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1、八年级上期中1-6单元复习练习题句型练习1、你多久吃一次蔬菜?我每天都吃How often do you eat vegetables ?I eat them every day .2、她周末干什么? 她经常在家看电视。What does she do on weekends ?She often watches TV at home .3、至于家庭作业,大部分学生一周做3到4次作业As for homework , most students do homeworkthree or four times a week .unit14、一些学生一周上一两次网。5、你每天晚上睡几个小时?6、因此

2、我可能有几分不健康,尽管我有一个健康的习惯。7、吃水果对我们的健康有好处。8、我尽量每天都做运动。Some students surf the Internet once or twice a week.How many hours do you sleep every night ?So maybe Im kind of unhealthy , although I have a healthy habit .Eating fruit is good for our health .I try to do exercise every day .10、他每天晚上睡9个小时。9、我的健康的生活

3、方式帮我取得好成绩。11、她的饮食习惯和你的一样吗?My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades .He sleeps for nine hours every night .Are her eating habits the same as yours ?选用方框里的字,用其适当形式填空help, make, a lot of, want, early , exercise, try, and, give, take1. I have _ toy cars in my room.2. I eat fruit _ drink milk every

4、day.3. My parents often _ me to the park on Sundays.4. He usually comes to school_.5 Jim, _ this book to Ann.6. Mum _ me to get up at 6:00 and run with her.7. You must _ to eat less meat.8. Does it _ a big difference if you eat fruit every day?9. A lot of vegetables_ you to keep in good health.10.Gr

5、andma is pretty healthy because she _ every day .U1 a lot of and take early give wants try make help exercises1、你怎么了?我头疼。Whats the matter with you ? / Whats the trouble with you ? / Whats wrong with you ?I have a headache . I have a pain in my head .2、你应该好好休息几个晚上。You should have a good rest for a fe

6、w nights .3、我希望她尽快好起来I hope she will feel better soon .4、牙疼什么时候开始的? 大概三天前。When did the toothache start ?About three days ago .句型练习unit25、听说你妈妈生病了我很难过。6、当你很累的时候,你晚上不应该太过努力学习。7、传统中医坚信要保持健康我们需要阴、阳的平衡。8、中药在许多西方一些国家很受欢迎。9、拥有一个健康的生活方式是很容易的,吃均衡的饮食 也是很重要的。Im sorry to hear that your mother is ill .When you a

7、re tired , you shouldnt study too hard at night .Traditional Chinese doctors believe that we need a balance of yin and yang to keep healthy .Chinese medicine is popular in some western countries .Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle , and its important to eat a balanced diet .句型转换:1. Whats your trou

8、ble, young man?(同义句) Whats _ you, young man? Whats you, young man?2.Be quick, please(否定句) _ quick,please.3. She had a cold two days ago.(划线部分提问) she a cold?4.My brother does his homework in the evening.(改为一般疑问句) your brother _ his homework in the evening?5.He hopes that he will be a doctor some day.

9、(改为简单句)He hopes _ _ a doctors some day.6.Look! The bus is coming here.(改为倒装)Look!_ _ _ _. the matterwith wrongwith Dont beWhen did have Does do to be Heres coming the bus 适当形式填空:1. He shouldnt eat _ (something) for 4 hours.2. Many sports help you to keep in good _ (health)3. I hope _ (be) healthy.4.

10、 Maybe you should _ (see) a dentist.5. When_ (do) it start? About two days ago.6. Now I feel _ (good).7. I usually go to school on _(foot).8. My little son has eighteen _ (tooth)9. My mothers _ (ill) makes me unhappy.10. If you have trouble, I can give you some _ (advice)anything health to besee did

11、 better foot teeth illnessadvice 11. Im tired and I have a lot of _ (headache).12. Dont_ (be )stressed out.13. Its important _ (sleep) nine hours a night.14. I dont feel _ (good) today.15. I need to take some _ (medicine).16. He is kind of unhealthy, he should _ (exercise) every day.17. When you hav

12、e a stomachache, you shouldnt eat _ (something) for some time.18. The baby has four _ (tooth) at the age of one.19. A cow has four _ (stomach)20. She looks _ (beautiful) and sings _ (beautiful)headachesbe to sleep well medicine exercise anythingteeth stomachesbeautifulbeautifully5、The teacher is bus

13、y now . (改为同义句)6、To eat healthy food is important for us. (改为同义句)7、You should eat something .(改为否定句)8、Hes not feeling well .(改为一般现在时)9、My mother is ill .(画线提问)10、down , rest , she , lie , should , and (连词成句)The teacher is busy at the moment .Its important for us to eat healthy food .You shouldnt eat

14、 anything .He doesnt feel well Whats the matter / trouble with your mothr?She should lie down and rest .1、Mary is thirsty . Give some orange , please . A、his B、herC、hers D、yours 2、Yesterday afternoon , when we got to the town , of the shops there was open , so we shouldnt buy anything . A、allB、anyC、

15、someD、none3、Would you please buy some salt for me , Tony? There is left . A、littleB、a littleC、fewD、a few4、There is knocking at the door . Go and see who it is . A、nobodyB、somebody C、anybodyD、everybody中考题型接轨、 the song is not very popular, I enjoy it . A、Because B、Though C、If D、And10、Kate is really .

16、Shes never angry with others . A、tall B、friendly C、lucky D、cleverA: Good morning . Whats your trouble ?B: I dont feel very well .A: Did you your temperature ?B: Yes , I did . My temperature is a little .A: How long have you been this ?B: Ever last night .A: Oh , I see . Youve got a .B: Get a cold ?A

17、: Yes . Youd better at home for two or three days .B: Is it serious ?A: No , I dont think it is too . But you really need a good and take this medicine .B: How do I take this medicine ?A: Three a day .B: OK . Thank you . A: Its my pleasure .takehigherlikesincecold stayseriousrestoftentimes1、你打算寒假怎么过

18、?我想去西藏过一个星期。What are you doing for winter vacation ?Im going to Tibet for a week .2、你和谁一起去北京?Who are you going to Beijing with ? .3、你将在夏威夷呆多久?How long are you staying in Hawaii ?4、当我们回到学校的时候,给我看看你的照片。Show me your photos when we get back to school .Show your photos to me when we get back to school .句

19、型练习unit35、请在香港给我寄张明信片。6、我能问你一些关于你假期计划的问题吗?7、他将在六月的第一个星期离开而且一直呆到九月份。8、我打算在美丽的乡下度过时光。9、我迫不及待想骑自行车去临海旅行。Please send a postcard to me from Hong Kong .Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plan ?He is leaving the first week in June and staying until September .I plan to spend time in the beaut

20、iful countryside .I cant wait to go bike riding to Linhai .10、他刚刚完成他的家庭作业。He just finished doing his homework ,11、我爸爸下星期二动身去泰国。12、我听说香港是一个观光的好地方。My father is leaving for Thailand next Tuesday .I hear that Hong Kong is a good place to go sightseeing .13、Ben 曾想过去希腊或美国,但决定去法国。Ben thought about going to

21、 Greece or America,but decided on France .练习:1. We are going _(camp) this Sunday. 2. Liu Hong is the _ (twelve) one to come here. 3. Will you please show all your_(photo) to me? 4. Lets go bike _(ride) this weekend. 5. The children couldnt wait _ ( watch) the match. 6. They are going _(fish) next Su

22、nday. 7. My parents want to ask me about places _ (visit) in England.8. After I finish _ (clean) the room, Ill have a rest. 9. I forgot _(close)the door. In fact, I closed it.campingtwelfthphotos riding to watchfishing to visit cleaning closing 句型:Hows the weather there?(同义) _ the weather_ there?2.

23、Show me your new watch, please . (同义)_ your new watch _ _ ,please.3. Im visiting my grandmother for vacation.(画线提问) _ _ _ _ for vacation.4. He is going to Hong Kong on the 12th. (画线提问)5. Her mother has to get up early every morning. (画线提问WhatslikeShow to me What are youdoingWhen is he going to Hang

24、Kang ? What does her mother have to do every morning? 6. Im not going with you. (画线提问)7. Please call me when you get back to school. (同义) Please call me when you _ to school. 8. Did you have a good time yesterday(同义) Did you _ _ yesterday?9. That song sounds very nice. (画线提问) _ _ that song _?10. He

25、decided to buy a new car. (同义) He decided _ _ new car.11. We hope that we can visit this place again. (同义) We hope _ _ this place again.Who arent you going with? return enjoy yourself(ves)havefunHow doessoundonatovisit5、How is the weather there ? (改为同义句)6、Were going shopping on Sunday . (改为同义句)7、Wha

26、t are you doing for vacation .(relax at home) (根据提示写答语)8、We often have sports camp on Sundays .(用next Sunday替换)9、Were going camping with our teacher.(画线提问)10、Im leaving for Shanghai tomorrow. (画线提问)Whats the weather like there ?Were going to do some shopping on Sunday.I am relaxing at home .We are h

27、aving sports camp next Sunday . Who are you going camping with ?When and where are you leaving for ?1、Jim的家离学校有10千米远。Jims home is 10 kilometers from school .Its 10 kilometers from Jims home to school .2、他乘早班车去上学。He takes the early bus to school .3、从地铁站到学校要花费30分钟时间。It takes 30 minutes from the subway

28、 station to school .4、他住的离地铁站有多远?How far does he live from the subway station?句型练习unit45、在我们班,并不是所有的学生都骑自行车去上学。6、那肯定比乘火车要有趣得多。7、在中国,自行车和公共汽车是最受欢迎的交通工具。8、这取决与你喜欢什么。9、如果你有什么困难,你可以找警察帮忙。Not all students ride bikes to school in our class . That must be a lot more fun than taking a train .In China , bike

29、s and buses are the most popular means of transportation .It depends on what you like .If you have problems , you can ask the policemen for help . 10、我不知道他怎么看待我的英语。I dont know what he thinks of my English .11、别着急,还有点时间。12、他看起来很焦急,因为他妈妈生病住院了。Dont worry , there is a little time.He looks worried , beca

30、use his mother is ill in hospital .练习:1. We will visit Uncle Wang ,Uncle Wang will be free. (用if 连接两个句子)2. He worries about his sick mother.(同义句) He _ _ _ his sick mother.3. What do you think of the transportation? (同义句) _ do you _ the transportation.4. A number of boys are playing football over the

31、re. (同义句) _ _ _ boys are playing football over there.5. He goes to school by bike. (同义句) He goes to school _ _ _.6. The students in the mountains go to school on foot.(画线提问) _ _ go to school on foot?If Uncle Wang is free, we will visit him.isworriedaboutHow likeAlotofon the/hisbikeWhich students适当形式

32、:1I have two sisters. One is Lucy, _(other) is Lily.2. Most students _ (ride) their bike to school.3. A small number of _ (student) _ (take ) the subway.4. I will take a taxi when it _ (rain)5. Dont be _ (worry) about mother.6. Her _ (ill) makes her mother sad.7.Look at your book and _ (read ) it.8.

33、 I need _ (see) my friend.9. Let me _ (look ) after your son.10.I will go home if it _ (not rain) tomorrow. the otherridestudentstakerainsworriedillnessread to seelook doesnt rain15.Other parts of the world are _ (difference) from the United States16.There are three most popular ways of _ (get ) to

34、school.17.I want to know how _ (get) to school 18.Students in Hongshanhu have to _ (take ) a boat _(get) to school11.His mother _ (buy ) him a beautiful watch last week.12. Lets _ (have ) a look at our photos on the Great Wall.13. Look! The girls _ (play) games there.14.Taking a boat must be a lot m

35、ore fun than _ (take ) a bus.have are playingtakingboughtdifferentgetting to gettake to getA: Excuse me. I am going to the shopping center. How _ I _ there?B: Oh, well . Walk along this road and take the second turning on the right .A: _ _ is it from here ?B: Its about seven or eight minutes walk.A:

36、Thank you very much. B: Thats all right.(ten minutes later) C: What _ I _ for you ?A: I _ a shirt ,Would you show me some?C: Certainly. The light blue one is very nice .Why not try it_?A: Thats fine ,Where is the changing room? C: Over there .This way ,please.A:Oh,it looks so nice. _ the price of it

37、 ?C: Its 240 yuan . A: Its too_ . I only have 200 yuan.cangetHow farcandowantonWhat s expensive/dear句型转换1、It takes about fifty minutes to get to the factory . (画线提问)2、My home is about 2 kilometers from school ? (画线提问)3、We often walk to school .(同义句)4、Lets go fishing on Sunday .(同义句)How long does it

38、take to get to the factory ?How far is your home from school ?We often go to school on foot .Why dont you go fishing on Sunday ?Why not go fishing on Sunday ?5、They lived here for about five years ? (画线提问)6、It takes me 5 minutes to walk to school. (改为同义句)7、Other parts of the world are different from

39、 the USA. (改同义句) 8、It was snowing . But it was not very cold .(合为一句)9、They went to Beijing by train .(改同义句)10、Maria had a quick breakfast and went to school. (改同义句)How long did they live here ?Its 5 minutes walk from my home to school .Other parts of the world are not the same as the USA .It was not

40、 very cold although it was snowing .They took a train to Beijing .Maria had her breakfast quickly and went to school .挑战中考题1、- Could you tell me how to get to Nanjing Museum ? - Let me show you on this (地图)map 2、My little daughter has collected more than (四十) stamps from different countries . forty

41、3、- How many students are there in your school ? - Seven hundred and (八十). 4、Would you like to go (钓鱼) with me ?5、The boy on the new (自行车) is Sallys brother .eighty fishing bicycle 6、John never goes to school (迟) . 10、- Tony , whats fifty and forty ? - Its . 7、We should plant a lot of trees to make

42、our city beautiful . The m trees , the better . 9、- When you (leave) for Beijing ? - The day after tomorrow . 8、The railway station is very (远) from here . You need to take a bus . late more far are leavingninety 1、 星期三你能来参加我的生日晚会吗?Can you come to my birthday party on Wednesday ?2、当然,我很乐意去。Sure , Id

43、 love to ./ Id like to .3、这个周末我有太多的作业要做。I have too much homework to do this weekend .4、很抱歉,我要去看电影。Im sorry , Im going to the movies .句型练习unit55、来加入到我们当中。6、你星期四下午要干什么?7、我得去上我的吉他课。8、你能在星期日晚上顺便来我家吗?9、Jim 不得不完成化学课题。Come and join us .What are you doing on Thursday afternoon ?I have to go to my guitar les

44、son .Can you come over to my house on Sunday evening?Jim has to finish the chemistry project .10、明天,他将和爸爸一起钓一整天的鱼。He is going fishing with his father the whole day tomorrow.11、让我们讨论一下科学报告吧。12、请保持安静!他正在尽力学习。Lets discuss the science report .Please keep quiet ! He is trying to study .13、我不能加入你们当中因为我工作日

45、要帮助我妈。14、谢谢你邀请我。15、谢谢你对我发出的晚会邀请。I cant join you because I have to help my mother on weekdays .Thank you for inviting me .Thank you for your invitation to the party .句型转换1、Its Sunday the 14th today . (画线提问)2、He has to clean his room every day . (改为否定句)3、Jim is watching TV .(用usually , on weekends改写)4

46、、Open the door , please .(改为否定句)Whats today ?He doesnt have to clean his room every day .Jim usually watches TV on weekends .Dont open the door , please .5、Lin Fei usually goes to school by bike. (画线提问)6、It rained yesterday . (改为一般疑问句)7、Can he go to the concert ?(作否定回答) 8、Hes thinking about what hes

47、 going to say .(改同义句)How does Lin Fei usually go to school ?Did it rain yesterday ?No , he cant ./ sorry/No, he cant .Hes thinking about what to say .挑战中考题1、There are so many new word in the (二十九) lesson . Its hard to understand . twenty-ninth2、If our school team wins the last two (比赛), we will be t

48、he top . matches3、Cathy isnt tall , but she sits in the (第六) row .4、Everyone had a good time at Backys (二十) birthday. 5、- Do you want cake ? - Yes , I usually eat a lot when Im hungry . A、other B、the otherC、another D、otherssixthtwentieth C6、- How about going out for a walk with us ? - I wish I could

49、 , I have to finish my homework first . A、and B、so C、but D、or8、- When you (leave) for Beijing ? - The day after tomorrow . 7、The railway station is very (远) from here . You need to take a bus . Cfar are leaving1、 这是我和我双胞胎妹妹的一些照片。Here are some photos of me and my twin sister .2、爸爸和儿子有一些共同的东西。The fath

50、er and the son have some things in common.3、他们两个都是小学生。They are both primary school students .4、我妈妈喜欢每天都看电视。My mother likes watching TV every day .句型练习unit65、Jim 不如Tom擅长物理。6、我哥哥最好的朋友喜欢和他做同样的事情。7、我堂弟很擅长下棋。8、他的朋友经常在网球方面赢他。9、我们都喜欢体育,尽管他比我要更擅长运动。Jim is not as good at physics as Tom .My brothers best frie

51、nd likes to do the same things as he (does) .My cousin is good at playing chess .His friend always beats him in tennis.We both like sports , although he is more athletic than me .10、学好英语对我们很重要。Its important for us to learn English well .11、我的头发比他的短很多。12、Mary是一个滑稽的女孩,她总是使我发笑。My hair is much shorter t

52、han his .Mary is a funny girl , she always makes me laugh .13、老师认为Lucy是得到这份工作的最佳人选。The teacher thinks Lucy is the best person to get the job .适当形式:1. He has _ (long) hair than Sam.2. Who is _ (good) , Tom or Peter.3. Whose hair is _ (curly) , yours or mine?4. Im not shy. I think Im very _ (outgoing)5. _ (healthy) is more important to me tha


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