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1、调查表的设计第1页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三2学习目的Objectives通过本课程的学习,应掌握(To understand)为什么使用调查表/调查表的目的(Why we use questionnaires)调查表的优缺点 The advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires不同类型的问题以及其使用情境(不同情况下选择不同问题) The different types of questions that can be used and the circumstances in which they would be

2、 used设计调查表的方式,以及怎样避免一些常见问题和缺陷 The way in which questionnaires can be designed and how to avoid some common problems and pitfalls第2页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三3收集信息的途径(方式) Ways to Gather Information文献研究(搜索): 搜索条件(标准) Literature search: Search Criteria档案查询(回顾): 信息摘要表格 Review of records: Abstraction Fo

3、rm小组访谈: 访谈提纲(Focus group: Interview Guide)观察: 观察资料记录(Observation: Observation Log)直接测量: 记录(Direct measurement: Record)访谈: 调查表(问卷) (Interview: questionnaire)第3页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三4什么是调查表? What is a questionnaire?收集问题答案的工具(形式) An instrument (form) to collect answers to questions收集实际数据(资料) 收集信息

4、或测量值 Collects factual data gathers information or measures一系列按照固定的、合理顺序排列的书面问题/项目 A series of written questions / items in a fixed, rational order每项都需回答 (除非特别说明不需者) Every item is answered (unless instructed otherwise)谁完成它 (Who completes it)?应答者 公众/专业人员 (The respondent public/professional)可以代表应答者的人 (

5、Someone on behalf of the respondent)调查者 (The interviewer)第4页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三5好调查表的标准What makes an effective questionnaire?一份好的调查表应该是一系列问题经 合理组织而成的工具,借此可以 简单地用 相同方法收集 许多人 相同类型的信息,以便于可 定量、系统地分析资料An effective questionnaire is highly structured to allow the same types of information to be sim

6、ply collected from a large number of people in the same way so that the data can be analysed quantitatively and systematically 第5页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三6调查表在流行病学中的角色Role of Questionnaires in Epidemiology暴发调查/分析研究 (Outbreak investigation/Analytic study)监测(Surveillance)评价/ 评估(Evaluation) 第6页,共72页

7、,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三7调查资料收集方式Survey data collection methods自我管理 (纸、笔) Self-administered(paper & pencil)面对面访谈 Face-to-face interview电话调查(实况或自动化) Phone interview(live or automated)自我管理(计算机化) Self-administered-computer第7页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三8调查表的类型Types of Questionnaire按时间(调查内容是否已经发生)分 前瞻性 Pro

8、spective 回顾性 Retrospective按调查表填写人员分 Completed by participant or researcher 自我管理式(被调查者)self-administered 调查者管理式(研究人员)interview-administered 适合于文盲或识字少的人群 (participation by illiterate people) 澄清含糊不清 (clarification of ambiguity)第8页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三9自我管理式(纸和笔)优点Self-administered (paper & pencil

9、):Pros花费低(Cheap)易管理(Easy to administer)能用标准方式管理 (Can be administered in a standard manner)个体或小组均适宜(Can be individual or group)可以发邮件或发电子邮件(Can be done by mail or email)能在应答者方便时完成(Can be completed at respondents convenience)可匿名(Can be done anonymously)保护隐私(Preserve confidentiality)容易获取敏感问题信息 (Facilita

10、tes disclosure of sensitive information)第9页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三10自我管理式(纸和笔)缺点Self-administered (paper & pencil):Cons需要更多注意阅读水平和说明 Need more attention to reading level & direction格式需简单(没有或很少跳转) Needs simple format( few or no skips)相对短小的调查更好 Works better with relatively short survey难以控制不一致性或无应答

11、(项目) Difficult to address inconsistent or missing responses难以控制应答率(随情形、情景而变) Variable response rate (depending on situation & setting)第10页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三11面对面访谈:优点 Face-to-face interview: Pros 可以适用复杂调查 (Complex survey format can be used)使不一致或无应答最小化 (Minimized inconsistent on missing resp

12、onses)应答率一般高(Response rates are generally high)调查者在场可以渲染气氛(Interviewer presence is motivating)可短可长(Can be short or long)容易根据调查内容发现问题 (Easy to diagnose problems with survey content )第11页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三12面对面访谈:缺点Face-to-face interview:Cons花费高 (Expensive)需要培训职员 (Requires trained staff)后勤保障复

13、杂 (Complex logistics)花费调查者和被调查者时间长 (Very time consuming for respondent & interviewer)社会期望影响 (Social desirability effects)隐匿性最小 (Least anonymity)敏感问题应答受限制 (Inhibit disclosure of sensitive information)第12页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三13电话调查:优点Phone interview:Pros有可能实施复杂的调查(病毒所实验室感染) Complex survey forma

14、ts are possible使不一致或无应答最小化 Minimizes inconsistent or missing response可自动化实施 Can be automated可能比面对面访谈更好的获得敏感信息 Somewhat better disclosure of sensitive information than face-to-face第13页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三14电话调查:缺点Phone interview:Cons花费高 (Can be expensive)需要培训职员或特殊软件 (Requires trained staff or

15、special software)费 时 (Very time consuming)调查需简洁 (Survey need to be brief)对于许多应答者不愿意 (Uncomfortable for many respondents)应答率低于面对面访谈 (Response rate are lower than face-to-face)不是每个人都有电话 (Not every one has a phone)许多人监督电话 (Many people monitor calls)第14页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三15自我管理式(计算机)优点Self-admi

16、nistered(computer):Pros 对于有计算机知识的人易于管理 Easy to administer for persons with computer literacy易于敏感信息的获取 Facilities disclosure of sensitive information可以适用复杂调查 Complex survey formats can be used比现场调查(访谈)更“中性化” More”neutral” than a live interviewer使不一致或无应答最小化 Minimizes inconsistent or missing response附录

17、可能增加理解:音频、注释等 Supplements possible to increase comprehension:audio,glossaries,etc.易于资料分析 Facilitates data analysis第15页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三16自我管理式(计算机)缺点Self-administered(computer):Cons计算机知识或计算机恐怖症限制采用 Computer literacy or computer phobia can limit use相对于其他方法需花更多时间管理 Administration is time con

18、suming compared to other methods需要注意阅读水平和说明 Needs attention to reading level & directions设计/规划费用高和/或费时 Programming can be expensive &/or time-consuming基于PC管理的答案容量巨大 Bulky if replying on PC-based administration第16页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三17资料收集方法的选择Choosing data collection method方法选择的原则(Choice of

19、method will be effected by):成本(Cost )时间(Time)后勤保障(Logistics)资源(Resources)调查内容(如:敏感问题) Question content(e.g., sensitive items)第17页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三18资料收集方法2Implications of data collection method-2方法影响(Method will effect):调查表的长度(Length of the survey)调查的复杂性(Complexity of the survey)项目需要的阅读水平(

20、Reading level of the items)敏感信息的获取(Disclosure of sensitive information)资料质量(Data quality)资料录入、分析难易(Easy of data entry and analysis)第18页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三19评价调查表的指标(Evaluation Indexs of questionnaire)可靠性/信度 Reliability准确性/效度 Validity第19页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三20可靠性/信度Reliability可靠性反映同一主题

21、的调查重复进行时获得信息的相似程度(一致性) Reliability - refers to the degree of similarity of information obtained when the measurement is repeated in the same subject (consistency)每次进行的测量是否获得相同测量值(结果/评价)? Is the same value arrived at every time the measurement is taken/made ?重复实施时测量值(结果/评价)是否变化较大? Do the values vary

22、a lot on repeated administration为提高可靠性,需强调变异来源 To improve reliability we need to address the sources of variation第20页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三21准确性/效度Validity反映测量值与真值吻合的程度 Refers to the extent to which a measure actually measures what it is meant to measure (accuracy)如果一个观测员或一台仪器重复测量一个体某特征值时,总比真值高

23、或总比真值低,则测量缺乏准确性 The measure lacks validity if an observer or an instrument measures the characteristic in the same individual repeatedly higher or repeatedly lower than the real value系统误差导致的偏倚 This systematic error introduces a bias可能可靠性好但不一定准确 A measure can be reliable but not valid第21页,共72页,2022年,

24、5月20日,8点39分,星期三22变异来源Sources of Variation测量仪器(The instrument)如果一台仪器对同一被测个体给出不同的结果 If the instrument itself gives different results for the same individual如血压计 (e.g. blood pressure cuff)观测者(The observer)观测者间变异(不同观测者) Inter-observer variation - differences among observers观测者内变异(同一观测者) Intra-observer v

25、ariation - differences in the same observer被测者/客体(The subject)生物学上的不一致性 (Biological inconsistencies)记忆 (Memory) 第22页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三23偏 倚Bias in Questions信息偏倚在应答测量中系统差异 Information Bias = systematic differences in the measurement of a response回忆偏倚如,病例比对照更易于记忆某暴露因素/症状 Recall bias eg cases

26、being more likely to remember than controls观察偏倚观察者间和观察者内偏倚调查表是减少此偏倚的重要方法 Observer bias inter and intra a questionnaire is an important way to reduce this 无应答偏倚(Non-response bias)应答者与无应答者之间差异 Those who respond are different from those who do not保证高应答率降低(Reduce by ensuring high response rate)or分析时校正(如

27、年龄、性别、社会经济状况) Correcting for during analysis (eg age, sex, SEG)第23页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三24为什么我们需要调查表And why do we want one?一份好的调查表(A well designed questionnaire):为回答所研究问题提供足够的资料 (Will give you appropriate data which should allow you to answer your research question)使可能的偏倚来源最小化,提高调查表的效度 (Will m

28、inimise potential sources of bias, thus increasing the validity of the questionnaire)第24页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三25基本原理Fundamental Principle 流行病学调查是一个验证假设的科学闭环 (An epidemiological investigation is a scientific loop that tests a hypothesis)难(主)题(Problem)假设(Hypothesis)研究(Study)调查表(Questionnaire)问题(

29、Question)结果(Results)Answer第25页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三26假 设Assumptions调查表的使用是基于一定假设基础上的 The use of questionnaires is based on certain assumptions个体应该对所研究的具体问题有共同的理解,并且有一般的信念 That individuals will have had common of particular issues and will share general beliefs 参加婚礼/尽力发现更多的脑膜炎患者,因为这种疾病对孩子是一种威胁

30、(went to a wedding/ that we are trying to find out more about meningitis because this disease is a threat to our children and young people)这种理解和这些信念是共有的,并可清楚地表达、予以量化 That this understanding and these beliefs are shared and can be clearly expressed and quantified第26页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三27开始前Be

31、fore starting.调查表的设计应是研究的主要部分之一,而不是附加的 Questionnaire design should be an integral part of the study, not an “add-on”因此(Therefore)确定研究的目标(研究者本人或其他人员) Decide on the goals of the study (for yourself and for others)了解主体语言,专业(Know the subject literature, experts)了解应答者社会经济状况,职业,特殊敏感性,教育水平、种族 Know the resp

32、ondents - (SEG, occupation, special sensitivities, educational, ethnic)了解多少成本,时间,样本量,应答率 Know how much cost, time, sample size, response rate第27页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三28调查表设计步骤12步Steps for Questionnaire Design1. 概念化调查表 (Conceptualize questionnaire)2. 确定后勤 (Determine logistics)3. 设置问题 (Develop q

33、uestions)4. 修改问题 (Revise questions)5. 预调查 (Pilot test questionnaire)6. 数据录入预检测 (Pilot test data entry)第28页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三29调查表设计步骤12步Steps for Questionnaire Design 7. 培训调查员(Train interviewers) 8. 实施调查(Implement questionnaire) 9. 数据录入(Entry data)10. 分析资料(Analyze data)11. 报告结果(Report resul

34、ts)12. 利用发现(Use the findings)第29页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三30设计调查表的阶段 Stages in designing a questionnaire确定研究的目标和使用调查表的目的 Decide on aim of the study and the purpose of using a questionnaire确定问题目录(Decide on content of the questions)确定问题的格式(Decide on the format of the questions)确定调查表的版面设计(Decide on p

35、resentation and layout)制定编码表(如合适) Formulate coding schedule (if appropriate)调查表的预调查和修订(Pilot and refine questionnaire)第30页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三31 识别信息 (Identifying information) 人口统计学信息 (Demographics) 临床信息 (Clinical information) 暴露因素 (Exposures) 其他相关资料 (Other data that may be relevant) 调查表框架Out

36、line of Questionnaires第31页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三32 姓名(Name) - 与姓名相联系的ID码 (ID code linking to name) - 随访信息(如电话,电子邮件) follow-up information (ie phone, email) 敏感问题加密 Encryption may be necessary for sensitive information识别信息Identifying Information第32页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三33 性别 (Gender) 婚姻状况(m

37、arital status) 教育 (education) 职业 (occupation) 收入 (income) 小组/家庭成员数 (group memberships) 从属关系(单位) (affiliations) 宗教 (religion), 主要收入者 (principal wage earner), 每户房子数 (number of rooms per household) 人口学信息 Demographic Information第33页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三34 最后询问收入或其他敏感问题 Ask questions about income o

38、r other sensitive issues at the end 用灵活的方式询问私人问题,如: Ask personal questions in a sensitive manner, Examples : 包括您本人在内共有多少人居住在这儿? “How many people, including yourself, live at this address?” 婚姻状况?“What is your marital status?” 谁是家中收入主要来源者? “Who is the principle wage earner in the household?”人口学信息收集策略S

39、trategies for Collecting Demographic Information第34页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三35 从医疗记录中得到 (Get from medical record) 确保覆盖病例定义的所有标准 (Be sure to cover all criteria for case definitions) 登记日期(Record dates)临床信息Clinical Information第35页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三36 考虑病因推断标准(Consider criteria for causality

40、) - 先因后果(exposure occurs before event) - 一致性(consistent with other reports) - 联系强度(strength of association) - 生物学合理(biologically plausible) - 剂量反应关系(dose response effect)暴露信息Exposure Information第36页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三37随研究而变化 (Varies by study) 生态(Ecologic) - 降雨量(rainfall), 植被(vegetation), .

41、实验室(Laboratory) - 抗生素耐药性(antimicrobial resistance), - 分子标记物(molecular markers), . 居住处所(Residence) - 暴露(Exposures), 地理信息系统(GIS), 可能相关的其他信息Other Information that May be Relevant第37页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三38制定调查表基本原则Basic Rules保持调查表短、简单(KISS keep it short and simple)调查表外观重要,影响(Appearance is crucial

42、 and affects)应答率(Response rate)易于资料汇总、分析(Ease of data summarisation and analysis)调查表的长度:短 应答率 Length of questionnaire: shorter response rates问题顺序很重要(Question order is important): 由易到难(Easy difficult)由一般到特殊(General particular)由具体到抽象(Factual abstract)以封闭式问题开始(Start with closed format questions). 以主要主题

43、相关的问题开始 Start with questions relevant to the main subject. 尽量避免用人口学和个人问题开始 Try to avoid starting with demographic and personal questions第38页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三39制定调查表基本原则Basic Rules 所有项目和页编号 Number all items and pages所有页上注明标识符 Put an identifying mark on all pages注明调查表寄送地址 Put the return addr

44、ess on the questionnaire首页用粗体字标明研究标题 Put the study title in bold on the first page说明部分用粗体字 Print directions in bold唯一的标识符 Remember the Unique Identifier第39页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三40制定调查表基本原则Basic Rules按主题或答案选项来组合问题 Group questions by topic or response options不要将最重要的条目放在最后 Dont put the most impor

45、tant item last以相关的无胁迫性的问题开始 Open with relevant non-threatening questions尽可能短、逻辑性强、相关、悦目的调查表最可能被完成 It is most likely to be completed if easy on the eye, relevant, logical and as short as possible.第40页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三41制定调查表基本原则Basic Rules每次提问只问一个信息 Ask for one piece of information at a tim

46、e:如果你一直看James Bond 的电影而6个小时没有上卫生间,此时你妻子给你拿来了三明治,你会在20分钟内起床去卫生间吗? If you had not passed water for 6 hours but were watching a James Bond movie, and your wife brought you a sandwich would you get up to go to the toilet in the next 20 minutes? Y/N记住“不知道” (Remember “dont know”)第41页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39

47、分,星期三42制定调查表基本原则Basic Rules准确你经常晚上不得不起来上卫生间吗?(是/否) Be precise Do you often have to get up at night to pass water? Y/N适当/敏感内部习惯 Be appropriate/sensitive bowel habits目的总是减少偏倚 Aim always to minimise bias第42页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三43 事实(Factual) - 人口统计学,实验室,临床信息 demographic, laboratory, clinical inf

48、ormation 观念与态度(Opinions and Attitudes) - 与研究主题相关的信念、理想、体质、价值等 Beliefs, ideas, predispositions, and values related to the topic under study 信息/知识(Information/knowledge) - 测量人们知识水平(知识拥有或缺乏) measures what people know (presence or absence of knowledge) - 正确或错误认识(correct or incorrect knowledge) 调查问题的类型Ty

49、pes of Questions第43页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三44 行为(Behavior) - 行为描述(description of behavior) (难以评价人们所想与实际所为)(difficult to evaluate how people think they behave versus what they actually do) 构造/组合(Constructs) - 多个问题反映一个结果 multiple responses to capture a single outcome (如通过询问职业、教育程度、收入水平来反映社会经济状况) (

50、ie socioeconomic status is captured with questions on occupation, education, and income level)调查问题的类型Types of Questions第44页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三45问题的内容Content of Questions对所研究的问题保持高度关注 Keep a clear focus on your research question 文献研究:为了询问最相关和探索性的问题,必须知道的知识、信息等 (Literature search; what do we n

51、eed to know in order to ask the most relevant and probing questions?)人口学信息(Demographic information) 相关信息 (Contact information)第45页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三46 调查问题的格式Format of Questions 两种主要的提问形式(Two main question formats)封闭式给出固定的答案 Closed format give a fixed response答案分类是已知的(Response categories ar

52、e known)答案不需要细节(Response do not require elaboration)答案必需清楚,简单,明确,中立(不重叠) Categories need to be clear,Simple,unambiguous,neutral第46页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三47开放式 允许人用自己的语言来表达自己观点 Open format allow people to express their views in their own words:答案分类未知(Response categories are unknown)答案需要细节(Respon

53、se require elaboration)你最痛苦、烦恼的症状是什么?请描叙(What is your most distressing symptom? Please describe: )_第47页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三48不同格式问题的意义Implications of items type封闭式(Close-ended items are)更可靠(More reliable)对于逐步展开更具有挑战性(More challenging to develop)易被任何资料收集方法所采用 Easy used with any data collection

54、 method开放式依赖于(Open-ended items rely on)应答者动机 (Motivation of respondent)调查者技巧 Skill of interviewer(if present)资料收集方法 Data collection method(work best in interviews)需充足的时间 (Having enough time)第48页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三49测量水平Levels of measurement名词性(无序分类):互相排斥的分类来区别(是/否,男/女) Nominal: distinguish b

55、etween mutually exclusive categories (yes/no,male/female)有序分类:按分类顺序排序 (如社会经济地位) Ordinal: rank order among categories(e.g.SES)间距:各分类间间距相等排序(如Farenheit scale) Interval: rank order with equal spacing between categories(e.g. Farenheit scale)比:以真零点分类排序(如:摄氏温度,年龄) Ratio: rank ordering with a true zero(e.g

56、. Celsius scale,age)第49页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三50措词的一般性考虑General considerations in item wording易于理解和回答 (Easy to administer & answer)语句结构简单 (Simple sentence structure)避免“双重问题” (Avoid “double-barreled” questions)避免“否定式”提问 (Avoid asking about “negatives”)避免行话定义术语 (Avoid jargondefine terms)适当的阅读水平(一

57、般人8级) Appropriate reading level(8th grade for genl pop)能回忆起来的实际时间(Realistic time frames for recall)第50页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三51 你服用过毒品吗? Have you ever used drugs?第51页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三52避免:太一般化What Avoid: Being too general太一般化:你服用过毒品吗? Too general:Have you ever used drugs?更好的提问方式(A bet

58、ter choice) : 你曾服用过下列任何一种吗? Have you ever used any of the following: 酒精 (Alcohol) 大麻 (Marijuana) 甲安菲他明等 Methamphatamine(speed,crystal meth )etc第52页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三53 大多数人应该更多的锻炼身体、吃更多的水果与蔬菜? Most people should exercise more often than normally do and eat more fruits & vegetables?第53页,共72页

59、,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三54避免:双重问题1What Avoid: Double barreled question-1双重问题(Double barreled): 大多数人应该比目前更多的锻炼身体、吃更多的水果与蔬菜 Most people should exercise more often than normally do and eat more fruits & vegetables. 极不一致强烈一致 Strongly disagreestrongly agree 第54页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三55避免:双重问题2What Avo

60、id: Double barreled question-2更好选择(Better alternative): 大多数人应该更多的锻炼身体 Most people should exercise more often than normally do now. Strongly disagreestrongly agree 大多数人应该吃更多的水果与蔬菜 Most people should eat more fruits & vegetables than normally do now. 第55页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,8点39分,星期三56 感染HIV的医生和护士应该不能照料


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