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1、第二十三屆金山灣區華人運動會 23rd Taiwanese & Chinese American Athletic Tournament of 第二十三屆金山灣區華人運動會 23rd Taiwanese & Chinese American Athletic Tournament of San Francisco Bay Area羽毛球比賽 Badminton Tournament選手代號(免免填)_ 代表團團隊名稱稱 (TTeamm):_代號:(免填填)_姓名(Naame):(Chhineese)_(EEngllishh)_生日(BB-daay):_/_/19_性別:M F地址(Adddre

2、ess):_ 電話(TTEL):(日日)_ _ (夜)_E-Maiil:_ _ (必須填填寫清楚楚)參 賽 項項 目(Evventt):1._2._3._雙打隊友姓姓名 (Parrtneer):1._2._報名費:CHEECK#_ CASSH _項x$100 = $_ Tootall(個人人每項110元,支票票抬頭請請開TCCAATT) ($10 pper eveent, paayabble to TCAAAT, orr CAASH)比賽時間 (Tiime):20007年 7/14 (Satt. 88:300am7:330pmm), 7/155 (Suun. 9:000amm-9:00ppm)

3、比賽地點 (Loocattionn):Gunnn HHighh Scchoool, 7800 Arrasttradderoo Rdd, PPaloo Allto, 9443066 (地地點若更更改,另另行通知知)。報名時間 (Enntryy Deeadllinee):即即日起至至 7 / 7 / 20007 no latte eentrry (Plleasse ssendd thhe eentrry tto tthe folllowwingg loocattionn)報名地點: Chhineese Cullturre CCentter/TCAAAT Mail youur eentrry ffo

4、rmm annd cchecck too: 122250 Sarratooga-sunnnyvvalee Rdd. Saarattogaa, CAA 950070Onlinne EEntrry: htttp:/wwww.geoocittiess.coom/mmeimmei22u/EENTRRY.hhtmSpeciial: $8800 Raafflle ppricce aavaiilabble (inncluude raccketts aand morre)Age組別1995.09.01後後出生Born Aftter 9.11. 951991.09.01-1995.08.311987.09.01

5、-1991.08.311977.09.01-1987.08.311967.09.01-1977.08.311957.09.01-1967.08.311957.08.31前前出生Born Befforee 8.331.557單 打Singlle幼少男A(M) 8861幼少女A(F) 8871少男B(M) 8862少女B(F) 8872青少男C(M) 8863青少女C(F) 8873青 男D(M) 8864青女D(F) 8874中青男E(M) 8865中青女E(F) 8875中 男F(M) 8866中 女F(F) 8876壯 男G(M) 8867壯 女G(F) 8877雙 打Doublle幼少男A

6、(M) 8881幼少女A(F) 8891少男B(M) 8882少女B(F) 8892青少男C(M) 8883青少女C(F) 8893青 男D(M) 8884青女D(F) 8894中青男E(M) 8885中青女E(F) 8895中 男F(M) 8886中 女F(F) 8896壯 男G(M) 8887壯 女G(F) 8897混合雙打 Mixx 幼少男、女女A901少男、女BB902青少男、女女C903青男、女DD904中青男、女女E905中男、女FF906壯 男、女女G907比賽規則:(細則則參閱手手冊)1.賽程排排列依參參賽人(組)數由大大會排定定。 (Toournnameent dirrect

7、tor willl ddeciide if thee drraw shoouldd bee siinglle eelimminaatioon wwithh coonsoolattionn orr rooundd-roobinn, ddepeendss onn thee nuumbeer oof eentrry iin eeachh evventt.)2.以新IIBF規規則計分分,男生生單打,男男女雙打打,混合合雙打和和女生單單打 “21x33”.(IBF neww raallyy poointt syysteems rulles willl bbe eenfoorceed ffor alll

8、maatchhes. Meen SSinggless, MMen Douublees, Woomenn Dooublles, Woomenn Siinglle wwilll pllay “21x33.”)Pleasse ssee dettaill ruule infformmatiion at htttp:/wwww.iinteernaatioonallbaddminntonn.orrg/nnewrralllypoointtsysstemm.assp3.Plaayerrs MMUSTT pllay witth tthe samme pparttnerr thhrouughoout thee t

9、oournnameent, unnlesss aa chhangge iin ggendder.4.參賽雙雙打者,D.E.F.G組以二人中較年輕者來決定組別;A.B.C組則以年紀較長者來決定5.每人只只能代表表個人或或一個團團隊,不不論單雙雙打每人人最多參參加三項項。(PPlayyerss eiitheer pplayy ass inndivviduual or forr a teaam. 3 eveentss maax pper perrsonn) 6.不論單單打或雙雙打跨組組標準如如下:A BB CC DD EE FF GG -A組可可打B,C,oor DD組 (A cann pllay

10、forr A, B,C, andd D)-E組可可打D組 (E ccan plaay ffor D aand E)-B組可可打C,or D組 (BB caan pplayy foor BB, CC annd DD)-F組可可打E or D組 (F ccan plaay ffor D, E aand F)-C組可可打D組(C ccan plaay ffor C aand D )-G組可可打E,F oor DD組 (G cann pllay forr D, E, F, annd GG)-D組只只可打DD組(D ccan onlly pplayy D eveentss)7.每組至至少須有有3人/組報

11、名名,該組組才有比比賽。(If eveent hass leess thaan 33 enntriies, thhe eevennt mmay be canncellledd orr coombiinedd wiith othher eveentss)8.比賽當當天請帶帶身份證證明文件件以資查查驗,若不能能證明年年齡, 則自動動放棄棄比賽權利(Pleeasee brringg yoour ID to proove thee agge)。9.每位選選手(不論單單雙打)均需填填報名表表,報名名表上必必須填報報完全,才才能報名名。(Everry pplayyer neeeds to commplee

12、te andd siign thee enntryy foorm)WAIVEER:凡凡參加220077 第23屆金山山灣區華華人運動動會之工工作人員員、隊職職員、運運動員及及來賓觀觀眾等,在在大會期期間內,無無論在交交通、運運動場及及遊藝活活動,如發生生任何疾疾病或傷傷害等事事故,概與大大會無關關,敬請請自行負負責,並並放棄一一切訴頌頌權利。I am voluntarily participating in 2007 The 23rdTaiwanese & Chinese American Athletic Tournament of San Francisco Bay Area. The T

13、ournament administrators cannot be held responsible for any illness, or injury sustained as a result of participating in the games, attending the games or traveling to or from the games. I hereby agree that the games or its administrators shall not be held liable for any such illness or injury. 簽名(S

14、iignaaturre)_日日期(DDatee):_/_/220077Pleasse cconttactt toournnameent dirrecttor forr moore inffo: 施曉嵐嵐(Hsiiao-Lann Shhih) 4008-5533-57008 mmeimmeisshihhgmmaill.coomPeterr Chhen 4408-2500-22296 報名結果,賽程將將於比賽賽一天前在本本會網站站公佈 ( HYPERLINK htttp:/wwww.tcaaat.oorg htttp:/wwww.tcaaat.oorg) (Touurnaamennt sschee

15、dulle / drrawss wiill be posstedd att HYPERLINK http:/wwww.ttcaaat.oorg wwww.ttcaaat.oorg by 7/13/007)SIMPLLIFIIED NEWW RAALLYY POOINTTS SSCORRINGG SYYSTEEMScoriing SysstemmA mattch connsissts of thee beest of 3 ggamees oof 221 ppoinnts.The ssidee wiinniing a rrallly aaddss a poiint to itss sccoree.

16、At 200 alll, thee siide whiich gaiins a 22 poointt leead firrst, wiins thaat ggamee.At 299 alll, thee siide scoorinng tthe 30tth ppoinnt, winns tthatt gaame.The ssidee wiinniing a ggamee seervees ffirsst iin tthe nexxt ggamee.Interrvalls aand Chaangee off EnndsWhen thee leeadiing scoore reaachees 11

17、1 ppoinnts, pllayeers havve aa 600 seeconnd iinteervaal.A 2 mminuute inttervval bettweeen eeachh gaame is allloweed.In thhe tthirrd ggamee, pplayyerss chhangge eendss whhen a ssidee sccorees lll. Poiintss.SingllesAt thhe bbegiinniing of thee gaame andd whhen thee sccoree iss evven, thhe sservver ser

18、rvess frrom thee riightt seerviice couurt. WWhenn itt iss oddd, thee seerveer sservves froom tthe lefft sservvicee coourtt.If thhe sservver winns aa raallyy, tthe serrverr sccorees aa poointt annd tthenn seervees aagaiin ffromm allterrnatte sservvicee coourtt.If thhe rreceeiveer wwinss a rallly, thh

19、e rreceeiveer sscorres a ppoinnt aand beccomees tthe neww seerveer.DoubllesTheree iss onnly onee seervee inn dooublles (seee aattaacheed ddiaggramm). Thhe sservvicee paassees cconssecuutivvelyy too thhe pplayyerss ass shhownn inn thhe aattaacheed ddiaggramm.At thhe bbegiinniing of thee gaame andd whhen thee sccoree iss evven, thhe sservver serrvess frrom thee riightt coourtt. Wheen iit iis oodd, thhe sservver serrvess frrom thee leeft couurt.If thhe sservvingg siide winns aa raallyy, tthe serrvinng ssidee sccorees aa poointt annd tthe samme sservver serrvess aggain


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