二0二三年度七年级上册Unit 7 How much are these socksUnit 7_第1页
二0二三年度七年级上册Unit 7 How much are these socksUnit 7_第2页
二0二三年度七年级上册Unit 7 How much are these socksUnit 7_第3页
二0二三年度七年级上册Unit 7 How much are these socksUnit 7_第4页




1、七年级上册新目标英语Go for it !Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section B 2a-2c 教学设计初中英语组 廖群英【教学目标】(Teaching aims and demands) (1) 语言知识目标(Target language):本单元的生词短语(New words and phrases in this unit)1) New words:clothes, store,buy, very, price, sell, sale, cool, boy, all, a pair of, Mr2) Phrases:at a very goo

2、d price, at our great sale, sell, buy, for girls/boys, T-shirts in red(2)能力目标(Ability objects): a)训练学生的听说能力(Train students listening and speaking skills) b) 训练学生的交际和写作能力(Train students communicative and writing competence using the key vocabulary and the target language).(3)情感态度目标(Moral objects): a)

3、 让学生了解一个人没有钱不行,但是钱不是万能的。Try to let students to know “A man without money is no man at all. But money isnt everything”. b) 让学生了解人们总是忍不住低价的诱惑而买一些自己并不是真正需要的东西,应该三思而后行。(Tell Students “People cant help buying sth. They dont really need at a low price. So think before you act”).【教学重点、难点】 教学重点(Teaching key

4、 points): a) New words:clothes, store,buy, very, price, cool, sale, all, sell, a pair of, boyb) Phrases:at a very good price, at Mr Cools Clothes Store, sell sth. for (money), for girls/boys, T-shirts in red 教学难点(Teaching difficulties): 写一则小广告是本课的难点所在。(Students may have difficulties in writing the a

5、d)【教与学方法】核心问题:学习英语商城促销广告子问题:看懂英语商城促销广告;应用所学知识成功购买或推销产品3. 教学方法(1)启发式:联系实际生活,利用商城的促销广告调动学生的求知欲,学生更容易理解掌握所引入的生词和短语。(2)情景法:设置情境,要求学生自己写一则小广告,能训练和提高学生的写作能力。这样可以提供给学生联系实际生活运用语言的机会,有利于学生自主学习和相互交流,以及学生充分表现和自我发展的空间。小组活动培养学生之间的合作能力,进一步提高交际能力,并巩固所学的购物用语。4. 教具(Teaching aids): 多媒体(multi-media);图片和海报(pictures & p

6、osters)5. 课型:新课Teaching type: New lesson【课时安排】(本单元共用6课时,此设计为第4课时)一、 本单元教材分析(Analysis of the Teaching Material): 本单元的主要任务是学会询问衣物的价格和掌握购物用语,以及学会写一则小广告。The topic of this unit is shopping. In this unit, students would be able to ask about the prices of the clothes and master the expressions for shopping

7、. Most students would be able to write an ad.二、SectionB 3a-4教材分析:本课的任务主要体现在交际、阅读和协作方面,复习已经学过的知识(询问衣物的价格)和通过阅读一则广告,学会写一则小广告是本课的重点也是难点。因此需要根据这个目标设计各项活动和任务。After reading and listening the ad, students most students would be able to write an ad(They can help each other). Writing an ad is the most import

8、ant and difficult task for the class.三、 学情分析(Analysis of the students)本单元学生已复习了数字0-9和学习了数字11-31,学习了询问衣物的价格和购物用语,以及学会写一则小广告。在操练时,对学生应该进一步加强询问衣物(包括单复数)的价格的问答的训练强度,达到脱口而出的效果;部分学生对于购买衣物不是很熟悉,但是教师要想方设法激发学生对该单元的学习兴趣,尤其是教学生学会阅读商场的大甩卖广告并且写一则广告。In this unit, students have studied 1)numbers11-31 ; 2) learned

9、to ask about the prices; 3) conversation for shopping. Try to give more chances to practice the shopping conversation. Some students are not familiar to buying clothing. So the teacher should try to make them interested in the topic. The teacher needs to help them understand the ad in 3a and learn t

10、o write their own ads.【教与学流程】(Teaching procedures):.Learning & teaching arrangement:StepsStudents activitiesTeachers activitiesExplanation1 Greeting & Review 1) Students recite the numbers from 0 to 31.2) Students answer the teachers questions.4) Students work in pairs, making shopping conversationA

11、fter greeting. Ask Ss some questions such as:Do you have a soccer ball?How much is your ball? How much are your socks?Do you like going shopping? etc.这一环节能很自然地衔接上一课,又可以设置情境使学生复习运用以往学过的知识。2PresentationStudents learn the new words/phrasesTeacher presents new words/phrases by showing the newspaper ad s

12、howing clothing with black price tags, such as a shirt, T-shirts, sweater and so on.Then ask questions about them: “What is this/are they?How much is/are ?”通过商场的促销广告,直观形象,学生一定兴趣高涨,更容易理解掌握所引人的生词和短语。3Reading&listening&PracticeStudents read the ad and fill in the price tags. .Then Ss listen to the tape

13、 and read the ad.At last Ss answer the teachers questions.T: Lisa and her mother buy a blue sweater and shorts in this store. Now they go to another store: Huaxing Clothes Store. At the door of the store, they see an ad. Now lets see what the ad reads.Play the tape for 3a.Then ask questions about th

14、e ad.阅读广告并从中找出有用的信息,本环节引导学生通过快读与精读找到所需信息,同时把学习阅读与阅读学习紧密地结合起来,这样不仅有利于学生获取丰富的语言信息,同时还能掌握一定的阅读技巧。能进一步提高学生的阅读能力;学生再通过听读进一步熟悉课文;最后通过问答练习巩固所学的要点。4WritingStudents read the given part before writing their ads alone or in pairs. Some Ss stand up to read their completed ads to the class.T: Suppose you have a

15、clothing store next to Huaxing. Now you are to write your own ad. You may use 3a as a model. Try to write a better ad. As Ss work, move around the room checking progress and offering help as needed.Have several students share their ads with the whole class.设置情境: 要求学生自己写一则小广告,能训练和提高学生的写作能力。5Groupwork

16、Students work in groups of three or four to make up a oned ad like the one in may assign any prices they wish. Or they may prepare pictures of clothing cut from newspapers or magazines. T: Suppose you are business people. Your group is having a sale. Now Ill give each group 200 RMB in play money. Pl

17、ease divide your group into sellers, who sell your clothes to other groups, and buyers, who buy clothes from the other groups with the play money. 提供给学生联系实际生活运用语言的机会,有利于学生自主学习和相互交流,以及学生充分表现和自我发展的空间。小组活动培养学生之间的合作能力,进一步提高交际能力,并巩固所学的购物用语。把课堂气氛推到了最高潮。6HomeworkWrite down the conversation in your exercise

18、 book.Make a plan about your own clothes store. Write a report about the clothes, price, color, peoples favorite(最喜爱的) clothes and so on.要求学生把上一步的对话写下来和设计自己经营服装店的构想,进一步巩固本单元的重要单词,短语和句型,同时本作业让所学知识紧密联系学生生活实际,培养实践能力,强化写作能力。【板书设计】Unit 7 How much are these socks?SectionB 2a2cMr Cools Clothes Store New words: New phrases: Clothes store at our great sale sale sell at a very good price price all for boys/girls buy T-shirts in red 【教学反思】在该课堂的教学中,我紧紧围绕核心问题(商场的促销广告)展开教学,由学导写,再应用,通过展示商场的促销广告,直观形象,学生马上兴趣高涨,主动参与阅读,在不知不觉中迅速理解掌握所引人的生词和短语。我再设计表格,让学生填入关键信息,这样学生轻松地掌握了文章的重点信息与知识。接下来我引导学生模仿3


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