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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、Do you know about Yuan Longping?Only a little. But Chinese people are proud of the man _ hybrid riceis famous.Awho Bwhich Cthat Dwhose2、-Mum, Ive signed for a big bo

2、x by Future Express(快递). What s in it?-Im not sure. It_ be a present from your brother.AmightBmustCshouldDwill3、Wheres your brother?Oh, he _ the library and _.Ahas been to; so Lucy isBhas gone to; so Lucy hasChas gone to; so has LucyDhas been in; so has Lucy4、Betty you the answer as soon as she work

3、s it out later.AtellsBtoldCwill tellDis telling5、1Where _ the dictionary? I cant see it.I _ it right here a moment ago. But its gone.Adid you put; have put Bhad you put; have putChave you put; put Dwere you putting; had put6、How do you like your new school, Kate?It is very clean and beautiful _it is

4、 a bit small.AifBsinceCunlessDalthough7、When you dont know a word, you can _ in the dictionary.Alook it upBset it upCgive it upDpick it up8、Going to _ high school for one year in Britain was quite _ exciting experience for me.A不填; an Ba; a C不填; 不填 Dthe; a9、- Its getting dark. Could you please _ the

5、light for me? - All right. Just a minute.Akeep onBturn onCtry onDput on10、Mr. Wang recommended me a few foreign movies, but _was to my taste.AallBneitherCnothingDnone. 完形填空11、The world 1 many interesting sounds. Some are unpleasant to our ears while 2 are very pleasant to hear. In single day, you pr

6、obably hear 3 sounds. All sounds are different. Some 4 loud, some sounds are high, some are low, some sounds are useful. 5 sound, we cant talk or listen to each other. The hooting (鸣笛声) of a car warns people of danger.Some sounds are harmful. When planes fly low 6 the land, the very loud sounds can

7、damage the house. Very loud sound can even make people deaf.We know sound travels about one kilometer in three 7 . In a thunder storm you see the lighting first and then hear the thunder. This is because light travels 8 than sound.Next time you see lighting, count the number of seconds before you he

8、ar the thunder. 9 this number by three. This will tell you 10 kilometers away the thunder storm is.1Afull of Bfill with Cis filled of Dis filled with2Aothers Bthe other Canother Dother3Ahundred of Bhundreds of Chundreds Dhundred4Amay Bmaybe Cmay be Dcan5AOf BWith CWithout DBy6Ain Bon Cabout Dover7Ah

9、ours Bdays Cminutes Dseconds8Amore fast Bmuch faster Cmore faster Dmuch fast9ADivide BGive CLeave DPut10Ahow much Bhow many Chow far Dhow long. 语法填空12、Alec plays the violin and Stella plays the flute in the band at their school. The school has two bands 1are known as the training band and the concer

10、t band. Everyone begins in the training band. “At the very beginning, I played it 2(terrible)!” says Stella. “My family asked me to practice in the back yard 3they didnt like the noise.”Alec and Stella have been playing their instruments for a year now so they sound much better. They are both in the

11、 concert band and they are learning 4(difficult) music than before. “Were learning the music from the film Pirates of the Caribbean. It sounds fantastic!” says Alec. “It is really great 5 ( play) in the band with other kids.”As well as being fun, many 6(scientist) say that learning a musical instrum

12、ent is good for your brain. It helps children 7their reading and math skills. It helps them learn to concentrate. Alec thinks that learning the violin has helped 8(he) at school. “I have to concentrate and think about nothing when Im practicing,” he says. “And now its easier for me to concentrate on

13、 my schoolwork.”Learning music can 9help children become more sure of themselves. As Stel1a says, “The first time I 10(stand) in front of an audience I was scared. But now I really enjoy it.”. 阅读理解A13、Do you think hard work can make anything possible? If you dont, you may want to read the book We Ca

14、n Do written by Moshe Kai Cavalin. It might change your mind.Moshe Kai Cavalin is a 14-year-old American boy. He is about to graduate from UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) this year. Before that, he had already gotten a degree (学位) from East Los Angeles Community College in 2009.Recent

15、ly, Cavalin published (出版) the book We Can Do. In this book, he talks about how to achieve things we want, by keeping yourself focused (专心的) and trying your best to do everything. He says this doesnt need genius (天才), just hard work.Cavalin says being called a genius “has always bothered (使烦恼) me Pe

16、ople need to know they dont have to be geniuses; they just need to work hard and they can achieve anything. If I can reach the stars, others can reach the Milky Way(银河,天河).”The idea of writing a book came from a teacher named Richard Avila at his first college. Cavalin says Avila inspired (启发) him t

17、o write a book to explain how he succeeded, so he could inspire other people.It took Cavalin four years to finish the book. Because his mother is Chinese, she wanted to publish the book in Chinese. So Cavalin translated the book into Chinese by himself. The book did well in Taiwan, Singapore and Mal

18、aysia.1(小题1)According to the passage, we know that _.ACavalin is a middle school studentBCavalin wants to read the book We Can DoCCavalin will graduate from ELACC this yearDCavalin went to college at an early age2(小题2)Cavalin owes (归功于) his success to the following EXCEPT that _.Ahe can focus on one

19、 thingBhe has tried his best to do thingsChe was born a geniusDhe worked hard at his dream3(小题3)Cavalin says “If I can reach the stars, others can reach the Milky Way” to _.Ashow he can do better than othersBsay working hard is the way to successCshow a genius must be a really smart personDprove the

20、 Milky Way is farther than the stars4(小题4)Which of the following is TRUE about the book We Can Do?ACavalin spent four years writing the book.BCavalins mother helped him finish the book.CThe book has four editions.DThe book has not come out yet.5(小题5)Did Calvalin translate the book into Chinese with

21、the help of his mother?AYes, he did. BNo, he didnt.CYes, he didnt. DNo, he did.B14、 Li Ruyan, 13 and his classmates in Shanghai did something special last summer. They worked in groups with traffic police at different crossroads in the city. Holding small red flags, the students helped keep order an

22、d stopped people from jaywalking(乱穿马路).As part of the school project. Lis school has encouraged its students to do more community work.After the half day of exhausting work Li told himself not to jaywalk anymore.“I think through community work we get to help others and, more importantly, we grow a s

23、ense of responsibility(责任感),” he saidCommunity service is an important part of education for teenagers around the world. In the US and Canada, high school students need to finish 40 hours of community service before graduation. For those Americans who have finished 1,400 hours of community work, the

24、y can be awarded nearly $ 5,000(33,000 yuan).Chinese students today do more community work, too. For example, starting from 2010, Sichuan high school students have been asked to do 10 days of community work. It will become part of their school grade.Qian Lijun, 16, and her classmates in Suzhou, Jian

25、gsu went to a local elder care home this winter. They put Spring Festival couplets(对联) on the walls and cheered up the people living there.Li Xiaotian, 15, of Anshan said he used to clear flyers(小广告) from telephone poles (电线杆) with his classmates. They brought tools, towels and buckets and worked fo

26、r three hours under the summer sun. “It was tiring, but seeing the clean poles without ugly ads-we really felt proud,” he said.1What was the special thing Li Ruyan did last summer?AHe joined a special group of Class13BHe become a policemanCHe helped the traffic police at a crossroadDHe stopped peopl

27、e from talking2From this passage we know that .ALi Ruyans school is in the middle of a big cityBLi Ruyan and his classmates do some community work every dayCRuyan and his classmates often hold small flags when they cross the roadsDRuyan and his classmates think it is good for them to do some communi

28、ty work3Community service .Ahas become a very important part of education only in ChinaBis very important in school education in some foreign countriesCis the only part of the school project for teenagers around the worldDneeds students to finish at least 1,000 hours of community work4Which of the f

29、ollowing is NOT true according to the passage?AThe students in Shanghai helped people to keep the traffic rulesBThe students in Suzhou visited the old peoples homeCThe students in Anshan cleaned the walls under the summer sunDThe students in Sichuan sent Spring Festival couplets to the old people5Wh

30、ich of the following is NOT true according to the passage?ACommunity service helps students grow a sense of responsibilityBThrough community work students get to help others and learn somethingCStudents are now encouraged to do more community work in many school in ChinaDStudents will be awarded muc

31、h money for doing more community work in Canada and the USC15、Find Which Direction Is SouthDo you have a good sense of direction? If not, please take with you a compass. But if you forget to take a compass, you can still find your way. Its never a wise idea to believe that the family member who was

32、good at the job of map-reading knows where the family is. You can tell by the troubled look on their faces that nothing on the ground seems to match the map. Never mind. The sun is shining and its still morning. If you dont know the exact time, you can still find out where south is, but youll need t

33、o be patient. Find a straight stick and put it in the ground in a place where you can mark its shadow(a dark shape on a surface that is made when something stands between a light and the surface). Try to position the stick as vertically(垂直)as you can. You can check this by making a simple plumb line

34、(铅锤线). You havent got one? OK, use a thread(线) from your clothes with a button(纽扣) tied at the end to act as a weight. Mark the end of the shadow cast(投射) by the stick. Wait about half an hour and mark the end of the shadow again. Keep doing this until you have made several marks. The mark nearest t

35、he stick will represent the shortest shadow, which is cast at midday, when the sun is highest in the sky and pointing to the exact south. Pick a point in the distance along the line between the shortest shadow and the stick. That point is south of where you are. Now you can turn the map, like you di

36、d before, and find which way you should be travelling.1To find the direction, we have to be patient probably because _.Ait is not easy to find a proper stickBit is not easy to position the stickCit takes hours to make the marksDit takes hours to mark the map2The passage would probably be most helpfu

37、l to _.Athose who draw mapsBthose who get lostCthose who make compassesDthose who do experiments3Which of the following pictures best shows the way of finding the direction of south?A B C D4The writer presents this passage by _.Atelling an interesting storyBdescribing an activity in a lively wayCtes

38、ting an idea by reasoningDintroducing a practical methodD16、 Babies born after 2017 may never need to take a driving lesson because of the development of self-driving cars. Some scientists say that self-driving or driverless cars(无人驾驶汽车)may hit the road within 15 years, and it is possible that drivi

39、ng may become unnecessary, or more relaxing and enjoyable.Companies like Google, Baidu, Apple and Alibaba are working on driverless cars. But, if the tests are successful, these electric self-driving cars could be put into use very soon. This kind of cars may change the way we live in the future. Al

40、l you have to do is typing in your address!According to Baidu, the driverless technology has the following four advantages. Firstly, driverless cars are actually safer. In China, there are mom than 500 deaths caused by accidents. With driverless cars, the number will decrease by 100 times. Secondly,

41、 driverless cars are more efficient(有效的)than manned cars. Thirdly, driverless cars follow the traffic rules. Therefore, traffic controlling will be easier. At last, the cost of transportation will be reduced as the labor cost becomes less.There are many different technologies needed to make a succes

42、sful self-driving car. The most difficult technologies of all, environmental perception(感知),behavior prediction, planning control, HD mapping, and exact GPS.1According to some scientists, driverless cars may make driving become _.AnecessaryBdifficultCboringDenjoyable2The third paragraph mainly talks

43、 about the _ of driverless cars.AinstructionsBstandardsCadvantagesDtheories3What can we learn from the passage?ADriverless cars may not follow the traffic rules.BThe technologies for driverless cars havent yet well developed.CThe communication between the car and a man is perfect.DDriverless cars wi

44、ll have more accidents than man-controlled cats.E17、During the day we work and play and at night we sleep. Our bodies rest while we sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and play again. It is while we are asleep that our bodies grow most. When children feel tired and angry, they usually need mo

45、re sleep. We can get our lessons better, and we feel better, too, when we have had plenty of rest. Boys and girls, eight or nine years old, need ten hours of sleep every night. Our bodies need plenty of air when we sleep. If we do not get enough fresh air we wake up feeling tired. While in bed we mu

46、st not cover our heads. If we do, our lungs(肺)will not get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air. Boys and girls must get plenty of sleep if they want to grow and be strong.1Our bodies grow most while we are _.AeatingBplay

47、ingCsleepingDexercising2Which is the best air for us? _ air.AHotBCoolCWarmDDry3What often makes us feel tired in the morning?AToo much air.BNot enough fresh air.CToo much cold air.DToo much sleep.F18、Nina felt nervous this morning. She couldnt believe that she decided to try out for a talent show. S

48、he loved to sing but she disliked singing in front of other people.Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door of the theater and went inside.The room was filled with laughing children. Nina saw Luz, James and others from her class. The bright, sunny room left her no place to hide. A few teachers

49、 sat on chairs. They waited for the children to become quiet.“Hi, Nina!” Luz called out. “I didnt think you would try out. You are so timid(胆怯的) in front of people.”“Thats not true,” Nina said. “Im not shy at all.”“Yeah, right,” Luz chuckled(轻声地笑) and ran off to find a seat.One by one the students g

50、ot up on the stage(舞台) and did their acts.“Nina Martinez!” a voice called out. It was Mrs. Brent, the music teacher. Nina rose from her chair. She felt small as she walked to the huge, empty stage. Her face was hot and her shaking hands were as cold as ice.“I-I-” Nina began, and then stopped. “I can

51、t,” she said softly.“Close your eyes,” said Mrs. Brent gently. “Forget about everyone else. Just sing.”Nina felt silly, but she gave it a try. She closed her eyes and raised her voice and sang out. Her hands stopped shaking. The song was so nice that everybody enjoyed it.Nina heard Mrs. Brent clap (

52、鼓掌) loudly at the end of her song. “Thats the first time I have really heard your voice,” she said. “You are in the show!”Nina let out a big sigh(叹息) and smiled happily.1What was the weather like that day?ASunny. BRainy. CSnowy. DCloudy.2Why did Luz laugh as he ran off to his seat? Because .Ahe thou

53、ght Nina looked sillyBhe thought Nina was very funnyChe did not believe Nina was telling the truthDhe did not believe Nina had a good music teacher3When Nina walked to stage, her face was hot and her hands were cold. Thats becauseshe was .Avery excited Bbadly illCtoo nervous Dso happy4Mrs. Brent told Nina to just sing for h


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