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1、新教材人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册综合测评(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。M:Was your house rented oul?Would it be convenient to see (he room now?W:Could you come later?15 m going to the supermarket now.Where

2、will the woman go?A.To a hotel.B.To the man s house.C.To a supermarket.W:Look!How expensive the tennis shoes are!M:I think you might be mistaken.The price tag is for the hiking shoes above.What does the man mean?A.The price tag of the tennis shoes is missing.B.Thc woman should buy a pair of hiking s

3、hoes.C.The tennis shoes are not so expensive as the woman thinks.W:I want to go to Paris by ship.M:Why?That s crazy.A ship is too slow.Fly.W:A plane is too fast.I want to relax on a ship for a few days.M:Well,have a nice slow trip.How does the man suggest the woman go to Paris?A.By air. B.By ship. C

4、.By train.|aM:Ah!lt feels great to get sonic exercise.W:Ugh.I* m so tired.T m going to take a long,hot shower.M:Oh,wcli,try not to make it too long.Wc use too much water every day.We should save water.What does the man suggest the woman do?A.Do some exercise.B.Take a short shower.C.Have a rest.解析|词义

5、猜测题。根据画线词后调研内容“A 2015 shidy”可知,该研究表明,雇主们一直将年轻人对全 职工作准备不足归咎于他们在上学时没有参加兼职工作,因此学生不参加兼职工作可能对以后的生 活有害,故选B项。.What can we learn from paragraph 4?A.Students should spend all their time on studies.Students should have as many part-time jobs as possible.C.Doing part-time jobs must affect students , school res

6、ults.D.It,s important for students to balance part-time jobs and studies.|解析|推理判断题。根据最后一段的In reality,it s all about getting the right balance between doing part-time work and having enough time to study and rest.”可知,在做兼职和有足够的时间学习和休息之 间取得平衡是非常重要的。故选D项。A storm progresses through four different stages

7、before it is actually considered a hurricanc.First is a tropical disturbance (热带扰动),which has thunderstorms and rotating (旋转)winds.Next is a tropical depression (热带彳氐/l压),which is similar to a tropical disturbance,but has winds between 23 and 39 miles per hour.A tropical storm is the next level,whic

8、h has stronger wind speeds between 40 and 73 miles per hour.Once winds reach 74 miles per hour (he storm is officially called a hurricane.The wind picks up energy from the warm surface ocean water.As a hurricane crosses over land,it begins to become weaker or break apart and reduce in strength.This

9、is because it is no longer over the warm ocean water that it needs for energy.At this point,a hurricane can still cause a lot of damage because of high winds,rain,and flooding.But unless it makes its way back over the open ocean,it is downgraded from a hurricane back to a tropical storm.What s your

10、name,Hurricane?Hurricanes and tropical storms are given names to help people recognise them.Scientists refer to hurricanes and storms by name as they track them across the ocean.Before I953,hurricanes were not given official names.From 1953 through 1978,hurricanes were only given female names J ike

11、Isabel,Camille,Claudette,and Wilma.Beginning in 1979,hurricanes were given the names of both women and mcn.Today,thc names ahc门late male and female,and they arc named in order of letters.For example,in 2010,storms were named as follows:Alex (male),Bonnie (female),Colin (male),Danielle (female),Earl

12、(male) and so on.There are six different lists of names that change,so the same names are used every six years.The only way that a new name is added is when a hurricane has been particularly deadly or costly and the name is retircdjhcn replaced with a new one.Which of the following is the right orde

13、r of stages of a hurricane?A.Tropical depression,tropical disturbance,tropical storm.hurricane.B.Tropical disturbance,tropical depression,tropical stonnjnirricane.C.Tropical storm,tropical depressionjropical disturbance,hurricane. D.Tropical storm.tropical disturbance,tropical depression.hurricane.

14、|b|解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段的“A storm progresses through four different stages before it is actually considered a hun icane.First is a tropical disturbance.Next is a tropical depression.A tropical storm is the next level.Once winds reach 74 miles per hour (he storm is officially called a hurricane.“可 知,飓风形成的四

15、个阶段依次为 tropical disturbance,tropical depression,tropical storm and hurricane.故 选B项。.What happens when a hurricane crosses over land? A.It breaks apart and forms tornadoes.B.It returns to the ocean afterwards.C.It moves more quickly.D.I( becomes less powerful.ggD|解析|细节理解题。根据文章第二段的第一句As a hurricane cr

16、osses over land,it begins to become weaker or break apart and reduce in strength.”当飓风越过陆地时,它开始变弱,或者解体并减弱强度,可 知飓风越过陆地时减弱。故选D项。.The underlined word “alternate” in paragraph 4 means A.lake turns betweenB.carry on C.corne from D.cause trouble to IIaI解析I词义猜测题。根据文章第五段“For example,in 2010,storms were named

17、 as follows:Alex (male),Bonnie (female),Col in (male),Danielle (female),Earl (male) and so on.”可知,风暴的名词是按照 字母顺序依次选取的。此句在画线单词句之后,举例解释了画线单词的含义,可以理解为“依次选 取故选A项。.What do we know about the hurricanes?A.Six common hurricane names arc often used.B.An old name will be replaced every year.C.Most of them are

18、deadly and costly.D.They didn t have official names until 1953. UgoI解析I推理判断题。文章第四段的第一句Before 1953,hurricanes were not given official names.可 知,1953年以前,飓风没有正式的名称。故选D项。第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。Slaying focused (专注)can help you complete studying for a test or y

19、our work an hour early.There are various practical steps to help you focus better.36 Whether you rc doing work in your office or studying at home,having a clean space can help you focus and get your work done with more attention.Remove what can attract you from your work or (he task.Make a to-do lis

20、t.If you list all the things to do.howevcr small,you will feel more successful when you check those items off your list. 37Give yourself a certain time for each task.Managing your time goes hand in hand with your to-do iist.Write down how long it* II take you to finish each task on the list.For exam

21、ple,you could write:t4Go over the notes:30 minutes.Do the homework:? hours. 38 M Then,try to complete each task within each given time.Make time for breaks during the day.You should take at least a 5-10 minute break for every hour of work,or a 3-5 minute break for every half an hour of work. 39 Take

22、 breaks in a place where you won t be troubled,so that you can relax your mind. 40 Sometimes you can also look out of the window.takc a short walk outside,or just walk up a few stairs.Thcsc short breaks will make you more energetic to return to your work.A.Setting a goal will do good to you.B.Organi

23、se your workspace.C.It s not easy to get yourself better focused.D.Prepare for the new lesson:25 minutes.E.You may regularly get up during your breaks.F.This will also keep you focused on one task at a time.G.A break will prepare your mind for the next task ahead. 答案 |36.B 37.F 38.D 39.G 40.E 第三部分 语

24、言运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。As a boy.I was always small for my age.I was also five years younger than one of my brothers and seven years younger than the other.As a result,! often felt 41 when their friends came over to play.I was either too small or

25、too young for whatever they were doing and (hey didn t want (heir younger brother to listen to (heir 42 either.More often,! found myself outside playing alone and feeling _ 43 .I remember one spring afternoon feeling especially 44 as I sat in the yard behind our house.We lived miles from (own and I

26、could 45 see my own friends outside of school.I heard my brothers laughing from inside the house and felt a single tear coming down my check.At that moment I saw a 46 walking over to me.He looked happy.Even though he didn t know me.he 47 me like a long-lost friendjicking(舔)my chin and sitting beside

27、 me on the spring grass.lt must have been for at least an hour that I talked to this four-legged angel.He let me pour out all my 48 and shared my deepest thoughts before he kissed my cheek goodbye and walked either to heaven or his home.I went back inside feeling _ 49 .knowing that no matter what li

28、fe may hold I was 5() .Now over 40 years laterj still 51 that cute angel with a smile.I believe that he was sent at that moment of 52 to remind me how much I am loved.53 .nothing else in the world brings us greater joy than knowing we are loved.Knowing we are loved gives us the 54 to love others as

29、well.Knowing we arc loved 55 us to make the earth more beautiful.A.left outB.worn outC.carcd aboutD.talkcd about|ma愧明作者的年纪比别人小,大家都不和作者玩,因此作者感到有一种被忽略的感觉。leave out“忽. A. argumentsB .conversationsC.complaintsD.songsI解析I哥哥们和别人谈话时不让作者听。conversation“谈话 43. A.cheatedB. neededC.forgottenD. protec ted解附根据语境可

30、知,作者经常独自一人在外面玩,感觉好像被人忘记了。forget“忘记 44.A.excitedB. proudC.calmD.lonely|d国明根据上文的内容可知,此处应表示作者感到相当孤独。下文中的“felt a single lear”也是提示。 kmely “孤独的 45.A.alreadyB.rarelyC.neverD.aiways画因为作者住得离镇子有好几英里远,所以在校外就几乎不能看到自己的朋友了。rarely ”很少;不 常”。.A.fishB.duckC.birdD.dog国画根据下文中的“licking”和this four-legged angel”等提示可知作者看到了

31、 一只狗向他走来。 dog “狗.A.recognizedB .calledC.greetedD.hugged薪C解册根据上文内容可知,此处表示狗向作者打招呼。greel“打招呼”。.A.promisesB. shortcomingsC.plansD.troubles|m1d朝根据上文的内容可知,此处指令作者感到苦恼的事情。trouble”困难;苦恼.A.happyB. boredC.terribleD.confidentggA画狗在作者最孤独的时候前来陪伴作者并且听作者诉苦,倾诉之后的作者回到家中自然感到好受 多了。happy高兴的.A.praisedB.rejectedC.punished

32、D. loved|gD暧责狗的到来也使作者认识到无论生活怎么样,总有人在爱着自己。love“爱”。.A.doub(B.noticeC.believeD.remember标d画四十多年过去了,作者到现在还能够记得那个可爱的天使。remember记得.A.pleasureB.prideC.sadnessD.anger画上文多处描写了作者的孤独与饬感。作者认为在自己悲伤的时刻它被派来提醒自己被深深地 爱着。sadness悲伤.A.In totalB.In allC.In truthD.In detail国明此处是作者的感悟,in iruth“实际上”符合语境。in all“总计”与in total是

33、同义词;in deiail“详细地”。.A.strcngth B.suggestionC.warningD.limit|解析|知道有人爱着我们会使我们有力量去爱他人。strength“力量.A.forcesB.persuadesC.forbidsD.helps|1d函本句与上一句形成递进关系,知道我们是被爱着的有助于我们使地球变得更美好。help“帮助”。 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读卜面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Nicotine is a kind ofchemical.lt is one of the most harmful and

34、widely available legal 56. (drug) in the world.lt s addictive and harmful both to smokers and the people who 57.(expose) to smoke,especially childrcn.So it is necessary 58.(stop) smoking.Though giving up smoking is tough,it is not 59.(possible).Considering these areassuch as your health and those 60

35、.will benefit from your quitting,you will make up your mind and stick to it.Cigarettes are 61.(high) effective at delivering nicotine throughout yourbody,so when you stop smoking,you might experience anxiety,headaches and so on.Please don t be 62._ (disappoint),you should realise it may take more th

36、an one attempt to stop smoking.If you ve tried quitting on your own but are still struggling,think 63.getting professional help.Besides,your family and friends can be extra support.Let them know your goal and ask them to help you by not smoking around or offering you a cigarette. You can also ask fo

37、r 64.(they) encouragement and let them remind you 65.your goal when sticking is difficult.答案56.drugs 57.are exposed 58.to stop 59.impossible 60.who 61.highly 62.disappointed 63.of/about 64, their 65.of第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)假如你是李华,最近在英语阅读理解学习上遇到了困难,英语老师说只有扩大词汇量才能做好阅 读理解,但你在记忆单词方面有困难,所以现在你向常常给予你

38、帮助的已经回国的外教Mark写信求 助,希望他能提供一些记忆单词的建议。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考范文Dear Mark,How are you these days?I miss you a lot.Thank you so much for your help with my English study.Now I am faced with some new learning problems.So I m writing to seek help.I have some difficulties in comprehensive reading.M

39、y English teacher often says that only if wc enlarge our vocabulary can we have a better academic performance.But I feel it difficult to remember words well.because I often feel nervous while reading English.So I really hope that you can give me some good advice on how to memorise new words.I would

40、be grateful if you could give me some suggestions.Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely, Li Hua第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数 应为150左右。Mo was waiting in the corridor outside her class.She was feeling sick.She had two exams that day and physics was first.She really hated

41、physics.lt was her worst subject.Terry looked back al her from (he front of the line,and then looked away quickly.Mo thought she looked guilty.She didn t have a problem with physics,and she didn t have a problem with anything.Miss Perfect!“Hi,Mo,it s your favourite exam today,said Nina,laughing as s

42、he joined the line.Terry was looking at Mo again.t4So what , s wrong with her?” asked Nina/i thought you were friends.” “Yes,so did I,v said Mo.44But she hasn t spoken to me for two weeks now.She promised to help me review for the physics exam too,but then she s ignored all my calls and texts.And wh

43、en I rang her house.her mum just told me she was busy.Shc s forgotten who her friends are!” said Mo angrily/Are you listening to me?” Mr Rccd was talking to the class and the other students were going into the exam room.Mo gave Nina a worried look and followed them.Mo couldn t answer question number

44、 five.She looked up and saw Terry sitting two rows in front of her.Mo couldn t believe it!Terry was holding her phone on her knee under the table and reading from it.Is that how Terry always got such good grades?She felt really angry at Terry,but she didn t know what to do.She thought about telling

45、the teachenbut what would everyone else think of her?4tStop writing and put your pens down!” said Mr Reed as he started to collect the exam papers.Oh no,Mo hadn t answered two of the questions.She was going to fail again!Mo wanted to talk to Terry at lunch timeout she couldn t find her anywhere.The

46、next exam was history.That was Mo s favourite subject but she wasn t feeling good.Mo went to the library to study,but she couldn t concentrate.She didn I know what to do about Terry.She thought about telling a teachenbut everyone would hate her if she did that.uIt wasn t fair!” she thought.Terry was

47、 getting good grades by cheating all that tinlc., thought Mo Just thcn,Mr Rccd walked past her table. Mr Reed.”Mo was sitting behind Terry again in the history exam (hat afternoon.Mo was feeling terrible.Why had she told Mr Rccd?But it was too late now.And anyway,Terry didn t want to be her friend!M

48、r Rccd wanted her to look at him and nod if she saw that Terry was cheating in (he exam.Paragraph 1:She was working on the last question when she saw that Terry had her phone under the table._Paragraph 2:Mo was walking towards the school gate when she heard footsteps behind her._参考范文Paragraph 1:She

49、was working on the last question when she saw that Terry had her phone under the /aRe.Tough feeling uneasy and restless,she looked at Mr Rccd and nodded.With her eyes glued to the phone,it wasn t until the teacher patted on her back that Terry noticed Mr Reed.Immediate 1 y,Tcrry was asked to leave.T

50、erry rushed out of (he class,crying all (he way.Instead of feeling relaxed.Mo had ants in her pants.She felt guilty fbr telling Mr Reed about it,which had resulted in Terry s not finishing her exam. Paragraph 2:Mo was walking towards the school gate when she heard footsteps behind her.Il was Terry w

51、ho had just come out of the teacher, s office. Fee ling embarrassed,Mo wanted to run away. N c vcrthclcss,T erry stopped her and said,Mo,I m sorry I haven t kept my promise to help you review,but my father has been badly ill for two weeks.Today he had a significant operation.! was so worried about h

52、im that I kept on reading the texts on the phone sent by my mother to get the latest news about him,so Mr Reed forgave me.Can you forgive me?” “Of course!Lei, s go to (he hospital co see your falher. Mo couldn l wait to reply.答案|bW:Is there any important information?M:The supermarket at the corner o

53、f Fifth Avenue and Park Street was robbed this afternoon. W:Oh,really?Is there any clue about it?M:It s reported that the robbery is related to one of their guards.5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A robbery.B.A newspaper.C.A supermarket.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小

54、题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。W:Would you mind showing me your passport.please?M:My passport?W:Ycah,itf s usual practice in South Africa,sir,to record the passport numbers of guests.M:Hcrc you arc.W:Thank you.Would you like me to

55、 call your room when ihe passport is ready for collection?M:What?You want to keep it?W:It* s just to save time now,sirm very busy nov,you see.I can type the details into the computer later.Or do you mind waiting here now?M:Ycs,I certainly do.T in tired after that flight and I need a shower and a res

56、t.W:I understand.Here is your key.You re in Room 216.Enjoy your stay.6.Where docs the conversation probably take place?A.At a hotel.B.At the customs.C.At a travel agency.Why does the woman want to keep the man s passport?A.To follow the practice.To record the details later.C.To make a copy of it.B听第

57、7段材料,回答第8至10题。M:You know,Evelyn,T in thinking about doing a course in the United States.I think it 11 help my career. W:Oh.Well,wha(, 11 you do if Mum and Dad don t like the idea?M:Oh,it s OK.IJ II persuade them.W:Really?I don t think Dad will like the idca.And what* 11 you do if the course is reall

58、y difficult?M:Easy.r II get some help from my teachers and other students.W:You seem very confident.What 11 you do if you don t like the other students?M:【in sure I II find a nice American girl!W:Oh,really!S(eve,I don t think this is a good idea,you know.There are lots of good courses here in Austra

59、lia.8.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Brother and sister.Teacher and student.C.Father and daughter.What is the woman s attitude towards the man s idea?A.Interested.B.Uncertain.C.Opposed.c.Where are the speakers?A.In Austria.B.In America.C.In Australia.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。W:Did

60、you like the movie?be frank,! didn l think it was as good as (he former ones,even though the scenery is brilliant.How about you?W:I think the special effects were amazing.But I was a little bit confused,for the plot was too complicated for me. I tried hard to keep track of all the characters and fig


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