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1、Unit1: How I Learned to Learn EnglishI. Analysis of teaching materials1. Teaching contentsTextbook: Go for it! Grade 9Unit: Unit1: How I Learned to Learn English (reading class)2. Teaching objectivesa) Knowledge objectives: Students can understand this passage and learn some expressions in this pass

2、age.b) Ability objectives: Students can talk about how to study English.c) Moral objectives: Students can develop a correct sense of English study. 3. Teaching focus and difficultiesa) Teaching focus: Students can understand this passage and learn some expressions in this passage.b) Teaching difficu

3、lty: Students can use these expressions to talk about their own English study.II. Analysis of the studentsStudents are grade9. They have learned new words last class and have basic ability to read.Students are curious about this topic and have their own views about English study.III. Teaching method

4、s and learning strategies1. Teaching methodsa) Task-based Language Teachingb) Question-and-answer method2. Learning strategiesa) Skimming and scanning b) Group workIV. Teaching proceduresStep1. Greeting and lead-inTeacher asks students two questions.Do you know what the world language is?Do you have

5、 any difficulties in learning it?Step2. Fast reading Teacher tells students Wei Fen also has some problems in English learning and let students guess how she solved the problems. Let students read this passage quickly and complete the diagram. Teacher checks answers and makes a summary.Step3. Detail

6、 reading a) Students should read paragraph1 and answer questions and then teacher teaches some expressions according to the answers.b) Students should read paragraph2 and paragraph3 and answer questions and then teacher should lead students to know how to describe learning methods.Step4. DiscussionS

7、tudents need to talk about two questions in groups. a) Do you think Wei Fens study secret is suitable for you? Why?b) Do you have any other good learning methods to share with us?Step5. HomeworkLet students write down their learning problems or secrets.V. Blackboard design Learning processProblemsLe

8、arning processProblemsMethodHow to do (by doing)What to getwords phrasespronunciation afraid to do grammar hide behindsentence by doing look up VI. Teaching predictions Students may have different views about English study and teacher cant answer every student.Students may have some grammar difficul

9、ties to finish the tasks.外国语学院师范生教学技能检测授课教案课程名称: 英语教学法 讲授内容: How I Learned to Learn English 学生姓名: 姜云凤 学 号: 2023402132 专业名称: 英语 年 级: 2023级 2023年12月How I Learned to Learn EnglishI. Background information1. Textbook: Go for it! Grade 9 2. Unit: Unit1: How I Learned to Learn English3. Students: Grade 94

10、. Lesson Duration: 45 minutesII. Teaching contents My textbook is Go for it! Grade 9 and teaching content is unit1 how I learned to learn English. It is a reading class and mainly talks about how to study English. III. Teaching objectives1. Knowledge objectives: Students can understand this passage

11、and learn some expressions in this passage.2. Ability objectives: Students can talk about how to study English.3. Moral objectives: Students can develop a correct sense of English study. IV. Teaching focus and difficulties1. FocusLet students understand this passage and learn some expressions in thi

12、s passage.DifficultyLet students use these expressions to talk about their own English study.V. Teaching aidsTextbook, PPT, blackboard VI. Teaching proceduresStep1. Greeting and lead-inPurpose: Teacher uses a question to lead into the topic.Let students think about their learning problems. T: Good m

13、orning, boys and girls, before our class begins, I want to ask you a question. Do you know what the world language is?Ss: English.T: Yes, English is a very important language in the world, but do you have any difficulties in learning it? What are your problems?Ss: Grammar, vocabularyT: Yes, grammar,

14、 vocabulary.let look at some problems, what is the first problems?Ss: Pronunciation.T: Yes, its pronunciation, what is the second problem? Step2. Fast reading Purpose: Let students predict and learn the general learning process of Wei Fen and complete diagram.T: I have a friend Wei Fen, like us she

15、also has some problems in English learning. Can you guess how she solved the problems?Ss: Listen English music, watch English movies.T: Your predictions are so meaningful, lets find how she solved the problems. Read the passage quickly and complete the diagram.Step3. Detail reading Purpose: Let stud

16、ents read paragraph 1 and then answer the questions, and then teacher teaches some expressions according to the answers. T: Now, we all know Wei Fen dislike English last year, could you read paregraph1 carefully and find why she didnt like it?T: Thats a very bad situation. Did she change the situati

17、on? Ss: Yes.T: Thats very good; can you read paragraph 2 and 3 and then answer the questions about how she changed the situation?Step4. DiscussionStudents need to talk about two questions in groups. Do you think Wei Fens study secret is suitable for you? Why? (Purpose: Let students consolidate acknowledge about this passage.)Do you have any other good learning methods to share with others? (Purpose: Let students use some expressions in the passage to talk about themselves.)Step5. Homewor


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