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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、The young writer is still unknown to people, isnt he? _. His books sell well both at home and abroad.

2、AYes; he isnt BNo; he isnt CYes; he is DNo; he is2、Its humorous_ you to tell funny jokes to those_ teenagers.Aof;lonely Bof;alone Cfor;alone Dfor;lonely3、Though it isnt the city with the largest population in Australia, _ is the capital city of the country.ASydneyBCanberraCToronto4、-Could you descri

3、be_?-Yes. I was calling and didnt notice the light turned red.Awhy did the accident happenBwhen did the accident happenChow the accident happenedDwhere the accident happened5、Zhu Ting, one of volleyball players in China, has already led China to many victories and has been awarded many MVPs in the v

4、olleyball matches.AexcellentBmore excellentCmost excellentDthe most excellent6、The strategies that they came up with at the meeting _ fine.Awas worked outBwork outCworking outDworks out7、-Excuse me, I wonder _ I can pay for the new shoes?-You can pay by using wechat or Alipay(支付宝).AwhetherBwhenChowD

5、why8、After the boy saw a bird resting by the window, he moved _ to have a look at it.ApolitelyBquietlyCeasilyDsafely9、Lets play _ soccer. I dont have _ soccer ball.A/; aBthe; aCa; theD/; the10、She needs little money for tickets, _?Adoesnt sheBneednt sheCneed sheDdoes she. 完形填空11、 Life is all about c

6、hoice. Each time something had happens, you can choose to be a victim(受害者) or laugh it away.Jerry was 1 by three robbers at midnight. Luckily, he was found and rushed to hospital. After an 18-hour operation. Jerry was saved. I talked with Jerry after that.“Werent you 2 ?” I asked. Jerry replied, “Of

7、 course I was. When I arrived at the emergency room and saw the 3 on the faces of the doctors. I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, Hes a(n) 4 man. I knew I needed to do something”“What did you do?” I asked.“Well, there was a nurse shouting 5 at me, she asked whether I was allergic(过敏的)to som

8、ething. Yes. I replied. The doctors and nurses 6 working as they waited for my reply I look a deep breath and yelled, bullets(子弹)! Over their laughter, I told them, I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.”I really look up to Jerry for his attitude(态度)to the bad situation. Ev

9、ery day we have the 7 to live to the full. Attitude, after all, is everything.1AshotBcaughtCkilled2AtiredBscaredCregretful3AconversationsBexpressionsCattention4AdeadBactiveClovely5AideasBquestionsCpromises6AstartedBcontinuedCstopped7AchoiceBpurposeCenergy. 语法填空12、 Chinese New Year begins in late Jan

10、uary1early February. It is one of the2(great) festivals in China.Many things are done to get ready3this festival. The house is cleaned in the days before the holiday. No sweeping is done on the holiday because people worry about that good luck will be cleaned away. Best 4(wish)are written on red pap

11、er and hung around the house.One the5(one) day of Chinese New Year, children are given red envelopes. Food is 6 important part of the holiday season. Special foods are7(eat)on certain days. Different foods have different 8(mean) behind them. For example, fish is said to mean success.Chinese New Year

12、 is9(certain) regarded as a time to be with ones family. Many visits are done during the 15 days. Many traditions are to honor family members who10(die) in the past.What an interesting festival it is!. 阅读理解A13、A man died and was on his way to another world, either Heaven ( 天堂 ) or hell ( 地狱 ) . He s

13、aw a very beautiful palace half way and the owner of the palace asked him to stay and live in the palace.The man said, “I have been working hard during my life and now I just want to eat and sleep without any work.”The owner of the palace said, “If so, there is nowhere else better than here for you.

14、 There is enough delicious food in my palace and you can eat whatever you want without anyone stopping you. Moreover, nothing needs to be done by you.” Then, the man stayed in the palace.At the beginning, the man felt very happy, eating and sleeping, without thinking about other things. But graduall

15、y, he felt a bit lonely and bored. So he went to the owner and said, “It is too boring to live by just eating and sleeping every day. Now I have no interest in this kind of life any more. Could you help me find a job?”The owner replied, “Sorry, there is no job here at all.”After another several mont

16、hs, the man could not stand his present life and went to the owner again and said, “I really can not stand this sort of life any more. If you do not offer me a job, I would like to go to hell instead of living here.”The owner of the palace laughed loudly and then said, “Do you think it is Heaven her

17、e? It is actually Hell!”1The man couldnt stand the present life in the palace because_.Ahe must eat delicious food everydayBhad to help othersCas time went on ,he got boredDthe owner of the palace was unfriendly2According to the passage, which statements is Right?AThe beautiful palace the man lived

18、for several months is Heaven.BSomeone would stop the man ,if he ate more.CThe man thought he would live in Hell rather than heaven if he couldnt get a job.DIn fact, in Heaven the man could eat and sleep without any work.3Whats the title of the passage?AA hard-working man BHell and HeavenCWhat you wa

19、nt in Heaven DHell is better than HeavenB14、Reading is very important. World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) in 1955 to encourage people, especially teenagers, to discover the pleasure of reading. Many countries celebrate World Book Day. On that day in the U

20、K, millions of students can buy books of special price, much lower than usual in any bookstore. It has been done every year since1998. World Book Day is also celebrated in China. Premier Wen is an avid reader. He does lots of reading though hes very busy. On World Book Day 2009, he called on people

21、to do more reading. He suggested that young people should spend more time reading. “Books cant change the world, but people can change the world by changing themselves through reading,” he said. Reading can benefit (有益于) people in many ways. Reading helps us become more knowledgeable and more intell

22、igent. Reading helps us to follow the latest developments of science and technology. Reading provides us with information about other culture and places of the world. When we read, we may find many things that are unknown to us. We would have to use our brain to think about them or do more reading t

23、o find out the answers. The more we read, the more we know. The more we know, the smarter we become. Reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English. We all know that we cant learn everything at school, for example, the ways English people are speaking and wri

24、ting today. “Reading makes a full man.” Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of reading materials can help us to know more about the outside world and perfect us. Therefore, it is necessary for us to form the habit of reading every day.1When is World Book Day?AAugust 8 every year. BMarch 12

25、every year.CApril 23 every year. DJune 6 every year.2An avid reader is a person who .Aloves reading Bnever reads Cdoes some reading Dhates reading3World Book Day was set up in order to encourage people to .Alearn foreign languages Bdo more readingCbuy more books Dknow more about science4According to

26、 the passage, reading can help people in many ways EXCEPT .Alearning English better Bknowing more about culturesCimproving your health Dknowing more about the outside world5Whats the best title for the article?AWorld Book Day in England. BSuggestions on reading.CWorld Book Day in China. DWorld Book

27、Day and the Advantages of Reading.C15、A businessman was once deep in debt(债务)and could see no way out. He sat on a park bench, head in hands, wondering if anything could save his company.Suddenly an old man appeared in front of him. “I can see that something is troubling you,” he said. After listeni

28、ng to the businessmans trouble, the old man said, “I believe I can help you.”He asked the man his name, wrote out a check(支票)and pushed it into his hand, saying, “Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time.” Then he turned and disappeared.The busi

29、nessman saw his hand a check for $500,000, signed by John DRockefeller. One of the richest man in the world.“It can solve my problem at once!” the businessman realized. But instead, he decided to put the check in his safe. Just knowing it was there that might give him the strength(力量)to work out a w

30、ay to save his business, he thought.With renewed optimism(乐观精神), he did better in his business. Within a few months, he was out of debt and making money once again.Exactly one year later, he returned to the park with the check. At the agreed-upon(约定的)time, the old man appeared. But just as the busin

31、essman was about to hand back the check and share his successful story, a nurse came running up and caught the old man.“Im so glad I caught him!” she cried. “I hope he hasnt been troubling you. Hes always escaping from the hospital and telling people hes John DRockefeller.”And then she led the old m

32、an away by the arm. The businessman just stood there,_. Suddenly, he realized that it wasnt the money, real or imagined, that had turned his life around. It was his newfound self-confidence(自信心)that gave him the strength to achieve anything he went after.1By saying “it can solve my problem at once”,

33、 the businessman wanted to show_.Ahe didnt need the check Bhe didnt need to work any moreChe must put the check in a safe place Dhe could pay off the debts with the check2_ is the correct order in which these events happened.a.The businessman did better in his business and was out of debt soon. b.A

34、nurse told the businessman the old man always ran away from the hospital. c.An old man gave the businessman a check for $500,000. d.The businessman went back to the park to meet the old man.Ad-c-b-a Bc-a-b-d Cc-a-d-b Dd-a-c-b3Which word can be put in the blank_ in the last paragraph?Asad Bpleased Cw

35、orried Dshocked4The best title(标题)of the passage is _.AA rich old man BA terrible experienceCA newfound self-confidence DAn unlucky businessmanD16、In Canada and the United States, there is a new group of children called “satellites kids”, who live in one place but whose parents live in another place

36、.Asians are immigrating (移居) to Canada and the United States in larger numbers than ever before. Most Asians immigrate because they believe that they can give their children a better education in the west. In Asia, especially in China, Japan and Korea, it is difficult to go to university. Students m

37、ust first pass the strict national examination. However, in Canada and the United States, it is easy to go to university, and anyone who wants to go can go. As a result. Asian parents decide to leave their countries so that their children can go to university.The problem is that when Asians arrive,

38、they discover that finding a job and making money are more difficult in the West. So these children become “satellite kids”, and most of their parents do not know how sad it is to be a “satellite kids”.Only until now are Canadians and Americans discovering the “satellite kids” problem. Because these

39、 children do not speak English and because their parents are not there to take care of them, they are often absent from school. To be a “satellite kids” means to grow up in such a country, you know you are different and you cant make friends because you do not speak English well. Also, it means to g

40、row up lonely, because your parents are not here.1According to the passage, parents in _ dont send their kids abroad.AChina BJapan CKorea DAmerica2“Satellite kids” refer to the Asian kids _.Awithout parents Bliving abroad aloneCwith university education Dnot speaking English3Some Asian immigrant chi

41、ldren become “satellite kids” because their parents_.Awant to leave their own country Bwant them to go to universityCreturn to their countries to work Dwant them to be depend on themselves4The following problems of “satellites kids” are right except _ _.AThey grow up lonely. BThe dont often go to sc

42、hool.CThey can make friends easily. DTheir parents can not look after them.5What is the main idea of the passage?AParents feel lonely abroad.BParents want a better education for their kids.CCanadians and Americans kids cant find jobs easily.DKids in foreign counties alone are very in need of care fr

43、om families.E17、Do you like to eat sushi(寿司)? Many people are afraid to eat it, because they think the bacteria(细菌) in it might make them sick. However, a new study shows that sea bacteria are good for people. The study finds that a special enzyme(酶) from sea bacteria is helpful to humans. It helps

44、people to get more energy from food.To peoples surprise, the enzyme is present only in the Japanese. The Japanese traditionally like to eat food rich in seaweed(海藻). And the seaweed is rich in this kind of enzyme.However, the enzyme isnt present in all the Japanese. During the study, just 5 out of 1

45、4 Japanese had the enzyme. All the Americans studied didnt have the enzyme.“The number is small,” said researcher Mirjam Czjzek. “But we can say that this enzyme is present only in the Japanese and not in the North Americans.”Then some people think that maybe other people are able to get the enzyme

46、if they eat a lot of seaweed. The study suggests that they collect uncooked seaweed to make their sushi.Restaurant sushi is often cooked, which will destroy the enzyme. So, if you want to get that enzyme, you can travel to Japan to have a taste of the real sushi.1Sea bacteria are _ for people.Ahelpf

47、ulBharmfulCimportantDnecessary2Why do the Japanese have the special enzyme?ABecause they eat a lot of seaweed.BBecause they were born with such an enzyme.CBecause they get more energy from food.DBecause they like to eat food full of bacteria.3Which of the following is FALSE?AThe Japanese have a diet

48、 rich in seaweed.BAll the Japanese studied have the special enzyme.CAll the North Americans studied dont have the enzyme.DThe enzyme helps people to get more energy.4According to the study, about _ of Japanese have the enzyme.A5%B14%C35%D60%5Which of the following food has the enzyme?ARestaurant sus

49、hi.BRestaurant seaweed.CUncooked seaweed.DSeaweed soupF18、Many young people all over the world love to travel and see the world. Have you heard of backpackers? They are normally young people who travel cheaply with just one bag and comfortable walking boots. They buy local food in supermarkets to sa

50、ve money and at the same time become friends with local people.Some people prefer adventure tours. Brave people may try bungee(蹦极) jumping from the bridge overlooking the Victoria Falls in Africa with only a rope around their legs. Some enjoy the challenge of rock climbing in the Alps in Switzerland

51、. Others may go ice skiing in the Rocky Mountains in the USAHave you ever heard of an ecotourism (生态旅游)? It means a holiday in which people come close to nature but are very careful not to destroy the nature beauty or living things in the area. How can this be possible? Lets read an interview with p

52、eople who enjoyed a swimming with dolphins tour.Interviewer what was the most exciting part of your holiday?Sharon from South Africa I felt excited when I heard the sound of wild dolphins beside me in the water and then swimming directly under me. An image I will never forget.Xavier from Portugal Th

53、ere were two dolphins below us swimming downwards. One stopped and looked back at me as if to say “What are those strange things?” Fantastic!Interviewer Did you feel that your holiday helped local people and areas to keep their beautiful environment?Jane from New Zealand The hotel and the whale and

54、dolphin watching companies hire local people. They used to hunt those whales and dolphins, but now they can earn money from tourism and mustnt kill whales and dolphins. Not many boats are used at the same time so these animals arent disturbed. The boat companies also work to educate the local school

55、s about the importance of protecting these wonderful animals.Helen from England I am glad they are not killing the whales and dolphins any more, but the cars and boats use fuel(燃料) which could cause pollution and make the sea dirtier.Well, what do you think? Thousands of people visit the Forbidden C

56、ity or the Great Wall of China every year. Do you think thats a good thing, or do you feel that Chinas important tourist attractions can be affected? Are there any ways of sharing your treasures (珍宝) but keeping them in good condition?1From the first paragraph, backpackers are young people_.Avisitin

57、g historical places in ChinaBtraveling cheaply with just one bagCwho love to travel and see the world aloneDwho love to buy local things as souvenirs2What cant you do when you take an ecotourism?ACome close to nature in the holiday carefully.BProtect the living things in the area.CBe careful not to destroy the nature


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