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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Im afraid i cant go to your party._! The party wont be perfect without you.AYoure welcome BThats nothing CWhat a pity DIt doesnt matter

2、2、One of the wonders of the _ world is the pyramids in Egypt.AcrowdedBnaturalCancientDmodern3、Ms. Yang often shares Chinese food and music foreigners.AtoBforCwith4、 Has your sick pet dog been cured yet? Not yet. Its still under _.Adiscussion BcontrolCtreatment Drepair5、- Morn, do you like my drawing

3、?- _! I have never seen a better one.AHow terrible B What wonderful C How beautiful D What delicious6、(2012甘肃白银)I think every student should go to school_,but some of them are always lateAby the timeBon timeCfor a timeDat times7、Mum, can I go to watch the movie Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 tomorro

4、w?Sure, if your homework _.Afinish Bis finished Cwill finish Dwill be finished8、 Nice to see you. I you for a long time. I in Beijing. Ive just come back.Ahavent seen; amBhavent seen; wasCdidnt see; will beDwont see; was9、Do you believe that paper is made _ wood? Yes, I do. And you can see that book

5、s are made _ paper.Afrom; fromBfrom; ofCof; fromDof; of10、 Daniel, I m still not sure . Why not? No one is better than you in our class.Ahow I can prepare for the competitionBwhether I should take part in the competitionCwho I can ask for more information about the competitionDwhen I can enter the c

6、ompetition. 完形填空11、Learning a foreign language can be interesting. It can also be difficult and _. Here are three ways of learning a language: self-study at home, attending classes and taking online courses. Each of these _ has its own advantages or disadvantages. In order to _ your chances of succe

7、ss, it is important to consider which way is _ for you._ you are unable to attend regular classes, self-study may be good for you. The main disadvantage of learning _ yourself is that there is no one available to answer your questions. One way to _ this is to make a list of your questions and ask a

8、teacher later.Learning a foreign language in a classroom is _ the most popular choice. The regularity(规律性) of the _ will encourage you to attend classes. And you will be able to ask the teacher questions face to face. Besides, other students may also encourage you to make _.Online learning is the ne

9、west way of learning a foreign language. It _ both the students who prefer to learn alone and the students who may prefer to attend classes _ are unable to do so. Online learning _ make the whole process more interesting and fun. Its possible to ask questions and _ with other students online. Anothe

10、r advantage of online learning is that it costs _.Whichever way you choose, keep in mind the reasons why you are learning the language and never give up.1(小题1)Alively Bactive Cboring2(小题2)Amethods Babilities Cnotes3(小题3)Arealize Bincrease Cspread4(小题4)Aworst Bbest Cstrangest5(小题5)AThough BBecause CI

11、f6(小题6)Aby Bwith Cfrom7(小题7)Aput on Blearn from Cdeal with8(小题8)Aquickly Bprobably Cexactly9(小题9)Alessons Bconversations Cexpressions10(小题10)Atime Bmoney Cprogress11(小题11)Aprevents Bprovides Csuits12(小题12)Aor Bbut Cand13(小题13)Acan Bmust Cneed14(小题14)Aagree Bcommunicate Cargue15(小题15)Afewer Bmore Cle

12、ss. 语法填空12、阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。Today skateboarding is popular around the world. Many young people like the sport, and so 1(do) Marcelo Lusardi. However, the young man is quite different from many others - he is a blind skateboarder.Marcelo was born in Argentina, and now he lives in Sant

13、iago de Compostela, Spain. He used to live an easy life but everything changed when he went blind in 2015. He felt 2(hope), as he couldnt imagine living without sight (视力).3(Luck), a friend of his4 (father) stepped in and helped him out. Thanks to her help, Marcelo was able 5(accept) his condition a

14、nd started getting out more.Marcelo went to the skate park he had often visited. At first, he thought skating was out of the question for a blind man like him. But his skateboarding friends 6(tell) him he was still one of them and he had to get back on the skateboard. They helped him learn to use hi

15、s other senses except sight 7( ride )the skateboard again and even try out some new tricks.Looking back, Marcelo thought8(lose) his sight helped him realize who he is and what he wants to do. “People sometimes have problems and think thats the end of the world, but in the end you can solve these pro

16、blems. Look at me, I was skating, then I went blind, and now I 9(skate) again. Not as well as before, but I can still do it and leave people with their mouths10 (open).” So, remember: Everything has a solution in life. 阅读理解A13、There is one word that is on the lips of Americans , day and night , “Sor

17、ry”.One time as I was walking on the street , a young man ran by hurriedly , brushing against my handbag . Even as he continued on his way , he turned back and said “sorry” to me . Even in a rush , he didnt forget to apologize .One day , after I bought some apples , the salesman was giving me the ch

18、ange , but I wasnt ready for it , and a coin dropped on the ground, “Im sorry ,” he said while bending down to pick it up . I was puzzled why would he apologize when it was my fault ?Another time , I stepped on a mans foot in an escalator . At the same time , we both said “sorry” . I thought it inte

19、resting : was it really necessary for him apologize ?Later on , an American friend explained to me that according to the American ideas, the escalator is public place which everyone should be able to stand in . After someone occupies a position in the escalator , making it difficult for someone else

20、 to find a place to stand in , isnt it necessary to express an apology ?During my stay in America , I gradually realized that when friction (摩擦) occurs in daily life , Americans dont care much about who is responsible . If someone is troubled , a “sorry” is always necessary . Even if the other perso

21、n is hurt , the “sorry” would cool tempers . Perhaps this is why I never saw anyone quarreling on the buses , subways or streets in America .1When the salesman gave me the change , _AI purposely didnt want to accept it from the salesmanBthe salesman purposely didnt want to pass it to meCI was slower

22、 to accept it than the salesman to give it to meDthe salesman was slower to give it to me than I could accept it2The man on whose feet I stepped apologized to me because _ .Athe escalator is a public placeBthe man was very afraid of meCthe “sorry” said to me was for everyoneDthere wasnt enough room

23、to get my feet in3In this passage , the author seems to feel _ the Americans “sorry”.Aangry with Bdisappointed withCinterested in Dapproving ofB14、Sometimes, you might not finish drinking your glass of water before you go to bed. You might want to drink it the next morning. But have you ever wondere

24、d if it is still safe to drink?“If you have clean water in a clean glass, youre fine to drink it for a day or two,” Kellogg Schwab from the Johns Hopkins University Water Institute in the US told Time.But you may find that it tastes strange. Thats because after about 12 hours, the carbon dioxide in

25、the air reacts with the water in your glass, slightly lowering its pH level.Also, there might be more microorganisms in your water if you leave it out overnight. Microorganisms grow more quickly at room temperature. These microorganisms can stick to your glass. They can make you get sick more easily

26、. But as long as you clean your glasses very often, this will not be a problem.In countries like the US and UK, people often drink water directly from the tap . This is OK however, tap water cannot be stored for a long time. Most experts say that tap water has a shelf life of six months, according t

27、o Zane Satterfield from West Virginia University, US. After six months, there is less chlorine in the water and bacteria start to grow. Youd better not drink the water otherwise you may get sick.What about plastic water bottles? Schwab said people should be careful with them. If you leave a bottle o

28、f water under the sun or in a car for a long period of time, the plastic produces a chemical called BPAThis chemical can cause heart disease and cancer.1According to the passage,the water in the glass tastes strange after about_.A12 hoursB2 hoursCa day and a nightDtwo days2Why does the water taste s

29、trange after a night?ABecause there is less chlorine in the water.BBecause the glasses are dirty after a night.CBecause the plastic produces a chemical called BPADBecause the carbon dioxide in the air reacts with the water , lowering its pH level.3The underlined word “ microorganisms” in the fourth

30、paragraph probable mean “_”A漂浮物B微生物C抗生素D废弃物4Which of the following is not true?AYou may get sick more easily after you drink the water overnight.BIts not a right way to leave a bottle of water under the sun for a long time.CMany people drink water directly from the tap because of no bacteria in the

31、running water.DKellogg Schwab advised us to drink clean water in a clean glass for a day or two.C15、(An excerpt of After Twenty Years)There was now a cold rain falling and the wind was stronger. The few people walking along that street were hurrying, trying to keep warm. At the door of the shop stoo

32、d the man who had come a thousand miles to meet a friend, Jimmy Wells. Twenty years ago, they agreed to meet here tonight. Such a meeting could not be certain. But he waited.About twenty minutes he waited, and then a tall man in a long coat came hurrying across the street. He went directly to the wa

33、iting man.“Is that you, Bob?” he asked, doubtfully.“Is that you, Jimmy Wells?” cried Bob.The new man took Bobs hands in his. “Its Bob! It surely is. I was certain I would find you here if you were still alive. Twenty years is a long time. The old restaurant is gone, Bob. I wish it were here, so that

34、 we could have another dinner in it. Has the West been good to you?”“It gave me everything I asked for. Youve changed, Jimmy. I never thought you were so tall.”“Oh, I grew a little after I was twenty.”“Are you doing well in New York, Jimmy?”“Well enough. I work for the city. Come on, Bob. Well go to

35、 a place I know, and have a good long talk about old times.”The two men started along the street, arm in arm. Bob, the man from the West, was beginning to tell the story of his life. The other, with his coat up to his ears, listened with interest.At the corner stood a shop bright with electric light

36、s. When they came near, each turned to look at the others face.The man from the West stopped suddenly and pulled his arm away. “Youre not Jimmy Wells,” he said. “Twenty years is a long time, but not long enough to change the shape of a mans nose.”“It sometimes changes a good man into a bad one,” sai

37、d the tall man. “Youve been under arrest for ten minutes, Bob. Chicago policemen thought you might be coming to New York. They told us to watch for you. Are you coming with me quietly? Thats wise. But first here is something I was asked to give you. You may read it here at the window. Its from a pol

38、iceman named Wells.”1Where did the story happen?AIn New York. BIn Chicago. CIn the West. DIn a restaurant.2How did Bob find out that the new man wasnt his real friend?AFrom his height and his voice. BFrom the shape of his nose.CFrom their talking about old times. DFrom their meeting place.3In which

39、order did the following events take place?a. Bob found out his new man wasnt his friend.b. The tall man gave Bob a note from Wells. c. Bob waited at the door of a shop.d. They had a talk about Bobs life in the West.e. The new man came to meet him.Ac-e-d-a-b. Be-b-c-a-d. Cc-d-a-e-b. De-c-a-b-d.4Accor

40、ding to the passage, we know _.Athe tall man was Bobs old friendBthe two men had dinner in a restaurantCJimmy came to Chicago to meet BobDBob was a criminal wanted in Chicago5What can we infer(推断) from the story?ATime may change a good man into a bad one.BThe police would make some notes on Bob.CBob

41、 came from the far West to meet his friend.DThey promised to meet each other 20 years ago.D16、Rock singer Wu Tong says mixing musical styles is not only creative, it also shows that people can live together harmoniously. The track Linglong Tower was Wus most popular piece when he performed in Tianji

42、n, a city with a long tradition of quyi or narrative music.Honored as the Shakespeare of the Asian, Cao Yu was one of the greatest playwrights of 20th-Century China. Sunrise, Cao Yus second play, was published in 1936. Following his first work Thunderstorm, In 1937, the young playwrights third play,

43、 The Wilderness, was released. In 1940, Cao Yu completed the writing of his fifth play, Peking Man,A winner of the 2011 LOreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards, Professor Reng Yonghua says she could not have done it without the backing of her family. As a mother of two daughters, 12 and 14, Reng s

44、aid she is lucky to have been supported by her family.Joan Chen, Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi - whos the next of their ilk? Most agree 24-year-old Liu Yifei is the likely contender to become an internationally Chinese actress.Born to a French-language professor and a dancer, Liu received training in dancing,

45、 singing and piano as a little girl. She moved to the United States at 10 and spent four years in New York Citys Long Island.Wang Zhiming grew up in a family of instrument makers, but he is the only one who could actually play a violin.Wang, 51, has been making violins for more than 30 years. He gre

46、w up around violins and musical instruments. He is the third generation of instrument makers in his family, following his grandfather and father.根据材料内容选择最佳答案, 并将其标号填入题前括号内。1What does Wu Tong do?AA writer BAn actorCA scientist DA singer2Cao Yus second play_was published in1936.ASunrise. BPeking ManCT

47、hunderstorm DWilderness3Liu Yifei didnt receive training in _.Adancing, BsingingCviolin. Dpiano4Wang Zhiming has been making violins for more than _years.A30 B51 C24 D145We can see that _.AProfessor Reng Yonghua has two daughters and a sonBZhang Ziyi is an internationally Chinese actress.CWang Zhimi

48、ngs grandmother and father can make violinsDTianjin is a city with a long tradition of rock.E17、In todays Internet age, the demand for online games continues to grow. Online computer game centers exist in many cities and towns all over throughout Asia. Facing the pressures of school and life, people

49、 expect a diversion from these problems. Too often, however, they can lead to problems and unhealthy addictions(嗜好).This is most clearly seen in the example of South Korea. The country has the worlds highest percentage of high-speed Internet services. It also has a high number of online game players

50、 and related problems. In 2010, a young man collapsed (突然晕倒) and died while playing online games. He had been playing almost nonstop for 86 hours at an Internet caf. Another young man killed his sister after becoming confused between the online world and real life. A 12-year-old boy stole US $ 16,00

51、0 from his father and ran away from home. He did this to continue his obsession(着迷) with an online game. Such problems, however, dont just happen in South Korea. They are spreading to other parts of Asia, as well.What kinds of people develop online game addiction? What does the problem look like? Dr

52、. SueHuei Chen, a clinical psychologist, researches Internet addiction. She discovered some signs of at-risk individuals such as lack friendships and good social skills. Those problem individuals feel it so compulsive(强迫性的) to play online games that they could give up things such as school or family

53、. They feel the need to spend more and more time online. And they become upset if anyone tries to limit their online game playing.How many problem game players are there? In mainland China, the number of problem online gamers is alarming. In 2012, the China daily reported that China had 13.8 million

54、 online game players. Furthermore, it stated that 80 percent of these were under 25 and had signs of addiction. Such numbers point toward a growing problem among Chinese youth. Make sure to keep control over your online game playing. If you dont control it, it can get control of you.1What is mainly

55、discussed in the passage?AThe disadvantages of the Internet.BThe online game problems in Asia.CThe popularity of online games worldwide.DThe cause of online game addiction.2The underlined word “diversion” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _.AcareerBcomfortCescapeDsupport3According to P

56、aragraph 2, which of the following statements is NOT true?AThe young killers sister was killed in an unreal worldBOnline game playing is responsible for the young mans death.CPeople in South Korea have access to the Internet most easily.DThe teenage boy stole money due to his playing games online.4W

57、hat can we learn from the passage?AMost people in Asia have developed an addiction to online games.BOnline game addictions cause many life-and-death arguments in South Korea.CLonely and unsociable people seem to more easily develop Internet addictions.DIn the year 2004 there were a total of 13.8 mil

58、lion Chinese visiting the Internet.5What are the signs of at-risk individuals?Afeeling it so compulsive to play online gamesBbecoming upset if anyone tries to limit their online game playing.Cfeeling the need to spend more and more time onlineDAll the aboveF18、Sydney TowerAddress: 100 Market St, SydneyPhone: 02 9333 9222 Fax: 02 9333 9203Open time: 9: 00 a.m. to 10-30 p.m. (S


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