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1、保密启用前松桃县中小学英语教师教学技能大赛试题答不内线封密4-M0!节位座 号证考准 名姓 校学 ,乡1镇题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分积分人二二二得分第一部分 英语学科课程标准(10分)(一、单项选择题:从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案填入题前的括号内。(5分,每小题1分)1.义务教育阶段的英语课程具有和人文性双重性质。A.科学性B,工具性C.阶级性)2.课程标准五级目标要求在日常人际交往中有效地进行表达,这是课程标准在方面的描述。A.语B.话题C.功能)3学习策略是指学生为了有效地学习和发展而采取的各种A.计划和反思B.复习和预习C.行动和步骤)4.A.英语教材是课程资源的核心部分。B

2、.各种形式的网络资源C.多媒体光盘资料)5.国家英语课程标准要求九年级结束时应达到第(B.五级的基本要求。C.九二、判断题:对的在相应说法前的括号内打“4”,错的打“X”。(5分,每小题1)6.初中毕业生要学会使用30 0 0个左右的单词和2 0 0300个习惯用语或固定搭配。)7.英语课程的评价体系要体现评价主体的多元化和评价形式的多样化。)8 .语言技能只包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能。)9.学业考试的命题要确保试题的信度和效度,杜绝繁、偏、旧的试题。)10.英语教学要面向全体学生,为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定基础。第二部分 英语学科教材内容(6 5分)一、单项选择:从A、B、C、D四个

3、选项中选出最佳答案填入 题前的括号内。(2。分,每小题1分)()1 . 一Hello, cou 1 d I spea k to Mr. S mit h , ple a se?一Sorry, th ere isn,t M r . S mith here.A. theB. aC. anD. /解析:多数初中老师或小学老师会误选A,其实不定冠词用于人名前,表示不认识此人 或与某名人有类似性质的人或事。此题是高中英语知识,但中小学教师应该掌握的。() 2. We nee dn,t trouble unti 1 us.A.tro u ble s; t r oub le; troubleB. t r o

4、u b le;t r o ubles; t roubl eC. tro ub le; troub 1 e; trou ble sD. trouble; tro uble; troub1e解析:直译是“不要招惹麻烦,直到麻烦招惹你,意译是不要自找麻烦”第一个是动词,招惹的 意思祈使句用原形第二个是名词,麻烦的意思,是不可数名词。第三个是名词,麻烦的意思.第四个 是动词,招惹的意思,用三单形式。此题是初中知识,考场一词多义也考查不可数名词。()3. 一When shall we m e et again next we ek?一 day i s possible. Its n o p roblem

5、 with m e .A. Eith e rB. Neither C. Every D. An y解析:下周有7天,所以不可能是两者之间的选择,排除A和B;eve ry侧重于整体,而a ny侧重个体,所以 答案D最佳.注意:any用语肯定句表示“任何的”。此题是初中知识,中考常考题。()4.一A la te st maga z ine, p lease.一O n l y o ne l e ft. Would yo u li k e to ha v e?A. itB. oneC. thisD. that解析:句意:一请来一份最新杂志。一只剩下一份了,你要吗?it指代前文提到过的事物,one指同类

6、事物。从语境看肯定选择A.()5 . Woul d you l i ke some coffe e ?一Yes, an d ple ase get me some mi 1 k. I pr e fer coffee milk.A. withB. toC. ofD. on解析:如果想当然选择,容易误选B.但仔细推敲语境:我喜欢加牛奶的咖啡。就会得出本 题答案是A.()6. I d o nt ha v e to intro d uc e h im to y o u you know t heboy.A. untilB . u n A. untilB . u n lessC. sin c eD. b

7、ut解析:作为老师,必须知道since的多种含义-自从、因为、既然绝对不能只知道“自 从”这个意思。本题句意:既然你认识这个男孩,我就没有必要向你介绍了。()7. They th e trai n un t il it d i sappeared in the distanc e.A. sawB. watchedC.noticed D. o bserved解析:考查动词辨析:see看的结果;watch注视,看守;notice注意到;obs erv e 观测,观察。句意:他们注视这趟火车,直到它消失在远处。()8. Mary dan c e s b e st in o ur sch ool.I

8、agree. I,ll neve r forget her dance fo r the fi rs t t i m e.A.s e eB. to seeC.see i ng D.seen解析:forge t to do s th忘记做某事,事情未做;for g e t doing sth忘记做过某事, 事情做过了。从语境看答案是C.()9. T he do c tor di d what h e c ould t he d y in gman.A. s aveB. to saveC. s aved D. sa ving解析:本题考查的是特殊疑问句作为宾语从句,语序要用陈述句语序,同时,本 题

9、所缺的成分为动词不定式作为目的状语,故选答案为B。有的老师不看句子结构, 可能会误选A.此题是2 0 0 9年宿迁中考真题。()10. T h e wo rd s t hat we s hould p a y at t ention to on the bla c kboa r d.A. b ei n g wri t tenB. are w r itten C. i s writin gD. wri ting解析:此题如果想当然选择会误选D.看看句子结构that we shoul d pay a tt e nti on t o是作 定语。主语是the words.句意:我们应该注意的单词常被写

10、在黑板上。此题是2 0 0 8年宿迁 中考真题。()11. 一Remembert o ask her t o call me back.A. Ne v er mind B. Th a t,s rig ht C. Up t o you D. Got it解析:大多数老师会选择C.要知道one不能直接修饰sho e s.只能选择A.此题系2009 年绵阳中考试题改编过来的。()12. 一Th is pa i r of shoes really sma ll for me.-Why not try an o ther .A.is,pai rB. are, p ai r C. is, one D. a

11、re, one解析:大多数老师会选择C.要知道one不能直接修饰s hoes.只能选择A.此题系2009年绵阳 中考试题改编过来的。()13. I f the man a ge r ha d t o cho o s e be t ween the two, h ewou l d say Jo h n wa s choic e .A. g oo dB. the bestC. betterD.thebetter解析:大家知道,比较级前面不能用the,但表示特指或有of the two的时候要用the.)14. Some of th e wheat is from Canad a. What abo

12、ut A .anotherB.the o therC.othe r sD. t he rest解析:大家可能知道some. . others .,.而误选C.但是w h e at是不可数名词,不能用。 thers代替。the rest既可以代可数名词,也可以代不可数名词。)1 5. He t h e lab tha n he set out to do theexperimen t .A .has no sooner reachedB.n o so on er re ach e dC. w i ll no s o o ne r r e achedD .had n o s oon e r r e

13、ac h e d解析:no soonerthan是一固定搭配,意思是“一就”,其时态为从句中用一 般过去时,主句中用过去完成时,相同的结构还有hardly /scarcelywhen.)1 6. Jack yet, otherwise he wo u ld have tel e phoned me.A .must nt ha ve a rri vedB.sh ouldn t have arrivedC.ca nt have a r rive dD. need n t have arrived解析:本题中oth erwise为连词,意思是“否则,要不然”.would have telephone

14、d表达虚 拟,与实际相反,即“他并没有打电话”.所以空格处can, t have a r r i v ed也是虚拟语气,是对现 在情形进行语气强烈的否定推测,意为“他不可能到了”.)1 7 . It was becau se of b ad weat her th e footba llmatc h h ad to b e put off.A. soB. s o th a tC .wh yD.that解析:此题考查强调句,是人们为了表达自己的意愿或情感而使用的一种形式。通过各种方式对 句子中的某个部分进行强调,从而起到修辞的作用。英语常用的强调结构有:It is (was) +被强 调部分(主

15、语、宾语或状语)+th at/who. . ;wh a tbe句型;)1 8 . U nle ss t o spea k, you shou l d remain s i len tat the conference.A. i nv it e dB. inviti n gC. b ein g invited D. havin g invit e d解析:原句意思是,除非你被邀请发言,否则你应该在会议上保持安静。连词后可以直接 加现在或过去分词,由主动被动决定.由于“你”是被邀请的,所以应该用过去分词,故选 A。()1 9 . Jan e he r key in the o ffice so s

16、he h ad t o wa i t until her hus band h o me.A.has left; comesB .left; had comeC.had l e ft; cameD. had l eft; wouldcome解析:考查时态。had to提示是一般过去时,发生在“过去的过去”的事情,用过去完成 时,排除A、B;unt i l引导的时间状语从句的时态要与主句一致,故用过去时,排除D。故选C。()2 0. W he n a p e ncil i s p a rtly in a glas s of wate r, itlo oks as i f it .A. b rea

17、ksB .has broken C. wer e broken D.had b e enbroken解析:as if引导的句子,有时用虚拟语气,有时不用。原则上说,若指事实 或可能为事实,不用虚拟语气;若指现在,从句谓语动词用一般过去时(be用were); 若指过去用过去完成时,若指将来用过去将来时或用were to do sth.二、阅读填词(15分,每小题1.5分)阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语 境提示,在每个空格内填人一个适当的英语单词,所填单词要求意 义准确,拼写正确,并将该词完整地写在答题卡中相应的横线上。Ma ny o f u sw e re r

18、ai sed with th e say ing Waste n ot,want not.” None o fus, (1) h , c an complet e ly a void w as te i n our lives.Anyk ind o f wa ste isthoughtless. Whether we w a ste ourpote nt i alt a le n ts, our ow n time, o ur 1 imite d natur al (2)_(资源),our money, or ot her pe o pl es time, e ac h ofuscanbe c

19、o m e m o re aw ar e an d ca r eful. The smallest good ha bi ts c an mak e a b ig ( 3)d .Itsa good feeling to kno w ino ur he a r t s we are doin g our(4)bin a world t hat i s inse riou s tro u ble.By fo cusing on (5) (节省)oil, w a ter, pap e r, foo d, and c 1 othin g,weare p 1 ayinga part ( 6 ) c u

20、tt i ng d own on waste.We must keep r emind ing (7) (自己)that it is e a sie r to ge t into som e t hi ng (8) it is to get out o f i t. A ctually, severe damag e(9) d t o ou r land is fa i rlyrec ent in the h istory of our e voluti on . It s time fo r us t o(1 0) no t o waste s o t h at ou r g ra ndch

21、i Id ren,s chil dren will be able to dev elop we ll. We c a nt solve all the p r o b 1 em s of waste, but we can encourage mindfulness.W ast e not!.5. 6 .7, 8. 9,10.4. best 5 . s1. however 2. res 4. best 5 . s6. i n7. ourselves 8. than 9. done 10. say得分 评卷人三、阅读理解:阅读短文,选择最佳答案。(共3 0分,每小题2分)Z3(A

22、 篇)D e v el ope d and d ev e lo p ing n at i ons ca n lear n from each ot her seeking a low ca rb on e co nomy, a Chine s e government offici al sa id i n S hang h a i yeste r day.“Chi na d o e s nt l a g d e ve l op ed na tions in terms of e n er gy sav in g a nd gre e n e c on omy” ,s ai d Zh ou C

23、han gyi ,di r ecto r o f the e nergy saving d epartme nt of the Minist ry of Indust r y and In formatio n Techno logy.a spects f ro m d ev el ope d nations, they“a spects f ro m d ev el ope d nations, theya lso should le a r n s om e thing f ro m us,such as wa te r con s ervati on,” Zhou sa i d i n

24、a sp ee c h d uri n g t he new Path of C hina s Industril i z a t io n fo r um at t he o n g oing Ch i na In t ernationa l Ind us try Fair 2 0 0 9.He said in d u s tr i l i zed na t io n s and China a re d eal in g wi t h differ e nt is su e s t o co mbat climate c h an g e.The United Kingdom,for ex

25、amp le, is c once r ne d about t ransp o rt,b u ilding s an d new energyin reducing carbon emmissions. F or Ch i na, the most urgen t task is how to re ali ze new - t y pe o f indu s tr i lization a nd avoid mist a ke s th a t other countries made when they industrilized.As s uch, ov erseas exh i bi

26、tors at this yea r s fair are sho wing w a ys to help China achieve low carbon emissions in the industria l sec t ion.Sw i ss power and a u tom at ion tec hno lo g y g roup A B B ca ll ed for a stron g er fo cus o n prod uct l i fe cy c l e a s se sme n t,or L C A, wh ic h i s used t o s t ud y th e

27、 e nvi ronm e ntal impact o f a pro duct from the research and manufaturing stage through its usage an d recycling.Tob ias Be cke r ,h e a d of ABB s pr oc ess a u t omation di v is i o n for Nort h A s ia and Chi n a, said LCA i s a n e ffect i ve to o l in helping manufacturing industries to reduc

28、e carbon emissions.LCA shows that in du st r ial c u s t omers s h ould fo c us o n a pr o ducts en v ironmen t al impact th r ougho ut i ts li fe cycle inste a d of o n its io use s tag e . For ex ample,a motor fo r o nly 3 p er c e nt of its li f e cyc 1 e to fu el c o nsum ption and the res t to

29、mn itial in ve o use s tag e . For ex ample,a motor fo r o nly 3 p er c e nt of its li f e cyc 1 e to fu el c o nsum ption and the res t to mRi c hard H a usmann,North E ast Asia CEO of Siemens,s ai d, “ The color of f u ture indust r i 1iza tion i s gr een. ”The Germa n y C o mp an y re c entl y an

30、 n ounc e s t h at i t wants to re c eive order s w o rth mo r e than 6 bi 1 lio n E uros (US 8.8 b illion) forint el lig e nt net power networks, Smart Gr id, ov e r t he ne x t fiv e ye ar s. Siemens has set a 2 0 percen t market s hare target for the g lo bal smar t gri d bus in es s.A smart gr i

31、d delivers electricity from supplie rs to consumers u sing digi t al t echnol o gy,a dv an c e d senso rs s p e c iali ze d c o mputers that save energy,reduce costs and increase reliabilit y.The United St a t es an d Ch ina are co n sidere d the two big gest markets for smart grid.()1. “ can rep 1

32、ace the underlined wo r d “lag”.F a l 1 behindB. B e supe ri o r toC.A tta c kD.Fea r(bon)2. Wh i ch o f the fol 1 ow i ng ab o ut LCA i s (bonA.LCA i s used t o s tudy th e impa ct o n a product.B.LCA can help manufacturing industries decrease car release a lot.LC A sh ows indust r ia 1 cu s tomers

33、 s h o u ld focus on a pr oducts environmenta 1 inf1uence on i ts initi a1 inve stme nt.LCA was on e o f the exhibitions at t h is y e ars fair.)3.W e can infer fr o m the eleventh p aragrap h of thi spassage.A.Siemens grid buA.Siemens grid businessh as occu p ied 20 % m a rket sharefor the g1obal s

34、martB.S iemen sre c e i vedo rder s w or t h6 b i 1 li o n Euros r ecent1 yC .Siem en s will earn $ 8. 8billion f romintelligentpower netwoD.S D.S i eme nsp lane future()4. aboutssage.A.Energy savingC.Security()5. Th e best t itl eA.Developed andrksabout Smart Grid may come true in thSmart Grid isnt

35、 mentioned in the paB.Low costD .Sm a ll in sizefo r the passa g e.Dev eloping Na tio ns Can Lear n Fr omEa c h OtherB. L ow ca r b on Eco no my一a Share d G o alC .Inte 1 lig ent Po we r N etw o r k sD. Two B i gg e st M a rkets for Sma r t Grid(A篇).A 词义猜测题。根据第二段 “China doesnt lag d evelope d nation

36、s in t erms of energy sa vin g and green e conomy,.”可知,就节能和绿色经济方面,中国并 不落后于发达国家,所以选择A项。. B细节理解题。根据第七段内容可知,LCA可以帮助生产企业减少碳的排放,所以B 项正确。.D推理判断题。由第十一段可知,“智能电网”不仅可以节能,降低成本,而且还能提 高可靠性。美国和中国将成为智能电网最大的市场。综上所述可知,西门子推出的智能电网计 划得以实现的可能性很大。D项正确。.D细节理解题。最后一段内容没有提及“智能电网”的大小和规模所以选择D项。.B 主旨大意题。文章第一段表明发展中国家和发达国家就寻求低碳经济

37、发展上可以 互相借鉴,这是他们共同的目标。由此可知B项符合。(B篇)Po et W illiam St aff o r d on ce said that we a re d e fin e d more by t he detou rs (绕行路) i n life than b y the na rr o w ro ad toward goa 1 s.I like this image.But it was quit e b y a cc i dent t h at I di scover e d the deep meaning of his words.Fo r y e ar s we

38、 ma d e th e l o ng dr i ve fr o m o ur home i n Se at tle t o my par e nt s home in Bois e in nine hours.We trav e led t he wa y mos t people do: the fa stest, s hort e st, eas iest ro ad , especia 11y when I wa s a 1 one wi t h f o ur noisy, r est l e ss kids who ha t e conf i nement(限制)and ha v e

39、 s t ron g opi n ions a b o ut everyth i ng.Roa dtri p s felt ri sk y, so I would driv e fast, s top p ing o n 1 ywhen I hadto.We wou 1 d stick t o thefree ways anda rri v e ti r ed.Butthen B anner,our lamb was bo r n.He wasrej e c t ed b y h is mama da y sbefo r e our p1a n n ed t rip to Boise.Ihad

40、 two c hoi ce s:leave Banner with my husband, or take him with me.My husband made the decision for me.That is how I foun d myself on the ro ad wi th four kid s , a b aby la m b and no th i n g but my everlas ti ng opt i mism to s ee me t h rough.W e took the co u nt ry roads out of ne c essity.We ha

41、d to stop e v ery hour, let Ban n e r shake out his legs a n d feed hi m. The kids cha sed him and one anoth e r.Th e y d get back i n the c ar breathless and energ iz ed, smel 1 ing f r esh from the c o1d a ir.We expl o red side roads, catchin g grasshoppers in waist-hi g h g ra s s.Ev e n i f we s

42、imply looked out ofthe car windows at b ab y pi g s follo wing their mo t her, or fish l e api n g out of t h e water, it wa s bett e r than the best ri de dow n t he freew a y.Here w a s 1 ife.And new horizo n s(见识).We e v entu a lly arr i ved a t my p a rents d oor st e p a stoni s hi n gly fres h

43、 a nd ful 1 of stor ie s.I grew b ra v e with the trip ba c k home and cr eat ive w i th my disci p li n ing t echni q u e.O n an emp ty section o f r o ad, e v eryon e sta r ted q uarre 1 i n g.I sto p ped the c ar, or d e re d all kids ou t a n d t ol d them to meet m e u p ahead. I park e d my c

44、a r hal f a mile aw a y and read my book in sw e e t silen c e.Som e r oad trips are b yn e cessityfa s t and straigh t. But th a t tr i pwith Ba n n e r opene doureye s to awo rld a vai1 able t o anyone a dve n t ur o us enoughtow an der a round and made merealize t hat a det our ma y uncov e r the

45、b e st pa r t of jou rn e y-and the best pa r t o f y o urself.()6.Why did the a u th o r use to take freeways to her pa ren t s h ome?A.It was 1ess tiring.B . 11 would be fa st er and s a fer.C.Her kidsw ould feel 1e ss c o nf in e d.D. S he fe 1 t b e tt e r w i th o th er drivers nearb y .()7.T h

46、e author st opped regul ar1 y on the cou nt r y r o ads to.A.rel a x in the f r esh a irB.t ake a deep brea t hC.take care of the 1ambD.let the kids pay wi t h Banner()8.Wh at do e s the aut h or discover from t he trip according toP a ragraph 6?A.F reew a ys are where beau ty hid e s.Getti n g c lo

47、s e t o nat ure add s t o th e joy of l i fe.Enjoying th e bea u t y of n a tu r e bene f its ones he a lth.One s hould follow side ro a ds to w a tch wild anima ls.()9. Why did the a ut h or ask the kids t o get o ut o f th eca r on their way back home?A. To gi ve h e rsel f some ti me to re a d.B.

48、T o order some food for th em.CTo play a game with them.D.To let them cool down.()10. W h at c o u ld b e the bes t tit 1 e f or thep assage?A.C h arm of th e Detou rB. The R oad t o B raveryD. Road Tri p a ndC.Cr e a t ivit y out of Nec D. Road Tri p a ndC ountry Li f e(B篇). B 细节理解题。根据第二段 “We trave

49、led the way most people do: the fa s test, sh ortest, e asiest road, esp e c i ally when I wa s alone wi t h four n o isy”可知作者在回父母家的路上,为了早点到达而选择了高速,而一个女性单独带着四个 孩子走高速也是为了安全。故选B。.C 细节理解题。根据第五段第三句“亚6 had to st op ev er y hour, le t Ba n ne r shake out hi s le gs and fe ed him.”可知,作者停下来是为了照顾小羊羔Banner。故选

50、C。8.B推理判断题。根据作者在第六段的描述可知,作者沿着乡村小路走时,接近自然,既 欣赏了美丽的景色,也为自己的旅程增加了快乐。故选B。9. D 细节理解题。根据第八段“e ve r yone sta r ted quar r el i n g ordered all kid s out a nd told t hem to mee t me up a h ead. ”可知,孩子们在车上争吵起来,作者 命令他们下车,走着去前面找作者。这样做的目的是让孩子们冷静下来。故选D。1 0.A主旨大意题。作者在第一段借著名诗人William Staf f or d的话来揭示本文的主题: the det

51、our。再根据下文的描述,展示了作者在乡村的路上获得的快乐,由此可知本文的题目既 要有deto u r又要有与joy相关的词汇,选项A正好符合。(C篇)Th e British N atio n al Health S ervice (NHS) was s e t up in 19 4 8 and was desig ne d to p r ov i de eq u al basi c h e a l thc are,f reeo fcharge, fo r e verybody i n t he c ountr y. Bef ore thistimehealthc are had t o b

52、e pa id f or b y indivi d ua Is .N owa d ays c e ntral govern m en t is dire c tly respo n sib lef orth eNH Salthough it i s a dministere d b y lo c a l he a ltha uthorities. Abo u t 83 pe rc entof the cost o f theh ealth s e r v ice isp aidfor b ygeneral t a xati o n and theres t is met from theNa

53、ti on al I ns uran c econt r ibutio n s pa i d b yt ho se in w o rk. T here are ch ar g esf orprescription and dental care but many people, such as chil dr en , pregnant women, pension ers , and t hose on Income S upport, ar e e xem pt from paymentMost p e ople are regis t ered wit h a l ocal do c t

54、o r (a GP, or General Pr a cti t i on er) who is incr e asi n gly l ik el y to be part of a h ea lth centre which serves the community.A s the popu l at i on of B r i t ain gets o lder, th e ho s pita l s ervice now treats more patients than before, although patients spend less time i n h os pital.

55、NHS hospitalsmany of whi c h we r e bu i lt in t h e nineteenth cen t ury-prov i de nearly h alf a mi llio n beds a nd h ave over4 8 0, 0 0 0 me d ical s t aff. Th e NHS i s t he bi g ges t e mpl oy er i n Euro pe alt h ou g h B r i t ain a ctually s p en ds less pe r pers o n o n health care than m

56、os t of he r Europe a n n ei g hb o urs.Du ringthe 1 9 80s there was consi d e rab lerestructur i n g oftheHea 1thSer vi c e wit han i nc re ase d emphasison manag e rial effi cie ncyandth e pr i v a tization o f some s ervi c es(for exam p le, cle aning). At theend of t h e1980s the governmentintro

57、d uc ed p roposal s f or f u rth er ref o rm of t he NHS, in c l u ding a 11 owing s ome hospi t als t o b e self- g overnin g , an d e n cour a ging GPs t o c o mpe t e for pat ient s. Patien t s would b e a b l e to c h oo se and ch a ng e t he i r fami 1 y d o ct o r more ea sil y an d GPs wo u l

58、d have more f i n ancial r e sp o n s ibili t y. Th e pol it ical q ue s tion s c ont i nue of ho w much money shou1d be provided to support the NHS and wher e it sho ul d c om e from.()1 1. We ca n kn o w f r om the f ir s t paragraph that.the original aim of th e NHS was t o provi d e equ al bas i

59、 c h e a 1 th ca re for e v er y one.p eopl e di dnt have t o pay fo r heal t h care si nc e th e NHS was set uppa t ien t s were ch a rged for r eceiving hea 1 t h c ar e b efo r e 1948the NHS was an or g a n izatio n which gave fr e e ad v ic e to v i ll agers()1 2 . What do we kno w ab o ut the N

60、HS?I ts man aged byt he ce ntral gove r nm ent.Its c ost is m a inly paid for b y the N a t i onalInsu r anc ec ont r i bu tio ns.It hi r e s mo re p e opl e t h an any ot h e r u niti n E u ro p e.D . Fewe r p a tients got o its hospital s than b e fore for they spendless on health care()1 3 . A 1


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