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1、GE 运营系统及企业文化第一页,共二十六页。GE: 组织结构图Organizational Chart股东支持部门 金融服务电力系统照明全球信息交换医疗系统塑料工业系统NBC运输人力资源法律研发部门国际董事会 John F. Welch Jr., ChairmanJeff Immelt - CEO Elected ChairmanDennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman运营部门飞机发动机家电商务发展企业动力 公共关系/市场财务和税务第二页,共二十六页。合理分配财务资源人力资源调配传播最佳实践支持各事业部的运营公司总部致力于关键流程反映关注重点第三页,共二十六页。The C

2、orporate Executive Council (CEC)Businesses Have Direct Access/Corporate Knows Businesses Better Yesterday TodayCEOKey staffBusinessesCECCECKey staffCEOSectorsGroupsDivisionsBusinesses第四页,共二十六页。GE 运营系统“BOCA”(Operating Managers)“C”(Human Resources)CECCECCECCECSI(Strategy)SII(Budget)“C-Wrap”(Human Reso

3、urces)Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov.Dec.Mar.Jun.Sep.Apr.-MayJan.Oct.Oct.-Nov.Dec.第五页,共二十六页。社会结构成长动力群策群力无边界行动价值观六西格码服务全球化e-电子商务运营系统第六页,共二十六页。GE的重要动力 NPI* Co-location Multi-generation product/services development Simple, flexible design Globalization Realigning focus, resources,

4、 growth Top line growth Developing global brainOTR* Higher turns Lowest system cost, highest quality, shortest cycle time SupplierManagement Price reductions Flexibility in supplier selection Simplification/standardization QMI* Rapid feedback from customers and competitors Immediate response from en

5、tire organization simultaneously Productivity Elimination of waste Elimination of non-strategic costs Growing operating margin*Quick Market intelligence Order to Remittance New Product Introduction 第七页,共二十六页。GE 遵循的价值观和行为 - 创造我们现在和未来的基石 诚信 乐于变革 客户 利用规模 扫除官僚 自信、简单化和速度 领导 培训 人才 不拘形式将自己与客户的成功密不可分地联系在一起,




9、用于筛选领导的四个“E”。对付急剧变化节奏的“精力”。能“激发活力”,能激励鼓动人们去采取行动。要有“锋芒”,要有自信去面对棘手的问题。要“实施”,GE的传统即永远都要兑现承诺。评估和对待现任四种“类型”领导者的方法:1. 遵守我们的价值观,又能完成指标 提拔重用,前途无限!2. 与我们没有共同的价值观,也不能完成指标 敬请走人。3. 有共同的价值观,但完不成指标 多半会再给一两次机会。4. 与我们没有共同的价值观,但却能完成指标 动手清除。人才如果我们不是一直拥有最好的人才,光靠我们的技术、巨大的规模、影响力和我们的资源是不足以使我们成为世界最佳的。在每一种评估奖励制度中,我们都把人分成三类

10、:前面最好的20%,中间业绩良好的70%和最后面的10%。这要求我们有严格的规章去完全公正地评估公司的每一个人。GE的领导者必须懂得,他们一定要鼓舞、激励并奖赏最好的20%,还要给业绩良好的70%打气加油,让他们提高进步;不仅如此,GE的领导者还必须下定决心,永远以人道的方式,换掉那最后那10%的人,并且每年都要这样做。只有如此,真正的精英才会产生,才会兴盛。第十一页,共二十六页。The GE Values 200012OHP第十二页,共二十六页。GE Leaders Always with unyielding integrity Are passionately focused on dr

11、iving customer successLive Six Sigma Quality ensure that the customer is always its first beneficiary and use it to accelerate growthInsist on excellence and are intolerant of bureaucracyAct in a boundaryless fashion always search for and apply the best ideas regardless of their sourcePrize global i

12、ntellectual capital and the people that provide it build diverse teams to maximize itSee change for the growth opportunities it brings i.e., “e-Business”Create a clear, simple, customer-centered vision and continually renew and refresh its executionCreate an environment of “stretch,” excitement, inf

13、ormality and trust reward improvements and celebrate resultsDemonstrate always with infectious enthusiasm for the customer the “4-E s” of GE leadership: the personal Energy to welcome and deal with the speed of change the ability to create an atmosphere that Energizes others the Edge to make difficu

14、lt decisions and the ability to consistently Execute第十三页,共二十六页。GE 领导人 永远保持坚定的诚信: 以极大的热情全力以赴地推动客户成功 视“六个西格玛”质量为生命确保客户永远是其第一受益者并用质量去推动增长 坚持完美,决不容忍官僚作风 以无边界工作方式行事,永远寻找并应用最好的想法而无需在意其来源 重视全球智力资本及其提供者建立多元化队伍去充分利用它 视变革为可以带来增长的机会,例如“电子商务” 确立一个明确、简单和以客户为核心的目标并不断更新和完善它的实施 创建一个“超常规”、振奋、不拘礼节、信任的环境 嘉奖进步颂扬成果 展示永远

15、保持对客户有感染力的热情 GE 领导才能所要求的四个方面(“4-Es): 具有迎接并应对变化速度的个人活力创造一个激励他人气氛的能力面对艰巨作出 果断决定的锋芒及始终如一执行的能力第十四页,共二十六页。What Does Measuring the Values Mean? ValuesFeedback BehavioursObservationsObjective - Strengthen The Values15OHP第十五页,共二十六页。Are passionately focused on driving customer successBehaviours associated wi

16、th this value: Ensures discussions about the customer (internal/external) are included as agenda items in meetings Considers the impact on customers when making business decisions Always seeks to remove non valued added activities from business processes Continually seeks to add value and productivi

17、ty to the customers business Looks for opportunities to save the customer time, money or worry Maintains close relationships with customers and displays a keen interest in how their business is doing Implements scorecards to gain customer feedback on progress being made against key requirements第十六页,

18、共二十六页。Live Six Sigma Quality. . .ensure that the customer is always its first beneficiary. . .and use it to accelerate growth Behaviours associated with this value: Instils a quality focus and discipline in delivering on customer commitments Drives for simplification of customer facing processes Con

19、tinually looks for improvement opportunities based on customer feedback Places high priority on quality projects that will have significant positive impact on customer expectations and requirements Continuously develop and support processes (e.G., Work-out) that improve customer responsiveness Looks

20、 for opportunities to use appropriate quality methodology/tools in the customer s business to help them achieve improvements第十七页,共二十六页。Insist on excellence and are intolerant of bureaucracyBehaviours associated with this value: Actively confronts barriers to team effectiveness Sets, measures and exp

21、ects high standards of work from self and others Refuses to accept sub standard work and provides constructive criticism and guidance to correct errors Aggressively seeks out cause/effect relationships; does not allow unnecessary bureaucracy to creep into organisational initiatives, addresses root c

22、ause whenever they are found Focuses on problem prevention first then problem solving Hates/avoids/eliminates bureaucracy” and strives for brevity, simplicity, clarity Anticipates potential problems and develops contingency plans to avoid them第十八页,共二十六页。Act in a boundaryless fashion . . . always sea

23、rch for and apply the best ideas regardless of their sourceBehaviours associated with this value: Actively seeks and embraces good ideas from diverse sources to resolve problems and confront key issues Seeks ideas, sets goals and monitors progress mutually with team members, customers, and suppliers

24、 Actively supports information-sharing across business levels, functions, and organisational boundaries to improve customer satisfaction Removes barriers to individual and team success, while rewarding and supporting creativity and personal initiative Encourages team members to discover the best way

25、s to perform their jobs most effectively Looks internally and externally for best practise opportunities and encourages this in others第十九页,共二十六页。Prize global intellectual capital and the people that provide it . . . build diverse teams to maximise itBehaviours associated with this value: Values and

26、encourages diversity in people, including race, gender, age, education, operating style, and personal/professional experience Respects and leverages the talent and unique contributions of every individual, culture, and ethnic group to increase effectiveness Considers personal implications of actions

27、 across the business and acts in the best interests of the total global business Demonstrates global awareness/sensitivity and is comfortable building diverse and global teams Thinks/acts flexibly across global boundaries of time, geography, and culture Treats everyone with dignity, trust and respec

28、t第二十页,共二十六页。See change for the growth opportunities it brings . . . i.e., e-Business”Behaviours associated with this value: Initiates change instead of reacting to external pressures for change Seeks and introduces new perspectives and information to the team in order to stimulate innovation and cha

29、nge Seeks constructive feedback and responds to it as a challenge and opportunity to improve Creates an environment in which change is non threatening Understands the competitive advantage embodied in constructive conflict, challenges to the status quo, and the testing of new ideas Supports experime

30、ntation and prudent risk-taking (in self and others) to promote effective change Continually reviews existing processes and documentation and asks self and others if there is a better or alternative way to do things第二十一页,共二十六页。 Supports and communicates a clear, customer-focused vision (i.e. both in

31、ternal and external customers) Helps provide a clear sense of direction for the team and co- workers to support a customer-oriented business vision Communicate in an open, candid, consistent manner Aligns efforts of individuals and work teams with a common vision for winning through customer satisfa

32、ction Vision ensures that organisational resources and the initiatives of individuals and teams are working in concert to meet customer needs and market realities Regularly captures customer requirements and reviews vision to ensure it is aligned to current customer needsCreate a clear, simple, cust

33、omer-centred vision and continually renew and refresh its executionBehaviours associated with this value:第二十二页,共二十六页。Create an environment of “stretch,” excitement, informality and trust reward improvement and celebrate resultsBehaviours associated with this value: Follows through with commitments; doesnt make false promises Translates both positive and negative experiences into lessons learned Collaboratively develops and meets challenging team goals Forms and protects trusting partnerships Sets and accepts stretch goals


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