



1、The Fourth Period: Section B (2a2c )Teaching aims(教学目标)灵活使用Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. Its my pencil. / No, it isnt. Its his.Language points(语言点)熟练掌握以下句式:(1) Whats this/that(in English)? Its a/an (2) Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. Its my pencil. / No, it isnt. Its his.2要求会写“失物招领或寻物启示”。 Diffic

2、ulties(难点):会写“失物招领或寻物启示”。Teaching steps (教学步骤)Lead in: T: We have finished most of Unit 3. And in this period, we will continue to finish Section B. But before that, I would like you to review what we learned before. Step 1: Revision 1Make conversations a. T: Can you make conversations with school t

3、hings? Example: Is this his / your .? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. b. T: I would like you to make another conversation with his / her? Example: Is this / that his / her .? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 2Dictation T: Lets have a dictation. Step 2: Section B 2a1Write the things you lose easilya. T: Lets go

4、 to activity 2ab. T: Who would like to tell the class about the things you lose easily?Step 3: Section B 2b read the notices on your own. b. T: Do you know what the word notices mean in Chinese? Just make a guess. c. T: Yes. Notices means “通知”。 2Read T: Lets read the notices together now. c. I would

5、 like four of you to read each notice to the class. 3Circle a. T: Circle the lost things. b. T: Lets check the answers together. Answers: Circle these words: watch,computer game,keys,ID card c. T: Please read the words you circled together. 4Explain a. 请同学们看这些通知,它们都是失物招领启事。请同学们观察,失物招领启事有什么特点? b. 对。它

6、们都比较短,比较简单。都留有联系方式。拣到东西可以用Found开头,丢失东西用Lost开头。请同学们注意失物招领启事的写法。 【教学设计说明】老师给每一组学生一张碎字条(这些碎片是老师提前写好的“失物招领”“寻物启示”,让学生以小组为单位拼好,并能够理解纸条上的意思,然后将字条粘好并张贴在黑板上,看哪一组拼得快,快者为胜)老师在黑板上字条的上方写上“失物招领” 或“寻物启示”。 小组活动,合作探究,充分体现“做中学”的原则。Step 4: Section B 2c 1a. T: Fill in the chart with the lost things. b. T: Check if the

7、 lost things are still lost or if they have been found. 2Check the answersa. T: Finished, everyone? Would you please check the answers with your partners? b. T: Lets check them together. Answer: ItemLostFoundcomputer gamewatchkeysID card【教学设计说明】情景编演剧 “Lost and Found”,该任务需要学生综合运用本单元语言知识,需要小组做出尽快反应,能提

8、高学生的合作意识,反应能力和发散思维,培养学生拾金不昧,助人为乐的优良品质。培养学生自主学习能力和探究精神。请学生派出代表讲解所拼出的告示之意思,有不明白的地方学生们已经在小组范围内分析。然后将注解中中的各种告示,在理解的基础上,圈出 P17-2b 中的物品。(学生只要明白该告示的意思,可以仿照写,不需朗读。)【教学设计说明】请学生仿照写“失物招领”或“寻物启示”,老师巡视,抽查出有代表性的作品进行全班范围内订正普遍性的错误。课后让学生将自己的作品进行更改。Step 5: GamesGuessing gameWhat is it? 下面我们做一个游戏。两人一组,一个同学在纸上画一个我们学过的物品的画,另一个同学猜它是什么?猜出来,换角色。同学们做这个游戏用的语言是:Whats this? Is this a watch? . Example: A: What is this? B: Is this a watch? A: No, it isnt. B: Is th


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