:My birthday is on the second of August. We have the same hobby.7.用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前。如:the Great Wall the United States the Childrens palace4.用在乐器名称

11、前。8.用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示某人一家或夫妇二人。如:The Smiths are watching a running race.The Browns are going to have a picnic next weekend.9.用在一些固定词组中如:in the morning, by the way, on the right, in the middle of, in the east, go to the cinema特指、双方熟悉,上文已经提及,世上独一无二、方位名词、乐器、某些专有名词、复数姓氏、序数词、最高级、习惯用语8.用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示某人一家或夫妇二

12、人。特指、双零冠词1、国名、地名、抽象等专有名词前不用如:China is a big country. Lu xun is a grate Chinese writer2、泛指的复数名词表示一类人或事物时。前面不用冠词如:Trees can help clean the air. Books are my best friends. She likes strawberries3、季节、月份、星期、节日前不加冠词如:in summer on Saturday in September on Teachers Day零冠词1、国名、地名、抽象等专有名词前不用4、一日三餐及球类运动前不加冠词如:

13、have lunch play football5、可数名词前有this,that,my,some等词时,不需要加冠词。如:This present is from my grandfather. some books6、固定词组中,不用加冠词。on foot by car at night on duty in hospital go to bed4、一日三餐及球类运动前不加冠词 1.有无冠词的区别: 1.有无冠词的区别:数词和冠词课件数词和冠词课件 Shanghai is on Huang Pu River.There is a cake on my table. Can you see

14、star, Peter?Exercisesthethe/ Shanghai is on 1.The warmth of _sweater will of course be determined by the sort of _wool used.AThe ; the Bthe ; / C/; the D/; /B。第一空格为特指,交待the warmth的内容,第二空格为泛指,the sort of wool used所用羊毛的种类。此题有三点需注意:正确理解sweater 这一句词在句中的类别。掌握determine在句中作“决定”、“取决于”这个意思。掌握定冠词表特指的基本用法。2. M

15、ost animals have little connection with _ animals of _ different kind unless they kill them for food.Athe a B/ a Cthe the D/ theB。名词复数表类别,其前不用冠词,故第一个空格不填冠词,表不定概念的“一种”,“某种”要用不定冠词a。 1.The warmth of _s3. .Paper money was in _ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in _ thirteenth century.Athe

16、 / Bthe the C/ the D/ /C。题中in use是固定搭配,意为“在使用”,use为抽象名词,其前不用冠词。后者是序数词前用定冠词the。要牢记一些固定搭配如in use、under construction(在建设中)、in debt(欠债)、come to power(执政)、on fire(着火)、at table(用餐)、out of work(失业)等。4. John, there is Mr. Wilson on the phone for you. Im in bath.A. a; the B. the; a C. a; 不填 D. the; 不填A。本题考查冠

17、词用法。a+姓名,表示“一个叫的人”;in the bath在浴室。3. .Paper money was in _5. Tom owns larger collection of books than any other student in our class.A. the; 不填 B. a; 不填 C. a; the D. 不填; theB。考冠词,collection是可数名词,须填冠词,被比较级修饰,但是大范围的比较,故填不定冠词,后一空是泛指的表类别的书,且已用了复数,不填冠词。 6. -Did you see the football match last night?-Yes,

18、 I have never seen _ exciting match before.A. such a B. so a C. such an D. so an C。公式一:Such +不定冠词 +【形容词】+ 名词 公式二:So +【形容词】+不定冠词+名词5. Tom owns larger co 数词 数词数词和冠词课件范 围 特 点 实 例 1 12 无规律 three, four, five, six, seven, eight, eleven, twelve13 19以teen结尾thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, ei

19、ghteen, nineteen20 90以 ty 结尾twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety21 99十位与个位之间加连字符“-”twenty-five, sixty-one ninety-nine101 199百位与十位之间通常要用andthree hundred and twenty-five千以上1200: twelve hundred. 6275: six thousand two hundred and seventy-five; 5,237,166,234 基数词的构成 10002000 间常讲若干

20、百范 围 特 点 实 在基数词的构成中,1-12要特别记忆。13-19以teen结尾,整十的数字都是以ty结尾, 在表示“几十几”时要加连字符号“-”。注意以下数词:eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty小贴士在基数词的构成中,1-12要特别记忆。小贴士序数词的构成 1-19序数词中除了first, second, third,之外, 其余均由基数词加th构成,但要注意fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth的拼写。从第二十至第九十,变y为i,再加“eth

21、”构成。twentytwentieth thirtythirtieth“几十几”以上的基数词,变为序数词时, 只把个位数变为序数词。 ninety-ninth4. 序数词的缩写形式是由阿拉伯数字后面加上 序数词的最后两个字母构成。 twenty-first: 21st序数词的构成 1. We are in Class_(3).2. We have_(12)months of the year.3. December is the _(12)one.4. This is my_(1)bag.5. My birthday is Dec. (21).6. I live on the (2) floo

22、r.ExercisesThreetwelvetwelfthfirstTwenty-firstsecond 1. We are in Class_( 数 词 用 法 数 词 用 法1) 用序数词表示顺序,有时也可用基数词, 但要注意顺序、冠词和大小写 the twentieth century the second part Part Two the tenth lesson Lesson Ten the First World War World War I the third gradeGrade Three 2) 基数词 hundred, thousand , million, billi

23、on 表示确切数目时不能加 s: five thousand students (五千个学生) 但是:在表示不确切数目时, 要用复数形式: hundreds of / thousands of students1) 用序数词表示顺序,有时也可用基数词,2) 基数词 hu3) 基数词与序数词连用时,通常是序数词在前。 the first two pages of the book(这本书的前两页)4)序数词在使用时, 通常前面要加定冠词 the; 但如果序数词前出现不定冠词 a 或 an 时, 则表示“再一”,“又一”。 Weve tried it three times. Must we tr

24、y it a fourth time?我们已经试过三遍了,还必须试一次吗?3) 基数词与序数词连用时,通常是序数词在前。4)序数词在使5)score : “二十” ; scores of 词组: “许多” score的用法与dozen, hundred, thousand, million, billion相同,即与具体的数字连用时,不加s , 泛指时,加s , 与of 连用;例如: 他已去过那里许多次了。 He has been there scores of times. 一百年前这儿有一个动物园。Five score (of) years ago there was a zoo here

25、. The old lady bought 3 score of those eggsdozen一打,十二个当dozen与数词或many, several 等连用时,不加s,所修饰的名词前常省去of.如: five dozen people (60个人) many/ several dozen pencil 但是,在a dozen of these people, two dozen of them等短语中应加of,这是因为习惯上在 these, those, them, us等词前该用dozen of的 缘故。5)score : “二十” ; scores of 6)分数由基数词和序数词合成

26、,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子大于一时,分母的序数词要用复数形式。如:1/3 one (a) third 2/3two thirds1/2 one (a) half 1/4 one (a) quarter小数点point;零读o或zero;小数点后的数字按个体基数词依次读出。例如:0.6zero point six; 5.38five point three eight百分数由per cent (percent)表示,如: 19%- 19 percent6)分数由基数词和序数词合成,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分1. They received _ of letters about the

27、ir TV programs. a. dozen b. dozen and dozen c. score d. dozensa2.We have produced _ this year as we did in 1993. a. as much cotton twice b. as twice much cotton c. much as twice cotton d. twice as much cottond3. The earth is about _ as the moon. a. as fifty time big b. fifty times as big c. as big f

28、ifty time d. fifty as times bigb1. They received _ of let4. Five hundred yuan a month _ enough to live on. a. is b. are c. is being d. has beena5. _ of the buildings were ruined. a. Three fourth b. Three four c. Three-fourths d. Three-fourc6. Consult _ for questions about earthquakes. a. the six index b. index six c. sixth index d. index numbering sixb4. Five hundred yu


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