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1、翻译方法和技巧的不当使用请尽量不用或少用所谓的翻译方法和技巧不要妄加猜测不要夸张不要无中生有 Imagine if you had to pay a bribe to see your newborn baby, get your water supply connected or obtain your driving licence. Its an everyday fact of life in India - but campaigners are now fighting back, using people power and the internet. 想想吧,如果看看你新生的宝

2、宝需要行贿,通自来水、考取驾照也需要塞钱的话,你会是什么心情?在印度,这就是严酷的现实。但反腐败人士正利用大众的力量和网络对此发起反击。 想想看,你要见自己刚出生的孩子得行贿,接上供水得行贿,拿驾照也得行贿。 这些事在日常生活中是太常见了。 The website was the brainwave(突然想起的妙计) of Ramesh and Swati Ramanathan, founders of a not-for-profit organisation in Bangalore called Janaagraha which literally means people power.

3、 拉米什和斯瓦特拉马纳坦想到了创建该网站的好主意。他们还曾在印度班加罗尔创建非盈利性机构Janaagraha,意为“人民的力量”。 Two in three people have given up their dream of owning a home, research shows. 调查显示,三分之二的英国人已经放弃买房梦想。 Grind informal laborious or routine work or study the daily grind单调的日常工作 give way Retreat or withdraw, as in The army gave way befo

4、re the enemy . Early 1500s Yield the right of way; also, relinquish ascendancy, as in The cars must give way to the parade , or The children were called inside as day gave way slowly to night . Early 1700s Collapse, fail, break down, as in The ladder gave way , or His health gave way under the strai

5、n . Mid-1600s Also, give way to . Yield to urging or demand, as in At the last minute he gave way and avoided a filibuster , or The owners gave way to their demands for a pay increase . Mid-1700s Also, give way to . Abandon oneself, lose self-control, as in She gave way to hysteria , or Dont give wa

6、y to despair . First half of 1800s 犀利哥,源自蜂鸟网上传的一组照片,后于2010年2月23日,因天涯论坛一篇帖子秒杀宇内究极华丽第一极品路人帅哥!帅到刺瞎你的狗眼!求亲们人肉详细资料而迅速走红,被网友誉为“极品乞丐”、“究极华丽第一极品路人帅哥”、“乞丐王子”等。之后,被网友广为追捧,并加以“人肉搜索”,以探求其真实身份。有结果称,犀利哥实为宁波街头一名乞丐,由于复杂身世流落街头。Brooding men, smiling women seen as sexy: study研究:“男人不坏女人不爱”有道理brooding - preoccupied with

7、 depressing, morbid, or painful memories or thoughts: a brooding frame of mind. 研究表明:神情忧郁的男人和面带微笑的女人看上去要性感A smartphone made from electronic paper has been demonstrated by researchers in Canada. The PaperPhone is flexible and can be controlled by being bent, written on or used as a touchscreen.加拿大研究人

8、员日前研发了一款使用电子纸制作的智能“纸手机”。这款“纸手机”非常轻薄,而且还可以通过弯曲、书写、或当作触摸屏使用进行相应操作。Flexible柔韧的;易弯曲的;有弹性的;灵活的;易适应的 灵活方便The extraordinary details of his last stand were disclosed by the White House as the 13-year hunt for the worlds most wanted man finally reached its bloody end. 白宫随后公布了拉登“背水一战”的非同寻常的细节。至此,对全球最重要通缉犯长达13

9、年的追捕终于以拉登之死告终。 Last stand is a loose military term used to describe a body of troops holding a defensive position in the face of overwhelming odds where the majority of soldiers are killed. The defensive force usually takes very heavy casualties or is completely destroyed, as happened in Custers Las

10、t Stand at the Battle of Little Big Horn.负隅顽抗It sends out an insidious message that smokers in general are unfit parents and I dont think any politician has the right to do that.“这等于是在说,吸烟的人都不适合做父母。可谁都没有剥夺别人做父母的权利。”Insidious暗中加害的;隐伏的The camels were brought to the country by Afghan migrant workers in

11、 the 1800s to help with building roads and laying railroad tracks.骆驼是在19世纪由前来修建公路、铺设铁轨的阿富汗外来务工者带到澳大利亚的。Germanys defense minister, a rising star in Chancellor Angela Merkels conservative bloc and the countrys most popular politician, resigned Tuesday over allegations he plagiarized his doctoral thesi

12、s.Plagiarize剽窃;抄袭 德国国防部长古滕贝格于本周二宣布辞职。古滕贝格是德国总理安格拉默克尔所领导的保守派阵营的政坛新星,也是德国最受欢迎的政治家。Diego Maradona and his Argentina team received a warm welcome from thousands of fans who turned out to greet them Sunday despite the sides World Cup quarter-finals elimination.尽管阿根廷没能挺进本届世界杯四强,但由主帅迭戈马拉多纳率领的阿根廷队于上周日回国时仍然受

13、到了数万名球迷的热烈欢迎。We are happy. I ask Diego to keep going, said one fan, carrying his son in his arms.一名抱着自己儿子的球迷说:“我们不沮丧。我告诉迭戈要继续战斗。”Argentina was knocked out of the World Cup on Saturday, losing 4-0 in the quarter-finals to Germany in Cape Town.阿根廷队于上周六在开普敦举行的世界杯四分之一决赛中以0比4负于德国队,惨遭淘汰。Scientists from Sa

14、lonica and Ioannina Universities, who presented their research on Friday to the Panhellenic Medical Conference, in Athens, concluded that “abdominal obesity, or belly fat” was the worst problem among married people.来自希腊萨洛尼卡和约阿尼纳大学的科研人员于上周五在雅典召开的泛希腊医学大会上展示了他们的研究成果。研究人员得出结论:“啤酒肚”是已婚人群中存在的最严重的问题。Abdomi

15、nal obesity, colloquially known as belly fat or clinically as central obesity, is the accumulation of abdominal fat resulting in an increase in waist size. There is a strong correlation between central obesity and cardiovascular disease (心血管疾病).啤酒肚,又叫“罗汉肚”。 随着年龄增长,男性深睡眠阶段减少,由于睡眠质量差,荷尔蒙的分泌会随之减少,荷尔蒙的缺

16、乏使体内脂肪增加并聚集于腹部,而且年纪越大影响越明显。 此外,很多中年人长时间坐着办公,缺乏运动,容易造成腹部脂肪囤积。在工作压力较大时,不少人会饮食过量,导致消化不良,这也易造成体重超标。I got goose bumps. Whitney couldnt do it any better today, a viewer wrote on Youtube.一名网友在Youtube上留言称:“我鸡皮疙瘩都起来了。惠特尼现在也不会唱得比他好。 Goose bumps, also called goose flesh, goose pimples, chill bumps, chicken ski

17、n, funky spots, Dasler bumps or the medical term cutis anserina, are the bumps on a persons skin at the base of body hairs which may involuntarily develop when a person is cold or experiences strong emotions such as fear, awe, admiration or sexual arousal. 人们在看恐怖电影时,经常会觉得毛骨悚然、不寒而栗,浑身起鸡皮疙瘩,其实这是因为立毛肌的

18、收缩活动引起的。想到假惺惺的于丹叹息的“大爱无价”、老泪纵横的余秋雨鼓吹的“大爱大善”、大家稀里糊涂地跟着说的什么“大灾见大爱”,本人更是浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。 This effect is magnified among workers in professional and managerial occupations, where the norm of overwork and the culture of intensive parenting tend to be strongest. The findings suggest that the prevalence of overwork


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