已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 2 Cities 教学设计Lesson 1教学目标能够听懂、会说 city, street, sports centre, hotel, square等表示城市中常见场所的词汇.2. 能够询问某个场所的位置,并能描述某个场所的位置。3. 能够根据语境,选择本课所学词汇将句子补充完整,并且做到书写正确、规范。教学重点能够听懂、会说 city, street, sports centre, hotel, square等表示城市中常见场所的词语。教学难点询问某个场所的位置,并能描述某个场所的位置。教学过程Warming-up1. 热身(唱一唱)T: Good morning, boys a

2、nd girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Yang.T: Do you like playing games?Ss: Yes!T: Lets play Bomb games.(点击课件)T: Lets play a guessing game.(点击课件)T: Look at the picture.(点击课件)Where is the bank?Ss: Its T: Good job! Now lets talk. Please work in pairs.学生两人一组对话,班内展示,及时评价。Presentation(1)单词教学教学cityT: Look!(点击课件

3、)There are many tall buildings in it. We can live in it. Where is it?S: 地球/城市T: Its a city. /siti/ How to read this word?(点击课件,出现six)S: /siks/T: Yes. And how to read this word?(点击课件,出现pig)S: /pig/T: Great! /siks/ /pig/. What does i say?S: It says /i/T: Well done. So the word city reads S: /siti/T: R

4、ight!设计意图:引导学生由旧单词学会新单词。T: This is a S: cityT: What city do we live in?S: XX city.T: XX City is beautiful. Do you love our city?S: Yes!T: OK! We should work hard for our city.设计意图:将知识学习和德育渗透有机结合起来,做到了润物细无声。教学streetT: Is this a city?(点击课件,手指街道)Ss: No.T: You are right. Its not a city. Its a street.(点击

5、课件,出现street)How to read this word? Look here. Can you read this word?(点击课件,出现three)Ss: threeT: How about this one?(点击课件,出现tree)Ss: treeT: And this one?(手指street)Ss: streetT: Good. Look here! Where is it?(手指图片的新华街道)Ss: Xinhua Street.T: Look here. Please pay attention to Street. Is big or small?Ss: Bi

6、g.T: Yes. What else street do you know?S: 设计意图:激活学生已有的知识和生活经验。教学sports centre T: It is a big place. We can play sports there. What place is it?S: 体育馆/体育场/体育中心T: Yes. Its a sports centre.(点击课件,出现short)Ss: shortT:(点击课件,出现sports)Ss: sportsT:(点击课件,出现centre)S: centreT: This is a (手指课件图片)Ss: sports centre

7、T: What can we do in the sports centre?S: We can in the sports centre.设计意图:激活学生脑中关于运动的单词来操练sports centre。教学hotelT: It is a tall building. There are many rooms in it. When we have a trip, we can have a rest in it. What place is it?S: 宾馆T: Its a hotel.(点击课件,出现phone和photo)Ss: phone/ photoT: What does o

8、 say?S: It says /.T: How to read this word?(点击课件,出现hotel)S: hotelT: What hotel is it?(点击课件,指宾馆名字)S: Sun Hotel.T: Is it small?(手指大写的H)S: No.T: Cool! What else hotel do you know?S: 教学squareT: It is a big and open place. People can dance and sing there. What place is it?S:广场T: Its a square.Ss: squareT:

9、 Look! Whats its name?Ss: Tiananmen Square.T: Right! And this?(点击课件)Ss: Red Square.T: Super! Where is it?Ss: T: Its in Moscow. Do you know this square?Ss: No.T: Its Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square.S: Trafalgar SquareT: Its in London.设计意图:将世界著名的广场与学生分享,扩充了学生地理知识,同时巩固了square一词。Look, listen and repe

10、atT: Look at the picture! Whats this?(手指课件场所)S1: T: Yes, youre right. Whats in the cities? Listen and circle the place you hear.设计意图:让学生先说再听,一则是复习巩固了新学习的单词,二则是进行了听前预测。Ss: 学生听录音,画圈。班内校正,及时评价。T: Lets listen again and answer.(点击课件)Ss:学生听音,完成选择,班内校正,及时评价。T:(点击课件,出现文本)Lets listen and repeat.Ss:学生听音跟读,班内展

11、示,及时评价。(2)Ask and answerT: Lets ask and answer. First lets see how to ask and answer.(点击课件)Ss: 学生观看T: Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: Lets go. Work in 2.Ss:学生两人一组问和答,班内展示,及时评价。(3)Lets writeT: Whats in the city?(课件出示A部分图片)S1: T: Yes. Where is the ?(教师指课件问)S1: Its across from/ next to/between/ T: Now please

12、say in pairs.Ss: 学生两人一组看图说话。班内展示,及时评价。设计意图:说是为写作铺垫。PracticeLook, listen and repeatT: Look at the picture! Whats this?(手指课件场所)S1: T: Yes, youre right. Whats in the cities? Listen and circle the place you hear.设计意图:让学生先说再听,一则是复习巩固了新学习的单词,二则是进行了听前预测。Ss: 学生听录音,画圈。班内校正,及时评价。T: Lets listen again and answe

13、r.(点击课件)Ss:学生听音,完成选择,班内校正,及时评价。T:(点击课件,出现文本)Lets listen and repeat.Ss:学生听音跟读,班内展示,及时评价。(2)Ask and answerT: Lets ask and answer. First lets see how to ask and answer.(点击课件)Ss: 学生观看T: Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: Lets go. Work in 2.Ss:学生两人一组问和答,班内展示,及时评价。(3)Lets writeT: Whats in the city?(课件出示A部分图片)S1: T: Yes. Where is the ?(教师指课件问)S1: Its across from/ next to/between/ T: Now please say in pairs.Ss: 学生两人一组看图说话。班内展示,及时评价。Summary今天我


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