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1、CONTENTS01Background02Agenda03Detail04IndoorBACKGROUND01.项目概况Date:7.17Time:14:00-18:00Amount:200ONE TEAM, ONE ACTIONTo inspire each other through the challenge 在此次挑战中启发参与者,激发灵感Individuals are aligned with team goals to form the best team 个人与团队目标保持一致,形成最佳团队To encourage effective conversation and comm

2、unication, build trust and foster stronger relationship between participants. 在活动中促进成员之间的交流、认识、加深彼此的之间了解;背景介绍 BACKGROUNDAGENDA02.时间流程日期时间项目备注7.1714:00-15:00在途-到达活动场地Arrival酒店-场地From hotel to the venue15:00-17:30定向挑战赛One team,one action规则讲解,活动进行时(10组)Announce the rules and the creative challenge ( 10

3、 teams)17:30-18:00总结点评,合影Summary and photo点评分享,大合影Summary and share/ group photo18:00-19:00返回酒店Back to the hotel结束活动,返程The end时间流程 AgendaDETAIL03.活动细节完成任务Mission accomplished获得“开元通宝”Get special coin解密卡工具Get passwordThe Task 挑战赛规则All players will be divided into 10 teams, who will go through a specia

4、l race in the garden within the specified time. 全员被分为10组,在规定时间内进行一场探索挑战There will be 8 checkpoints along the journey, each of which represents a distinctive challenge. Each team may decide your own roadmap. 全程共有八大挑战,每组可以按照地图进行路线规划The contest is based on points. For every challenge finished, a team w

5、ill get 60-100 points. If you give up the challenge or it fails, you will get 0. The team that gets the most points will be the winner.最终按照获得分数进行排名,全程以线上微信系统进行积分打卡The challenges团队合作Cooperation东方少林棍Oriental Shaolin stick每队选出不同选手,在规定时间内站上充气擂台,用指定道具进行PK,最先将对方击落的一方获胜,判断力的提升也是耐力的比拼Each team selects diffe

6、rent players and stands on the inflatable platform to compete. The party that shoots down the other is the first to win. The improvement of judgment is also the competition of endurance.趣味篮球 Fun basketball选手站在规定的投篮线后投篮,不得踩线,否则投篮命中无效,每位选手连续投篮3次,以命中次数计分,投篮姿势不限。The player scores after standing on the p

7、rescribed shooting line. Each player makes 3 consecutive shots, scoring by the number of hits, and the shooting position is not limited.团队汉诺塔Tower of Hanoi4个人通过协作配合, 把A柱子上的器材从小到大全搬到B柱子上。在搬运过程中,可以利用C柱子来协助搬移。 要求在搬运过程中必须始终保持每根柱上的器材都处在从小到大依次排列的状态,用时少者胜出Four people moved the equipment on the A-pillar fro

8、m the small to the B-pillar through cooperation. The C-pillar can be used to assist in the handling during handling. It is required that the equipment on each column should always be in the order of being arranged from small to large during the handling process, and the lesser ones will win.团队吃鸡 PUB

9、G团队成员获得镭战装备,进行团队间的射击PK赛按照生命值以及获得的资源进行评判 The PUBG competitionThe challenges分析判断Analysis拆弹小组Bombing每个小组到达这里成为拆弹小组,和教练进行“拳法”PK每获胜一次得到拆弹线索一个。参与团队通过分工与集体智慧用行动和得到线索剖解拆弹密码Each group arrived here to become a bomb disposal teamAnd the coach carries out the boxing method PK wins one shot each timeParticipatin

10、g teams use the division of labor and collective intelligence to act and get clues to dismantle the demolition password紧急救助Emergency assistance到达指定地点后进行紧急救助,按照完成时间进行评判Emergency assistance after arriving at the designated location, judged according to the completion time桌上足球Table soccer以前锋,后卫,守门员队形将队

11、员固定在场内铁杆上,队员只能在固定方位不可随意移动。比赛开始后,每位队员只得左右移动,不可前后移动,用脚传球,攻射球门,将球射入对方球门算一次进球。The front, the defender, and the goalkeeper team will fix the players on the irons in the field. The players can only move in a fixed position. After the start of the game, each player has to move left and right, can not move

12、back and forth, pass the ball with the foot, attack the goal, and shoot the ball into the opponents goal to count a goal.The challenges创意Creativity团队协奏曲 Song每人参与演奏乐谱中的每个音节After the team arrives at this point, each person participates in each syllable in the score during the specified time, and sees

13、that group has the most consecutive sections of the movement.自然实验室 The nature lab在活动过程中,寻找不同的植物,进行创作。加入团队特色元素,最终完成一幅属于我们的作品In the process, look for different plants for creation. Join the teams unique elements and finally complete a piece that belongs to us旗语故事Semaphore到达地点后进行旗语的学习以及记录,按照教练打出的旗语破解密令

14、After the arrival of the place, the semaphore learning and recording, according to the slogan of the coach to crack the secret登高测距Ascending distance站在指定位置,利用手距测量远处建筑Standing at a designated location, using hand distance to measure distant buildings场地:桂林西山公园景区闻道园是国家4A级文化旅游景区,农业部5星级休闲农业旅游示范园,也是上海目前规模最

15、大的艺术文化园林之一。位于上海宝山区罗店镇义品村,占地一千余亩,园内种植名木古树5.6万棵,收藏奇石1000多方,宋代巴蜀古石刻100多块。以古徽派建筑复建为主要特色,是以古民居、生态观光、休闲旅游、文化艺术交流、餐饮等为一体的生态旅游文化产业园区。园区设有奇石博物馆、古石刻博物馆、大师书画工作室、长风书院、易荷池、禅茶和沉香文化休闲区等中国传统文化特色景观。Wendao Garden is a national 4A-level cultural and tourist scenic spot. Shanghai is currently one of the largest art and

16、 cultural gardens. It covers an area of more than 1,000 acres. It plants 56,000 famous trees and ancient trees, and collects more than 1,000 stones. The Song Dynasty Bashu ancient stone carving 100 More than one block. Taking the restoration of the ancient Huizhou architecture as its main feature, i

17、t is an eco-tourism and cultural industrial park integrating ancient dwellings, ecological sightseeing, leisure tourism, cultural and artistic exchanges and catering. The park is equipped with Kistler Museum, Ancient Stone Carving Museum, Master Painting and Calligraphy Studio, Changfeng Academy, Yi

18、he Pool, Zen Tea and Aquilaria Culture and Leisure Area.场地推荐VenueINDOOR PROPOSAL04.室内方案速度与激情Fast & FuriousProposal 1活动收益 Benefits提升团队状态:团队状态决定团队斗志,通过在激烈环境中的竞争,不断改善团队状态 Improve team status through competition in a fierce environment激发团队士气:无论在困境还是顺境中,如何保持与提升士气 Learn how to maintain and improve morale

19、in different situation提升竞争状态:对于竞争的态度,对于竞争的准备,导致不同的结果 Enhance the state of competition: the attitude towards competition leading to different results活动的性质非常灵活,我们需要调整计划以实现目标。 团队不仅需要进行比赛,还需要在此过程中管理团队参与者将经历激烈的竞争,他们需要讨论出竞赛策略,向专家学习并在时间和预算有限的情况下工作。This team building activity is highly flexible, enabling us

20、 to adapt the program to fulfil your objectives. Teams can simply race the karts or become engrossed in the challenges of managing a race teamParticipants will experience intense competition, they will need to agree and adhere to a race strategy, learn from experts and work within time and budgetary

21、 constraints.DjembeProposal 2Djembe非洲鼓Energy, enthusiasm, strength, passion and joy are the main characteristics of this event, so we developed this large group activity specifically for the trainees, who will then be able to build a unified team and a synchronised voice. Furthermore, this activity

22、helps members to break the barriers between each other, improves coordination and efficiency at work place. Therefore, each team can complete the task and work towards the same goal successfully. 活力、热情、实力、激情与快乐是本次活动的特征,因此我们特别为本次参训人员制定了团队活动-鼓舞飞扬,让本次参加训练的员工可以建立一个团队、一个声音、知行合一、合而不同的团队合作精神,并且以主人翁的心态推动和完成

23、本职工作。在此基础上,有助于打破人与人的隔阂,更加高效的协调工作,以顺利完成在工作中的合作目标。场地:桂林西山公园景区静安体育馆(上海市静安区南阳路123号)Jingan Stadium (123 Nanyang Road, Jingan District, Shanghai) 静安体育馆位于上海市中心的繁华地段,南京路、淮海路左右相拥,南北高架,地铁茂名路站近在咫尺,交通便捷。静安体育馆建于一九七六年十月,建馆迄今承办了许多重大的国内外体育比赛和有影响的文艺演出任务,是第五届全运会篮、排球比赛、首届东亚运动会武术比赛、第八届全运会篮球比赛的主要赛场之一。静安体育馆使上海市群众体育先进单位,并

24、多次荣获静安区文明单位称号。体育馆占地面积2840平方米,球场面积680平方米,观众席位近3000座,馆内设有贵宾接待室、运动员(演员)休息室和东、西观众休息大厅。Jingan Stadium is located in the center of Shanghai with convenient transportation. Built in October 1976, it has hosted many major domestic and international sports competitions and influential performances. The stadium covers an area of 2,840 square meters, with a total area of 680 square meters and nearly 3,000 seats. There are VIP reception rooms, athletes (actors) lounges and east and west audie


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