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1、Unit 3 How do you get to school?第三课时听说课 Section B (1a-1e) p16Teaching and learning Goals:一话题:Transportation二、功能:Talk about how to get to places. 三、语法:Learn the use of “stop to do sth, stop doing sth , think of . ”四、词汇和常用表达:1.Learn to use words and useful expressions: bus station, bus stop, subway st

2、ation, train station, thinks of, his grandparents home.2.Review to use:How do you get to school? How long/How far questions. First,.then.五、学习策略: Learn to talk about how to get to places with the paterns: How do you get to.? How long does it take.? How far is it from .to.? First, then,六、文化知识: Tell th

3、e students to pay attention to the safety of going to different places by different meanings of transportation. (设计意图:用一段话表达了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标,一目了然。)Teaching and learning steps:Step1. ReviewStudents make conversations in rows.T: Lets practice the conversations weve learned last class.A:A: How do you ge

4、t to school?B: I A: How long does it take you to get to school?B: It takes me B: How do you get to school?C: I B: How long does it take you to get to school?C: . (设计意图:成排问答,可以照顾到每个学生,更好地落实复习的内容。)Step2. Pre-listening activities一Preview1. Translate these phrases .(1) 公共汽车站点_ (2) 公共汽车站_ (3) 火车站 _ (4) 地

5、铁站 _ (5) 他祖父母家 _ (6) 认为_ (7)骑我的自行车 (8)坐地铁 2. Ask the students to translate the following sentences.(1) Bob怎样到达他祖父母家? _ (2) 首先他从家去火车站。 _ (3) 然后他乘汽车到他祖父母家。 _ (4)然后我坐地铁。 (5)然后我从火车站坐汽车到他们家。 (设计意图:课前对文本中的重点短语和句型有所了解,能够帮助学生课上有针对性的听讲,尤其是4,5句,是听力材料中的句子,提前预习,可以有效地降低听力难度,能帮助学生更好的理解文本。)二. Warming up and lead-i

6、n. Task1. Match the words with the pictures. Bus stop Bus station Subway station Train stationShow some pictures one by one, let students tell what it is.Then make a dialogue like this.T: Hello, how do you get to school?S1: By bus.T: Where do you take the bus?S1: At the bus stop.T: Well, I want to g

7、o to Beijing, how can I get there?S2: Take the train.T: Where can I take the train?S3: At the train station.T: Thats right. Lets look at the pictures and match the words with the pictures.Students match the words with the pictures.Task 2. 1b Pair work.T:Look at the picture . Its me. How do I get to

8、school? First I Then I Encourage students to use two different meanings of transportation to describe. FirstThen Practice the dialogue like this:A: How do you get to school? B: First I . Then I . Let the students work in pairs and make their own conversations.Finally, ask some pairs to act it out.(设

9、计意图:利用本土的资源展开, 学生更容易接受也更感兴趣。教师引导学生说出到达学校所乘的交通工具,为1c,1d听力做好铺垫。)Step 3. While-listening activities.1. Listen for the general idea听取大意T: Boys and girls, just now we talked about how you get to school. Now, please look at the boy and the girl, the boy is Bob and the girl is Mary. They are talking about

10、something. Please listen to the recording carefully and find out the main idea of the conversation. The main idea of the conversation is that_ A. Bob goes to see his grandparents by train.B. Bob usually goes to see his grandparents.C. Its a long trip from Bobs home to grandparents.(设计意图:让学生通过听录音整体感知

11、,并找出谈论的主旨大意。在听之前先仔细审题,找出需要听的关键词,听听力之前要对学生进行相关听力策略的指导。这样能提高学生整体理解听力内容的能力,并能提高学生的听力效能。)2. Listen for the specific ideas听取细节Task 1. Listen and check the things that Mary wants to know.T: Class, please look at 1c,read the sentences silently, please.Mary wants to know where Bob lives. how far he lives fr

12、om his grandparents home. how he gets to his grandparents home. how long it takes to get to his grandparents home. what he thinks of the trip. T: Now, please listen to the recording carefully and check the things that Mary wants to know.Then, check their answers.(设计意图:第二次听,在听之前,引导学生读并理解这些句子,这样有助于学生快

13、速而准确的获取信息。)Task 2. 1dT: Boys and girls, please listen to the recording again, how does Bob get to his grandparents home? Check 1 or 2.1122The teacher should play the recording twice, the first time, listen and check 1 or 2 . The second time, listen and check their answers.(设计意图:让学生通过听录音选出Bob到达他祖父母所乘

14、的交通工具,训练学生捕捉细节信息的能力。)Task 3. Listen and fill in the blanks.Mary: I love your home, Bob. Its so_!Bob: Thanks, Mary. My _home is very big, too.Mary: Where do they_?Bob: Very_ from my home. Mary: Oh, how far?Bob: Its about_ kilometers from here.Mary: Wow! Thats far.Bob: Yes, it is. So, I go there and s

15、ee my grandparents _ one or two times a year.Mary: How do you get there?Bob: I usually take the_.Mary: How _does it take?Bob: It takes about _hours. And then I take a_from the _station to their home. Mary: Wow. Thats a _trip.(设计意图:听并填出空缺的单词,此环节在学生掌握文章大意的基础上,深入把握文章具体的细节内容。同时,指导学生写提示词的策略,慢慢培养学生的听力能力。)

16、Task 4. Listen and repeat.Let students listen to the recording and repeat after it to get their pronunciations right.(设计意图:跟读部分是为了正音,让学生模仿录音的语音和语调,对培养学生的语音、语调、语流、语感是很有帮助的。)Step 4. Post-listening activities.Task 1. Pair work.First, let the students work in pairs according to the pictures, to talk abo

17、ut how Bob gets to his grandparents home. A: How does Bob get to his grandparents home? B: First he goes to the Next he takes the Then he takes theto his grandparents home. Ask some pairs to act it out.(设计意图:引导学生用First. Next. Then.来表达换乘不同的交通工具去目的地。既形成了对听力内容的一个总结,又丰富了学生的语言能力。此环节稍有难度,教师要有耐心,给学生充分的时间准备

18、)Task 2. Groupwork. T: Boys and girls, please look at the pictures. Whos she? Yes, shes Li Ying .This Sunday she wants to go to Dong Hu park. How can she get there? Now please have a discussion with your group .Then report it to class. Do it as quickly as you can. Get the students to prepare for tel

19、ling in groups .Then ask several groups to show their work,Report : First,sherides.nextshetakes.thenshetakes.to Dong Hu park.(设计意图:给学生提供真实图片,以激发学生兴趣,对换乘交通工具表达进行巩固,实现了英语学习的最终目的-综合运用语言。给出多个出行方式,让学生进行拓展练习,训练思维发散。本环节稍有难度,让学生进行小组合作,然后形成小组成果,增强了同学们的参与意识和集体荣誉感。)Step 5. Inquiry into knowledge by translation

20、.一Bus stop /station stop此处用作名词,意为 “ ”,在公共汽车站通常表示为 。bus stop通常指城镇内外的停车点,而bus station通常指能停、转车辆的汽车站点。stop也可用作动词,意为“ ”,常用结构stop to do sth,意为“ ”,而stop doing sth意为“ ”。如:让我们停下来休息一下吧。Lets have a rest.请停止说话。 ,please!二Mary wants to know what he thinks of the trip._1这是一个含有_引导的宾语从句的复合句,宾语从句要用_语序,时态通常与主句时态一致。对比:

21、(1)他是怎样到达学校的?_ (2)请告诉我他是怎样到达学校的。_2. think of 意为_,of 是 _词,其后可接名词,代词或动词的_形式作宾语。你认为这本书怎么样?_ do you _ _the book?(设计意图:让学生自己通过观察上面的例句,自己感知来尝试归纳语言的规律,自己解决不了的问题,可以小组之间讨论。必要时老师可以给予适当的点拨。)Step6. SummaryT: Look at the pictures. Lets sum up what weve learned this class .How far is it from Bobs home to his pare

22、nts home?Ss: ItsT: How does he get to his parents home?Ss: FirstThen T: How long does it take?Ss: It takes(设计意图:采用一问一答的形式,复习本节课所学重要内容,同时结合图片又对本课听力内容做了回顾。)Teachers words T: There are so many kinds of transportation now .Its very easy for us to go from a place to another.We should enjoy the travelling

23、 . But dont forget safety. Because safety is the most important while we are travelling(设计意图: 在对学生进行知识教育的同时,依然要重视对学生的情感教育和安全教育)Step 7. The end-of- class test当堂检测一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I want to know what she (think) of the work.2. There are three train (station)in the big city.3. He usually goes to his (p

24、arents) home on weekends.4. How long does it take (get) to your school?5. Where does Jim (live)?二、请翻译下列句子。1.我骑自行车去地铁站。 2.玛丽想知道到他祖父母家需要多长时间。 3.我想知道他住的地方离他祖父母家有多远。 4.请告诉我他是怎样到他父母家的。 5.他认为这次旅行怎么样? (设计意图:当堂检测题是针对本节课所学内容进行的形成性评价,这样既能使学生巩固本节课所学知识,又能让老师了解到学生本堂课真实的学习情况,并对错误较多的知识点进行巩固强化。)Step 8. Homework. 1.

25、 Read and retell the tapescription . 2. Write down how you get to your grandparents /uncles/aunts/brothers/sisters home. 答案Step2. 一、translat these phrases:1.(1)bus (2)bus station (3)train station(4) subway station (5)his grandparents home (6)think of (7)ride my bike (8)take the subway Ask the studen

26、ts to translate the following sentences (1)How does Bob get to his grandparents home ?(2)First he goes to the train station from his home .(3)Then he takes the bus to his grandparentshome.(4)Then I take the subway .(5)Then I take the bus from the train station to their home.Step3.Task 3big,grandparents,live ,far,500,only,train,long,six,bus,train,longInquiry into knowledge by translation.一公共汽车站 车站;at the bus stop 停止;停下来去做某事;停止做某事 stop to stop tal


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