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1、Unit2 Morals and VirtuesWords and Expressions (Part1) Unit2 Morals and VirtuesWords 人教版高中英语课件:Unit-2-Words-and-ExpressionsKeep prices steady for daily goods.物品不涨价Keep prices steady for daily gKeep prices steady for daily goods.物品不涨价Keep prices steady for daily gMaintain security as always. 疫情面前,警察不退

2、Maintain security as always. Save lives with great effort. 用爱拯救生命Save lives with great effort. Ensure supply of medical devices. 督查防黑商Ensure supply of medical devicOn duty,Help the public. 坚守岗位、巩固后方On duty,Share accurate information for everyone. 用准确信息助力防疫Share accurate information forStay homeAvoid

3、 the virus不串门,不聚集Stay home8 Tips to Prevent Novel Coronavirus:防御新型冠状病毒,人人要做的8件事1. Wash your hands oftenViruses can spread through contact. Wash hands with running water and soap / liquid soap for no less than 20 sec.2. Keep wearing face masksMedical face masks and surgical masks in particular, can e

4、ffectively block droplets(飞沫) containing viruses.接触触碰; 联系联络keep in contact/touch with 洗手液8 Tips to Prevent Novel Corona3. Stay away from large crowdsThe novel virus can cause person-to-person transmission. Cover a cough or sneeze with tissue or sleeves.4. Open windows for ventilation(通风)Bacteria and

5、 viruses will be gone if your home is well-ventilated.3. Stay away from large crowds5. Avoid eating wild animalsMinimize visits to places that sell seafood or live poultry(家禽). Illegally-sold wild animals may transmit deadly viruses to humans.6. Cook your food thoroughly.Avoid eating raw and cold fo

6、od. Cook your dairy, egg and meat thoroughly.人教版高中英语课件:Unit-2-Words-and-Expressions1.Follow me to read the words.(5)(104)2.Read by yourselves.(5)3.The usage of the key words.人教版高中英语课件:Unit-2-Words-and-ExpressionsThese honorable people have explained what are morals and virtues to us. 1. moral adj. 道

7、德的;精神上的;品性端正的 n. 道德;寓意It is moral to come forward when the country needs. The moral of their touching stories is profound. moral standards moral dilemmamorally adv. morality n. 道德;品行,美德 observe the public moralityThese honorable people have ex2. virtue n. 美德;优点;贞操;功效Unity, courage, kindness, and per

8、sistence are their virtues.The Chinese peoples self-discipline (自律)is the biggest virtue in fighting against the epidemic.= advantage We can defeat the virus by virtue of our unity. 凭借,由于2. virtue n. 美德;优点;贞操;功效Unity,The local government was caught in a dilemma over whether to blockade (封锁) the city

9、.moral dilemmaface a dilemmaget out of a dilemma3. dilemma n. 困境;进退两难;The local government was caughA nurse was faint with overwork, and her breathing became faint.4. faint adj. 模糊的;头晕的;虚弱的;医 衰弱的 vi. 昏倒;变得微弱;变得没气力 n. 中医 昏厥,昏倒be faint with faint with A nurse was faint with overworDr Zhang illustrates

10、 the meaning of life with his precious life.5. illustrate vt. 阐明,举例说明;图解 vi. 举例illustration n. 辨析: illustrate /describeThis chart illustrates the effect of the preventive measures= clarifyWords can hardly describe how moved I am . 6. precious adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的more precious, most precious preciously adv.

11、preciousness n. 珍贵Dr Zhang illustrates the meaniThey use their fortitude and professional knowledge to tend the patients and carry the patients who have entrusted their own life to them through the difficulty. 7. tend vt.照顾;照料;护理 vi.倾向;趋于People tend to get together with their families in the holiday

12、.Methods of testing influenza tend to be simplified.tendency n倾向;偏好have a tendency to do sth They use their fortitude and p8. carry sb through sth 使渡过难关carry on with sth/doing sthcarry outcarry over This fearless spirit will carry over for generations to come. 9. entrust vt. 委托,信托 entrust sth to sb

13、entrust sb with sth 把 委托给.8. carry sb through sth 使渡过难关A majority of the staff in that mask factory are willing to work overtime to make masks without any complaint.10. majority n. 大部分;大多数 a/ the majority +of +n The majority of my work has to be done at home. the majority The majority are / is exper

14、ienced doctors be in a/ the majorityminority n. 少数, 少数民族major adj. 重要的, 主要的 n. 主修科目 vi. 主修,专攻 Do you want to major in medicine in your future?A majority of the staff in tha即学即练(1)单句语法填空I graduated from Peking University and _ (majority) in information management.(2)完成句子每学期仅有少数学生获得奖学金。 _ the scholars

15、hip every term.majored Only a/the minority of students receive 即学即练majored Only a/the minorThe medical staff is/ are very excellent. 11. staff n. 员工;全体职工complain vi. 投诉;发牢骚;诉说 vt. 抱怨;控诉They have never complained to anyone about their work. 12. complaint n. 怨言;不满;投诉The community workers have no compl

16、aint about their work.The medical staff is/ are veryStudents can attend online classes without tuition fees.13. 辨析:fee/ admission/ charge / fare/ tip(1) The bank will charge their clients a small _for the service.(5) How much is _ for the concert?(3) What are the _ in the hotel?(2) Mary and I took a taxi to go h


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