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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、I went to return the book to Jack, but I couldnt find him. He _ the library. You can find him there.Ahas been toBhas gone toChas leftDwe

2、nt to2、The bridge between the two islands is_one in Suzhou.AlongBlongerClongestDthe longest3、China Dream is a great way to gather people together and _ the fast development of our country.Atry out forBfit forCpush forDcheer for4、People often think pigs are stupid. But , they are quite smart.Ano prob

3、lemBin factCno wayDin all5、It was really kind of you to give me a lift home.Oh, dont mention it. I _past your house anyway.Ahad comeBwill comeChave comeDwas coming6、Here we are. Leave you son to the doctors. _.ATake your timeBIt doesnt matterCTake it easyDThats too bad7、Are you feeling tired after d

4、oing the heavy work? _. In fact, I am still energetic.ANot a little BNot a bit CNot a bit of DNot little8、The shopping mall _ go through fire control safety check, or it cant start business.AcanBmayCneedDmust9、Its very nice _you _my parents your best wishes.Aof; sending Bfor; sending Cfor; to send D

5、of; to send10、Mike visited his teacher with his classmates_.Alast SundayBon SundayCevery SundayDnext Sunday. 完形填空11、 At my heaviest I weighed 370 pounds. I had a very poor relationship with food: I used it to 1 bad feelings, to make myself feel better, and to celebrate. Worried about my health, I tr

6、ied many different kinds of diets but nothing worked. I came to believe that I could do nothing about my weight.When I was 50, my weight problem began to affect me 2 . I didnt want to live the rest of my life with this extra weight any more.That year, I 3 a seminar(研讨课) where we were asked to create

7、 a project that would touch the world. A seminar leader shared her 4 story she had not only lost 125 pounds, but also raised 25,000 for homeless children. 5 by her story, I created the As We heal(痊愈), the World Heals project. My goal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise $50,000. In this way,

8、 I could not only heal myself but heal the world by supporting a movement set up 30 years ago to end hunger. 6 I began my own personal weight program, I was filled with the fear that I would run into the same difficulties that beat me before. While the 7 hung over my head, there were also signs that

9、 I was headed down the right path. I sent letters to everyone I knew, telling them about my project. It worked perfectly. Donations began 8 in from hundreds of people.Of course, I also took some practical steps to lose weight. I hired a fitness coach. I began to eat small and 9 meals and exercise of

10、ten.A year later, I 10 my goal: I lost 150 pounds and raised $50,000! I feel that Ive been given a second life to devote to something that is meaningful and great.1AaddBmixCkillDshare2AsimplyBspeciallyCsecretlyDseriously3AorganizedBmentionedCattendedDrecommended4AsadBsuccessfulCancientDcartoon5ASurp

11、risedBRemindedCInfluencedDcontrolled6AASBUntilCIfDUnless7AexcitmentBfearCangerDjoy8AbreakingBsteppingCjumpingDflooding9AheavyBhealthyCexpenseDfull10AreachedBrememberedCmissedDdroppe. 语法填空12、阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。Think before we speak!It was a sunny and enjoyable day. Everyone in the railwa

12、y station was waiting for the train1(arrive). Among the crowd, there was a group of young friends who were on board for vacation.It was a busy station with a lot of people and some juice shops, coffee and tea stalls, newspaper shops, etc. The train was arriving and everyone prepared to get into the

13、train to their seats.The group of friends made loud noise2(welcome) the train as it moved into the station. They ran to get their seats before anyone entered the train.The empty seats were3(fill) and the train whistled (鸣汽笛) to move. An old man with a young boy4(age) around 15 had their seats just n

14、ext to the friends group. The young boy was so5(surprise) to see everything. He cheered, Dad, the train is moving and the things6(move) backward.His father smiled and7(nod) his head.As the train started moving fast, the young boy again screamed (尖叫) , Dad, the trees are green in color and run backwa

15、rd very fast. His father said, “Yes, dear, and smiled.Just like a kid, he was watching everything with great8(interesting).A fruit seller passed9(sell) apples, bananas and oranges. The young boy asked his dad, I want to eat apples. His father bought some for him. He said, Oh, this apple looks a lot1

16、0(sweet) than it tastes. I love this color. The group was watching all the activities of this boy and asked the boys father, Is your son having any problem? Why is he behaving so11(different)?His son is mad, I think, a friend from the group made fun of him and shouted.The father of the young boy, wi

17、th patience, replied to the friends group, “My son was born blind. Only a few days ago he12(operate). He is seeing different things in his life for the first time.The young friends became very quiet. 阅读理解A13、Three students are choosing a course at the West Midlands College of Technology.1(小题1)We can

18、 learn from the passage that Clara is a(an) _ person.Apatient Bactive Cgentle Dtraditional2(小题2)Taka wants to learn _ with computers from the Information Technology Course.Ahow to design clothesBhow to make photos betterChow to draw wellDhow to be a nice tour guide3(小题3)Besides the Performing Arts C

19、ourse, _ might be another good choice for Ben.Athe Leisure and Tourism CourseBthe Sports Studies CourseCthe Information Technology CourseDthe Fashion Designing CourseB14、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town announcing that he had the most beautiful heart in

20、 the whole town. A large crowd gathered, and they all thought it was perfect. There was not a flaw(瑕疵)in it.Suddenly, an old man said, “Your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine.” The crowd and the young man looked at the old mans heart. It was full of scars(伤疤). The young man laughed. “Comparin

21、g your heart with mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars.”“Yes,” said the old man, “You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have given my love. I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they give me a piece of their heart that fits into the empty place in my

22、 heart. Though it has some scars, I cherish(珍惜). Because they remind me of the love we shared. Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other person hasnt returned a piece of his or her heart to me. These are the empty gouges(豁口). Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, rem

23、inding me of the love I have for those people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?”The young man ripped a piece out of his perfect heart and offered it to the old man. The old man placed it in his heart, then took a piece f

24、rom his old scarred heart and placed it in thewoundin the young mans heart.The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old mans heart flowed into his. They embraced(拥抱)and walked away side by side.根据短文内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。1The young man th

25、ought _ at first.Ahis heart was painfulBthe old mans hear was perfectChis own heart was perfectDhe himself was the most beautiful2The old mans heart _.Ais not nearly as beautiful as the young mansBhas been given to a person who needed itCis a mess of scarsDis perfect3The scares can _.Arecover by the

26、mselvesBbe filled as well as beforeCrepresent how hard the old man has livedDrepresent that the old man has given love to many people4What does the word “wound” in the passage mean?A伤口 B胸腔 C疤痕 D心房5Whats the best title of the passage?AA flaw in the heartBthe most beautiful heartCBeautiful scars in he

27、artDoffering your heart to othersC15、阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题.。A doctor entered the hospital hurriedly after being called in for an important surgery (外科手术).He found the boys father in the hall waiting worriedly.On seeing him, the father cried out, Why did you take all this time to come? Dont you know t

28、hat my son is in danger? Dont you have any sense of duty?The doctor smiled and said, I am sorry. I wasnt in the hospital and I came as fast as I could after receiving the call and now, I wish youd calm down so that I can do my work.Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now? Would you c

29、alm down? If your own son dies while waiting for a doctor, then what will you do? said the father angrily.The doctor smiled again and replied, We will do our best and you should also pray (祈祷)for your sons healthy life.The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy, Thank goodness

30、!Your son is saved! And without waiting for the fathers reply he carried on his way running by saying, If you have any questions, ask the nurse.Couldnt he wait some minutes so that I can ask about my sons state? shouted the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.The nurse answere

31、d, tears coming down her face. His son died yesterday in a road accident. He was at the burial (葬礼) when we called him for your sons surgery. And now that he saved your sons life, he left running to finish his sons burial.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。1What did the doctor do after he received the call f

32、or the surgery?AHe asked another doctor to do his duty.BHe went to the hospital as soon as possible.CHe discussed the boys state with the father.DHe waited until his sons burial was finished.2The father shouted at the doctor because he thoughtAhe had waited too longBno one cared for his sonCthe doct

33、or was cold to himDthe surgery took a long time3Who told the truth to the father in the end?AThe doctor.BThe nurse.CHis son.DA patient.4How might the father feel after he knew the troth?AAngry.BExcited.CSorry.DDoubtful.5What is the best title for the text?ASeeing is believingBTime waits for no manCP

34、ractice makes perfectDThink before you decideD16、Britains smallest school was closed down because its only pupil failed to turn up for class, a famous British newspaper reported in May. The newspaper said the six-year-old girls parents were unhappy with a teacher she just got the new job to teach th

35、e only pupil. The school was closed for the last nine months after its former(前任的) teacher retired(退休)and the only other pupil moved on to a secondary school. The new teacher, Ms Puckey, was to start teaching the girl and reopen(重开) the school. But the girls mother is keeping her daughter at home. I

36、 was not pleased with the new teacher, the mother said, I told the old teacher as far back as last September that if Ms Puckey got the job, my children would not be going to school. The school is on an island(岛) off the northeast coast(海岸) of Scotland. Although there was only one pupil, the school i

37、s very good in many ways and has a headmaster, three computers, a television and an art room as well as a school house with three bedrooms.1The reading is about_.Athe smallest school that was closed downBthe only pupil in the smallest schoolCthe new teacher and her teachingDthe old teacher who just

38、retired2turn up in the reading means_.Apass an exam Bgo to schoolCpay money Dhand in homework3From the reading we can know that the school_.Ais too far for the students Bdoes not have enough teachersCdoes not have many pupils Dis new but small4Before the school was closed down_.Athe girls mother wan

39、ted to teach her daughter at homeBthe only pupil had to move to a secondary schoolCa famous newspaper had written something about itDthe girls mother had a talk to the former teacher5The reading doesnt say but we can infer(推断) that_.Athe girls mother had only one childBthe new teacher was not kind t

40、o the girlCthe old teacher was fit to teach the girlDthe parents were unhappy with the schoolE17、Dear doctor,First Aid is the immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly ill, including self-help and home care if medical help cant be given in time. First aid knowledge means life

41、 or death during an emergent(紧急的)situation. So I want to learn something important about general treatment to burns and heatstroke(中暑). Can you help me? JackDear Jack,Thank you for asking me some questions about first aid. I hope I can give you a hand.General Treatment to Burns: Move the injured awa

42、y from the heat. Check the breathing as well as the size and depth of burns. Wash the burnt area with water to reduce pain. Cover the wound with a sterilized(消毒的)dressing For burns on the face, use sheet or something else to cover the burnt area.Heatstroke:To avoid heatstroke, you should stop tiring

43、 activities in hot weather. If you still go outdoors, you should: wear light loose-fitting(宽松的)clothing. rest in a cool place as often as possible; drink boiled water or fruit juice; avoid drinks such as milk, wine and beer. Doctor1First Aid is given .Awhen doctors arriveBbefore doctors arriveCafter

44、 doctors arriveDto patients in hospital2If someones arm is burnt by a fire, you should .Acover his arms with some sheetBcut his arm off to get it away from the fireCcheck the size of his arm firstDput his arm under some running water3What should you do if you must go outdoors in hot weather?AWear cl

45、ose clothesBRest outdoors as often as possible,CDrink boiled water or fruit juice.DDrink milk, wine and beer.F18、There is a saying that 10% of the fishers out there catch 90% of the fish. One of the reasons for this is that many of us out there just simply do not know what to look for when we go fis

46、hing.Finding a place for fishing is the most important of all. All beaches are different. Some are just flat shallow sandy bottoms and in most cases they have very little to offer the fisherman. Others may look as though they are flat and lifeless but have a drop off just off the shore (a gutter) an

47、d this is a good attractant for fish. If you dont know whether you are in a good fishing place, you can check your surroundings. For example, if you see other people catching fish or have caught some, then it might be a good place to fish.However, remember patience is very important while fishing. B

48、eing quiet is nearly as important as being patient. Noise can scare fish away or make them stop eating the bait(鱼饵). Conversation is OK, but jumping or running is not.Fish may hit the bait, so its difficult for you to judge if they eat it. If you see the bobber(浮标) go under the water, it usually mea

49、ns the fish has taken the bait in its mouth. Then it is time for you to pull your pole out of water quickly.1What does the underlined saying in Paragraph 1 mean?AMost fishers cant catch many fish.BMost beaches are not good for fishing.CA lot of people love fishing very much.DA lot of people are good

50、 at fishing.2What is the most important thing when fishing?AFinding a good place. BBeing quiet.CBeing patient. DBeing quick.3Which of the following is NOT allowed while fishing?making noise talking jumping runningA B C D4When should we pull pole out of water quickly?AWhen the fish hits the bait.BWhen the bobber goes under the water.CWhen


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