1、Metonymy Synecdoche Antonomasia第1页第1页1. 定义definitionMetonymy: the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated.Metonymy (由此及彼借代)using Name B to replace Name A. Name B and Name A are closely associated with (联想) each other.所谓借代是用一事物名称来代替另一事物(即借彼代此),而这一
2、事物与另一事物紧密关联。第2页第2页metonymy Name B1. The kettle is boiling.2. to climb up the social ladder4. the cradle Name Awatermeans of promotionchildhood第3页第3页metonymy借代是一个广泛利用修辞方式。从心理学上看,借代修辞格产生以及构成依赖是人们在常规共存基础上联想能力。借代表现形式 form of expression是,不直接说出所指对象名称,而是借与该人或该物密切相关事物名称代替。所说事物与另一事物即使毫无相同点,但却有着不可分割逻辑关系。借代作用
3、function是使听者或读者不但知道所写是什么,并且还能唤起所说事物特性,给人留下深刻印象。借代利用 usage基础是联想,通过联想达到生动形象,风趣诙谐、言简意赅语言效果。第4页第4页Metonymy characteristics借代含有下列几种特点:1. 甲事物与乙事物不相类似;2. 甲事物与乙事物有不可分离关系;3. 乙事物名称来代替甲事物。第5页第5页metonymyHe is too fond of the bottles. I have never read James Joyce. She is far from the cradle.What is learned in t
4、he cradle is carried into the grave. His purse would not allow him that luxury.第6页第6页The classifications of metonymymetonymy第7页第7页依据人名或商品品牌名By using names of persons or brandsUncle Sam(山姆大叔)Americans or the American government(美国人/美国政府)John Bull(约翰牛)the English nation or a typical Englishman(英国/地道英国
5、人)He is reading Shakespeare. 他在读莎士比亚作品 (Shakespeares works 用作者指代作品)He went in debt just to keep up with the Joneses.他为了玉邻里攀比而负债。 (Joneses :neighbors 用“琼斯家”指代“邻里”)We drove a Ford to Hyde Park. 我们驾驶一辆福特牌小轿车到海德公园去。(Ford :a car whose make is Ford 用具牌名指代实物)第8页第8页Finally she married money. 她最后嫁给了有钱人。 (a r
6、ich man用“钱”指代“有钱人”) I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day. 我住在飞机场附近,日夜可听到过往飞机声。 (the noise made by passing planes用“过往飞机”指代“噪音”) (2)依据实物名称 By using the real name第9页第9页The big apple(大苹果)New York city(纽约市)Russian bear(俄国熊)Russians or the Russian government(俄国/俄国政府)British
7、 lion(英国狮)England or the English government(英国/英国政府)The flower of the nation was sent off to war.该国壮小伙子都被送去打仗了.(The flower 通惯用来指代“精英”“精髓”等。在句中,它被用来指代“壮小伙子”。The strong man)(3) 依据动植物名称 By using the names of animals or plants第10页第10页When the war was over, he laid down the sword and took up the pen.战争结束
8、后,他放下武器,从事写作。( the sword: arm; the pen: writing. ) Only the knife can save him. 只有手术能够挽救他。 ( Operation 用手术刀指代手术 )(4)依据工具名By using some tools, equipment, or instruments第11页第11页I could not hear the actors. 我听不见演员台词。(The words of the actors 用演员指代台词)Some students were talking loudly in class that I coul
9、d not hear the teacher clearly.一些学生在课上大声说话我听不清老师讲课。 (用老师指代老师课)(5) 依据职业名By using the professional names第12页第12页He is too fond of the bottle. 他太喜欢喝酒了。(Wine 用容器“瓶”指代内含物质“酒”)His purse would not allow him that luxury.他钱包里钱不允许他那么奢侈。(The money in his purse 用钱包指代它里面所装“钱”)Two beers, please.请来两杯啤酒。(Two glasse
10、s of beer. 用内含物质“啤酒”指代容器“杯”。)(6) 依据装东西容器或容器里所装东西By using containers to refer to what is contained第13页第13页Brain drain. 人才流失( Talent 用大脑指代人才 )But I was not one to let my heart rule my head.我可不是那让感情驾驭理智人。(heart: Feeling or emotions;head:reason or good sense.用“心”指代“感情”用“头”指代“理智”。)Grey hairs should be re
11、spected.老年人应当受到尊敬。(Old people 头发是人体一部分,七千家乐形容词“灰白”之后,含有一个象征意义,惯用来指代“老年人”。)(7) 依据身体部位By using part of the body第14页第14页He decided to enter the bar after college.他决定大学毕业后当律师。( The bar:原意是法庭围栏,现在惯用来指代律师职业 。The legal profession )Members of the press werent allowed into the combat zone. 新闻记者不准进入战斗区域。 (The
12、 press: 愿意是印刷机,现惯用来指带新闻记者。Newspaper reporters )He has been appointed to the bench. 他被委任为法官。(The bench: 愿意是法官席位,现惯用来指代法官。)(8 ) 依据典型实物借代职业To refer to some professions第15页第15页He had only a few coppers in his pocket.他口袋里只有几种铜币。 Coins (copper是制作coin材料)She was dressed in silks.她身穿丝绸衣服。( Silk 是制作clothes材料
13、) (9) 依据制作某东西材料By using the material made of something第16页第16页The white house(白宫)the U.S. government 美国政府Wall Street(华尔街)U.S. financial circles 美国金融界Capital Hill(国会山)the U.S. Congress美国国会Hollywood(好莱坞)American film-making industry (美国电影业)Madison Avenue(麦迪逊大街)American advertising industry (美国广告业)Down
14、ing Street(唐宁街)the British government (英国政府)Fleet Street(舰队街)the British Press(英国新闻界)The field was won after two hours of bloody fighting.(The battle 通过两个小时浴血奋战,战斗取得了胜利。用战斗场地指代战斗)(10)依据政府、工商公司所在地以及事物活动场合To refer to locations of government or of business第17页第17页metonymy借代和隐喻组成客观基础不同。借代要义是取代,即两个密切相关事物
15、之间存在着某种现实联络。如eye与视力相关,因此用eye来代指视力。而隐喻要义在于比喻,其基础是相同,即是两个事物特性存在着某种类似之处。隐喻重在喻,借代重在代。Difference between metonymy and metaphor :When the two phenomena resemble each other, metaphor is involved.When the two phenomena are related to each other, metonymy is concerned.Metaphor works by similarity.Metonymy wo
16、rks by contiguity.第18页第18页Synecdoche 感情意蕴提喻Synecdoche: the naming of a part to mean the whole or the naming of a whole to mean the part.提喻是借代一个分支,或者说,是借代侧重于一些方面一个表现。它以部分代全体,单个代类别,详细代抽象或反过来。They counted fifty sails in the harbor. (sails-ships)1. 定义 definition第19页第19页Synecdoche提喻表现形式及其艺术魅力 form of exp
17、ression and artistic charm在语言表述过程中,同样一件事物,若变换一个表现形式,可使语言新鲜别致,生动形象,引起读者丰富联想,突出事物特性,达到一个别出心裁,引人入胜言语艺术效果。正确地利用这一修辞手法,有助于我们依据事物相关性,透过借体理解本体,从而准确地理解文章内涵。第20页第20页Synecdoche1.用局部代替整体( the part for the whole) 如 用sail 代表ship, 用hands 代表helpers, 用roofs代表house.This newspaper - and probably the whole country- wi
18、ll wait its time and see how the new faces perform before judging them.这家报纸-大约全国也同样-要等待一段时间,以便看这些新面孔如何行事业,然后再对他们做出判断。faces(面孔)代替 those who have recently come into power(那些新近上台人)第21页第21页2. 用整体代替局部(the whole for the part)SynecdocheThe surgeon cut me open and took out the appendix and stitched me up ag
19、ain. 外科医生把我腹部切开,取出阑尾,最后又把腹部缝好。以我me代替我腹部my abdomenHe felt at ease with all the world.他怡然自得,与世无争。All the world = every thing in the world第22页第22页3. 用类代替种(genus for the species) 如:用vessel 代表ship, 用weapon 代表sword, 用creature代表man, 用arms代表rifles,用vehicle代表bicycleSynecdocheThe dock can accommodate the larg
20、est vessel. (这船坞能容纳最大船。)The poor creature had no home, family, or friends. 这可怜人,既没有房子,也没亲人或朋友。第23页第23页 4. 用种代替类: species for the genus 如用bread代表food, 用cutthroat代表assassinSynecdocheHad he chosen painting instead of politics, he would have been a great master with the brush. (brush -painting)The young
21、 man is very clever; he may be another Edison. (Edison-all inventors as clever as Edison)第24页第24页5. 用详细代替抽象 specific for abstractSynecdocheShe has come to realize that life is not a bed of roses. ( a bed of rose代替luxurious life and satisfied situation)她终于结识到了人生并非总是称心如意。The gentleman in me made me st
22、and up to go away, but the journalist in me made me stand still.gentleman - gentleman behavior, journalist- objectivity and impartiality第25页第25页6. 用抽象代替详细 abstract for specificSynecdocheAll the wit and learning were assembled there. (the wit and learning -the wise and learned scholars)The moon was a
23、bove, cold and beautiful, the music reminded Soapy of those days when his life contained such things as mothers and roses and clean thoughts and collars.Mothers-maternal love, roses-love, clean thoughts- noble ideas, clean collars- decent materials life 第26页第26页Metonymy: the substitution of the name
24、 of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated.换喻或借代Synecdoche: When a part is substituted for the whole or the whole is substituted for a part.提喻借代是一个互不从属关系,没有局部与整体关系,而提喻是一个从属关系。Differences第27页第27页Antonomasia换起固有联想换称Antonomasiantnmeizi: It has also to do with substitution. It is not often mentioned now, though it is still in frequent use. 用头衔、绰号和称呼等代替姓名或称谓或用专有名词代替普通名词修辞手法叫做换称。1. 定义 definition第28页第28页(1) 用头衔、绰号和称呼等代替姓名或称谓:His Majesty(陛下)a king or the name of the king (国王或国王姓名)Iron Chancellor(铁血宰相)Bismarck(俾斯麦)第29页第29页(2) 专用名词代替普通名词a. 源于宗教或神话:religion and mythSolomo
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