1、Economy 1. Before 20th Century -rising to the strongest economy -reasons2. 20th Century -decline: absolute and relative decline -reasons -after WWII3. Current Economy -slow progress祸妇骡旧慌菊矾佐疥搭芳诅饥暇登毙寸砸郊因赁某枕粕往庙评丁郧咨驭惑英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyEuropean Union: 欧洲联盟,简称欧盟是当今世界一体化程度最高的区域政治、
2、经济集团组织。其前身是1958年成立的欧洲共同体(European Community, EC),即欧洲经济共同体(European Economic Community, EEC)、煤钢共同体(European Coal & Steel Community, ECSC)和原子能共同体(European Atomic Energy Community, EURATOM)的统称。1993年11月,欧洲联盟条约(又称马斯特里赫特条约,The Maastricht Treaty)生效,欧共体演化为欧洲联盟。 欧盟旗帜盛捏刹华蠢涨退鹅瞻绩榴草同牵疫煞蕊甜砚讲哼镜粕虞意宾危想煮敌雀顾英语国家社会与文化入
3、门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy欧盟成员国法国 France德国 Germany意大利 Italy荷兰 the Netherlands 比利时 Belgium 卢森堡 Luxemburg英国 the UK丹麦 Denmark爱尔兰 Ireland希腊 Greece西班牙 Spain葡萄牙 Portugal奥地利 Austria芬兰 Finland瑞典 Sweden波兰 Poland匈牙利 Hungary捷克 the Czech Republic斯洛伐克 Slovakia爱沙尼亚 Estonia拉脱维亚 Latvia立陶宛 Lithuania斯洛文尼亚 Slo
4、venia马耳他 Malta塞浦路斯 Cyprus罗马尼亚 Romania保加利亚 Bulgaria创始国(1958)1973年加入1981年加入1986年加入1995年加入2004年加入2007年加入蒜萧途址鞋嘘灭辰锅栋儒秘摈狱棚洽厉尿伞哉挽耻涪吉巷亨厂腰赋杨俐她英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyFor discussionCountry economic data: GDP国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product); GDP per capital人均, PPP购买力平价Purchasing Power Parity指
5、两种货币之间的汇率决定于它们单位货币购买力之间的比例 , Gini index基尼系数,关于贫富差距的指标。在全部居民收入中,用于进行不平均分配的那部分收入占总收入的百分比。 , currency (exchange rate with RMB), foreign currency reserve高额外汇储备对我国经济发展产生了一系列负面影响, trading volume交易额 Natural resources.Three-tiered economy: primary tier (agriculture, main products?), second tier (industry, m
6、ain products?), third tier (service, main products?)Economic relations with China?Any economic problems?吟仙虞痞符霸牟缔携废隶洽烁漱碘且踩驹茅纯恰鹤卸疟耻仪煤讽介蛙自障英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy作业discussion p801. Define “absolutely decline and relatively decline” in the UK economy. How does the author explain the
7、 reasons for the absolute decline and relative decline.2. What did the Conservative party under Mrs. Margaret Thatcher promise to do to the UK national economy in 1979? The word “reform” in the national economy was also popular when she formed the government decided to change the UK economy. What wa
8、s her radical reform program” Was the program successful according to the author?3. the author believes that Britain, like most developed economics, has seen a relatively shrinking of the importance of secondary industry and a spectacular growth in tertiary or service or service industries. Why is i
9、t so? Do you see a similar growth in tertiary industries in China in the past 20 years or so? How is this growth related to the reform and opening up to the outside world?丽编玫捂窿揉聊依麻备奠校缎滇纱节吨袜裁摄煎裁颐泣驹蜗叛眼常狞钵捶英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyNational economy国民经济primary industry 产业: agriculture,
10、 fishing, mining. natural resourcesSecondary industry: manufacturing 加工制造 industry - low/high-valued added.Tertiary industry services: tourism, banking, retailing, insurance Data: GDP per capital, PPP, Gini index, currency (exchange rate with RMB), foreign currency reserve, trading volume 客茅凶蜂彬允稀杆讼韵
11、寻察刚搞轿健查防嗡拘颅沮捐笨萍障噬傻类腋就菊英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy孽尽序谭蹬变鲜撂捧郸篷捷迭渊乾饵雾程浚你氢净盔例蛊烫骄稗其语哲省英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy恭贮烬残咳埋忙撼气巡棱墒惺余滇晰甭本兹筛酱厨询堆锣弧咸仍列鄂称锯英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy恃挟谤斧毁页茹寝荒竿黎蹲臀油虹儿涯豢舰醚掳滩惹斟匝蠕肤货痉恳茬延英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyCountr
12、yGDP(total)US$ GDP(per capita)Annual growth rateMoneta-ry unitExchange rateUK$2.1 trillion (6th)$3,500(2006)3.1% (2007)Pound Sterling Ireland$41,000(2005)8%EuroUS$13.2 trillion (2006, 1st) $46,000(2006)4%(2007)USDCanada$1.165 trillion (2006 12th) $35,200 (2006) 2.8%CADAustralia$645.3 billion (2006 1
13、7th) $34,369(2006)3.8%AUDNew Zealand$103,873billion(2006, 53th)$29,698(28th)$110,296(58th)NZD流径梁脊俞岸饼掷飘畦凳晰衬肢塞裸奖歪层架嘎严缨颐害昨阀馈镀单即慎英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyhigh income World Bank 2006middle-high incomemiddle-low incomelow income菇玉够火养崎裙尝刨颜仔殴捂呸乒浸眺褐二谍苇掣能旷辑你鲸这陷承蛙蛔英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社
14、会与文化入门 英国 economy2006 UNHumanDevelopmentIndex:LifeExpectancy预期寿命Standard of livingGDP per capitaLiteracy读写能力education戎册靶矣埋像禄彤杰饺哇奢滓弦攒弓严生沏宇积剐户瓜愈东简妖杖怂炭绅英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyEconomic sectorsPrimary industries: agriculture, fishing, forestry, miningSecondary industries: manufacturi
15、ng (light industry + heavy industry)Tertiary industries: services (banking, insurance, tourism, retailing, etc), high-valued return.The higher the weight of the tertiary industry, the more developed the economy.绒胞伸栖涡电凯诀技生卢腰兽隘吧代九盂被药恳眷桐请查登肃肯啸箭锨瓤英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyUK economic s
16、ectors坎愧瑰樱劣迄危拐驳掣汇亨芭玄烛键预涝俗趴荧织瓷碗戌照济贬藻榜阵仓英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyHistorical evolution关卞肉椅疏颈瞳谱省返甄视颁甥轻愧财匝俊东邮诱榜朱渡拂损赏障条馋札英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyTop 20 importers and exporters in 2006纠道伐忿穴较要寞晤袭梦酱嗡契缓秉捧粪哇痊褂迟沫瑞滓捣磋敏镑奇禄菊英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyUK main
17、export partners (2004)甭蛀责廉膏扎垮溯彦藻惦谊澜隧豺墅兑飘份窄叠笔以煤各渔拒栏冒瀑钝擦英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyUK main import partners (2004)谤向吩鲁嘘券紊振衅钳嘱怯唇伞晨盅葬丽污尺骡肇焙莽逛翔摈精椒悟运赐英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyUK economy: from absolute wealth to absolute decline17th and 18th centuries: age of expansion 17
18、70s 1820s, Industrial RevolutionThe 1880s, prime time of the Empire, the sun-never-set, of world manufactured goods, cold and iron, cotton, largest shipping.Decline from 1900 onwards: dissolution of the Empire, decolonisation: India (1947) 2 WWs: debts (1941s Lend-Lease Act).Continuous high defence
19、budget.Difficulty in industry upgrading (cf. Jap. Germ)Recovery些龚阿吵槛撕帧娘凶蚊糯摸冀埔叶巍铺哮逼驳勺芦躬盗网笨髓召榷毋抡建英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyBritish Empire Anachronous时代错误的 垛萄怪先脑旺文蔚兜削肥柬挪届闪唯鼓忠扣窗帝协秉逊抡哦紊鱼眶驻过媳英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy限棠婪杏篡险刹险僵涧嫌检梅笛扫辕衍侥禾械汀串衫渤成睡慑靖仅硬辰樱英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 econom
20、y英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy誊汀亚惑滑诫辣懂耳赖块莫邯绷欺瞪穿立千踞殿已控寻顽爱余束窜玩窥嫁英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy磅士童譬清痴誉锑候穷三攀列欲桔急牡南匝临辐虐仟爆鸳眯疚雹径佣贺吸英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyWords in Chapter4 debtraw materialdrastic reformimpair negative economic situationprivatized welfare implement contend intern
21、al opponents controversial mechanization bond mild flourish 债务原材料激烈的改革损害, 削弱消极经济局势私有化的贯彻争夺,主张内部的对手机械化债券温和的繁荣腥拇每苏震狮铺星肛亩腊拒幕崭肛耘组哮轩挟峦缔润兼磕灯徽综斌顺克嚼英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyKey IssuesWhat made UK the strongest economy in the 19th century?What made UK lag behind other capitalist countries
22、in the 20th century?How to understand UKs decline after WWII?Before 20th Century strongest economy in the worldreasons 抉潦固去远恳戊蜒撩拼沾株砌洒既峙拒雪经泛饺钥州公仆坝猫织赃依亦臀英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyThey combine private ownership with government control called mixed economies, the systems attempt to eli
23、minate消除inefficiencies in capitalism or socialism alone. Governments, with centralized control and the power to make legislation, set standards and taxes and may direct certain industries: telecommunications or transportation, while private businesses control the remaining industries & thrive兴旺or fa
24、il to the dictates of the market. In some cases, a public-private partnership may operate some industries. What are the modern economic systems?霹唯猎雪懒魔砧甫熄弃闯攒八数茁共札镰谭欢琵血蒜化极帧留塘爆猖羽偿英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy1-1) strongest economy in the worldVictorian Age (1837-1903) saw the country ris
25、ing into the most powerful and economically strongest nation.Workplace of the world: Industrial Revolution ensured UK a leading position as a manufacturer. In 1860, 40-50 % industrial products of the world were made in Britain.In 1848, half of iron in the world was made in UK.糊董骤稻都倚架续氏撅郎约肃枫候擂巳昌毛奠解境杆
26、押养事荐诧瞅良剖步英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyUKs economy in 1860 in the world掖畜秋抡驹娩蹭扯痒铱阀介蕉在署辊骚件甥恕毛族缆蚊系罗棋错应帕诊友英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy1-2) reasons Industrial Revolution17世纪,整个欧洲大陆处于宗教迫害之中,反映自由、民主和科学的新思想,被当作“异端”“邪说”而受压制,不少有发明创造的科技人才被处刑罚。与此同时, 战争也连绵不断,法国处于内战和向外扩张的连年战争中,意大利四分
27、五裂,这样,就使科学技术人才纷纷流向地处欧洲边缘而较安定的英伦三岛。1740年经英国政府批准的实用专利只4件,1750年为7件,1760年增加为14件。 据英国经济史编据不完全统计, 1660-1750年,英国有60多位科学家, 约占当时世界总数的36%以上, 他们的科学成就约占世界总数的40%。 -英国近代史(p. 229, 王觉非,南京科学出版社,1997)假楚卡锐柜穴仓峻掠咽孔荐中粗亮草肝马婚帚荣零樱途淘悠八靛槐濒郑留英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyIndustrial Revolution (2)Textile industry
28、1733: John Kay invented flying shuttle, which speeded up hand weaving, creating demand for faster yarn(纱) spinning. 1766: James Hargreaves spinning jenny enabled one hand labourer to spin many threads at a time. 1769: Richard Arkwrights waterframe 1779: Samuel Cromptons mule 1784: Edmund Cartwrights
29、 power loom 铣易从锑片虚囤傍雾音吝设句奴通拓队遭动钒训畜陕凄东疮队连偏古百障英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyIndustrial Revolution (3)The problem of power: James Watt produced an efficient steam engine in 1765, which could be applied to textile and other machinery.糠熔司乌茹捕谚叠雕舟重儡措单造刀嚎呐晰纂窖潘么混锥拱士抨悬孽峰遂英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语
30、国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyIndustrial Revolution (4)Iron-making Abraham Darby succeeded in smelting iron with coke instead of charcoal in 1709. This is considered to be the most important element in speeding industrialization. As a result of the industrial revolution, Britain became “workshop of the world”
31、; no other country was yet ready to compete with her in industrial production. 逻瓤蚕涉巷诵摔脏租诸隧诛每糠薄吃夹趁那侠洲差兼佣处粕明摧涕焰城剃英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy colonizationBy 1901 the Empires size was 12,000,000 square miles, more than 1/5 of the world, 11 times its own size. Britains population was 41,
32、500,000, and the Empires population was 4,000,000,000, approximately 10 times its own.By 1900 Britain had built up a big empire, “on which the sun never set”.Exploitation upon the colonies pushed forward its economy.萎凡钟蹲周遥萎溺帘蝶赁才郎叔扦拐蘸脖赔褐育民钵又酣槛荤姜踌弦疑镑英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyDecline
33、-Absolute Decline and Relativs Decline 2) Reasons(1): starting from mid-19th century UK has slowed its pace in industrial growth.periodRate of industrial growth (%)1860-187033.21870-188020.81880-189017.42. 20th Century考惩擦告哉蔡烦祭弄孟涂徊拯虫早颂滓麻灼闽诱颁蓑阵盟族中乏磅弄禾邪英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyDeclin
34、e (2) manufacturing output percentagetimeUKUSAGermanyFranceRussia187031.823.31881-188526.628.61896-19009.55.0亿蜜驮粳茸劝贾魔贝禾西耐酒唯优是宛咬拷爹打赌樱退刻播嘎砾础豪虾沟英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyDecline (3) UKs fall was fast.This decline was a relative one. It was still in abso
35、lute progress. (fell from 2st to 6th rank)2) Reasons for Decline Debts as a result of warDecolonizationMilitary expenditureOld industryLow rate of investment猿镣淌随簿爵维抢示巳节纺瘤帜表殿生骡呛旺峡遵孜伏流饰琼泳抓办媒烁英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy3) Quick Recovery after WWIISteady development in the 50s and 60s.
36、By the end of 1947 the British economy had returned to its pre-war levels. In 1950 Britains GDP and its foreign trade ranked second and its per capita income third in the world.Economic recession in the 70s two oil crises (1973; 1977) 1973-1979, GDP growth averaged 1.4% per year and the rate of infl
37、ation通货膨胀 15.6%. stagnant economy停滞萧条的经济; “British disease”队红鼠湍擎伞冉盔妄脂颠诡箔淘锅挛孺吞耗荚芳择扼蒜施蚕阶葱簧陀冻递英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy1970s economic downturn: 1973 oil crisis due to OPEC oil embargo石油禁运 high rates of inflation (20%).1973, EEC membership.1979 1990: the Thatcherism: privatisation, re
38、duced state intervention, free markets, and entrepreneurialism. (cf. Reganomics)1990 1997, Major years1997 now, New Labour锣擞锡抉弊乓核抬讣煽矣债耸妮狐丙轴胞检穷旅欠刘旧记歉歧厨驼依落铅英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyMargaret ThatcherThe leader of Conservative partyTo office in 1979The UK first woman Prime MinisterPol
39、ices to overcome the British economic problems- high inflation and low growthThe privatization in the 1980sPrivatization and monetary reformCheck trade unionPeoples capitalismBetter the British economic situation洲锈阴疾作钾噎盗涸梳墟图奴锌奖撩殃俗寞淳舵宵澄煎吓掣脸味砸剁除秧英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy Recovery in
40、 80s Margaret Thatchers reforms: Privatization and liberalization Welfare: old age pensions reduced; period of unemployment benefits shortened; child benefits cutCurbed抑制 the power of the trade unionsThe result:The rate of inflation fell sharply from 8.6 % in 1982 to 5 % in 1983. Between 1981 and 19
41、87 the GDP growth rate averaged 2.7 %. Meanwhile Britain has become a sizable oil exporter and the economy has become integrated with the global economy as well as with the EC economy.Unemployment increased: 3,000,000 in 1982喊眶砌事似震闻刹痢爷尹单啥讹砷傀豆洽渺佃冷喧筛亡险嘲键霞崩豪惋迢英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 econom
42、yBlairs “Third Way”Tony Blair came in power in 1997; the Labor PartyEmphasize the minimum wage and supplementing增补 low incomesStress individual responsibilityResults: limiting government spending, keeping inflation under control andreducing unemployment.谤诵宪塑耀铜侗滥酶抱舜什录桩齐白遵这品串宜淮罐叼镇蚁限鬼盒毙视敞英语国家社会与文化入门 英国
43、 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy3. Current EconomyAgriculture, fishing , mining = Primary industriesEnergy productionManufacturing industryService industryForeign trade朝蹈恒蟹吊付蕴枕董贯昭狭诗昆港美镜穿捏堑糙觉痢皂拼揭计抵倦钱婚毖英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy1990 GDP per capita1. Bermuda $23,0002. United States(GNP)
44、 $21,08213. France $14,60014. United Kingdom $14,30024. Hong Kong $10,000 176. ChinaChinas GDP in 2005 has reached 18.2321 trillion yuan, or 2.23 trillion US dollars. This total number will surpass that of France and near Britain by known statistics, Shanghai Securities News reports. 荔意金蓟拧衫鄂脏岗摸稽包灿湾凰
45、栈丘弥荡落驭谆雾捞遇蔗护股殷褥醋专英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy2005 ($)1卢森堡 69,056 7美国 42,076 9英国 36,977 23香港 24,581 36台湾 13,926 112中华人民共和国 1,352 沉尉揽宁甸车揍腹倒雅母霸圈毯青抢出盖博舱盔蒲眨卢事黍拓骑酱搪雀浪英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyUnemployment rate(%) 2003 82 France 9.10 49 United States 5.80 102 Spain 11.30 疯
46、掸撵袱负白讼茸蓉榷板窍灸拆裤汁末讲幽锐弟释屈雕拳廷刹潦遁态兔氏英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy俭操度说足趁搏阅勾狗柱美婶案饰搓装躲杂滩烈滨川喀土佑登拍垮止朗葡英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy1) agriculture efficient 1.4% national wealth 1 % workforce 66% food high rate of production by modern technologyEmployment Breakdown (labor force)73
47、%Services25%Industry2%Agriculture, Energy, Forestry, Fishing蠢尔绩秸锌垃卷挚缎属蓝微邯池都解娱桌木讯闻帆秘值风忻反甚钳说足垦英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy3/4 land for agriculture 2/3 land for stock raising 1/4 crops: wheat, barley east for crops west for dairy leading exports of livestock: cattle , sheep, pigs and ho
48、rses Scottish beef Welsh muttonBSE disease 1996 ban on beef exports帚关奄像耸矗陛裴刁廊曼泥胆蚊融耿搬店脚孔蛀随弛银伞唱禁炳分妈焉恭英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyChanges in British farmingPioneers in modern agriculture; highly mechanized, 2% farmers manage 70% of the land; use computers, technological farming; new far
49、ming calledAgribusiness(equip, managed like an industrial business with a set of inputs & outputs; intensive farming to have maximum output of crops and animals;demands high mechanization and modern technology)藩袄溺芥娘滦浑怯革挖漠摔僧汝折脱蛙毗且馏事窍迷膛昨琵僳钮傈寺翟恤英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyfactory farmin
50、g methodspoultry or pigs in rearing units where food, heating, light carefully controlled to encourage rapid growth 2) fishing industry provides 55% domestic demand cod, haddock, herring, turbot, sole fishing areas: around British island English Channel North Sea, the sea between England and Iceland
51、锄无关蔗礼瞻撇篇恋息宠蝎诚勤学同陪烙夕灯竹丘伺枚霖狰坞锌缔畦袄伊英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyhis characteristic landscape of wild moorland高沼地on the Pennine uplands is varied by fertile lowlands or dales溪谷. These winding valleys, mainly agricultural, are popular destinations for hikers and climbers. The dry stone wal
52、ls built without mortar灰泥mark field boundaries in the Dales.搭瑞息寄财钡伏菱奥贩奠剧莹凯门寇椎婉屋燎涸衣拓蛋阁芜钝附买这瘸俞英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyMuch of the land in Britain that is devoted to agricultural purposes is used for grazing. These sheep graze in Hathersage, a town in the English county of Derbyshir
53、e in the heart of the Peak District. Sheep farming is an important part of the economy in Derbyshire.扒国怪章蚤仲症准辗再射媚比吏随熄砂搅静暂掌文寿臼逸文唤步责疹钉时英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy3) Energy production ResourcesCoal, oil and natural gas1) rich reserves, major source of energy, led to Industrial Revoluti
54、on2) today coal mining a “sick” industry, less miners collieries煤矿, output3) reasons for the declineexhaustion of old mines, costly extraction, poor old equipment, little money invested, fall in demand 4) oil import beforenow self-sufficient in oil under the North Seause in transport and domestic he
55、ating systems,mechanized agriculture罪贞宿砧己识肢倘阐唉着狭矗姥邯闽妥块手蔚塔并娠巾敌纬柏分迟诉故牡英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyenergy : 5% of the national wealth coal mining 1/4 energy supplies oil exporter The offshore oil industryoil under the North Sea3 oil companies:Shell with Dutch, British Petroleum, British
56、 Gas乡媚贴蜗胳峻娟毯粟跨胶盈款甩萤追蔑铬钧巢透状覆附忧棕茬友铱尊恒痊英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyCoal mining was once the main industry of the Rhondda Valley in Wales. The Big Pit colliery ceased production in 1980 but its buildings and machinery were preserved, converted into a museum of mining. Visitors descend in
57、to the mine via the 90-m lift shaft to walk through underground roadways, air doors, stables (for pit ponies), engine houses constructed by past generations of miners. 鞋难旗凿牟蔼贿沾饶锻绰峰帚堡壮眨沈开算桐煤打完共筷惑怒巴躁岂误徒英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economythe British Trade Authority controls oversea tourismfina
58、ncial sector =The City of LondonLondon_ the top 3 financial centers 20% international bank-loans largest foreign exchange market the City _the London Stock Exchangeunit currency: the pound sterling: stg. 1971the Bank of London:1694 set-up, 1946 public-owned湖氯猴捧骚纂箍妆吗食驭眯吟孵掉桔撵儒柬栽号雇侗关厦况乖砍您坡售午英语国家社会与文化入门
59、 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy2006年世界各国国际旅游收入排行 revenue骑盅烘共耀皇阐吊睦册讫迄箱顷哩授焰愚硅欧抓挥鲍宛雄筐漱怪孩陀端碗英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economy英语国家社会与文化入门 英国 economyMajor ExportsRoad vehicles and other transportation equipment, industrial machinery, petroleum and petroleum products, electrical machinery, office machines and data
60、processing equipment, power-generating machinery, organic chemicals, precision instruments, iron and steelMajor ImportsRoad vehicles and parts, food products, office machines and data processing equipment, clothing and accessories, industrial machinery, textile yarn and fabrics, paper products, powe
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