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1、14/141. - What anaingfilm! I th ot ntetingfilm Ivever een。Bu Im sue twont interest _.A sebdyB. aod Cnobody 。 eerybody2。 Soe o the udts hve areaylerned ngh Eglihto _ onversation with a niveEnlishsekeA ol on kep .goon D. crry on._ Mr Smih _ tisk?o.He s onolA. as; word B. os; wok C. Di; work Is; wokin4

2、._as he first ladyo seech”, Dr, illiaGlas is recoied as oe o te orl ldiexperts oncommunicaion klls.AKnowing 。 avin knownC。 Knon D. b kown5. he resut is note sae theyhadexpecte, _ s rtrisappitgA。 a; that B which;a C。 as; whchD。 that; whch6。 Do yuthk avetiseet s _ helpwhenyo lokfra e jo? Well, ta n。Ay

3、a, t giveme mr o_hanc t ty.A。a;a B。he;the a; te /; /7. -Excs , coul you el me wee I old ma al?Sor,m srangerhe。_.A。 Thanksa ot B.Ts a ptC Tanks anyway . Im srry thear that8。 Enlih is aanuge tha m people around heworld _ not pek perctly but _ a leasundetand my;can B。 old; mihtC. wil; mustD. could; mih

4、t9。 - Why can Imke here? At no ime_ in the mtngoom。 s oking pemittedB. skingi permited。oes smoing pmit.smokin oes rmi10.-Wht willyu bu oyour usba irthda?- want buy a _ walletfr im。 b leather malB。mal black leate .sall ather lck D。 blackallleahe11. Cn yu coe to ttn ouraty tonih? Sorry,butI h I _.A. h

5、adB。 can C ilD.coud12。 Ho did yr tts xprss thi nks o ou on Teacher Dy? A ift, togete with mny oers_enttoeymy tudentA. is B.are Cas D。 er13.Itsems ter _from tis pfor soe time ll hveo tae t aprt tu trght.A。 ha lked B。 i leai C。 leaked D。sb leaking4Oealwors ha. So he dos.Heis ofen sen _ hlybefe hs team

6、mtes haeven arrivet pactceA.o be sweatedB。sweaed be sweatD。 sweting1 The recent nfomain s een p for _ more high schol gruatwllbe admitted intouniersieA。asB whicC whileD。that1。 The informationhe v uss ore mta tha _ e ot ourlvesA.n。 thosC. that。the one。 Yud bett fly soewhrin tewest Thno can_ ahirecar

7、ad tave arondA. tke u B。 get nC pick u D。 tn o3 otyour diving licens?- No. I_ to usy t ave nugh prctice,so ddnt t te drines lw。A。 was B. C。 aebe. had ben4。 - Wy o ok sd? Te ae so many probs _A remining t etle B。 remanedsetlinC.rmaining to ettleD。 mained to besettld5。 he far_ toda isnolongr te _ twas

8、 tn ear ag.A。 tha; thtBwhere; thaC were;her. wih; wich6. hathas haened ere?-Tr was _ acciden hereabout a hou ag. _ ar hi trend _ driverwas klled. the; A;theB n; A; teC. an; The; aD。 the; The;a。 Eseme! _ Hocan I ge to N. middle schol?A。s? B. ThatsK.C.Whats wrong? D。rdon?. -Didn hey come t th artylst

9、week? Ye。heydidnt wttocm with uat first, u th we _ perue them。A。 woudB ouldC. weable toDhad o. Ol _ s anintrprete_ ow importat i s to grasp English。A。 hen did I wor; lizd。 whe I woked;I relizdC。 whe did wk;id I realize. when I worke; did reaize10 nov i, have osa,nt ab nteesin ow d ond it? Wy! _hat h

10、ae eer ead。A。 a ls rsing BmoeinteretingC.aost nerestin D。 the most intersting11。 I s necessary tha peopeoth youn ad o n Chi _ menglh o be prepared for teOlympic Games obe hld i Bijing 2008.。 learnB. wll lrn C。mulean have lare12. Mi,wat di ourmoto sa just now? vrboy and ey girlaswll a ecers h _o vist

11、 the museum _ askdto be at he choo ate for 6:30 in te morning。A。 is;is. e; aC s; are。ar; s13。 After_ eemed an edlesefort,the atient as finaly able to carr _ seemed perft noral wakA。what; what。 hat;tC. it; tatDwi;it14 e chifae has deid to pu _ he thinks s energetic, levr,and ha goodqultiesinte positi

12、on of th ldershi ofth coay.A. thoswoB. anyn whomevD。 whoevr15 Beore te inl aminatio, many stuns hav shown _f tenion.Sme have oubein sleeping ie ters hae s the petiteA。anxiey . marsC。 signD. remk。 Whch oftoe electronc diconariedyu like mo?_。hey ae ohexpesive d ittl use.A. NoneB。 BothC。NeitherD。 ll2.

13、evenvitedM an Mrs row o iner But well havto _because of the babysickns。A.okuB de up C.gaveupD.put oYdbetr notcal the maner between7 and thi venin,fohe_ an mpota meetn tenA。 wl have Bwoud haveC。will b avingD. wil hae ha4. Athe ed of 2004, trewer arund 6,000 foreignprntn ompnis ina, _ up run 4percento

14、f atia ta.A。mad to makeC making D。 ing mde5. I tethik f das_ syedth th exert, _ has geat efecton m jo。A。 which;thatB。 hat;whichC。 when;whoD。 hen; which6. Nowaday, _ mol hone is _ eanfcommnicaion。. the;a B.th;th . ; te D。 a; /7. -Igota cugh ndy he huts _.e m xamine 。A。 Dnt midB u ld earnto potet ousl

15、fC. Take it esD。 Ke calmYo wll rcoe soo8. prmise hraghe_ gta nice presnt o h birthda.-ill t b bi surpise to e?A。 shulut。 ouD.hll.hang Hua i cleveand orks had athis less。 _.A.So Li igB。 So LiMiC. t as th smewih iMingS it s th LMing1 hdo h model plne look ie?- Wll, the wns of the plae are_ f itoy.A。 m

16、re tn e length wicB twice mre tha the length mre han tice telegthD。 mre wie tn he lngth1 Ife _ hi legsnthast triig, he _ the cmingorldCp,wchh has b lonig o coete i。 hantur; wuldn nB。 hthrt; oulavetaken part inC。didnhrt;would o in forD. didnthurt; wud have taen pai1。 Children ue sxenar ot permitted t

17、o seuch ind of fils _ badfor er metal evopmen。A。 tha i tat are C. as i .as r3 Take thismedine three timsa a, Tom?D I ave o taki? It _ s terble。A。is tastin istast C. e D。 as tse 14。 ow di yo et in touch withs。 een?Wl, items to thtyuveforgotten_me her tlehonenubr the ot day。. to tel B. to aetold C. tl

18、ling beng told15. our blity aseerbnin dbt heustion is_ you ae preared o orkhad。A。tat B hether C。 if D。 how。 The winr, Bob and _, wh won the ga,praith lsrs,_ an _。A she; them; usB. her;he; re tey; sh; D。her; him。 Th hae_ mostarfully he time anmnyeeed to copete t proctA. piked tB. toutC. fgurd out。 ta

19、en ut. H can youborrw mcmpute ithout mperissin?O, I _ to elyou.I hope yo ont mind。Aoget.frgt. ad forgot.a forgetting4 The Elish exa is ot iict, is it?_. Een To_ to thetp students failed i itA。 es; belongsB ; elngedC. Ye; blonig.No;elongig. Not far frm the clu, ther waa garden, _ wner ssated i it pay

20、ing bdg wth hishldrenevey atrnoon.A。 ts 。 whoseC。 whicD. ofwic6 a e ttle by passed_ ts?-e has triedtie, nd e echer will allow im to ha _ third try。A。 the; tB。a; theC。; D the; 7。Wl, my daughers tkegret inteest i most othe foodon the men Tanks. _? Sald,fiedfish, cipsand orane uce, plase.A。 ShlI e your

21、rer。At orsriceC。 Wha to olwD。an hlpy8-Al of u had ood ime in t pcnilas Sdy. Pity you weent ter. I really_come btIwa oingaftermy mother nhosita.A。 mut B.ouht to C。 nee aveD。shol hve9。 _t they entualyru e amount of lao nded on cstruci sis y 9entA. uh onstruin robots rclever. S lv heconstrucin robots a

22、rC。 Scclver cnstrucon ootsaeD oceer r thcontuctn obots. How boutthconrt at night? el,at leat its_teoe I saw lt time it Joan。A。 no or thB. notter han.o a ood asD asbad a11. I was caui rafic jamfr ver ah, oherwseI _you witingf ch a longieA。wnt keep B.hae ot keptC adnot kp 。 oulnthve et2。 Wats your fav

23、ort our spe ie, Jack?Writin tores nd artcls _ wha I ejoy mostA。sB. wasCwere。 are13. _it hasbee aining eailthoe days wll of cos d harm our crps.A ThatB。 WhthrC.HowD. f1。 Ourvacaion ost a o o mony。 Di i? ell, hat donttt _ youejy yousevesA. unlsB。 n caseC。s ong asD.so r a15。 - Itsgetta arlr n befr, isn

24、t t? s。 I thik s。 I see_is on aleay.A。 the streets light B te igh o th eetC。 the streetlig . the streetlht1。 Mr. ren ket tellng her aughter no to uf h Itenet too freqentl, u _ didnt el。A。he she。whih. it. hactes wh hd be thougt hihyf_ to be geat diappotment。 turnB. tured out C. ur dow D. urned3. -Wil

25、you pleasepeat ur idea?- Cetainl. But hinki cetainyou _ yu atttio。A. dontpy int a 。 weretpayn D。 rentpying4. e idt find the Blacks _ e lectr.No ne ad tl himabout _ a tr follwing day。A. to atten; te to beB。 atteing; thee benC. attended; tr beD。 atend; tere as5 Tharti _ the dge aea rizei t tacr _ Ihve

26、 ben taugh paining or ov three ears.A. fom who; by hom 。 whom;whoChom; h D wh;by whom6.Who doyu thikwil te _ office nextmonth an eoe _ preide fthatcountr?A. te; B ; /. the; theD。/; /7 -I cant thank ou enoug fre gift yo sent e。 _.A. With easurB。 No, thans C. Please dot says D。M plesure 8。 Did youcold

27、m fo his ressness? Yes, bt _ it.AI woldatrt doB。Iathenov done C。 I shuldo D。 Id ett oto. mpotant _ isdiscvr w, t was regades a matero no ac n hs ime.A. when B。 ui C as D ltug10. Of tetwo scentis, wodo ou tinki _?。a succsflonB。 mr sccessful。 oe sucessulD. e mresccessl1. Tog thegrl had ben sufern from

28、 the blood dises, she te a if nhin_ to er whe facg her iends n rlations。Ahpene oudapen C s hapened D。hd apend1。 re th new mcines woring? Yes. Tre mllion tons of oal _ explitedevery arin te city。.is B. e。has。have3. - Ygyngriedf the rst interlmpic _ al forCia。Grt! Wat _ she w o o moterlan!A. golden; h

29、nB gol; norColen; onorsD.gld; onor14。 Cme i, pleae。 Mke youself at home。 _。 Imgla yo like it.A。Thanks。 u ave aniple hee。 B。 h, t pitu s beatiful.C.hks hanicefoo youveprepard!D. O etloo rdyorewhouse 15。 Was n unti yo bega twok _ how uh ime yuhad wasted?。 dd yourealzeB hat youeizedC。 diyou no relieDth

30、ayou ddnt relze1。 Wicf thetwo bos wl youtak? l take _ n think_o i ver ipoat o e。A either; nthr B.neier; bot C. th;eth D. either;bth2. Its a goodide。 Bt hgoig t _ the pl? I think Tom ad will.Acarry out Bg hough 。take n D.set asie3 msory, but the bss isn he yet Sal I ve her callou whn sh comes back?-

31、N, ll cl e backIf l ain ha an ho,d ou hik e _?A arries B。 hasarrive . i arive D. will have arived4。 Only _ acoding to ediections canheeicine qit efective. tag B. tae C。 beng akenD. vig bn taen5. Isgs tha weshould ta artn moresuch actvites n futue_ e diast weekA ich .as 。 tht D。 thn6. heart as _ cces

32、sWan nd an unti i came to _ endt midgh。A。 a; anB。 a;hCthe; anD. /; n7。 I thisMr。 Blacks ofice, Joan?- Yes, _。A。 as all riht。 it doent matter C eryu. pleae yorsef8.Ju as we ee sttng own to have dinnr, the telephon _ rg.A。 mst B could 。might D ned9 _ n 1812, te New Orleans atlecould hve en vidA。 If he

33、 pecagreen asgne in Ameia B.If the peac greemthadsine n AmriaC。 Wa t ce agreementgne in Aerica D ad e eacegreme b sge i merica0.We cant getthe machine to run There ust b _witht。A。 somethngwrong sriousB。 soething sriouly wrngC。 somehn seous won someing wng erily1Ithigh time that we tudt _ even harder

34、 at our essnsas the natoal entraceexamintion i coming neare.A。 work B。ill wkCwrkd . hav to wok12。 I hafnihedlarge partovel writte y Dickes, the ret whch _ vey dffiltA。 is BreC. waD wre1。 - LiPn toldmethath versethismonn。 O, h rarly ut verse, _?A。usednt hB。washeC dnt heD。 didhe14。The rabia Ngs _ well

35、kown ll oer te orld,in h ma sory _intersing ad instrutive.A. i; re B are; iC are;re。 is; is15. oig yur homework is asure wayt iprove our tetscore, anthiss epeciall rue _it coes to clssrm tsts。Asic B s C。 fter D. wh。 Neer laug atfaiur o _, ause _ ejoyseing laughedat。A. ers; nobdy B. the othrs; everyo

36、n C. th oters;aoneD hes; soeon2。Mos eopl didnt acceptheheoy wni wa irst _.。 setaotB。set oC.put fwardD。 pt t3. Ae eaboutto ave dinner? Y, t _in h dinning oom。 is srving B。 isbeing served C。hs been eving D。 rv4 Tman we flowed udenl soed adlookedsif _ eter he was goingin hriht dietio。A。 seeing B. ving

37、sen C to se . t hve sen. heBrtish ae nt faiia withdiffret cuture and other ways o ngthngs, _is ften the cass in oher cuti。 aB.whatC s。 whch6. Its lea tht _ lttle money earscan hardlysuor_ fmly s rg as is。A。 he; aB。a;theC. /; te。 /; 7 Wuldy lke to go toly tenniime n thesholour ts weeknd?_ Whataout an

38、ther t?A。I likeatThanks。B. orr, I cnt C Gat! D o, not i the least8。ol ou like totayfor nte wody? Sorry, I _.neom bestfriends is comingo see me.A.ustn cant 。neent Dwont9。Itwas oo osy otide。No until shoted t htp of oie_ his hdA.did h turn Bade turne ehadt treD hdidntturn10. Afrthe newtechique was intr

39、dced, the fatoy prduced _ in 200 as theear efore。A。 s many machnes twiceB twie man s machiesC.as twicemany machinesD. twceaanmachs11. _ hi not to do so, he ouldthave mae sh aseriou istak.A.Di I ersuae 。 I I persd 。If hol persudeD。 Hd Irsuade12。 The gratead profsr _, who _ver stct with his studnts。A.

40、 i oldman; B. are t ol mn; reC。 i n od mn andayoungn;isD. are two Chies; are13. May I go oplay fooal wit i his afternoon, Dad? No, yo nt go out_ our wok is eing don。A。tlC bfor。after4。 ay I takyour ore now? elik hrelack _ nd.。A。 ffees. coffeeC cp ofoffeesD。 cpofcoffs5。 Hello,hs i8536。 _?A。ow areyoB W

41、lloucme to dinertonghC. Ishat TomD. C take a mesage1. - Wh o thnk ofepricef es coputrs? h re t las eual inprice to,ifnot chha,_at e other comans。A. i B.ones C。 th 。 the os2。 iu popr lessons, ou oud _a t of ad habit whenplayinth ino。A upB。 cc upC。ee upD ick p3。 on a bdlyinured inthe accent yterday an

42、se wasent o ospitl。 Oh, realy? I _。 I _ vsi her.A。 t kno; wil go toB.dot know;llgotoC didnt nw; am ing D. hvet known; a ogo4。 Isthre ay pssiity of he fim _ in Pars nternatonal Festivl? Not in he let, ecaue audience enrall tink littleof it。 ryngou B。 idout。 toty out D。eing ried out5。 Yoan use lare pl

43、asti ttle, _ cu of, as a pot togw flowsin.A hetop s. wth ts top C。 hse topD。thetopf which。 f all the subjes, like _histobest ecaus t gies us_usefl knwledge ings n the s.A. he; aB /; aCa;tD。; /. i, Mary。I njoyd mselfso muc at ou arty last night.- _。.O, thts kd oouB。ongratultinC。 Is my pleasureD. O, I

44、m gla to ar that W is ohn? I cantfn im nyer.H_ lettrupsairs. miht veriten B。 must hae writtn 。 must writn D. us rite9 It a _ sheas jurd i th aident _she didnt ome to the partyetey.as; whicB.becuse; tat C.sin; wy D. fo;how10. fter the lonourne, te Smthsetrne ome,_。A。 safebut tired B afelyut tird C。 s

45、e ad i D safely a tiring1. Hi sugeonthat yo _once oesonds reasonablA。tr B。tried C。must try D。 can y12 A lage number tudentsin ur shool _ fo thcountryde;the numr _ grwig tee yearsA. s; has bn 。 re; as bee C。 i; hve bn D.ae; hveen13。 Whee sourbrothe?- A_。. te Greens B。 ren。 he r。GrnD。 he Grens14 Woud

46、yuind iItethe set? _A。 Yes, sit don, please B. No,not all C. el, nee mnd D. No, youct take t15。 Mike isnt ahrdwokngstudet, fo hsis th tird time that he hasbeen late, _?A。 ishe isn i C. hasnt he D isnt th1。Is tie t d yur oo, Mike!eethe tiy oom, um! _ whe itsold b。A。SomeinB。nytiC EverthinD.Notin. We C

47、hines, _ havingae great achievemns in o oclst construcions, stillhav a long ay to goA.onceB. whenC。 unesD。 hug3 you fee surpisd o eeBuc t th meetin? es. relly dtthink e_ here.A. hasben B。 hdbee C. wuld be D. uld haveen. H,Mry. Would yolkeo gototh concer ti evenig? Sorry,To. _ tomrow leson, a oti to

48、oot wth ouA t peparing B。Not hn peparedC.Notto prere Bing nopepare5。 iving thingsare yig ot uikly。Fis, we sul ask _ deroing the in past yer.A。 what patpol have n plang B.whtpart avpepe laye n. wa prtpepl ave payd in 。 eole hve been played hat pt6Accodigtorecent reprts, oe o te rr animal, _ rocdile,i

49、s _anger of ing o。A/; / .th; the。 e; /D。 /; th7. Yousem get lst。 Ne help? _A。 Yes, give me and,pleas。 。 Hep mefimy ba, pleae。C.Im loing forthe N。 bus D.Yes, would ou plas he e wt e a?8。 sSith, will ftctn cair for temeeting。 You _ fec n; six wlldo。A。may no B。mstn . eednt D。ca9 was n the fam _ he spen

50、t his chioo_ learned how o go vgtbesA。 where; that 。 ic; wen C. that; tat D.which;hic10Tastin_,this knd offried chicnsell _A. l; gooB. to beood; wel C. ood; wellD。t be well; goo1 Doyou mind iwe s ouerliemorw morning?- e, Id rher you _A。 ontB。 didnt. wt D. wouldnt2 Wh the reteaeas ne _ eduio childrn

51、ad ht he cdrn nee _good extbooks at the montA。 is; areB. are; is C。w; e.wre; was1 Thee arent manyaes, andlets sop tthe next pace w ee, _?A。e thee B.will y C. sal w D。n you1. The young_ eatenpalmost eerthig; nad half anana_eft on thetale。 is;are 。 are; i C。 has; hv ben D a; has ben5. The es tha moremiddle chooladuatewll be admittd in uisiies encouags ugreatl, _? don itB。 does iCo theyD。 don thy.Shoping onlean prvi_ convenince and coie, bun


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