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1、外研版八年级上册英语module1HowtolearnEnglishUnit1课件Module 1How to learn EnglishUnit 1Lets try to speak English as much as possible.Grasp the key words and key structure: spelling, practise, meaning, complete, look up, make a mistake, advice, write down, agree with we/ you should lets try to why not/dont you d

2、ont forget to its a good idea to2. Reading aims: To learn different ways of giving advice and paractise using them in real situations.3. Affection: Grasp the appropriateness(得体性) in giving advice. Teaching aims/pe/krekt/spelI/prktIs/mt/mi :nI/ kmpli : t/sentns/两个人,一对 n.pair改正;纠正 v.正确的 adj.correct拼写

3、n.practise练习 v. 使相配 v. spellingmatchWords and expressionsmeaning意义;意思 n. completesentence把填完整 v. 句子 n. /dIknrI/grm/let/mIsteIk/ndstnd/dvaIs/d/字典 n.dictionary语法 n.grammarmistake错误,过错 n. 理解;明白 v.understand意见;建议 n.advice应该 v. aux.should字母 n.letter查找look up犯错误make a mistake/psbl /nt,bk /fget/prnans/lad/

4、reIdI /prnnsIeIn/可能的 adj.possible写下;记下notebook笔记本 nounce忘记 v.write down发的音 v.forget大声地 adv.aloudradio电台;广播 nuciation发音 n./k i:/meIn /ekslnt/g i: /关键性的 adj.key主要的 adj.excellent极好的;优秀的 adj.agree with sb.赞同 v.main同意某人agreeWe have studied Enlish for a long time. But why should we learn English

5、?Lead-in(3). newspapermagazineinternet-A lot of things around us is used in English.(1). -Where can we see English in our daily life? 报纸杂志互联网现在全世界共有50多个国家和地区把英文作为官方语言.-People from more than 50 countries speak English.(2).-Which countries is English spoken in?the UK 这些国家和地区曾经是英国殖民地. 英国 Canada New Yor

6、k (USA) 北美洲 : 纽约(美国)加拿大大洋洲:Australia New Zealand 澳大利亚 新西兰 Hong Kong 亚洲:Singapore 香港新加坡 PhilippinesMalaysia 马来西亚菲律宾 India Pakistan 印度 巴基斯坦 Ireland 爱尔兰 欧洲:and so on.非洲:South Africa南非 (3).What can you do if you understand English? A. Translator2. 口译(oral translator)3. 交替传译: 主要 用于会见会谈、新 闻发布 等范围小、时间短、语 种

7、少 的场合. 口译 员坐在会议室里, 一面听源语讲话, 一面记 笔记, 当讲者发言结束或停下来等候传译 的时候, 口译员用清楚、自然的目的语, 准 确、完整地重新表达源语发言的全部内容, 就像自己在演讲一样. 会议口译中的交1. 笔译(written translator)翻译替传译要求口译员 能够 听取长达五至十分钟连续不断的讲话, 并运用良好的 演讲技巧, 完整、准确地译出其全部内容. 如果发言时间较长, 发言与翻译则交替进行.交替传译是现场翻译, 也是口译。周宇周宇-十届全国人大四次会议记者招待会上中国外交部翻译室的年轻翻译(右边第三位)4. 同声传译:是当今会议口译使用最多的工作 模式

8、. 口译员组成小组, 在配有专门同声传 译设备的隔音同传间?(俗称“箱子”)里工作, 同传间位于会场内, 透过 玻璃窗可直接看 到发言人、投影屏幕以及整个会议现场.口 译员一面通过耳机收听源语发言人连续不 断的讲话, 一面几乎同步地对着话筒把讲话 人所表达的全部意思准确完整地传译成目的 语. 与会代表在各自的接收器上选择所需的 语言频道, 从耳机中收听。同声传译是现场 翻译也是口译。 1970年, 毛主席陪美国著名记者、作家斯诺在天安门城楼参观, 站在中间的是毛主席的随身翻译冀朝铸.5. 随身翻译6. 现场翻译 周恩来总理与尼克松总统碰杯(左一为现场翻译冀朝铸). 冀朝铸被誉为“中国红墙第一翻

9、译”,曾任驻斐济/瓦努阿图和基里巴斯, 英国等国大使, 以及联合国副秘书长. 从五十年代至九十年代, 冀朝铸先后为毛泽东、周恩来、邓小平、陈毅等人担任过翻译。基辛格来华, 邓小平首次访美, 都是冀朝铸担任翻译。 据说外交部很多翻译员都是北外或北大毕业的佼佼者。 B. Foreign trade businesspeople (Business negotiation) 外贸商人商务谈判C. GuideD. TeacherHow to learn English well? ListeningSpeakingReadingWritinglettervocabularysentencegramma

10、rpronunciationspellinglearning EnglishgrammarlisteningSpeakingreadingwritingvocabularyWhich do you think is difficult for you about learning English?Listening and vocabulary1.Read the instructions and check () the ones you understand. 1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 2. Correct the sp

11、elling. 3. Listen and check the words you hear. 4. Practise saying the words. 5. Match the words with their meanings. 6. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.2.Listen and answer the questions. Use the words and expressions in the box. dictionary grammar letter look up make a mistake unde

12、rstand1. Which word did Daming not understand?He didnt understand the word “spring”.2. What mistake did Lingling make?3. How does Daming usually check the spelling of a word?4. Why was it difficult for Daming to check the spelling of cinema?She made a grammar mistake. She said “go” instead of “went”

13、.He looks it up in the dictionary.Because he didnt know the first letter.Listen and read1. They are talking about _. A. what they will do in the English class B. how to speak English C. how to learn English D. how to write English2.Daming suggested us to write down_in the notebooks.A.mistakes B.answ

14、ers C.qustions D.new wordstask 1: Listen and choose.3.What is good for our pronunciation? A.Read stories. B.Listening to the radio C.Writing to pen friends D.Listening to music4.What is interesting for Daming when he learns English?A.Speaking in class. B.Listening to the radio.C.writing down the mis

15、takes. D.Reading English stories.Everyday EnglishReady?Thats a good idea.What else?Thanks a lot.Excellent!listen to the radioalways speak English in class / try to speak English as much as possible; listen to the radiojust need to understand key words and main ideas; read English storiestry to find

16、some English pen friends and write to themspell and pronounce new words aloud every daytask 2:write notes about learning English.4. How about listening to the radio?3. Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks?5. I think writing is also important.6. Why dont we try to find some English pen fr

17、iends?1we should always speak English in class.2. lets try to speak English as much as possible.表达建议的句型What should they do to improve ?1. their grammar 2. their listening3. their vocabulary 4. their writing5. their reading 6. their speakingPlease give some advice.Discussiontask3: Underline the corre

18、ct words.Here is my (1) advice / notebook on learning English. Speak English (2) always / as much as possible in class, and listen to English (3) in the newspaper / on the radio. I (4) agree / forget it is a good idea to look up new words in the (5) notebook / dictionary. You can find the (6) correc

19、t / excellent pronunciation and learn the meaning. Work in pairs. Talk about problems in learning English and give advice.ProblemsI cant I dont knowAdviceHow / what about?Why not / dont you?I cant speak English well. What should I do?Why dont you try to talk to our classmates in English?We should al

20、ways speak English in class.Lets talk about good ways to learn English.summarywrite down our mistakes in our notebooksWrite down the correct answers next to the mistakesIts a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.Listen to the radio or read English storiesFind some English pen f

21、riends and write to them.Pronunciation and speaking1. We should always speak English in class.2. Lets try to speak English as much as possible.3. Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks?4. Its a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud.5. How about listening to the radio?Now listen

22、again and repeat.Listen and mark the intonation.一.根据句意及提示补全所缺单词。1. That sentence is so long that we cant u_ it.2. His uncle gave us some a_ on how to learn English well.3. I think it is p_ for us to travel to the moon in the future.possibleunderstandadvice4. He can play the piano well, because he p_

23、 playing it every day.5. My teacher asked me to c_ the mistakes in my homework.correctpractices二.根据句意及提示写出所缺单词。1. Mr Brown bought three _ (词典) from the bookstore yesterday.2. Mike often teaches me to _ (发的音) English words.3. How many _ (字母) are there in the long word?4. Tony _ (忘记) to do his homewor

24、k last night.5. Some boy students often make _ (拼写) mistakes.spellingdictionariespronounceletters forgot.根据语境填上恰当的介词。1. Mr Smith asked us to match the words _ their meanings.2. The students are working _ pairs to answer the questions.3. Why is it difficult _ Mike to learn maths well?4. Listen! They are talking _ good ways to learn English.withinforabout5. David often writes down what he reads _ his notebook.6. Jack knows a lot _ the world t


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