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1、高三年级英语第一学期期中考试高三年级英语班级学号姓名成绩(115)第一部分:听力理解 (30)第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)5 段关于话。每段关于话后有一个小题,从题中所给的ABC 10 小题和阅读下一小题。每段关于话仅读一遍。例:What is the man going to rea?AA newspaper.答案是A。What time is it BA magazine.CA book.A6:10.B6:50.C5:30.Where oes this conversation most probably take place?At a hospital.

2、At the At a library.What o you know about the woman in the conversation? AShe is a film irector.BShe is an actress.CShe was aware Best Actress at the Oscars.What are the speakers oing?Having a meeting.BTalking about wars.CHaving a history class.What o we know about Mary? AShe has some trouble with B

3、She oest like school.CShe oes well in maths.第二节 (共 15 小题;每题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)6 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并且标在试卷的相应位置。听每段关于话或独白前,你将有时间阅 5 5 白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。What o you know about working place?Col.BWarm.CCool.What i Jim think of his summer job? AHe like it because a well-pai BHe int like it because it was

4、tiring.CHe like it though the pay was not goo.听第 7 段材料,回答 8 至 9 题。What computer game is being playe?What kin of game oes the speaker hate to play? AFlying an aeroplane.BShooting at听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 11 题。10From where oes the Architecture Tour start?CAll noisy games.AThe Central Park Zoo.Be l .CThe Ge

5、ntral Park.Which of the following places is NOT inclue in the tour?The Gran Central Station.The Empire State BuilingNoble Bookstore.听第 9 段材料,回答第 12 至 14 题。What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?Husban an wife.BHouse agent an Waiter an customer.What oes the man like about the hous

6、e?Public transportation.BThe shopping center.CThe swimming pool.What o you know from the conversation?There is a gym just upstairs.The apartment has a great ocean view.The apartment has two berooms. 10 15 17 题。15What time of the ay is it now?Morning.Afternoon.CEvening.the health insurance number?A55

7、59007B785246017AWho is the woman speaking to?AA octor.BA customer.CA patient.听第 11 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。18What is the man mainly talking about?AWay of living.BHealthy living.CImportance of nutrition.What oes r. Graham say about vitamins?He warns us not to take any of them.Artificially prouce vitamins a

8、re as goo as the vitamins we get from our foos. CVitamins we get from our foos are more nutritious.What is the most important in keeping healthy, accoring to r. Graham?Keeping a nutritious iet.Taking exercise every ay.Keeping away from smoking an rinking.第二部分:英语知识应用 (共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 单项填空 (共 15 小题;每小

9、题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 ABC 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。例:It is generally consiere unwise to give a chilhe or she wants.however答案是B。whateverC. whichever. wheneversai that two Chinese engineers were kinappe by terrorists in Pakistan yesteray.-Yes,news came asgreat surprise.the; theB. /; /C. the; a. /; aThe man ran

10、offof the police officer.caught at the in out of sightAfter all itgreat effort an much time to master any foreign language.takesspens. paysAfter that, I avoie his presence, as I felt he was becoming toome.popular withB. similar toC. known -Where have you been all ay?. familiar with-Wesome lovely chi

11、lren an we get away from them until it was ark.metB. meetC. have met. have been meetingThere was a lot of fun at party. Youhave come, but why you?mustB. C. neent. ought to , Jack get the oor open. He ha to ial 911.As he might tryTry as he mightAs might he tryMight as he try-Have you finishe your hom

12、ework?-No, Imy father on the farm all ay yesteray.was helpingC. have helpeB. am helping. helpe the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks.Not completingC. Not having completeNot complete. Having not completeWhat a strange man! He loves his wife, buthe often beats her.at a timeC. in

13、 timeB. at one time. at the same timeI finally was amitte to Chongqing University. Never in my lifeso happy.I felti I I ha ha I feltI work in a businessalmost everyone is waiting for a great chance.howthatYou can harly imagine the ifficulty the woman haher chilren.brought upC. bringing upB. to bring

14、 up. to have brought upI believe that Tom will give me a han in time of trouble,?o I will he. wont heThe house rent is expensive. I ve got about half the space I ha at home an I am paying here.as three times muchas much three timemuch as three timesthree times as much第二节 完型填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30

15、 分)阅读下面短文,撑握其大意,然后从3655 各题所给的四个选项、C 和 中,选出最佳选项。Is The Thought That CountsThis past Christmas was one of the best I have ever ha. This was mae possible by my sister, Amy. She is eight years oler an has alreay mae it into“real worl”.My sister bought me three wonerful gifts, 36 only one woul capture my

16、 heartforever. First she hane me the 37 . Because Amy is careful with her actions, I knew this was her 38 favourite. It was a bottle of I was happy with it, yet 39 as to what lay ahea. Next she hane me a box. After 40 away the wrapping paper, I foun astylish an expensive sweater. I was eeply move th

17、at my sister was so 41 . Then she hane me the 42 gift. Juging by the familiar size an 43 , I knew it was a C. It was the sountrack to the movie“Rocky”, with songs inspiring to all athletes, reamers I 44 love it, but not as much as I woul after what my sister explaine to me.She was 45 to a knee injur

18、y that 46 me half of my soccer season. I esire to be with my team-mates an 47 each minute I sat on the bench. I trie har, hoping my knee injury woul heel soon. This was what le my sister to buying that C.After mentioning what was behin the 48 , Amy playe the C for me. Even though I ha hear those son

19、gs a thousan times, each note struck me as if it was 49 . It playe inmy soul an on my emotions. I50breathlessly, as the wors Trying har now. Is so harnow”soune through the room. It51me in a way beyon the happiness most gifts coul bring. I coulnt52crying an hugge my sister. Knowing that my sister ha5

20、3problem so eeply mae me realize that I am the54little sister in the worl. I ha never receive a gift with so much55behin it! Ill cherish it forever.36Aan37Asmallest 38Amost 39Aanxious 40Aputting 41Ahelpful 42Arest 43Acolor 44Aimmeiately 45Aexplaining 46Apai 47Aenjoye 48Agift 49Aalive 50Alistene 51Ah

21、arme 52Aburst 53Afoun 54Aluckiest 55AharshipbutBprettiest Bless Bexcite Btearing Bfashionable Blast Bstyle Bquickly Breplying Bstoppe Bvalue Bstory Bnew Bance Bhelpe Bhol Bgot Bcleverest BthoughtCwhichCearest Cleast Celighte Ccarrying Crich Cother Cpattern Csuenly Creferring Ctook Csuffere Csweater

22、Cstrange Claughe Cbroke Chelp Cfelt Cbravest Cmoneyforlargest more curious giving generous favourite shape secretly talking cost spent Christmas familiar remembere touche prevent solve best experience第三部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题,每题 2 分,满分 40 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 )中,选出最佳选项。ALillan Hanson, a college junio

23、r, expects to grauate in about two years. Mrs. ratheunusuastuentplantogo on totakemore courseafteshegetheregreeWhatmakes Mrs. Hanson ifferent from most of her classmates?What sets Lillian Hanson apart from the college going to college, a few courses at a time, for 27 years.yeaeShe has beenWhen Mrs.

24、Hanson grauate from high school, she went to her local bank an aske f a loan for college tuition an fees. The banker gave her no encourekhin country girl shoul be borrowing money to go to college. He thought she shoul be home work in the house or aroun the farm. So Mrs. Hanson went home an raise a f

25、amily of n chilren instea of going to college. She still lives with her husban on the farm that in the family for five generations.Mrs.HansonneverforgoherreamofgettinahigheeucationWhen herchilrenwere grown, she trie again.She fins the harest part of going back to school at her age is to be sitting i

26、n c long perios of time, because she is not as agile as she use to be. Mrs. Hanson often an walks aroun between classes to keep her joints from getting stiff. At the beginnin coursein using the computer,the Mrs. Hanson a warm roun of applauswhen sheintrouceherselanexplainewhy shewastheranwhathergoal

27、swere.56Mrs. Hanson has gone through college .A rapily anwellC without any help at all57A person who is agile is . A stiff in the jointsC intelligent atschoolworkB slowly butsurely as a form ofentertainmentB poor in certain subjects able to move aroun well58We can learn form the passage that Mrs. A

28、is troublesome at college because of her ol ageBoften isturbs her tahing by walking aroun in C is popular an well-amire oncampus is goo at all her subjects except computer 59This story is mainly about .A a woman too olfor schoolB a persistent an unusualstuentCthe harship to get college egrhow to rea

29、lizenreamBA 10-year-ol boy fatally shot his father Friay, striking him several times as hefront seat of a SUV to pick up the boy fromihtr a weeken visit.The incient happene about 3:45 p.m. on a cul-e-sac in the 1700 block of Cear Cove Court, sai Sgt. B. E. Williams of the Harris County Sheriffs epar

30、tment.An investigation foun that Rick James Lohstroh, 41, was shot by his son, who was sitting in the back seat of the man Toyota 4-Runner, sai Sgt. B. E. Williams of the Harris County Sheriffs epartment. The shooting took place outsie the home of Lohstroh ex-wife, where the boy lives with his mothe

31、r an a 7-year-ol brother. not certain of anything until we finish our investigation,” Williams sai.“Theinformation we have at this time is that the 10-year-ol i fire the The mother an the 7-year-ol were insie the house when the shooting occurre, sai Williams.Williams sai the gun belonge to the boy m

32、other. After firing shots through the back seat, the boy exite the back of the vehicle an continue to fire at the car.The man ie on the way to Memorial Herman Hospital. Lohstroh was a octor at the University of Texas Meical Branch. The man an woman share 监护)of the chilren.Williams sai the mother an

33、the boy were still in the home talking to investigators Friaynight.Neighbors escribe the family as being quiet an keeping to themselves.Justin Gray, 17, was walking in the neighborhoo when he hear gunshots.“Weve ha a suicie(自杀)in this neighborhoo once, but never anything like this,”Gray sai.The best

34、 title for the news shoul be.AA Boy Shoot His Father CAn Unbelievable TrageyBShooting Kill a FatherA Ten-Year-Ol Boys CrueltyWhich of the following is TRUE accoring to the news?The father is not responsible for the boy.The family like associating with their neighbours.The boy lives with Rick James L

35、ohstroh.The boy has no brothers or sisters.What can we infer from the report?The tragey happene because the boy ha seen too many films showing violence.The boy hate it that his father eserte his mother, so he kille him.Such things often occurre in this neighbourhoo.The parents got ivorce.The reason

36、why the boy shot his father.is clear Cis not be mae is quite simpleCBears an humans often meet in National Parks. Although campers an hikers are warne not to fee the bears, many people ignore these warnings an fee the beasts anyway. When bears are use to peoples foo, problems soon arise.Bears like t

37、o eat a large variety of things, both meat an vegetable. Without human assistance, bears live nicely on roots, twigs, leaves of trees, insects an small animals. people aroun, the bears tastes quickly expan to inclue sanwiches, hot ogs, hamburgers, an anything else they can temp humans into giving up

38、.Bears often evelop clever strategies for getting people to let go their foo supplies. More often than not, an unsuspecting hiker has taken off his or her pack for a rest only to have a bear charge out of the woos, grab the pack an quickly isappear into the unerbrush with Hanging the pack on a tree

39、branch won help. Bears have been known to climb up, jump off, an catch the pack on the way own. One mother bear stretche up with her baby on her shoulers to reach a pack store on a pole. Many bears threaten people into giving up their supplies. Although a bear is unlikely to attack a person an woul

40、probably run away screame at, few people are willing to o so. Most people rop the pack an run the other way. This, of course, elights the bear. In some places, the Park Service installe some metal barrels with lis to help campers keep their supplies safe from bears. Although the bears were unable to

41、 open these containers, the effort was less than successful. Most campers, unable to tell the metal rums from rubbish cans, never use them for the intene purpose.Feeing bears on foobrings the people a lot of fun Coften causes injuries an can cause problems helps bears surviveIf people ha never fe be

42、ars, the bears.might be satisfie with what they ha originallywoul have starve long beforehave enough foo supplywoul have hunte for other kin of 66Which of the following is TRUE?If fe on sanwiches an hot ogs, the bears woul no longer eat roots, twigs anlikely that bears woul hurt people if the people

43、 give up their foo.Most people woul frighten away the bears that woul temp their foo.Seeing a pack, the bear woul quickly snatch it an run away with it.Bear-proof containers work becauseAbears were clever enough to get the foo in themthey were left open in the open airpeople were not sure of their u

44、sethey were once use as rubbish cansSpace is a angerous place, not only because of meteors but also because of rays from the sun an other stars. The atmosphere again acts as our protective blanket on earth. Light gets through, an this is necessary for plants to make the foo that we eat. Heat, too, m

45、akes our environment enurable. Various kins of rays come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of raiation from the sun are screene off. As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are expose( 暴 露 )to this raiation but their spacesuits or the walls of their spacecraft, if they are i

46、nsie, o prevent a lot of raiation amage.Raiation is the greatest known anger to explorers in space, The unit of raiation is calle “rem” Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more raiation than 0.1rem without being amage; the figure of 60 rems has been agree on. The trouble i

47、s that it is extremely ifficult to be sure about raiation amage. A person may feel perfectly well, but the cells of his or her sex organs may be amage, an this will not be iscovere until the birth of eforme chilren or even granchilren. Missions of the Apollo flights have ha to cross belts of high ra

48、iation an , uring the outwar an return journeys, the Apollo crew accumulate( 积 累 ) a large amount of rems. So far, no angerous amounts of raiation have been reporte, but the Apollo missions have been quite short. We simply o not know yet how men are going to get on when they spen weeks an months out

49、sie the protection of the atmosphere, working in a space laboratory. rugs might help to ecrease the amage one by raiation, but no really effective ones have been foun so far.In which way is the atmosphere necessary to man accoring to the first paragraph?It screens off the falling meteors.It provies

50、sufficient light for plants to grow.It supplies the heat necessary for human survival.It protects him against the harmful rays from space.We know from the passage that.exposure to even tiny amount of raiation is fatal( 致命的)the effect of exposure to raiation is slow in comingraiation is avoiable in s

51、pace explorationastronauts in spacesuits worry about raiation amage 70The unerline wor “eforme” probably means.Abaly-shapeBweakCnaturally-grown71It can be inferre from the passage that.the Apollo mission was very successfulastronauts will have eforme chilren or Cprotection from space raiation is no

52、easy jobraiation is not a threat to well-protecte space explorersEYou may have hear some respectable elers say,not what you want in this worl, but what you Psychology teaches that you o get what you want if you know what you want an want the right things.You can make a mental blueprint of a esire as

53、 you woul make a blueprint of a house, an each of us is continually making these blueprints in the general routine of everyay living. If we inten to give a inner for friens, we plan the menu, make a shopping list, an ecie which foo to cook first, an such planning is essential for any type of meat to

54、 be serve.Likewise, if you want to fin a job, take a sheet of paper, an write a brief account of yourself. In making a blueprint for a job, begin with yourself, for when you know exactly what you have to offer, you can intelligently plan where to sell your service.This account of yourself is actuall

55、y a escription of your working life an shoul inclue eucation, experience an references. Such an account is valuable. It can be referre to filling out stanar application blanks an it is extremely helpful in personal interviews. While talking to you, your coul-be employer is eciing whether your eucati

56、on, your experience, an other qualifications will pay him to employ you, an your abilities must be isplaye on an orerly an reasonably connecte manner.When you have carefully prepare a blueprint of your abilities an esires, you have something exact to sell. Then you are reay to hunt for a job. Get al

57、l the possible information about your coul-be job. Make your eyes an ears open, an use your own jugment. Spen a certain amount of time each ay seeking in the employment you wish for, an keep in min: Obtaining a job is your job now!When the elers say s not what you want in the worl, but what you they

58、mean.youll certainly get what you wantno use reaming but be practicalyou shoul never be satisfie with what you haveessential to be ambitious73A blueprint mae before inviting a frien to inner is use as.Aa set rule for job huntersBan example of how to plan important things aheaCa suggestion on how to

59、get a goo joba guieline for a job escriptionWriting an account of yourself before starting to get a job.is the first step to please the employeris the requirement of the employerenables you to know when to sell yourselfmakes you aware of your abilities an esiresIn the passage, the author mainly inte

60、ns to point out the importance of.writing up a etaile plan for a job interviewrawing a escription of your working lifekeeping a blueprint of what you want to oseeking the employment you went第二卷 (35)第四部分:书面表达 (35)第一节 句子写作 (满分 20 分)(10 2 分)He took some books with him. He woul not get bore uring the lo


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