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1、2021/8/11 星期三1wildlifeprotectionUnit 42021/8/11 星期三2Go over the new words and phraseswild 16 appreciateprotection 17 succeeddecrease 18incomeloss 19employreserve 20 harmhunt 21 bitezone 22 inspectrespond 23 incidentdistant 24 fiercefur 25ending relief 26 laughtermercy 27 dinosaurcontain 28 certainpo

2、werful 29 secureaffect 30 rub2021/8/11 星期三31 灭亡2 搜寻,寻找3 和平地,和睦地4 在危险中5 回答6 松了口气.7 使某人放松的是8 突然大笑 /大哭9 对表示可怜10 某一个11 保护.不受12 从事,忙于.13 对.有危害/有好处14 形成,产生15 根据.按照16 以致于,结果.die outhunt for / look for/ search forIn peacein danger (of)respond to to ones reliefin reliefburst into laughter/tearshave mercy on

3、/upon sbprotectfrom/againstdo harm to sb/do good to sbcome into beingaccording toso thata certainbe employed in doing /be employed to do2021/8/11 星期三4 1 decrease (1):There has been a steady decrease in the number of visitors. (2);We have decreased our demand for paper. (3).The number of whales has d

4、ecreased sharply this yearincrease(1):游客的数量持续下降. (n. 减少,减弱,减轻)(2):我们减少了用纸的需求.(vt 减少,降低)(3).今年鲸的数量急剧下降.(vi 变少,下降)Language points2021/8/11 星期三52. (1) die out : disappear completely 灭绝have died out Many animals_in the past decadesHe hid behind the door until the footsteps had died away.(2)die away:/ (光

5、、声音)慢慢消失=die down;(风)停下来The wind died away, and the leaves became silent.(3)die off : 一一死去;先后死去,(草木)先后枯死The members of the family had all died off for no reason.The leaves of the tree are dying off 2021/8/11 星期三6(5)die from (6)die of 一般指除了疾病,情感,饥寒以外的原因而造成的死亡,指死于外因。常指由于疾病,情感,饥寒等原因而造成的死亡,指死于内因。He died

6、_ drinking/smoking/overwork. His father died _cold and hunger before liberation. 1 Elephants would _soon if man was allowed to shoot as many as they wish. A die off B die out C die away D die down2. It was a pity that the great writer died _his works unfinished A. for B with C from D of fromof2021/8

7、/11 星期三74. in danger 在危险中 in danger of 有的危险 out of danger 脱离危险 他有生命危险。He is in danger of losing life.3. in peace: peacefully 和睦地;和平地;安详地All Iraq people look forward to living_. at peace: in a state of friendship or harmony 处于和平状态.(in turn in return in trouble in vain(徒然) in time in need ) Our countr

8、y is _nowat peacedanger (n)_adj. dangerous _vt endanger . The bridge is _so the children on it are _. A dangerous;in danger B dangerous;dangerous C in danger ;in danger D. in danger ;dangerousin peace2021/8/11 星期三85. long to do long vi. (1)We are longing to see you.(2)_ 人们渴望和平。(3)The children are lo

9、nging for the holidays.(4)I am really longing for him to say something tender to me。我们渴望看见你People are longing for peace.孩子们盼望放假.Long for sb to doLong to do sthLong for sth总 结我确实渴望他对我讲此温柔的话。渴望, 热望, 极想2021/8/11 星期三9The knife can protect you from a lecher(色狼).The fur can protect the antelopes against t

10、he tect sb from sth/sb.保护免受protect sb against sth 防御他戴上墨镜保护眼睛以防太阳光。He wore dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.5. protect.from2021/8/11 星期三106. It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes它含有一种强效的药物可以防止蚊虫叮咬。这句话中的powerful是以-ful结尾的形容词,该词的反义词为powerless,即去-ful加-less。以-ful结尾的形容词

11、的反义词形式基本上遵照这一变化规则。如:careful / careless fearful / fearlesshelpful / helpless hopeful / hopeless useful / useless2021/8/11 星期三11affect (v): =have an effect on 影响。effect (n)效应;结果;后果。(have an effct on sb/sth)His opinion will not _my decision他的意见不会影响我的决定。Did the medicine _? 这药有什么疗效吗?The film had quite_ h

12、er这个影片对她影响很大。 1.The change in climate may affect your health. 2.Cancer has affected his lungs. 3.I was deeply affected by the film. 7 affect .v影响感染感动affecthave any effectan effect onThe films which_many young people many years ago still have an _on the education of the young generation. affected;aff

13、ect B effected; affect affected; effect C. effected , effct2021/8/11 星期三128. contain v. n. containerThe new textbook contains 10 units, including two mainly revisions. He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself. The room is not big enough to contain so many people. 包含;含有控制;容忍容纳2021/8/11

14、星期三139.No rain forest, no animals and no drugs. 没有雨林就没有动物,也就没有药物。no no没有就不; 不便无; 不不No fire, no smoke. No pains, no gains.No song, no supper. 无火不冒烟。/事出有因。 不劳无获。不唱歌,没晚饭。/不干活,没饭吃。/不劳动,不得食。(There are) No animals and no drugs without rain forest. 2021/8/11 星期三1410. You should _(更加关注 )the rainforest where

15、 I live and _(懂得how the animals live togetherpay (much/more /little/no/)+attention to._1 Youd better pay more attention to your written English2. 留心上课老师所说的话.3. 请注意_注意,关注你最好对英语书写多加注意一下Pay attention to what the teacher says in class4. Much attention should be paid to _people destroying the rainforest

16、A stop B stopping C keep D keepingMay I have your attention ,please?=Attention please!draw/attract/catch/get+ones attention to fix/focus ones attention on.吸引.对.注意专心与于, 将注意力集中于pay more attention toappreciate2021/8/11 星期三15pay attention tobe used tolook forward to devote oneself toget down to turn tol

17、ead torefer to stick to 注意习惯于盼望投身于;致力于认真对付,处理求助于导致涉及;提到坚持2021/8/11 星期三1611 Appreciate 1. You cant really appreciate foreign literature in translation 2. Her family doesnt appreciate her.3 I would appreciate it if you paid in cash4 Your support is greatly appreciated 5. I dont think you appreciate ho

18、w expensive it will be. 6. We didnt fully appreciate that he was seriously ill.7 I would appreciate _,to be frank, if the goods could be delivered as soon as possible A you B this C it D my self8 really appreciate_ to relax with you on this nice island.A to have had time B having time C to have time D to having time9 _I can take home. Would you like a ride? _Yes ,I will _A thanks you . B appreciate you C. appreciate it D enjoy it看翻译作品你很难真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处她的家人不重视她(1)欣赏, 赏识, 重视 (不用进行时态)假如你支付现金,我将不胜感激_十分感谢你的支持(2). 感激,感谢 欢迎 (不用进行时态,/ +st


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